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U.S. officials have urged China to cease development of anti-satellite capabilities

LOL! So we destroy all your satellites, you are not as dependent as we are? Now you are BS.
US modern military doctrine is completed based on network sharing to command and control. While PLA just managed to grasp tri service network. US have more to lose.

If PLA network is down we just fall back to old traditional method while US has No old method to fail back. No network, US stop fighting, period.
Is the Chinese rig destabilizing? It was enough for the Vietnamese to kill Chinese citizens or force them to flee.

so we are not making sense any more are we. We are talking secret Chinese projects and how that's just the way we do it.

But if you wish, I be happy to bring your American actions to the table as well. Let's both step into the light and see who did more in the past however long you ant.
The anti-ICBM test is supposed to be scarier than the ASAT test.

I think they are trying to do the damage control. How can China become better than the US in this area?

anti-ICBM missiles will not work on any of the major nuclear players. Anti-ICBM missiles are targeted at small players like North Korea and Iran.

how can you stop thousands of missiles of different types??? are you going to build tens of thousands of anti-ICBM missiles???
U.S has what 14 Ohio Class subs with 24 Trident II missile each so that's 336 ICBMS and each one can carry 14 warheads (doesn't carry that many because of START treaties) and with penetration aids.

then we got 450 Minutemen III ICBMS that carry 3 MIRV warheads and penetration aides

then we got hundreds of B-52,B-1,B-2 bombers that each can carry a dozen or so air launched cruise missiles with a nuclear warhead

then the rest of our jet's like the F-15,F16,F-18,F-22, and F-35 can drop B-61 and B-83 nuclear bombs.

it's impossible to stop such a combination and number of nuclear weapons.

ASAT isn't good. least you want to have proliferation of such weapons and destroy our chances of exploring space and sending us back to the the 1800's.

China is acting like a child.
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