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U.S.-Philippines Relations Benefit From China’s Poor Public Image


Apr 28, 2011
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U.S.-Philippines Relations Benefit From China’s Poor Public Image

Today’s Washington Post has a useful article outlining the plans for a much greater U.S. military presence in the Philippines. The article discusses all of the potential options being put on the table between U.S. and Philippines officials: “Operating Navy ships from the Philippines, deploying troops on a rotational basis and staging more frequent joint exercises.”

The piece examines the Philippines’ desire for a renewed American presence in response to graver perceived threats from China. After all, don’t forget that the Philippines tossed U.S. forces out of their bases in the Philippines in the early 1990s during the administration of Fidel Ramos; In fact, since U.S. occupation a century ago, the Philippines has had a very up and down relationship with the former colonial power. Certainly the Philippines’ inability to defend itself in the face of Chinese assertiveness over the South China Sea is a major part of the renewed desire for an American presence. The Philippines’ navy is virtually nonexistent in many parts of the country’s waters, so it could hardly be called upon to defend anything against China.

But just as important as the strategic reasons for the renewed U.S. presence, I think, is the deteriorating public image of China in the Philippines, as compared to just a few years ago – and particularly, the deteriorating public image on the Philippine left, which includes some of the same people who, back in the 1980s and early 1990s, pushed for the U.S. military to leave the country. Five or six years ago, during trips to the Philippines, I found many opinion leaders saw in China’s rise a potential counterweight to the U.S. presence, and also an excellent new source of investment.

But since then, allegations of graft in Chinese investments in the Philippines, and anger of alleged environmental and labor abuses at China-funded mining projects (which have been exhaustively detailed in the Philippines media) have seriously soured the public image of China in the Philippines.

Now, activists, union leaders, and others on the left that I speak with condemn China, and, almost by default, have warmer feelings toward the U.S., and by extension, American investment.

Asia Unbound » U.S.-Philippines Relations Benefit From China
In 1979, we killed 130,000 Vietnamese in just 28 days. That was the last time Vietnam claimed to have the "third best army in the world."

Soon, we will fight a defensive preemptive counterrattack war against the Philippines and hope to kill at least 200,000 Filipinos in 30 days. This will greatly improve China's reputation and image in the eyes of these indigenous Filipino tribals.
In 1979, we killed 130,000 Vietnamese in just 28 days. That was the last time Vietnam claimed to have the "third best army in the world."

Soon, we will fight a defensive preemptive counterrattack war against the Philippines and hope to kill at least 200,000 Filipinos in 30 days. This will greatly improve China's reputation and image in the eyes of these indigenous Filipino tribals.

China backstabbing attacked Vietnam 1979, killing innocent peasants and others people in border area, it's true image of China showed to people in the world, dirty face of China.

Benefit From China’s Poor Public Image

Philippines seeks to strengthen US defence ties

The Philippines has confirmed that it is discussing ways to "maximise" defence ties with the US amid territorial disputes in the region.

In a statement, the foreign affairs secretary cited the need for more joint military exercises to protect national interests.

The statement was in response to a Washington Post story alleging a possible return of US bases.

Analysts say the move is an attempt to contain the influence of China.


The Philippines accused China last year of intimidation in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, which is home to valuable shipping lanes and which may also hold deposits of fossil fuels.

Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario, however, did not address the issue of China in his statement.

"It is to our definite advantage to be exploring how to maximise our treaty alliance with the United States in ways that would be mutually acceptable and beneficial," he said.

Officials are currently in Washington discussing defence issues.

The Washington Post on Wednesday reported that officials were possibly in the early stages of negotiating the return of US bases to the country, "the latest in a series of strategic moves aimed at China".

He added that in the event of possible threats to national interest, "in terms of, say, territorial disputes", a "minimum credible defence" was needed in addition to dealing with the issues diplomatically.

In addition to military equipment and training programmes, Mr Del Rosario said that they were open to exploring "other means of acceptable assistance and cooperation from the US", including "a rotating and more frequent presence by them".

The joint military exercises will be subject to the 1999 Visiting Forces Agreement, which covers conditions for US ships and American troops allowed into the country.

The Philippines became a US colony after a brief war early last century. It eventually attained full independence in 1946 but the US maintained a presence on military bases.

These bases , which included the famous Subic Bay naval base in Zambales, were eventually voted out by the Senate in 1991, bringing to an end almost a century of US military presence.

A US official dismissed the suggestion that bases could be re-established.

"The idea that we are looking to establish US bases or permanently station US forces in the Philippines, or anywhere else in South East Asia, as part of a China containment strategy is patently false," AP quoted Defense Department spokeswoman Cmdr Leslie Hull-Ryde as saying.

In 1979, we killed 130,000 Vietnamese in just 28 days. That was the last time Vietnam claimed to have the "third best army in the world."

Soon, we will fight a defensive preemptive counterrattack war against the Philippines and hope to kill at least 200,000 Filipinos in 30 days. This will greatly improve China's reputation and image in the eyes of these indigenous Filipino tribals.

If just killing Chinese then I don't need 28 days for killing, but if killing Chinese soldier I will need 28 days.

Chinese soldiers 28 days needed for killing 130.000 Vietnamese that took them too long for killing.

Vietnamese soldiers does not need 28 days for killing Chinese period. Hope you will understand how good yours China is.
If just killing Chinese then I don't need 28 days for killing, but if killing Chinese soldier I will need 28 days.

Chinese soldiers 28 days needed for killing 130.000 Vietnamese that took them too long for killing.

Vietnamese soldiers does not need 28 days for killing Chinese period. Hope you will understand how good yours China is.

The only time Vietnamese will come onto Chinese soil is as illegal immigrants or as prisoners of war, and this will always be the case. In 1979 we had a nice tour of Vietnam yet your soldiers could not even see China.
In 1979, we killed 130,000 Vietnamese in just 28 days. That was the last time Vietnam claimed to have the "third best army in the world."

Soon, we will fight a defensive preemptive counterrattack war against the Philippines and hope to kill at least 200,000 Filipinos in 30 days. This will greatly improve China's reputation and image in the eyes of these indigenous Filipino tribals.
it just like German ,Japan fascist suddenty attacked Soviet-USA like animal , only animal pround of that way of war.

Poor Chinese , we just rammed their ship, forced them to submit 200 million $ , and all they can do is just keep barking :lol: We are not "third best army in the world" now, but at least we still a second nation having anti-ship abllistic missile that can mount nuclear warhead after Russia :P

Barking dog sheldom bite :lol:
Philippines, Vietnam = traitors to East Asia
Go ahead and wag your tails for your American daddy. I will enjoy this while eating french fries. ^^
Philippines, Vietnam = traitors to East Asia
Go ahead and wag your tails for your American daddy. I will enjoy this while eating french fries. ^^
Oh , sorry, No one care about coward China in East and South east Asia, don't forget your nick name:" Sick men of East Asia", dude:coffee:
Philippines, Vietnam = traitors to East Asia
Go ahead and wag your tails for your American daddy. I will enjoy this while eating french fries. ^^

Philippine, Vietnam given the chance for millions of pro chinese to survival in time got violence, civil war in china and let them living there, included your ancestors.
You are traitor, don't have right to blame the countries have been let you and mange of pro chinese to alive.:smokin:
those tiny midgets may bark for a while,mayb for another decade,and then with the departure of US influence from this region, they will fall into complete silence
those tiny midgets may bark for a while,mayb for another decade,and then with the departure of US influence from this region, they will fall into complete silence

China propaganda will be more loudly.

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