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U.S intentions:The World Truth


Aug 25, 2009
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I am an American, born and raised.

As you may know here in the U.S the government/and the people their in beds with in the Corporate world play Key Roles in our Media weather it being the bastards Right-Wing Conservatives at FOX,MSNBC,etc, It's nothing new, many get brainwashes by watching the Television and playing to hysteria that doesn't exist..Our true intentions is to have our interests secure whether it being in the Old Rich Middle East, for now I give about 20 years for that region to have the energy resources of the world. But later on the next region to have the energy source of the world will be Central Asia, and two Countries that come into mind is Afghanistan, and Pakistan both can be the energy corridor to the East to China, to the Central of Asian, and to the West of Europe.
We have already established ourselves in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan but to all's well our ambitions to seen that of a God controling world order, but in truth we are only humans. As you watch the news, read web articles abroad you can see we can no longer win the so called "War on Terror" because that was in inside job by the MOSSAD, and CIA operatives. I will not go into that topic for now, maybe another time. We are being drained of money, and resources. Now the Obama administration want to send 40000-60000 troops in Afghanistan of course get us more into debt and have the cost of more of men and women die for cause to fill your pockets.
A perspective to see in the eyes of Americans is that if we leave, the international community say that we lost the war, therefore we cannot leave..The following video is a man who speaks the truth Webster Tarpley an American Investigative Journalist. I hope, I can shed some light on our intentions, even though some of you may already know here's some light :D..

-Now blast away!!
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I thought Russia Today, well the Studio in D.C would censor this for sure, but I guess not..
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