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U.S. Seizes Iranian Fuel Cargoes for First Time


Mar 11, 2017
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United States
U.S. Seizes Iranian Fuel Cargoes for First Time

Four vessels were seized in recent days without use of military force

The four vessels, called Luna, Pandi, Bering and Bella, were seized on the high seas in recent days and are now en route to Houston, the officials said. Senior administration officials are expected to meet the tankers at an event scheduled to mark the docking, the officials said. A spokesman for the Justice Department declined to comment.

One official said the vessels had been taken over without the use of military force, but the official didn’t provide any details. Last year, the U.S. tried unsuccessfully to use judicial cooperation agreements to take control of an Iranian oil vessel that had been detained in the British territory of Gibraltar.

A federal judge in Washington last week gave the U.S. title to that tanker, the Grace 1, saying that federal prosecutors had provided enough evidence that the tanker and its fuel were assets of a designated terrorist organization. The tanker had been released from Gibraltarin August over U.S. objections.

The Bering and the Bella were sailing in Cape Verde when the forfeiture complaint was filed in July, U.S. officials have previously said. The Luna and the Pandi last sent a radio signal from Omani waters a month ago, according to the shipping database Fleetmon.

The government’s lawsuit alleges that an Iranian businessman affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran’s elite military unit designated by the U.S. as a terror group, arranged the fuel deliveries through a network of shell companies to avoid detection and evade U.S. sanctions.

The action is the latest in a series of moves the U.S. has taken against Iran and Iranian ally Venezuela, as part of a broad operation to pressure the governments in Tehran and Caracas to meet U.S. demands.

According to people familiar with the matter and Wall Street Journal research, the four seized vessels—the Bella, the Bering, the Pandi and the Luna—are tied to a network of companies owned or managed by Giorgios Gialozoglou and his son, Marios. The captain of the Bering, the Cape Verde justice ministry and Marios Gialozoglou didn’t respond to requests for comment. The numbers for the other vessels couldn’t be located.

In one of the few other such efforts that was successful, U.S. authorities seized in May 2019 a North Korean ship they allege Pyongyang used to transport coal in violation of U.S. and international sanctions. It was the first such U.S. action against North Korea for sanctions violations.


4 Iranian tankers carrying fuel to Venezuela have been seized by the US. The Luna, Pandi, Bering and Bella, were seized on the high seas in recent days and are now en route to Houston
This will set dangerous prescience. There is a short window of strategic patience until Oct. Trump is putting US interest inline for his election victory using escalation. At the end America lose for Trump re election.
Also Iran transiently seized a tanker yesterday. Likely a warning.

More tanker wars ahead.
Some sources are saying that tankers were not seized rather their cargo was. Apparently they were destined for Venezuela
Iranian ambassador in Venezuela has rejected it saying the tankers neither are Iranians nor related to Iran.
These tankers were not Iranian and not owned by Iranians, therefore the US have big potential for pressure on owners and crew through their countries and country of ship register - Liberia.
These tankers were not Iranian and not owned by Iranians, therefore the US have big potential for pressure on owners and crew through their countries and country of ship register - Liberia.

Many ships fly under different flags. Especially for a country with a sanctions busting network. So a ship flying with a different flag doesn’t mean much about who the owner is. Iran has tens if not hundreds of front companies to disguise itself.

Not saying this is the case here per se, but just saying relying on flag of ship is not reliable.
Not saying this is the case here per se, but just saying relying on flag of ship is not reliable.
In this case there owners are the Greece companys associated with a Greek businessman, as noted in title article.

Rejected even by Iran president ... so either american are lying as usual or took 4 tankers of someone else mistakenly ...

Judging by Zarif's words, these tankers were actually loaded with fuel from Iran, only according to the F.O.B. scheme, when the property is transferred to the buyer at the time of loading onto the vessel.
That is, if this fuel was bought by Venezuela, then it was already Venezuelan fuel. In any case this is open robbery by the United States. "Pirates of the Caribbean" as it as noted correctly by Zarif.

I think most Americans have Iran relatively low on their priority list right now.

US administration is possibly baiting Iran to retaliate, in order to create a new narrative to keep the herds busy and focus their attention abroad. Makes election a bit easier to win for Trump administration.

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