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U.S. Pressures Israel to Block IAI AESA Radar Sale to India

I was being sarcastic my friend.

American Democracy is a joke. Power to the people and if majority is in favour then the minorities loses out? By their logic China has the most population in the world and they are mostly happy with communism, then perhaps America should give up trying to turn China into a democratic country and take up communism insterad? They are so full of s***. Fail to respect others and contradicting ideology :laugh:
I believe that's how most things are done in world, the views of the many are imposed on the few(In some cases the views of the powerful imposed on the weak). I think it`s a waste of time to impose democracies on other nations, they might just make all the bad decisions again through democratic ways. If Chinese people are happy with communism, then let them enjoy it, whats the problem?
I believe that's how most things are done in world, the views of the many are imposed on the few(In some cases the views of the powerful imposed on the weak). I think it`s a waste of time to impose democracies on other nations, they might just make all the bad decisions again through democratic ways. If Chinese people are happy with communism, then let them enjoy it, whats the problem?

Exactly. They seem to have issues with people not wanting to bow down and follow their orders. Luckily China isn't Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya.
It's ridiculous how they train and arm rebels only to turn around some years later to fight the ones they trained and refer to them as terrorists.
They tried similar tactics with China by supporting separatist Tibetan and Uighur movements, but failed hard trying.
I believe that's how most things are done in world, the views of the many are imposed on the few(In some cases the views of the powerful imposed on the weak). I think it`s a waste of time to impose democracies on other nations, they might just make all the bad decisions again through democratic ways. If Chinese people are happy with communism, then let them enjoy it, whats the problem?

I agree completely. :cheers:
Most of the arguments miss the point. It was a proposal between Gripen & the Israelis to offer an AESA radar for gripen being offered to India. It is understandable that since the Americans were touting their AESA radars as key, they felt more than a bit miffed to have a radar from Israel using some American technology being used in a swedish aircraft in direct competition against their own products. The Americans are not opposing the sale of the AESA radar as such but only in it being fitted to a competitor's aircraft during the MRCA tender. You can be reasonably sure that the Americans will lhave no issues with selling us additional; radars if they win the contract.

@ Karthic
It would be terribly naive to believe that the americans didn't know about transfer of radar technology by Israel to India (green pine). Have little doubts that such transfers would not have happened if the Americans weren't actually winking, tongue firmly in cheek. Shouldn't the sudden appearance of an ballistic missile interceptor raise a few eyebrows about the origin of some of the technology? Sometimes it is necessary to pretend that you don't/can't see things & the U.S. is very good at that.

Provide a source or your statement is invalid. As i mentioned earlier, The ELM-2052 superior in performance and price to anything US has to offer for the export, US provide 3b in military aid annually to Israel, put a vetoes on anything against Israel, invest in some of Israeli R&D, recently approved 250mil for procurement of Iron Dome from Rafael to protect Israel and many more, the title is "US pressure Israel..." if it were about US technology there is nothing to pressure on because it is simply not in Israeli right to give away something not belonging to them, Israel just owe US big time.
This is good news. Less we buy, less we blow our money on military, more we can divert to better things.
This is good news. Less we buy, less we blow our money on military, more we can divert to better things.

While compromising national security? Seriously? You're talking about welfare by ready to actually forsake defense? :blink:. Oh I get the types.

Provide a source or your statement is invalid. As i mentioned earlier, The ELM-2052 superior in performance and price to anything US has to offer for the export, US provide 3b in military aid annually to Israel, put a vetoes on anything against Israel, invest in some of Israeli R&D, recently approved 250mil for procurement of Iron Dome from Rafael to protect Israel and many more, the title is "US pressure Israel..." if it were about US technology there is nothing to pressure on because it is simply not in Israeli right to give away something not belonging to them, Israel just owe US big time.

Then next time, we will need to start funding any joint radar developments where it is an Indo-Israel creation so that US cannot meddle. They did what is common in the corporate world. But I tell you, if your radar was on the takes, Gripen NG would have won hands down.
I believe that's how most things are done in world, the views of the many are imposed on the few(In some cases the views of the powerful imposed on the weak). I think it`s a waste of time to impose democracies on other nations, they might just make all the bad decisions again through democratic ways. If Chinese people are happy with communism, then let them enjoy it, whats the problem?

US doesn't give a jackhorse about democracy if you really think they're concerned. :lol: The only reasons they wage wars is to test their new weapon systems and make them battle proven for global sales later on as well as gain some strategic political depth in that country. If they were so concerned about democracy, their first and foremost target since last 50 years would have been the 22 countries of the Middle East and North Africa.
If Us does put a ban on Israel to sell India the radars ... India should reply with scrapping of c 17 deal
While compromising national security? Seriously? You're talking about welfare by ready to actually forsake defense? :blink:. Oh I get the types.


Billions blown on defense PSUs with no end in sight, poor planning, massive corruption and political shortsightedness..our defense is already screwed beyond repair. I am talking about things that actually count like education, health and infrastructure..
Billions blown on defense PSUs with no end in sight, poor planning, massive corruption and political shortsightedness..our defense is already screwed beyond repair. I am talking about things that actually count like education, health and infrastructure..

You really think UPA puts all that money honestly in infrastructure and education? :lol: The money simply goes into party funds straight. If it was that clean in non-military sector, we'd have all our cities like Singapore by now or if not that, at least like Macau and Shanghai.
If Us does put a ban on Israel to sell India the radars ... India should reply with scrapping of c 17 deal

And replace it with what? See, business and strategy are not as simple black and white as you think it is. US did NOTHING wrong in whatever they did. Every corporate does that. There's nothing that is binding them to not use pressure of fellow allies to desist from a deal that could win US billions in contracts.

The C-17 that we're planning to use along with the C-130Js will already have Indian made advanced communication equipment from BEL.
Why are the usa scared of india getting these? is india an enemy all of a sudden..

India has a past of under the table transfer of technology to Russia in return for designs of aircraft carriers, nuclear submarimes, cruise missiles etc..
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