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U.S Offers India Fighter Jets | Will U.S Help With Defence R&D Next?

No because it's only interested in selling it's
Hardware. It may sell it's previous gen in Ckd or Skd forms with partial manufacturing rights.
that's about the size of it
Lol. Despite India not interested in US fighters due to geopolitical reasons PDF seems to prop up thread a day or two ok gobbling up Chinese propaganda on how US is trying to prop India. It's CCP which is pushing India to US hands.
As long as restrictive agreements on weapon platforms remain India is not going to buy US fighters. They very well know it. It's time for US to have a separate law for defence sales to India if it wants to win the pie. Or else not even F35 is coming except for the Navy.
Papa papa papa, help me! Lol
Interesting article on the F-15EX and how it fits into USAF plans:


Key graph:

The F-22 production was shuttered early because of cost issues. The F-15EX will be a bridge aircraft, with the F-35A, until a new generation of aircraft is built.

It's interesting that India is being offered the F-15EX but not the F-35 even though the F-15EX will have F-35 technology incorporated in it. Still, India has shown little interest in US fighters other than the F/A-18 E/F for its navy.
India knows sanctions will follow
India will not be getting the F35 anytime soon unless they get rid of the S-400

Except for the Navy. We just have to assure f35 will be kept far away from S400 radars. And unlike Turkey we are a pretty big country.
Why should US trust india ?
We are neither a part of nato, nor we have a bilateral treaty.
Neither we are country for whom we will fight a war on terror and kill our own citizens and destroy the economy, nor we are a country who will house their drones flying from our own bases to kill our own citizens.
The countries who have done the above i heard are kept weeping for 8 f-16 planes. In stark contrast india rejected production line of f-21 in India.

So you see its a long way before USA trust india as we provide nothing for usa which it wants.Not to mention we sometimes keep voting agaisnt usa in UN.

I know. That's why India signed the LEMOSA agreement with the US, Indians now daily chanting Quad, Quad like a duck and surrendered 1,000 sq km of Indian territory in an attempt to impose US containment policy on India's neighbour.

You make India sound like an American Poodle.
Except for the Navy. We just have to assure f35 will be kept far away from S400 radars. And unlike Turkey we are a pretty big country.
Stupid logic, Americans aren't that dumb. In a shooting war both S400 and F-35 would be sent to the same front lines. As far as I know, Americans have already rejected F35 to India.
I know. That's why India signed the LEMOSA agreement with the US, Indians now daily chanting Quad, Quad like a duck and surrendered 1,000 sq km of Indian territory in an attempt to impose US containment policy on India's neighbour.

You make India sound like an American Poodle.

You guys are into too much PROPAGANDA...

To understand the Country which can influence India... please look for the country which is mediating between India and China...

Having good relations with almost everyone is not that bad...
Realistically speaking the F-35 wasn't ever coming to India, even before the S-400, India's closeness to Russia gave the US jitters, now that's been sealed.
Regardless India has done well in gaining weapons that serve its interest first.
None of the F series makes sense for the IAF. However, with P-8s, the upcoming drones F-18 will be the perfect choice for the IN. If we want to challenge the strong Chinese Navy with our allies in their backyard around the S China Sea, communication with our allies aircraft and systems will be of most importance. The IN should go with US systems.

IAF needs upgrades for MKI - AESA radar and better BVRs, More squadrons of Rafale and Tejas as immediate priority.

AMCA should serve both IAF and IN.

This is the path that makes sense to me.
Its doesn't matter what the indians have...even with f35 or f22...I read today that Chinese awacs can detect stealth aircraft and remember the Serbs shot down an f117. So its not beyond the realms of possibility.
We just have to ensure we are a step ahead as whatever the indians do its will take at least 10 years for them to get going
Stupid logic, Americans aren't that dumb. In a shooting war both S400 and F-35 would be sent to the same front lines. As far as I know, Americans have already rejected F35 to India.

Ok in any case I would be really happy if India doesn't buy US fighters. That's the jist.of my comments. Not cos they are bad. They are too intrusive.
Lol. Despite India not interested in US fighters due to geopolitical reasons PDF seems to prop up thread a day or two ok gobbling up Chinese propaganda on how US is trying to prop India. It's CCP which is pushing India to US hands.
As long as restrictive agreements on weapon platforms remain India is not going to buy US fighters. They very well know it. It's time for US to have a separate law for defence sales to India if it wants to win the pie. Or else not even F35 is coming except for the Navy.

India will not be getting the F35 anytime soon unless they get rid of the S-400
@DavidsSling you will be fooling yourself if you believe Indian media. According to Indian media, Indian Army has got the Chinese run for their lives. :lol::lol:
Mother of all shit part 2.

india will take decision on it's own , we are not dependent on america , russia or any other country for small loans .
india will take decision on it's own , we are not dependent on america , russia or any other country for small loans .
Indian dependency is far worst. Without US,France<israel and Russia. India can't defend a inch of land

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