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U.S. Sends Second Carrier to Asia Amid Tensions with China

The Navy is sending a second aircraft carrier strike group to the Asia Pacific region amid new tensions with China over a dangerous aerial encounter between a Chinese interceptor and Navy P-8 surveillance craft.
:lol: Just like Brittany Spears "Oops I did it again"

they coming here to see chinese pilot do triple barrel roll in the next interception
After the triple barrel roll then we open warning fire on the P-8 to make them soil their pants!
just one group, what a pity. It looks like the military budget cuts really hurt. In the past US will send at least 3 for such face saving mission.
soon we will see more warships and subs than sharks in the SC Sea :)
Someone surely loves to talk about nuking other countries. Is he misanthropic towards non-Chinese who sees Earth only belongs to the so-called "Celestial people"?


He believes in the old Chinese phrase "Tianxia"; nation-states in the Far-East are China's vassal states where everyone must make tributes to China whether the others like it or not and those who reject or try to fight back will be dealt with mushroom clouds, exterminate the native people and take the land by force.
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Not sure if 2 carrier battle group is enough to beat China in a local battle.

China has enough air power that any local (nonnuclear) conflict will give US a hard time.

If US sends all 10 carrier battle groups however...

China should thank the Middle East and Russia for keeping USA busy.
If there will be a conflict, it will be a "NATO vs. SCO/CSTO" scenario and not simply US vs. China.
For some time, China will ask and limit US spying near Chinese waters. Incrementally, the US will be forced out of China's doorstep. :)

China asks US to stop surveillance of its territory
August 24, 2014

Brics Post

China has asked the US stop frequent surveillance flights intended to closely watch the Chinese territory after Washington accused a Chinese jet of veering too close to a US surveillance plane.

“The reason for accidents is mass and large-scale surveillance of China’s territory by the United States, which puts the aerial and sea security of both sides,” said China’s Defense Ministry spokesperson Yang Yujun.

China’s Defence Ministry said on Saturday that a US anti-submarine plane and a patrol aircraft flew to an airspace about 220 kilometers east of China’s Hainan Island to conduct close-in surveillance Tuesday morning, and then a Chinese fighter jet took off to “make regular identification and verification”.

John Kirby, the US Pentagon press secretary, had said on Friday that China had attempted a reckless mid-air intercept, an encounter “very, very close, very dangerous”. This is the fourth such incident in the past five months.

Yang responded by saying that US accusations were “totally groundless,” as the Chinese pilot undertook a “professional operation” and kept the jet within a safe distance from the US aircraft.

China has said the US needs to create a plausible atmosphere for the development of bilateral ties even as tensions persist in the South China Sea, one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes.
Hawaii, Guam, Saipan, alliances with Japan and the Philippines--we are a Pacific power, and we are not going anywhere. China can recognize this, and work with us through clear and open lines of communication, and we both get richer and prosper. Or China can play chicken with us and see how many times it wins (remind me, what is China winning, exactly?), and what happens when it finally goes too far (remind me, how does China benefit from this outcome?). If buzzing an unarmed spy plane is not a mentally unstable act, you will be able to easily and clearly explain how China benefits from this, especially in the context of the Hainan Island incident. I am open minded and await your response.

China is benefitting immensely from the status quo. It's beyond me why China would prefer a tinderbox scenario to the status quo.

Since when does a spy plane needs to be armed to be considered hostile og provocative?
I see zero payoff for China to send a mentally unstable (or incompetent) pilot to do this kind of patrol when we already saw what happened the last time China sent out a mentally unstable/incompetent pilot in 2001.

Mentally unstable? That's plenty of US army. LOL.

Chinese pilot did exactly what he has been told to do and did it excellently. The point has been achieved.

Suicide in the Military remains near all-time high. More of the same is not the answer.

Despite a growing concern and an increase in anti-suicide programs, the overall number of military suicides has continued to climb at an alarming rate, setting a record in 2012.

Second LOL.

What's the point of recruiting these unstable and mentally ill mercenaries. To rape and desecrate corpses more?

Study: Nearly 1-In-5 US Army Soldiers Had Mental Illness Before Enlistment

Nearly one-in-five U.S. soldiers had suffered from a mental illness before enlisting in the Army, and about one-in-ten soldiers had thought about killing themselves prior to enlistment.

I think it was a bad idea in the first place to occupy Iraq, as the United States Army is a professional killing machine, not a nation building force. I am satisfied to hear that our American allies have removed themselves from the Middle East, as their objectives were relatively accomplished.

I guess no objectives have been accomplished.

The Iraqi wing of ISIS is operated by ex-Saddam generals.

China has become Iraq's largest energy (trade) partner.
We need to accelerate stock piling nuke and increase military spending to 30%. The US is about to bring war to us. Such a bully tactic is unacceptable!

Insanity. China can't prohibit that which is legal simply because they are emotional. When Russia sent two Tu-95 Bear H bombers within 50 miles of the California coast last year, did we send a kamikaze pilot to try and take them out? No, we followed intercept protocols and shadowed them until they left. China already had its amateur hour with the first Hainan Island incident in 2001. Another such incident could produce a highly volatile situation.

So much for "a new type of great power relationship."
We send to intercept your spy plane and you start bitching already?
Foolish Americans endangering the SCS again with their aggressive provocations and usual baseless accussations. Can't let the world be at peace.

The only way a P-8 can endanger a J11B is by
flying along a straight path over International Waters
in front of a useless Chinese pilot.

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