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U.S. Pressures Israel to Block IAI AESA Radar Sale to India

US pressering Israel? that's a new thing to me.

NO. not new thing. its business and since recently US wants to cash Indian market for weapons and military equipment there had been some stretching between the two sellers
US pressering Israel? that's a new thing to me.

Ahmad bhai, its a commercial dispute between them. The US is worried that if Israel transfers that tech to India, they will lose a chance to make some 'big bucks' selling the radars to India. They tried that in the past with the AEW&C radar and the Long Range surveillance radars. India and Israel found a way to work around that. ;)
Ahmad bhai, its a commercial dispute between them. The US is worried that if Israel transfers that tech to India, they will lose a chance to make some 'big bucks' selling the radars to India. They tried that in the past with the AEW&C radar and the Long Range surveillance radars. India and Israel found a way to work around that. ;)

mmmm, but in reality, the white house and other american politicians might not have that courage to go really really against the wishes of israel. didnt we see obama how much he talked about pushing peace in palestine/israel and creating a palestinian state along with secure israel? didnt we see how much he and George Mitcheal talked about the extremist settlements in palestinaian territory that they should be stopped, but a couple of Netanyahoo's visits to the US was enough to shut his mouth up.
may be they can stop direct sell of elta 2052 but just like we make hybrid version of elta 2032 for LCA with Israel we will make that for sure :tup:
Most of the arguments miss the point. It was a proposal between Gripen & the Israelis to offer an AESA radar for gripen being offered to India. It is understandable that since the Americans were touting their AESA radars as key, they felt more than a bit miffed to have a radar from Israel using some American technology being used in a swedish aircraft in direct competition against their own products. The Americans are not opposing the sale of the AESA radar as such but only in it being fitted to a competitor's aircraft during the MRCA tender. You can be reasonably sure that the Americans will lhave no issues with selling us additional; radars if they win the contract.

@ Karthic
It would be terribly naive to believe that the americans didn't know about transfer of radar technology by Israel to India (green pine). Have little doubts that such transfers would not have happened if the Americans weren't actually winking, tongue firmly in cheek. Shouldn't the sudden appearance of an ballistic missile interceptor raise a few eyebrows about the origin of some of the technology? Sometimes it is necessary to pretend that you don't/can't see things & the U.S. is very good at that.
Most of the arguments miss the point. It was a proposal between Gripen & the Israelis to offer an AESA radar for gripen being offered to India. It is understandable that since the Americans were touting their AESA radars as key, they felt more than a bit miffed to have a radar from Israel using some American technology being used in a swedish aircraft in direct competition against their own products. The Americans are not opposing the sale of the AESA radar as such but only in it being fitted to a competitor's aircraft during the MRCA tender. You can be reasonably sure that the Americans will lhave no issues with selling us additional; radars if they win the contract.

@ Karthic
It would be terribly naive to believe that the americans didn't know about transfer of radar technology by Israel to India (green pine). Have little doubts that such transfers would not have happened if the Americans weren't actually winking, tongue firmly in cheek. Shouldn't the sudden appearance of an ballistic missile interceptor raise a few eyebrows about the origin of some of the technology? Sometimes it is necessary to pretend that you don't/can't see things & the U.S. is very good at that.

I tend to see it in a different way. Yes; political weight, arm twisting and "under the table" type decisions are common when it comes to defence procurements but at the end of the day it's nothing but business. The Israelis (like everyone else) are just trying to make money.
@ Karthic
It would be terribly naive to believe that the americans didn't know about transfer of radar technology by Israel to India (green pine). Have little doubts that such transfers would not have happened if the Americans weren't actually winking, tongue firmly in cheek. Shouldn't the sudden appearance of an ballistic missile interceptor raise a few eyebrows about the origin of some of the technology? Sometimes it is necessary to pretend that you don't/can't see things & the U.S. is very good at that.

You raise a very valid point. But if the Americans actually condoned or turned a blind eye to Israel's round about transfer of Technology, then why not they give the original package itself ?

Atleast they could have made some serious cash from it. Anyway this is just a temp carrot and stick approach for the MRCA tender and once it is over they will again wink (in your words).

BTW the BMD program of India was started in 1998 itself while the US veto of Arrow happened only in 2002.
You raise a very valid point. But if the Americans actually condoned or turned a blind eye to Israel's round about transfer of Technology, then why not they give the original package itself ?

Atleast they could have made some serious cash from it. Anyway this is just a temp carrot and stick approach for the MRCA tender and once it is over they will again wink (in your words).

They worry about reaction from the anti nuclear mullahs in the U.S.(remember the Green Pine transfer along with a complete radar was shipped just before George Bush's inauguration; too close to the nuclear sanctions at that time for the U.S. to give active permission). In any case American technology & parts are used by the Israelis & some money will undoubtedly flow there.
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