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U.S. Influence Rises in Asia amid Chinese Disputes


Aug 4, 2009
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U.S. Influence in Asia Revives Amid China’s Disputes

BEIJING — For the last several years, one big theme has dominated talk of the future of Asia: As China rises, its neighbors are being inevitably drawn into its orbit, currying favor with the region’s new hegemonic power.

A recent visitor to a museum in Shenyang, China, dedicated to the outbreak of war between Japan and China in 1931 carried a sign that referred to Japan's wartime occupation of much of China and called on Tokyo to release a detained Chinese fisherman.

The presumed loser, of course, is the United States, whose wealth and influence are being spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and whose economic troubles have eroded its standing in a more dynamic Asia.

But rising frictions between China and its neighbors in recent weeks over security issues have handed the United States an opportunity to reassert itself — one the Obama administration has been keen to take advantage of.

Washington is leaping into the middle of heated territorial disputes between China and Southeast Asian nations despite stern Chinese warnings that it mind its own business. The United States is carrying out naval exercises with South Korea in order to help Seoul rebuff threats from North Korea even though China is denouncing those exercises, saying that they intrude on areas where the Chinese military operates.

Meanwhile, China’s increasingly tense standoff with Japan over a Chinese fishing trawler captured by Japanese ships in disputed waters is pushing Japan back under the American security umbrella.

The arena for these struggles is shifting this week to a summit meeting of world leaders at the United Nations. Wen Jiabao, the Chinese prime minister, has refused to meet with his Japanese counterpart, Naoto Kan, and on Tuesday he threatened Japan with “further action” if it did not unconditionally release the fishing captain.

On Friday, President Obama is expected to meet with Southeast Asian leaders and promise that the United States is willing to help them peacefully settle South China Sea territorial disputes with China.

“The U.S. has been smart,” said Carlyle A. Thayer, a professor at the Australian Defense Force Academy who studies security issues in Asia. “It has done well by coming to the assistance of countries in the region.”

“All across the board, China is seeing the atmospherics change tremendously,” he added. “The idea of the China threat, thanks to its own efforts, is being revived.”

Asserting Chinese sovereignty over borderlands in contention — everywhere from Tibet to Taiwan to the South China Sea — has long been the top priority for Chinese nationalists, an obsession that overrides all other concerns. But this complicates China’s attempts to present the country’s rise as a boon for the whole region and creates wedges between China and its neighbors.

Nothing underscores that better than the escalating diplomatic conflict between China and Japan over the detention of the Chinese fishing captain, Zhan Qixiong, by the Japanese authorities, who say the captain rammed two Japanese vessels around the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea. The islands are administered by Japan but claimed by both Japan and China.

The current dispute may strengthen the military alliance between the United States and Japan, as did an incident last April when a Chinese helicopter buzzed a Japanese destroyer. Such confrontations tend to remind Japanese officials, who have suggested that they need to refocus their foreign policy on China instead of America, that they rely on the United States to balance an unpredictable China, analysts say.

“Japan will have no choice but to further go into America’s arms, to further beef up the U.S.-Japan alliance and its military power,” said Huang Jing, a scholar of the Chinese military at the National University of Singapore.

In July, Southeast Asian nations, particularly Vietnam, applauded when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said that the United States was willing to help mediate a solution to disputes that those nations had with China over the South China Sea, which is rich in oil, natural gas and fish. China insists on dealing with Southeast Asian nations one on one, but Mrs. Clinton said the United States supported multilateral talks. Freedom of navigation in the sea is an American national interest, she said.

President Obama meets on Friday with leaders from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or Asean. The Associated Press reported that the participants would issue a joint statement opposing the “use or threat of force by any claimant attempting to enforce disputed claims in the South China Sea.” The statement is clearly aimed at China, which has seized Vietnamese fishing vessels in recent years and detained their crews.

On Tuesday, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Jiang Yu, criticized any attempt at mediation by the United States. “We firmly oppose any country having nothing to do with the South China Sea issue getting involved in the dispute,” she said at a news conference in Beijing.

China has also been objecting to American plans to hold military exercises with South Korea in the Yellow Sea, which China claims as its exclusive military operations zone. The United States and South Korea want to send a stern message to North Korea over what Seoul says was the torpedoing last March of a South Korean warship by a North Korean submarine. China’s belligerence serves only to reinforce South Korea’s dependence on the American military.

American officials are increasingly concerned about the modernization of China’s navy and its long-range abilities, as well as China’s growing assertiveness in the surrounding waters. In March, a Chinese official told White House officials that the South China Sea was part of China’s “core interest” of sovereignty, similar to Tibet and Taiwan, an American official said in an interview at the time. American officials also object to China’s telling foreign oil companies not to work with Vietnam on developing oil fields in the South China Sea.

Some Chinese military leaders and analysts see an American effort to contain China. Feng Zhaokui, a Japan scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an article on Tuesday in The Global Times, a populist newspaper, that the United States was trying to “nurture a coalition against China.”

In August, Rear Adm. Yang Yi wrote an editorial for The PLA Daily, published by the Chinese Army, in which he said that on one hand, Washington “wants China to play a role in regional security issues.”

“On the other hand,” he continued, “it is engaging in an increasingly tight encirclement of China and is constantly challenging China’s core interests.”

Asian countries suspicious of Chinese intentions see Washington as a natural ally. In April, the incident involving the Chinese helicopter and Japanese destroyer spooked many in Japan, making them feel vulnerable at a time when Yukio Hatoyama, then the prime minister, had angered Washington with his pledges to relocate a Marine Corps air base away from Okinawa.

His successor, Mr. Kan, has sought to smooth out ties with Washington and has emphasized that the alliance is the cornerstone of Japanese foreign policy.

“Insecurity about China’s presence has served as a wake-up call on the importance of the alliance,” said Fumiaki Kubo, a professor of public policy at the University of Tokyo.


Even NYT agrees with the fact that "asserting Chinese sovereignty over borderlands in contention — everywhere from Tibet to Taiwan to the South China Sea — has long been the top priority for Chinese nationalists, an obsession that overrides all other concerns."

The "peaceful rise" theory is nothing but a farce, a delusion to cover-up China's true expansionist intentions. And because of this, a non-Asian country (the United States) is gaining more foothold in Asia. If this century is to be the "Asian Century", then trust and cooperation among Asian countries is paramount. Unfortunately, the Chinese don't get that.
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The "peaceful rise" theory is nothing but a farce, a delusion to cover-up China's true expansionist intentions. And because of this, a non-Asian country (the United States) is gaining more foothold in Asia. If this century is to be the "Asian Century", then trust and cooperation among Asian countries is paramount. Unfortunately, the Chinese don't get that.

Strong words buddy.

If you think that China does NOT want a "peaceful rise"... then what country do you think China wants to declare war on, before our economic development has finished?

Tell me why we would want to throw away all of our economic growth, just for a pointless war?

These angry words are just a method for the Chinese government to appease the ultra-nationalists within our country. Nobody actually believes that we are going to declare war on somebody just for the hell of it. The Chinese government is pragmatic, they won't do something if there is no benefit to be gained from it.
Strong words buddy.

If you think that China does NOT want a "peaceful rise"... then who do you think China wants to declare war on, before our economic development has finished?

Tell me why we would want to throw away all of our economic growth, just for a pointless war?

So, China's sole motivation to not go to war with any other country is just to maintain its economic health. And, what happens when the economic growth becomes stagnant?

Trust me, that attitude does not make your neighboring countries feel any better.
So, China's sole motivation to not go to war with any other country is just to maintain its economic health. And, what happens when the economic growth becomes stagnant?

No, I did NOT say that. Where did you read that?

That is just one reason, there are many others. Nuclear weapons is another big issue. In your "dreams of war", how do you think China is going to solve that problem?

Trust me, that attitude does not make your neighboring countries feel any better.

When people say "trust me" on the internet it doesn't inspire any confidence.

Plus, making other countries/people "feel better" is hardly our job. If you feel bad, take some aspirin.
U.S. Influence in Asia Revives Amid China’s Disputes


Even NYT agrees with the fact that "asserting Chinese sovereignty over borderlands in contention — everywhere from Tibet to Taiwan to the South China Sea — has long been the top priority for Chinese nationalists, an obsession that overrides all other concerns."

The "peaceful rise" theory is nothing but a farce, a delusion to cover-up China's true expansionist intentions. And because of this, a non-Asian country (the United States) is gaining more foothold in Asia. If this century is to be the "Asian Century", then trust and cooperation among Asian countries is paramount. Unfortunately, the Chinese don't get that.

If by expansionist you mean by not fighting a single war in 30 years and having a government that is trying its best to tone down the nationalistic sentiments then yes, we are very expansionist.:china:
If by expansionist you mean by not fighting a single war in 30 years and having a government that is trying its best to tone down the nationalistic sentiments then yes, we are very expansionist.:china:

And no to mention the one-child policy. Has anyone ever heard of an expansionist empire trying hard to reduce its population?
U.S. Influence in Asia Revives Amid China’s Disputes


Even NYT agrees with the fact that "asserting Chinese sovereignty over borderlands in contention — everywhere from Tibet to Taiwan to the South China Sea — has long been the top priority for Chinese nationalists, an obsession that overrides all other concerns."

The "peaceful rise" theory is nothing but a farce, a delusion to cover-up China's true expansionist intentions. And because of this, a non-Asian country (the United States) is gaining more foothold in Asia. If this century is to be the "Asian Century", then trust and cooperation among Asian countries is paramount. Unfortunately, the Chinese don't get that.

Good humor feeling.
U.S. Influence in Asia Revives Amid China’s Disputes


Even NYT agrees with the fact that "asserting Chinese sovereignty over borderlands in contention — everywhere from Tibet to Taiwan to the South China Sea — has long been the top priority for Chinese nationalists, an obsession that overrides all other concerns."

The "peaceful rise" theory is nothing but a farce, a delusion to cover-up China's true expansionist intentions. And because of this, a non-Asian country (the United States) is gaining more foothold in Asia. If this century is to be the "Asian Century", then trust and cooperation among Asian countries is paramount. Unfortunately, the Chinese don't get that.

To quote some wise Indian members here. Sympathy is easy to get, Jealousy you have to earn. Suits your case very well.
The reason why US is back in Asia ?

They are seeing that their days of being the sole superpower has been counted , they will exploit any opportunity to get China into Fight with any country and then their media will blow everything out of proportion all countries will leave china and will keep buying weapons from US to safeguard themselves.

They want to stop Asia from rising and they are making asians believe that China is dangerous and is a threat but the real threat is yankees themselves who have invaded Asia a dozen times !
Strong words buddy.

If you think that China does NOT want a "peaceful rise"... then what country do you think China wants to declare war on, before our economic development has finished?

Yes strong words indeed. The policy of "peaceful rise" cant be termed as a farce. That would be going too far. But apprehensions do remain - China has gotten more assertive with its neighbors. I know some of my Chinese friends are going to contest this claim, but that how the majority of us feel here. This does not argue very well for China's image. Years of anti-foreign propaganda, leaves the party very little room to maneuver on sensitive issues lest they be labeled as traitors. The other problem is that just a few top party members end up making foreign policy which is usually not consistent with what the majority of Chinese feel. for example - the Chinese policy would have been more accommodating towards India had this policy been influenced by the opinion of the Chinese people, who tend to see India more favorably compared to Japan or the United States.

With such apprehensions about China, the question is "what happens when China has risen?". If the intention is peace, well & good, but with the image problem that China currently enjoys, few people are willing to buy that line. Unless the Chinese government themselves come forward and try to calm these apprehensions, these perception will remain and only grow stronger by the day. Till date their actions have only antagonized their neighbors.
Yes strong words indeed. The policy of "peaceful rise" cant be termed as a farce. That would be going too far. But apprehensions do remain - China has gotten more assertive with its neighbors. I know some of my Chinese friends are going to contest this claim, but that how the majority of us feel here. This does not argue very well for China's image. Years of anti-foreign propaganda, leaves the party very little room to maneuver on sensitive issues lest they be labeled as traitors. The other problem is that just a few top party members end up making foreign policy which is usually not consistent with what the majority of Chinese feel. for example - the Chinese policy would have been more accommodating towards India had this policy been influenced by the opinion of the Chinese people, who tend to see India more favorably compared to Japan or the United States.

With such apprehensions about China, the question is "what happens when China has risen?". If the intention is peace, well & good, but with the image problem that China currently enjoys, few people are willing to buy that line. Unless the Chinese government themselves come forward and try to calm these apprehensions, these perception will remain and only grow stronger by the day. Till date their actions have only antagonized their neighbors.

The fact is, no country's foreign policy is democratic. Absolutely none. Our leadership may be harsh on India at times, but rest assured, you're not being treated as badly as South Korea or Vietnam.
The fact is, no country's foreign policy is democratic. Absolutely none. Our leadership may be harsh on India at times, but rest assured, you're not being treated as badly as South Korea or Vietnam.

Yes that is true that no countries foreign policy is entirely democratic, but in democratic societies public opinion plays a very major part in not allowing a draconian foreign policy to be implemented. It checks the excesses that a government might indulge in terms of foreign policy.

Lets take the Netherlands for example - they have ended the Afghanistan deployment as the public opinion is not in favor of it, though the government had favored a continued deployment to keep Washington happy.

and what is all this talk of not treating us as badly as South Korea or Vietnam? are you doing us a favor? this is precisely the arrogant attitude that we associate with the Chinese government here (as different to the people). India is no push over & neither are Japan, South Korea or even Vietnam. Antagonize them at your peril or try to reconcile the differences.
I hope the US and India get what they are working for.

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