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U.S. Sends Second Carrier to Asia Amid Tensions with China

Japan's policies are independently made. And we are fully independent. with our own ability to enact policies. We happen to have a Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States, and given the responsibilities of being in an alliance , there are responsibilities of both parties. Ask any of our friends in Asia (South East, South, West) about our soft power contributions to their socities, our investments on infrastructure these 7 decades. Japan's civilization-wide contribution cannot be emphasized enough.

no your foreign policies aren't independently made, even your domestic ones, okinawa one example, and arn't you an offshoot of chinese civilization? good to know you are spreading chinese civilization
Very well said. And this is just from the Ohio Class SSGNs, this is not taking into consideration the Ticonderoga Class Cruisers, and Arleigh Burke Destroyers that have Tomahawks on them. We're looking at around 2000 to 3000 Cruise Missiles in these 2 CBGs.
Which is why I have said China wants no part of a US/Japan military force. A miscalculation on Chinas part will be disastrous for them. It's why we to have to show strength to deter China, so they don't get any foolish ideas.
Why the gleeful attitude? Reckless actions like these can lead to misunderstandings, misunderstanding can lead to conflict, and conflict can lead to war. War isn't exactly a pragmatic outcome if China just wants to blow its load showing off.

What's wrong with my gleeful attitude? If you showed up in anyone else's backyard they'd tell you to get lost. But we are good hosts, and having crashed the party in the South China Sea, we will endeavor to accommodate you anyway. You will be shown the time of your life.
arn't you an offshoot of chinese civilization? good to know you are spreading chinese civilization

An off shoot of Chinese civilization? We have our own Japanese civilization and culture. Tho I will admit that classical Chinese culture did influence the early part of Japan. Japan was influenced by many societies: Ainu, Korean Yayoi, Chinese court culture, and indigenous Yamato culture. Everything rolled into one = Japanese.

I would liken it to German and American civilization. The early German settlers contributed to the genetic and cultural millieu that is American culture, but in no way is American culture a carbon copy of German culture. The former helped contribute to the American culture (as did English, Scottish, Swedish, Spanish), but the latter is its own unique miscegenation of cultures.

lol, for a second there i actually thought you were neutral. It seems to me that you have an alignment to China. So, in other words, any of our policies that we have implemented are 'hostile' simply because we are allied with the Untied States and Nato. And as soon as we 'free' ourselves from these, then we will be considered 'non-hostile' ?


there is no alignment. there is only neutrality. thats why i wanted to see japan a sovereign independent nation. only a neutral person would like to see that. :)

Even during Gulf war the US couldn't wipe out Iraqi missile force

Prior to the Gulf War, Iraq was considered to have one of the most modern, dense air defense systems in the world. They got steamrolled to the point the Soviets/Russians took notice. We might not get every missile system out there, but it will be enough to gain air superiority, thereby gaining the upper hand.
What's wrong with my gleeful attitude? If you showed up in anyone else's backyard they'd tell you to get lost. But we are good hosts, and having crashed the party in the South China Sea, we will endeavor to accommodate you anyway. You will be shown the time of your life.

Please provide an example of a US pilot exhibiting such reckless (or suicidal) behavior towards foreign planes in international airspace off of our coast.
there is no alignment. there is only neutrality. thats why i wanted to see japan a sovereign independent nation. only a neutral person would like to see that. :)

I'm afraid the days of pure non-aligned status is gone. The last time Japan was 'non-aligned' was during the days of the Senggoku Jidai, and during the Bakufu. What did that get us? It led to a closed door policy that eventually led to our backwardism (same as what had happened to Qing China and Joseon Chosen).

After the Meiji Restoration, Japan was always aligned. First we were aligned with the British; the Japanese-British Alliance which was seen during the 1st World War. Then after the depression, Japan was also aligned with Fascist Germany, and Italy. Now, currently, we are aligned with the United States and NATO simply because our economies are intertwined. Japan owns 7% of the US debt (China owns 8%), which reiterates our strategic link with the United States. The United States also played a critical role in the redevelopment of Japan after the war -- the Marshall Plan. Japan's industrial and infrastructural developments --- was because of American investment(s). We cannot forget this. The United States poured Billions into Japan after the war.

Japan is an fully independent nation, sovereign, and allied with the United States and NATO. The same way as how your own Germany is aligned and allied with the United States and NATO.
HeHe ... For today China 2x A.C Strick Groups is small, 100x fighters can threat to the small military force nation but not China.
bahahah, I love how the Chinese think they actually rival NATO or the United States right now, yes you have grown tremendously but don't get it twisted, we aren't very concerned about winning a war against you, it would be much easier than Iraq as it would be a clear objective and not an occupation, just an *** whoopings.

This is all you really need to know.

Total Air Power

China: 2,788

United States: 13,683
Japan: 1,595

Total for USA/Japan: 15278

Further, our navy makes yours look like it belongs in the last century we could effectively blockade any imports of energy making you rely on your 4 million barrel a day production which im sure we would bomb pretty early in the conflict. Before you go on about our debt you need to realize that any country that is the world reserve currency has to expand debt to let liquidity exist, our debt isn't that big of a deal at the moment, the only thing that can bring us down is not even military but the loss of global reserve currency status, which is a possibility, but military, pfft please. BTW I have trained with Chinese troops once in 2006 and to be honest the ones you put forward were impressive, but as I seen the "average" soldier they were short, pudgy soft little kids if you ask me, I think this is a result of the one child policy and kids growing up as the only child and being pampered and put on a pedestal
Please provide an example of a US pilot exhibiting such reckless (or suicidal) behavior towards foreign planes in international airspace off of our coast.

Forget incidents merely "off your coast". You shot down Iran Air Flight 655, thousands of miles away from home, causing nearly 300 fatalities.

Anyway, I think you're getting your threads mixed-up. This is about the US posturing with a new carrier group. My "glee" was directed at that. If you're talking about the barrel roll incident, which I think you are, that's in the other thread started by boomslang.
Foolish Americans endangering the SCS again with their aggressive provocations and usual baseless accussations. Can't let the world be at peace.
Forget incidents merely "off your coast". You shot down Iran Air Flight 655, thousands of miles away from home, causing nearly 300 fatalities.

Anyway, I think you're getting your threads mixed-up. This is about the US posturing with a new carrier group. My "glee" was directed at that. If you're talking about the barrel roll incident, which I think you are, that's in the other thread started by boomslang.
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