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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

So what do you propose US Army should do with him?

What is the "proper punishment" for having the audacity to speak about destroying Mecca and Medina according to you?:butcher:

No , his "views" about destroying Mecca/Madina aren't the problem. The problem is the propaganda and anti-Islamic Christian missionary stuff he is spreading in the Army of United States. Such lies and propaganda targeting one group is not acceptable in the U.S military.

Just like that lunatic Christian general , who use to preach that U.S Army is a Christian Army and that "his god" was true while god of Muslims as not etc etc , was "retired" from the Army , this guy should also be atleast suspended.
Of course you may. I was just trying to correct that posters perception that Arab nations would be able to put up a WW2 type resistance under certain sanctions, blockades and their current lack of production facilities.

If there is ever a total war scenario, it wont come close to the resistance the allies faced in WW2. Of course Im just going comparing US and its allies vs Arab states and Bangladesh, Pakistan.
Mecca and madina are not for Arabs only genius. You would be in war wit 1.5 billion people.
Sorry, but your statement is delirious. Only Pakistan has nukes, and they are the only one's that could do anything that would kill a few thousand Americans.
That being said, your nukes would probably kill mostly Pakistanis and Pakistan itself. They are the only superpower for a reason and they would not hesitate to completely destroy any threat against their nation.
Yes! my statement is very delirious cuz I know if any country including US tries to Nukes Mecca or Medina thats end for that country without any doubt....I would be very delighted that USA or Israel try that experiment very happily at least there would be nomore USA or Israel on the face of the earth ever except within the stories for the coming generations....And plz don't think that Pakistani Nukes or Pakistan can do anything about that cuz Pakistan can't even save itself from the attacks of the US on its territory every day.........and I also know that the ruling elite/secret society of the US is full aware that they will never be able to destroy Mecca and Medina cuz of the Secret power of God/Allah Subhnaho-Wata-Alah is protecting and defnding those holy cities in the world.......:)
You have to be naive to believe that document.

Having said that, if US ever decides that it is in its absolute national interest to destroy the holiest of cities, there is nothing you or Allah SBWT will be able to do to save them:usflag:
It wasn't an infidel who tried to seize control, so that doesn't count. :tongue:
Oh Okay then tell USA to move ahead , what they waitin for???? scared of something, I guess???.Let the whole world see what happens to their @$$z down there........:smokin:
Yes! my statement is very delirious cuz I know if any country including US tries to Nukes Mecca or Medina thats end for that country without any doubt....I would be very delighted that USA or Israel try that experiment very happily at least there would be nomore USA or Israel on the face of the earth ever except within the stories for the coming generations....And plz don't think that Pakistani Nukes or Pakistan can do anything about that cuz Pakistan can't even save itself from the attacks of the US on its territory every day.........and I also know that the ruling elite/secret society of the US is full aware that they will never be able to destroy Mecca and Medina cuz of the Secret power of God/Allah Subhnaho-Wata-Alah is protecting and defnding those holy cities in the world.......:)

Like he protected Jerusalem?
Like he protected Jerusalem?

Gods doesn't protect anything. Remember the Christianity's "holiest" thing , the true cross , that was paraded on the streets of Damascus after Saladin's forces took it from defeated Christian Armies of Europe/Jerusalem? Turkish invasion and conquering of Constantinople and converting Hagia Sophia into a Mosque? Its like converting holiest of the mosques into Churches...

But America , or anyone else for that matter , would never "invade" Mecca and Medina. Forget about billions of Muslims around the world--- 60 million Muslims in the West and 7 million in the U.S would be ANGERED ! What can be the "strategic" purpose of invading Mecca?
US military class suspended for its view on Islam | DAWN.COM

WASHINGTON: A course for US military officers has been teaching that America’s enemy is Islam in general, not just terrorists, and suggesting that the country might ultimately have to obliterate the Islamic holy cities of Makkah and Medina without regard for civilian deaths, following World War II precedents of the nuclear attack on Hiroshima or the allied firebombing of Dresden.

The Pentagon suspended the course in late April when a student objected to the material.

The FBI also changed some agent training last year after discovering that it, too, was critical of Islam.

The teaching in the military course was counter to repeated assertions by US officials over the last decade that the US is at war against extremists — not the religion.

“They hate everything you stand for and will never coexist with you, unless you submit,” the instructor, Army. Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley, said in a presentation last July for the course at Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Va. The college, for professional military members, teaches midlevel officers and government civilians on subjects related to planning and executing war.

Dooley also presumed, for the purposes of his theoretical war plan, that the Geneva Conventions that set standards of armed conflict, are “no longer relevant.”

He adds: “This would leave open the option once again of taking war to a civilian population wherever necessary (the historical precedents of Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki being applicable…).”

His war plan suggests possible outcomes such as “Saudi Arabia threatened with starvation … Islam reduced to cult status,” and the Muslim holy cities of Makkah and Medina in Saudi Arabia “destroyed.”

A copy of the presentation was obtained and posted online by Wired.com’s Danger Room blog. The college didn’t respond to The Associated Press’ requests for copies of the documents, but a Pentagon spokesman authenticated the documents. Dooley still works for the college, but is no longer teaching, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey said.

Dooley refused to comment to the AP, saying “Can’t talk to you, sir,” and hanging up when reached by telephone at his office Thursday.

A summary of Dooley’s military service record provided by Army Human Resources Command at Fort Knox, Ky., shows that he was commissioned as a second lieutenant upon graduation from the US Military Academy at West Point in May 1994. He has served overseas tours in Germany, Bosnia, Kuwait and Iraq. He has numerous awards including a Bronze Star Medal, the fourth-highest military award for bravery, heroism or meritorious service.

In what he termed a model for a campaign to force a transformation of Islam, Dooley called for “a direct ideological and philosophical confrontation with Islam,” with the presumption that Islam is an ideology rather than just a religion. He further asserted that Islam has already declared war on the West and the US specifically.

“It is therefore illogical” to continue with the current US strategy — which Dooley said presumes there is a way of finding common ground with Islamic religious leaders — without “waging near ‘total war,’” he wrote.

The course on Islam was an elective taught since 2004 and not part of the required core curriculum. It was offered five times a year, with about 20 students each time, meaning roughly 800 students have taken the course over the years.

Though Dooley has been teaching at the college since August 2010, it was unclear when he took on that particular class, called “Perspectives on Islam and Islamic Radicalism.”

The joint staff suspended the course after it had received a student complaint, and within days Dempsey ordered all service branches to review their training to ensure other courses don’t use anti-Islamic material.

On Thursday, Dempsey said the material in the Norfolk course was counter to American “appreciation for religious freedom and cultural awareness.”

“It was just totally objectionable, against our values, and it wasn’t academically sound,” Dempsey said when asked about the matter at a Pentagon news conference. “This wasn’t about … pushing back on liberal thought; this was objectionable, academically irresponsible.”

In his July 2011 presentation on a “counterjihad,” Dooley asserted that the rise of what he called a “military Islam/Islamist resurgence” compels the United States to consider extreme measures, “unconstrained by fears of political incorrectness.”

He described his purpose as generating “dynamic discussion and thought,” while noting that his ideas and proposals are not official US government policy and cannot be found in any current official Defense Department documents.

A Pentagon inquiry is seeking to determine whether someone above the professor’s level is supposed to approve course materials and whether that approval process was followed in this case, said Col. Dave Lapan, spokesman for Dempsey.

The problem of negative portrayals of Islam in federal government is not new. A six-month review the FBI launched into agent training material uncovered 876 offensive or inaccurate pages that had been used in 392 presentations, including a PowerPoint slide that said the bureau can sometimes bend or suspend the law in counterterror investigations.

That is significant because ever since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the FBI has stressed the importance of working with leaders in the Muslim community as an important part of the battle against terrorism. The FBI review began last September after Wired.com reported that the FBI had discontinued a lecture in which the instructor told agent trainees in Virginia that the more devout a Muslim is, the more likely he is to be violent.


What else justification is required to not to hate Americans.
You are becoming what you profess to hate?! OMG! :D

I merely wish to confine myself to discussing the topic:

Wargames and theorizing should not be used as an excuse to bash USA in this case. Only people rendered irrational by hatred can do that, as exemplified by certain posts above.


PS: I don't lie.

What this incident shows are underlying, far proliferated feelings of baseless and senseless militant hatred amongst the general American population vis-a-vis Islam; fanaticism, so to speak. Pun intended.

It would be prudent not to boast of that ability even it really existed. It only serves to highlight the increasing dangers posed by a intractably problematic country.

Dangers posed to the foes of the said "intractably problematic" country. Serves the purpose well.

So what do you propose US Army should do with him?

What is the "proper punishment" for having the audacity to speak about destroying Mecca and Medina according to you?:butcher:

Exactly what it asked of the Pakistani army with regards to the 'taliban sympathizers' in it's ranks.

When I see the name "ColtsFan", I think, "now there is a guy immune to abuse! Sooo used to disappointment."

(PS...it is hard not to fall into Ltc. Dooley's mindset, you have to constantly remind yourself that it is a minority of Muslims that are like that, even if it is a large minority. Trouble is, the moderates don't speak out. I know why of course, if you feel under siege you tend to close ranks and even symathise with the radicals, just look at Germany and the Nazis)

Not quite. The 'moderates', as you put it, have been yelling out at the top of their lungs since the start of these shenanigans. There are those who see them, hear them but tell of them otherwise and then there are those who eat it all up. Its a very simple game. But you wouldn't "believe" me. Your a player in it yourself, aren't you.
BTW.. anybody remember the final scenes in Angelina Jolie's SALT?
Where Mecca is being targeted??
There is an underlying tone within this war of the crusades, as much as it is denied.. those neo-cons that started it.. thought of nothing else.


What else justification is required to not to hate Americans.

Hate does not resolve hate: EDUCATION resolves hate.
Top U.S. General Condemns Anti-Islamic Training Course

Chairman of the U.S.Joints Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey condemned the course.

May 11, 2012
The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff has condemned a Defense Department training course that taught troops to prepare for a "total war" against Islam.

Army General Martin Dempsey said on May 10 that the course was "totally objectionable" and "wasn't academically sound."

The optional course for high-level officers at the Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia, proposed waging a war against Muslim civilians "whenever necessary" and used the World War II-era fire-bombing of Dresden and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as examples.

The course reportedly taught that nuclear attacks against the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina could be acceptable.:angry:

The Pentagon suspended the course last month after a student complained and launched an investigation into how it came to be included in the school's curriculum.

The responsible instructor, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dooley, has been suspended from teaching.

Lecturers told students to think of themselves as an anti-Islamic "resistance movement."

Dempsey added on that a letter had been sent to each branch of the U.S. military and all regional command structures ordering them to review training materials for anti-Islamic content, in correspondence with a November 2011 directive from U.S. President Barack Obama.

That order came following disclosure of anti-Islamic content in training materials used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Justice Department, and the military.

The Defense Department plans to issue a report on its investigation by the end of the month.

Top U.S. General Condemns Anti-Islamic Training Course
What about education meant to incite hate?
education on blowing up Mecca and Medina.. .. brings hate.

That course was not an incitement to hate; it was merely a war games course, as part of an ongoing process of theorizing different scenarios.

Given what happened in 1979, what would happen if some Jewish radicals takes over Masjid Al-Haram, for example, is another scenario one should think about, or even an Iranian group, or a third party, say Boku Haram or Al-Shabab, and plants explosives right up to a low yield nuclear weapon. What then? It is only prudent to be prepared.

Besides, if one truly believes that Allah Himself has promised to protect Mecca and Medina, there should be not reason to worry about their safety, is there?

Don't be so quick to hate.
Besides, if one truly believes that Allah Himself has promised to protect Mecca and Medina, there should be not reason to worry about their safety, is there?

Don't be so quick to hate.

yet in this case the scenario specifically targeted Mecca and Medina with the intention that they were revered by Muslims.
Its not about hate.. its about dual intentions..
At one point there are people like you.. successful Muslims in the US contributing to the US economy.. a testament to the vision of the original founding fathers of the US. Yet, here in the nation's premier military academy there are scenario's being taught and dreamed up to attack the very thing Muslims hold sacred.. Muslims who are as much a part of the US as I dare say.. the cherokee's are.. and for all other Muslims seeking the American dream.. a reminder that whatever they try for, they will be considered outsiders and not welcome.
after all.. even if by mistake.. an 18 month old baby was taken off a flight for being on the "no-fly" list?? Does common sense not prevail among those types that make such errors and preach such anti-Islam scenarios?
After all.. its not about hurting a certain race.. so that the Arabs in the US may feel queasy because Arab countries are under attack..
This is about targeting a religion whose adherents exceed a billion humans.. over 2 million in the US alone..What about the backlash this will trigger worldwide if some terrorist organization decides to use this to their advantage?
I do think this act does not need defence.. rather a strong protest by an organization such as CAIR

Allah has promised to protect Mecca.. thats his house.. No need to worry our heads about it
Medina is the home of our prophet .. and its a Muslims responsibility to protect it...
Which is why back in the 60's .. the Saudi's told an over eager Pakistani General with a presentation on "the defence of Makkah" to stop after 5 minutes.. since Makkah is not their responsibility, and hence they dont need to be bothered about it.
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