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U.S. Retains Hidden Grip on Pakistan's Nukes

The U.S. military misplaced hundreds of sensitive nuclear missile components, but they weren't lost -- they just weren't where they were supposed to be, a Navy source told FOX News on Thursday.


Isn't that funny----that is what all the criminals say---it just into my pocket--was it supposed to be in your pocket---I just happened to be driving this car---I don't know how I got into your house---she just walked right into my swinging fist ( spousal abuse )---.

Actaully tons of nuclear material was stolen and ended up in israel in the 60's---it is just a blame game depending which way the wind blows.

“The idea of becoming subservient to India is abhorrent and that of cooperation with India, with the object of promoting tension with China, equally repugnant.” Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

The following is an unconfirmed and unverified account of a person who wishes to remain anonymous. The account is the narration of experiences of a senior foreign ministry official who, according to the writer, was privy to ZA Bhutto-Henry Kissinger talk and later witness to General Ziaul Haq’s outburst of anger against US in front of its ambassador.

The question of veracity of this write-up remains unanswered and the identity and whereabouts of the official and the author of this story are yet to be ascertained, it makes for interesting reading, nevertheless:

It was the year 1976 and the US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was on a visit to Pakistan, to meet the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulkiqar Ali Bhutto. The Americans wanted Pakistan to give up their nuclear project, and Henry Kissinger was on a mission to deliver the US President’s message to Bhutto. Mr Bhutto listened to Kissinger very patiently and then addressed him, “you are my friend, please advise me what I should do.” Kissinger smiled a bit, and said softly, “Mr Prime Minister! In the game of diplomacy and power, nobody is any one else’s friend. I am only a messenger at this time. You should consult one of your own advisors”. Bhutto smiled and replied in a beautiful tone, “I still consider you my friend despite that and so request your advice.” Henry Kissinger laughed heartily, and looking at Bhutto, said, “you are really a chess master.” Bhutto stared at him silently.

Kissinger waited for a while, and said in a cultured tone, “Basically I have come not to advise, but to warn you. USA has numerous reservations about Pakistan’s atomic programme; therefore you have no way out, except agreeing to what I say”. Bhutto smiled and asked, “suppose I refuse, then what?” Henry Kissinger became dead serious.

He locked his eyes on Bhutto’s and spewed out deliberately, “Then we will make a horrible example of you!” Bhutto’s face flushed. He stood up, extended his hand towards Kissinger and said, “Pakistan can live without the US President. Now your people will have to find some other ally in this region.” Bhutto then turned and went out.

This story was related to me by a senior foreign ministry official, who became quite friendly with General Ziaul Haq after Bhutto, and gradually rose in rank to join the General’s elite close circle. In 1987 Russian forces started evacuating Afghanistan, and President General Ziaul Haq was left isolated all of a sudden.

It was a great blow to his ego, and he started berating the CIA officers and US Embassy officials present in Pakistan at the time. Once, during that time, the President accidentally came face to face with the US Ambassador in a function, and in the presence of dozens of other people, admonished the Ambassador.

The General addressing him directly told him, “You people think that we cannot live without your help. Remember that Pakistan is a strong and powerful country, and if we can make Russia run away from Afghanistan, then we can also cope with USA.” The US Ambassador kept silent. General Ziaul Haq caught the ambassador by the chin, and pushing his face up, said, “Tell your government that you have no option except our friendship.”

The Ambassador shook his head left and right. The Foreign Ministry official who narrated the story, was personally present at that function, and was an eye-witness to this incident.

This officer went to see General Ziaul Haq the next day, and pleaded with him very humbly, “Sir, ten or eleven years ago I was working with Mr Bhutto. Sir, I saw and heard the dialogue between Henry Kissinger and Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto myself personally. Mr Bhutto looked very confident after this conversation, but Kissinger looked grim. Mr Bhutto had later started challenging the USA even in his public utterances.

However, Sir, a time came when you dethroned Bhutto and delivered him to the Judiciary. The courts sentenced him to gallows, and thus Mr Bhutto really became an example of retribution for the world!” General Ziaul Haq looked at him furiously. The official was flustered, but continued, “Sir, when you were berating the US Ambassador publicly, to me he looked very much like Henry Kissinger at the time.

Sir, based on my experience, I know that a time comes during friendship with America, when it becomes difficult for US friends to maintain that friendship, and the amity pinches like a thorn in the shoe”. The general kept quite. The official persisted “Sir, during our return in the car I had tried to advise Mr Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto also, but he stopped the car and had asked me to get out. Mr Bhutto believed that he knew the Americans better than the Americans knew themselves.

Sir, I know that you also will not be pleased with what I have to say, and perhaps this time also I may meet the same treatment, but Sir, in this delicate hour, I consider it my duty to advise you. Please don’t get entangled with the Americans at this time.

They are a generation of ‘disposable’ culture. In their view, faithfulness and constancy are meaningless words.” General Ziaul Haq lost his patience. He stood up and extended his hand (in dismissal). That official also rose and immediately left the General’s office, and for a long time thereafter, did not re-enter that room.

I met that officer countless times, and whenever the talk turned to Mr Bhutto and General Ziaul Haq, he would say, “Both of my bosses did not accept my advise; therefore both of them met a tragic end.” I asked him what was the reason for that. He had this stock reply: “This is American nature. In reality, they cannot maintain companionship with any one for a long time. Only if you have a love/hate relationship with the US, you can keep their company for a long period.

Like Europeans, Australians and Latin Americans, you should listen to them occasionally, and defy them some other time, then you will have good time. We can also give here an example of Japan and China. Both these countries are friends and foes at the same time. They trade with the USA, but also confront them, so Americans have no issue with them.

On the contrary, we are always obedient to the US and go out of our way in our love for USA, to the extent of altering our own constitution and laws even. After that, we start getting demands from USA to “do more”, and then a time comes when it becomes impossible for Pakistan’s authorities to accept American demands.

When a Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto or a General Ziaul Haq explains to the Americans his legal or constitutional constraints, they do not believe him. Americans think that every thing is ‘possible’ in Pakistan, and that their “friend” is now deceiving them.

Therefore, the Americans change their attitude, after which the Pakistani ruler reminds them of all the services rendered by Pakistan to the USA. He recalls, with big gusto, all his acts of good faith performed in the service of the USA but the Americans shrug their shoulders and reply, “In return we had given you the opportunity to govern Pakistan.”

Answering them the Pakistani ruler starts to threaten the US government, and then, whether it is Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto or General Ziaul Haq, Both of them meet a dreadful, exemplary end.” The official then became silent.

In May 1974 India exploded a Nuclear device which it called “peaceful”. Following India’s explosion, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto pledged to press ahead with Pakistan’s nuclear program.

“We will eat grass… “Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Referring to financing the Pakistani Nuclear program.

The US pressured him not to build a bomb. However ZAB he did not bend. He stood his ground in the fact of tremendous Americans pressure. In 1976 he was threatened by Henry Kissinger with “horrible” consequences for pursuing a nuclear program. (Kissinger’s exact words: “We will destabilize your government and l make a horrible example out of you.” Within six months there were massive riots in Pakistan and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was removed from office and then hanged by General Zia ul Haq, a General supported by the USA for more than a decade
Did not know this. I hope they India's nuke's in control as well for the sake of all people in this region. Too much life is at stake in the subcontinenet for these weapons to even make sense to have. The fallout will irradiate most of the fertile plains for generations.
no one will ever use nukes unless something really goes bad. and this is an asset and a deterance which can be helpfull in shaky conditions .
I like the concept of terminator 3 very much.
But it would be rather like some major intelligance faliurs by the global powers in determining weather a certin nation or group has WMDs or not .
I mean a superpower like US would never ever went to attack Iraq if it knew it has WMDs. However if in future Any global power declares war on any underdeveloped country knowing its defensive capabilities but suddenly that country launches a nuke against it or any of its allies, signelling the intelligance faliur, then maybe judjement day will come soon.
and i think this would be the way judgement day will come ie; every nation would end up throwing nukes on its enemies
totall destruction.
However i pesonally think that global powers do settle rules of the game first and then attack or allow even their rivals to attack the third world countries with an understanding of some kind of mutual benifit .However Till when the rules of the game would be honestly followed???????
If the world truely didnt allowed US to attack Iraq or Afghanistan then i think such attrocities would had never occured .
But its a fact that after attaining supreme power ,, its excersizer becomes totally blind and senceless . It lacks the capability of acurately determining weather to go right or left and that is the point where hundreds of past golorius empires have made mistakes and thus vanished into the ashes of time.

Presently global powers sell their old outdated miletary wepons to the thirdworld countries at the same time testing their new ones on them and thus ensuring their dominance and wellbeing with a mutual understanding . Hower time might come when may be WMDs may be tested in some proxywars . Coz we all are going towards the end .
Events like global warming and poor countries and terrorist groups persuing WMDs And global powers sefishly playing their blood thirsty game with no reffari would might make judgementday possible .
However friends this whole story is differnt subject and should be discussed in a seperate topic .
I personally feel ashamed to sometime call myself humanbeing coz we all are not on the right path.
But this the reality from which our QURAN and PROPHET MOHAMMAD(PBUH) warned us about .

A very good read. thank you for sharing it H2O3C4Nitrogen:tup:. I for one have no doubt in the authenticity of this article as the way Bhutto was removed and moreover was hanged in a disputed case and with not even enough time given to him.
But Zia met the same faith as he put Bhutto through. Kinds of reminds me of what happened with Musharraf, all the sudden he lost his popularity and then riots and had to resign otherwise was going to be impeached and maybe hanged too for breaking the constitution of Pakistan. When will our leaders accept this reality that being friends with the Americans and going out of the line to support them will lead them no where but to the path of destruction.:tsk:
As Far as Pakistani Nuclear Scientists Relation with Al-Qaeda are concerned, This Happens only on Star News, Just use your common Sense If Al-Qaeda Even Gets Nukes what will they do with them? (Where they will use them On Afghan People ? because at the moment Even Pakistan doesn't have a Missile which can reach USA)

Have you ever heard about "dirty nukes" or "dirty bombs" ?

How they will use them, How they will deliver them ? (May be they can use Donkeys and Camels to Deliver WMD and to detonate a Nuke you need a proper System its not like a suicide jacket that just by the pull of wire the job will be done )

Unfortunately, you are damn right about this one here - not about the proper system but rest of it!! You dont need a proper system -any system for that matter- for a dirty bomb.
Have you ever heard about "dirty nukes" or "dirty bombs" ?
Yes, we know of "dirty nukes". The first nuclear explosion India did in 1974 was a 'plotonium bomb', a dirty bomb made from the material stolen from the nuclear reactor provided by Canada.
Yes, we know of "dirty nukes". The first nuclear explosion India did in 1974 was a 'plotonium bomb', a dirty bomb made from the material stolen from the nuclear reactor provided by Canada.

I am sorry, but you are incorrect or have been misinformed. Do check out what a dirty bomb is and why the rest of the countries are so jittery about nuclear proliferation.
As regards to '74 tests, I am sure these were not 'dirty bombs'. I did meet a few people who were related to that kind of research. Please do provide links where it says that '74 test was a 'dirty bomb' with material "stolen" from Canadian reactor.
yea ice cold ur right abt Musharaff too . just few months before his resignation he gaved an interview to Singapore daily “Straits Times’, and in that interview challenged America, “If US forces intruded into our tribal territory, we will deem it as an invasion of Pakistan, which will be an affront to our sovereignty, and I challenge USA to dare come to our hills.

They will rue the day.” The President also gave an interview to the French daily, ‘Figaro’, and in that interview also he announced “if Americans do not help us in the war against terror, then they should search for some other ally for themselves”.
Yeah sure they do.Just don't blame us if indian dhotis start getting huge doses of radiation in case of war :D
Have you ever heard about "dirty nukes" or "dirty bombs" ?

Yes a lot on Star News, NDTV and AAJ TAK. :argh::argh::blah::blah:

Unfortunately, you are damn right about this one here - not about the proper system but rest of it!! You dont need a proper system -any system for that matter- for a dirty bomb.

You better do some search, Dr Samad Mubarak (Chief of Pakistani Nuclear Program) has said in his Interview that "Even if Terrorists Get the Nuke (which is Not Only Difficult But Impossible) they wont be able to Use them because they can't be Exploded without proper authentication and Triggering Mechanism even if they Hit it with a Truck Packed with explosives or They drop it from the Sky.

We don't have Dirty Bomb, Get over these Fairy Tales being Told in Indian Media.

Nothing has been stolen from Pakistan Nuclear Facilities but Do you know how much Equipment has been stolen from American Nuclear Facilities, Think about its implications if it falls into the hands of Taliban.
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