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U.S. senator: Reconsider Iraq Apache sale because of Iran arms deal report

36 F16’s
24 Apache E + immediate 6 Apache E lease which will most likely be kept

And Iraq is interested in buying other types of aircraft? Like the Su35 and so on? Or this is your view...
And Iraq is interested in buying other types of aircraft? Like the Su35 and so on? Or this is your view...

Yes they are looking for non US aircraft to keep to the 2 source equipment policy.
Iraq is negotiating with Russia for a fighter jet, an Iraqi pilot made a flight test in a MIG 35 ( mentioned by an aviation magazine ).
More than possible as the Su-35 is specifically made for export, but for us its mainly a stopgap measure until PAK FA is ready.

Will Russia start exporting the PAK FA by the end of this decade? Or what?
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