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U.S. Military to test hypersonic jet

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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Military to test hypersonic jet that could zip across the U.S. in less than 1 hour​

A superfast jet that could fly from L.A. to New York City in less than an hour may be one step closer to reality after a key test this week.

The X-51A WaveRider, an unmanned aircraft that could reach speeds up to Mach 6 will be launched from the wing of a B-52 bomber high above the Pacific Ocean on Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The WaveRider is expected to zip up into the atmosphere and fly at hypersonic speeds—3,600 mph—for 300 seconds, before breaking up into the ocean.

If successful, if would be the longest jaunt for the test aircraft. The newspaper noted that the development of WaveRider could lead to progress on a passenger jet that could theoretically travel across the U.S. in 46 minutes.

"Attaining sustained hypersonic flight is like going from propeller-driven aircraft to jet aircraft," Robert A. Mercier, deputy for technology in the high speed systems division at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Ohio told the L.A. Times.

But beyond passenger flights, achieving hypersonic speeds could also lead to the development of the next generation of missiles, space vehicles and military aircraft, the Times points out.

The WaveRider program had an issue in June of 2011 when the test vehicle in a similar test to the one planned for Tuesday failed to reach full power.

The Pentagon said it spent about $2 billion on technology and engineering around hypersonic flight over the last decade, the Times reports. This program is estimated to cost $140 million, according to Globalsecurity.org, a military policy research website.

If you're keeping score, the Concorde, a supersonic airliner, crossed the Atlantic at 1,350 mph.

It would take about 3.5 hours, about twice as fast as current commercial airlines. The Concorde was retired in 2003.

Military to test hypersonic jet that could zip across the U.S. in less than 1 hour | The Lookout - Yahoo! News
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look at their greed....... a sane mind would ask a question that why sir do u want to travel from LA to NY in 46 minutes??

they will spend billion of dollars from taxpayer on this project and once the plane is in shape.....they ticket will be so expensive that only owners of zionist media groups and american politicans will be able to afford it.....
look at their greed....... a sane mind would ask a question that why sir do u want to travel from LA to NY in 46 minutes??

Do you prefer riding on camels , horses and bull carts ? :no: Sorry , but its the same human nature that brought to this era where every part of the world is accessible within 24 hours ? :azn: ... Do you prefer riding on camels , horses and bull carts today ? No , you have much better alternatives available ... And trust me , unlike our country , time is considered as precious in the West :azn:
USA :flame:War mongers crazy leaders of CIA pentagon all time busy in finding new ways of destruction of this world and invading free states and capturing there resources Hitler mad world war USA making planed war tactfully how to make slave whole world.
USA :flame:War mongers crazy leaders of CIA pentagon all time busy in finding new ways of destruction of this world and invading free states and capturing there resources Hitler mad world war USA making planed war tactfully how to make slave whole world.

As if we are alone in finding new ways of destruction of the world.
USA :flame:War mongers crazy leaders of CIA pentagon all time busy in finding new ways of destruction of this world and invading free states and capturing there resources Hitler mad world war USA making planed war tactfully how to make slave whole world.

The US is at least economically and militarily superior and its public enjoys a safer and better lifestyle....and it is an advanced country so it does come up with newer tech.

There are people sitting in places that are unlivable but they are too busy spreading hate and terrorism and constantly plan on destroying others. In many cases, they destroy their own poor people first and then Americans or others. I think your advice should go to them first.

The US doesn't really go to war with everyone as your post assumes. She has a responsibility to safeguard her national interests and secure her citizens. Others are welcome to do so too as they please (as long as they don't unnecessarily interfere with the broader interest of the economically prospering world and THAT's everyone, you and me included!).

look at their greed....... a sane mind would ask a question that why sir do u want to travel from LA to NY in 46 minutes??

they will spend billion of dollars from taxpayer on this project and once the plane is in shape.....they ticket will be so expensive that only owners of zionist media groups and american politicans will be able to afford it.....

This isn't greed. This is part of the military strategy to reach anywhere in the world within an hour. Of course you'll see use of it in the civilian industry too. If someone can afford it, it doesn't hurt to get to point B faster. I am not paying for your ticket so you can do whatever with your money, you earned it :)

An example is that after 911, if the US could've caught OBL within an hour, so many years of bloodshed would've been avoided (both American and any civilian casualties resulted due to the war). I think this behavior shows responsibility as it'll avoid large scale wars if you can reach the bad guys in an hour and avoid collateral damage.
This jet has been in developmental stages since 1995.

I remember reading about it when I was in Grade School. :D

Finally, it is ready for trials.
This jet has been in developmental stages since 1995.

I remember reading about it when I was in Grade School. :D

Finally, it is ready for trials.
Are you waiting for your 17 year old dream :D Wow.
This isn't greed. This is part of the military strategy to reach anywhere in the world within an hour. Of course you'll see use of it in the civilian industry too. If someone can afford it, it doesn't hurt to get to point B faster. I am not paying for your ticket so you can do whatever with your money, you earned it :)

An example is that after 911, if the US could've caught OBL within an hour, so many years of bloodshed would've been avoided (both American and any civilian casualties resulted due to the war). I think this behavior shows responsibility as it'll avoid large scale wars if you can reach the bad guys in an hour and avoid collateral damage.

sir they already have airbases in qatar and bahrain..........it would have taken F-16 less than 20 minutes to reach tora bora if they were serious or any other part of Aghanistan would have been accessible in just under 45 minutes......they werent serious cause if they were serious then they would have shot down that second plane that hit the second tower 10 minutes after the first one hit......why did USAF turned a blind eye for those 10 minutes?

this is all a part of their strategy....that is selling fear to the american public and keeping them under pressure all the time only to misappropriate their tax money...........

and it dosent show their responsibility.....americans have waged more wars than any other nation and killed more people than other nation and nuked civilians twice......plus they are self-centered....all their principles and human right claims revolve around their national interest......dictatorship is bad for syria but it is good for bahrain according to their mindset.
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