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U.S Offers India Fighter Jets | Will U.S Help With Defence R&D Next?


Sep 30, 2019
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Only half the story. India wanted F-35's but USA rejected it because of the S400 deal and concern that an F-35 could be lost with its tech captured. USA offered F-15EX instead (got to keep Boeing solvent). India rejected USA fighters in its numerous fighter contests....F-15EX isn't a big leap over Rafale or SU-30 and will cost a fortune. I don't think anything will come of this but lets wait and see. :pop:
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Only half the story. India wanted F-35's but USA rejected it because of the S400 deal and concern that an F-35 could be lost with its tech captured. USA offered F-15EX instead (got to keep Boeing solvent). India rejected USA fighters in its numerous fighter contests....F-15EX isn't a big leap over Rafale or SU-30 and will cost a fortune. I don't think anything will come of this but lets wait and see. :pop:

F-15EX is a beast, it's probably better than the F-16 and the whole F-15 fleet in the US Airforce is being upgraded to the F-15EX.

NEW DELHI: The multi-billion dollar Indian program to acquire new fighter jets could see a third American aircraft enter the fray, with permissions being sought to offer the iconic F 15 EX to the air force for its requirement of 114 fighters that are to be produced domestically.

The US already offered India fighter jets in the form of a special F-16 variant designed specifically for India called F-21. This was rejected by India in favor of the Rafales.
Only half the story. India wanted F-35's but USA rejected it because of the S400 deal and concern that an F-35 could be lost with its tech captured. USA offered F-15EX instead (got to keep Boeing solvent). India rejected USA fighters in its numerous fighter contests....F-15EX isn't a big leap over Rafale or SU-30 and will cost a fortune. I don't think anything will come of this but lets wait and see. :pop:
The F-21 is around the same level as the F-15EX and was also rejected.
F-15EX is a beast, it's probably better than the F-16 and the whole F-15 fleet in the US Airforce is being upgraded to the F-15EX.

Interesting article on the F-15EX and how it fits into USAF plans:


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However unpopular the Air Force decision may be, people on both sides of the debate agree that the current crisis—what defense strategists believe is an air-dominance fighter gap—was caused by the decision to cut production of the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. Developed to replace the F-15C/D, the F-22 turned out to be so expensive—$350 million per airplane, by some estimates, if development costs are factored in—that beginning in the 1990s, successive presidential administrations hacked away at the number of fighters their budget offices would approve. In 2009, the Obama administration ended F-22 production at 187. When he canceled the program, then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates explained that the Air Force would still have an adequate number of fifth-generation fighters because it had contracted to buy more than 1,000 of Lockheed’s newer F-35A. He predicted that by 2020, the Air Force would have 1,100 fifth-generation F-22s and F-35s.

The F-22 production was shuttered early because of cost issues. The F-15EX will be a bridge aircraft, with the F-35A, until a new generation of aircraft is built.

It's interesting that India is being offered the F-15EX but not the F-35 even though the F-15EX will have F-35 technology incorporated in it. Still, India has shown little interest in US fighters other than the F/A-18 E/F for its navy.
Interesting article on the F-15EX and how it fits into USAF plans:


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The F-22 production was shuttered early because of cost issues. The F-15EX will be a bridge aircraft, with the F-35A, until a new generation of aircraft is built.

It's interesting that India is being offered the F-15EX but not the F-35 even though the F-15EX will have F-35 technology incorporated in it. Still, India has shown little interest in US fighters other than the F/A-18 E/F for its navy.

The US won't offer the F-35 to any country that has military ties to Russia especially India because of the S-400.
@DavidsSling you will be fooling yourself if you believe Indian media. According to Indian media, Indian Army has got the Chinese run for their lives. :lol::lol:
Lol. Despite India not interested in US fighters due to geopolitical reasons PDF seems to prop up thread a day or two ok gobbling up Chinese propaganda on how US is trying to prop India. It's CCP which is pushing India to US hands.
As long as restrictive agreements on weapon platforms remain India is not going to buy US fighters. They very well know it. It's time for US to have a separate law for defence sales to India if it wants to win the pie. Or else not even F35 is coming except for the Navy.
F-21 is the real game changer which was offered with production line in india
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Still, the US does not trust India enough to offer it F-35s despite what delusional Indians claim.

Why should US trust india ?
We are neither a part of nato, nor we have a bilateral treaty.
Neither we are country for whom we will fight a war on terror and kill our own citizens and destroy the economy, nor we are a country who will house their drones flying from our own bases to kill our own citizens.
The countries who have done the above i heard are kept weeping for 8 f-16 planes. In stark contrast india rejected production line of f-21 in India.

So you see its a long way before USA trust india as we provide nothing for usa which it wants.Not to mention we sometimes keep voting agaisnt usa in UN.

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