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U.S. Retains Hidden Grip on Pakistan's Nukes

I do not believe this concept.

But talking about "why India did not attack Pak" is wrong. Even if USA controls Pak nukes, USA does not 'love' India. There is no guarantee that the attack won't take place.

@ mwalam

There was no such statements. The only commitment India has is "no first use of nukes". Also, the nuclear reactors going under IAEA surveillance are purely civil. These steps are taken to check proliferation. The defense reactors are free from any foreign monitoring.

right now yes. But see After wards. When Americans says. Ok get the uranium ore for your reactors but first open your other nuclear facilities. You don't know them. Because you havn't deal with them. we did and we know what they do.

The article is all hogwash. Nobody has snatched any Pakistani scientists and the US queries about our Command and Control has been dealt with at an arm's length. After sacrificing for 30+ years, we are not about to hand over any sort of leverage to the Americans when it concerns the Pakistani strategic assets. Any American meddling in the decision making concerning the nuclear weapons will reduce the value of this deterrence. This point is not lost on the Pakistani planners. Secondly, there is an in-built suspicion in the minds of these same planners with regards to our program. I do not think they know as much as the article purports. (I am aware of the US technology and intelligence capabilities, however Pakistan is a big country and the people who are running the show are also not novices).

well Brother you left nothing else to say, Pakistan will never compromise on Nukes, This is all we got and we Made it on our own and we have gone through sanctions and tough times just for one cause and we will never let our achievement to be snatched away from us.
Yeah, this news article is full of crap...

Even if we take this news seriously for a moment and theres a war between Pak & india and pak *somehow* launches missiles w/ nukes, i guess indians really cant blame us since the nukes were under US control. So i guess that might turn into India vs. US war...
Yeah, this news article is full of crap...

Even if we take this news seriously for a moment and theres a war between Pak & india and pak *somehow* launches missiles w/ nukes, i guess indians really cant blame us since the nukes were under US control. So i guess that might turn into India vs. US war...

Now that's One more Good point, So we wont be alone to get blamed for Millions of Deaths ( I pray to GOD it never happens).

But if Americans had Control over our Nukes they WONT LET A MUSHROOM CLOUD APPEAR IN INDIA, But they will not be Bothered about Pakistan even if we get 100 of Indian Nuclear Mushrooms.
To be honest, with the kind of people sitting in the government, anything is possible. I am also not particularly satisfied with the way Army dealt with the A.Q. Khan and nuclear proliferation problem. If we can sack people like A.Q. Khan to save the ***** of higher ups in the Uniform, we might as well let US to take control of our nuclear assets.
To be honest, with the kind of people sitting in the government, anything is possible. I am also not particularly satisfied with the way Army dealt with the A.Q. Khan and nuclear proliferation problem. If we can sack people like A.Q. Khan to save the ***** of higher ups in the Uniform, we might as well let US to take control of our nuclear assets.
to begin with, AQ Khan is the one who opened his mouth, told the world we've enriched uranium and have nuclear weapons, bringing the Pressler amendment to Pakistan. The man takes credit for things he didn't do, and the real heroes-who actually had something to do with the design and development of nuclear weapons-have died or still are unnoticed. AQ Khan wasn't arrested or beaten, he was confined to extreme security measures. This is not without wisdom, we've all seen how mo$$ad can kidnap nuclear scientists-especially talkative ones-from anywhere in the world, and bring them back. even today, AQ Khan is under tight-wraps, regardless of what the clueless judiciary has to say in the matter.

regardless, Pakistan's weapons program isn't going anywhere. the army is protecting it and will continue to protect it, even if Zardari is in charge. Now it's true that Zardari has cut off funding to our strategic ballistic missile programs and other crucial R&D programs, but our nuclear weapons aren't going anywhere.

I'm actually shocked at how we can actually bother replying to these stupid articles in the first place. I suggest that we should take this stuff as a pinch of salt, it's written by ignorants. I'd also like to suggest that everyone should watch or read up on interviews with Dr. Samar Mubarakmand. here's an excerpt:

Hamid Mir: Dr. Sahib we are listening to the story of Pakistan’s nuclear program and nuclear tests from you and surely a common Pakistani is very happy to know that Pakistan has now become nuclear power, but some people say that Pakistan’s nuclear program has been rolled back?

Samar: Look; if a program has to be rolled back, you should keep an eye on three to four things. First of all the manpower, the human resource and the people who are working on the program, if the government wishes to roll back the program, the first thing it will do will be to break that team. There is a perception in our country, may be it is because we live in South Asia where there is the concept of idol worship, we tend to associate one particular individual with every work, we consider him to be our hero, and people think that this program is going on only because of this one individual, and there is a major flaw in this thinking, that if for some reason you remove that hero from the scene, so common people will think that the program has ended. So the perception of roll back will automatically emerge if you associate the success of the whole program with this one individual. Today I want to tell you in very clear terms that in the nuclear program, in developing a nuclear weapon, there are 15-20 technologies involved, which include uranium exploration, mining of uranium, refining of uranium, you have to dig out uranium from the earth, then convert it into gas, then its enrichment, then it has to be converted into metal, then it has to be machined, then explosives have to be developed and machined and given the shape of an atomic bomb. Then there are many other things which are used in the making of a bomb and which are developed, and I don’t want to go into their details now, then designs have to be developed in which a team of nuclear scientists and physicists is involved, then there has to be a test team so that when a bomb has been made, it is tested, and I have told you that in a test you have to obtain the complete data in one micro-second on how the bomb has performed, then tunnels have to be constructed which is the job of geo scientists, then if you have to convert this bomb into a deliverable weapon, because otherwise it is only a device which you can put on the ground and detonate it by joining afew wires, but if you have to deliver it by an aircraft or a missile, it involves many other requirements such as radars, electronics, computers, and when all these systems and technologies are integrated, only then a deliverable weapon is developed. Now in these 15-20 technologies, in each one of these technologies we have a scientist of international repute, international eminence and international level who is leading that particular team, who has 600 to 1000 men working under him who are middle-level, lower-level and technician-level people. In the same way you can take the case of missiles. In missiles, there are more technologies involved that an atomic bomb and if I go into their details, it will take a lot of time, and there also there are 15-20 people of this level, who pertain to guidance, controls, aerodynamics, of designing and developing rocket motors.

Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info
to begin with, .........developing rocket motors.

Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info
We have a history of protecting higher ups in the uniform at any cost. That was the only reason; the Hamood ur Rahman Commission report was never allowed to be published. Much later, only partial document was made public. We are interesting nation. We buried Yahya Khan with full military honor even though, those who worked with him, and who have observed him know that this guy deserved a different treatment. I myself is a Scientist, know all to well how a large project is run, how many different people work and how the credit goes not to one but to all who get involve. My dad also served in GoP for more than 37 years, got retired as Director General. I know how things work in the Government, especially in the Ministry of Defense. Suffice to say that Khan was not alone, yet all the blame was put on Khan and other civilians. They could have done nothing without the support of the Army period. Anymore discussion on this point is useless. Why I am so confident, because at one point I myself have worked in KRL Bio Research Div with Dr. Qasim Mehdi. I have first hand experience of the security measures taken at KRL.
We have a history of protecting higher ups in the uniform at any cost. That was the only reason; the Hamood ur Rahman Commission report was never allowed to be published. Much later, only partial document was made public. We are interesting nation. We buried Yahya Khan with full military honor even though, those who worked with him, and who have observed him know that this guy deserved a different treatment.
you have no idea what happened in east pakistan. hamood-ur-rahman commission report is just a bunch of crap to show some solidarity and to even out the claims. in simpler words, when two sides argue, they try to settle by giving concessions on both sides. However, in this case, we are the only ones who conceded-as always-and the bengalis have got away with crimes against humanity. do you have any idea why the army took action in march 1971? bengalis were on a killing rampage, slaughtering anyone who wasn't one of them, urdu-speaking people, punjabis and pashtuns who were dumped into the "urdu-speaking" category, biharis, long before the army took action.

If you only knew what had actually happened in East Pakistan, you would be cursing the people responsible for breaking away from pakistan in every single one of your du'as. I know, my mother and her family lived there and were lucky to barely have made it out of there alive. things are not as one-sided as bengalis, indians, and unfortunately our own Pakistani brethren make it out to be. I've grown disgusted at how our own Pakistan brethren are ignorant and don't even know what happened to us. what's worse is that they don't even want to know what happened to us. NO ONE has launched an investigation to reveal the actual events of what took place, NO ONE has raised their voices to reveal the genocide that was launched against us, not even the Biharis who managed to get to Pakistan. the only ones to blame for the separation of the two wings of Pakistan, are the ones who sided with the indian army, NO ONE else, not even Yahya Khan, not even Bhutto.

I myself is a Scientist, know all to well how a large project is run, how many different people work and how the credit goes not to one but to all who get involve. My dad also served in GoP for more than 37 years, got retired as Director General. I know how things work in the Government, especially in the Ministry of Defense. Suffice to say that Khan was not alone, yet all the blame was put on Khan and other civilians. They could have done nothing without the support of the Army period. Anymore discussion on this point is useless. Why I am so confident, because at one point I myself have worked in KRL Bio Research Div with Dr. Qasim Mehdi. I have first hand experience of the security measures taken at KRL.
I'm glad we have a senior expert on this forum, your presence is always welcomed and appreciated here, but I think it's best if we don't discuss what actually happened and leave this behind.
Now that's One more Good point, So we wont be alone to get blamed for Millions of Deaths ( I pray to GOD it never happens).

But if Americans had Control over our Nukes they WONT LET A MUSHROOM CLOUD APPEAR IN INDIA, But they will not be Bothered about Pakistan even if we get 100 of Indian Nuclear Mushrooms.

Americans wouldn't want a nuclear cloud appearing in any part of the world. Whether in Pakistan or India. The US has far worse enemies in the middle east and beyond that they'd love to Nuke first (hypothetically that is) before going into Pakistan. I really dont think they consider Pakistan as an enemy. The word enemy entails that one who has the ability to resist and stand up to defend itself. So Pakistan is perhaps one in the making...since it has all the military and ideological ingredients to being one in the future *if* things go wrong. But for the time being, Pakistan is an easy playground for agencies such as CIA. They can buy Pakistani politicians and generals at whim and sway public opinions through them. Iraq's war has almost bankrupted them at a cost of over $80 billion/year, so going into Pakistan would be far more expensive and makes no sense from economic standpoint.

As far as nuking countries are concerned. They would've nuked Iraq cuz sending in 100s of thousands of soldiers doesn't make sense if that were the case. Why havn't they nuked Iran yet?

Nuclear mushrooms entail redrawing of countries geography and quite possibly nukes going into black markets and possibly getting into the hands of groups that hate the US ideologically the most. On a broader scale, it would challenge American and other hegemonies in the region, jeopordize American economic and military force in the region, and quite possible destablize the whole business/economic system of the world. One thing Americans cant tolerate is a country that doesn't wanna trade in USD...Saddam stopped trading in USD and so did the Iranians, guess what? Coincidently they both been on the US hit-list...

Well There is nothing i can say more to convince you, You Better keep believing that Pakistani Nukes are under American :usflag: Control :crazy:, You are free to Attack us and When we will Press the Nuke Button Nothing is gonna Happen at all Because Uncle SAM :usflag: took our fuses. Are you Happy now. :yahoo::yahoo:

Can't you read??? :hitwall:

my first statement -
I do not believe this concept.
Once upon a time there was an Indian super hero, who could smash through walls, take multiple hits from assault rifles at close range, run like the wind, pull flying helicopters to the ground, annihilate battalions of Elite Pakistani Commandos single handedly within minutes and conquer Lahore alone. You all guessed it right, his name was 'Sunny Deol' who was hired by the rogue agency CIA of the evil Empire to destroy all Pakistani Nukes but instead of destroying them, being the genius that he was, he installed a dual key system on all Pakistani Nukes and kept 1 of the keys to ensure the Nukes were never used!

I hope now all my Indian friends are happy and can sleep at night.

In time of great stress, there is no need to bring out all the secrets. Dr A Q took the fall---there was no need to get other personale get involved---there was no need to voluntarily give out info about any millitary connection regarding that issue---it wouldn't sound prudent to do so.

Sometimes good people sacrifice their name for the welbeing of he nation----Dr AQ the self proclaimed king of the nuke ring --so sorry A Q---somebody had to be the devil's advocate---who better than you.
Once upon a time there was an Indian super hero, who could smash through walls, take multiple hits from assault rifles at close range, run like the wind, pull flying helicopters to the ground, annihilate battalions of Elite Pakistani Commandos single handedly within minutes and conquer Lahore alone. You all guessed it right, his name was 'Sunny Deol' who was hired by the rogue agency CIA of the evil Empire to destroy all Pakistani Nukes but instead of destroying them, being the genius that he was, he installed a dual key system on all Pakistani Nukes and kept 1 of the keys to ensure the Nukes were never used!

I hope now all my Indian friends are happy and can sleep at night.

Seems you have seen 'Gadar'.

My advice - Produce a Pakistani hero with a minor power of breaking all the locks.

Whole world will be amused after seeing how an Indian SUPERHERO is outwitted by a Pakistani CHINDHICHOR!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Seems you have seen 'Gadar'.

My advice - Produce a Pakistani hero with a minor power of breaking all the locks.

Whole world will be amused after seeing how an Indian SUPERHERO is outwitted by a Pakistani CHINDHICHOR

Sorry we don't believe in this kind of BS it Suits only Sunny Deol :guns: in Bollywood :woot:. We wont compete with you in this Ridiculous :crazy: Issue. Have Fun with Sunny Deol's Dialogues :argh: against Pakistan and His Rambo :taz: Like action stunts against Fake Pakistanis :smokin:.
Once upon a time there was an Indian super hero, who could smash through walls, take multiple hits from assault rifles at close range, run like the wind, pull flying helicopters to the ground, annihilate battalions of Elite Pakistani Commandos single handedly within minutes and conquer Lahore alone. You all guessed it right, his name was 'Sunny Deol' who was hired by the rogue agency CIA of the evil Empire to destroy all Pakistani Nukes but instead of destroying them, being the genius that he was, he installed a dual key system on all Pakistani Nukes and kept 1 of the keys to ensure the Nukes were never used!

I hope now all my Indian friends are happy and can sleep at night.

While i was reading your Post i guessed it you were Hinting at Sunny Deol. :enjoy: Nice way to put things in a very funny manner.

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