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U.S. gravitational wave detection experiment looking at India as a possible


Oct 12, 2010
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U.S. gravitational wave detection experiment looking at India as a possible site

A golden opportunity has possibly come knocking at the doors of the steadily growing Indian gravitational wave (GW) research community with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) at Caltech, U.S.A., recently identifying India as a potential site for locating its third interferometer.

GW research in India is coordinated by the Indian Initiative for Gravitational-wave Observations (IndIGO), a consortium of researchers from 11 institutions, including the Inter-University for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Raman Research Institute (RRI), the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) and the Institute for Plasma Research (IPR). IndIGO has accordingly drawn up a roadmap for a phased Indian strategy towards building a third generation GW detector in India, as part of which building a 3 m prototype detector has already been initiated by the TIFR (The Hindu, September 19, 2010).

LIGO Laboratory already has two 4-km long baseline interferometer detectors in the U.S., one at Livingston and one at Hanford. The third interferometer was originally proposed to be part of the LIGO Laboratory itself by co-locating it in the same tunnel as the Hanford detector. However, in a reworked strategy in 2010, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) proposed to its funding agency, the National Science Foundation (NSF), to locate it in foreign soil, such as Australia or India, to enhance the sky coverage and greatly enhancing the scientific returns from the experiment.

The latest development comes in the wake of LIGO Laboratory's assessment at the recent review of the LIGO project on October 7 that the original proposal of locating the third interferometer in Australia is unlikely to fructify because the Australian government is almost certain not to fund the project. According to the original proposal, LIGO was to ship all the equipment that is already ready to Australia and Australia was required raise funds to the tune of $140 m to build the infrastructure (including vacuum systems) and human resource and meet the operational cost over 10 years (about $60 m) through domestic resources as well as international collaboration with countries such as India, Germany, France and Italy.

As part of its phased-strategy IndIGO had entered into an MoU with the Australian Consortium for Interferometric Gravitational Astronomy (ACIGA) for enabling Indian researchers to participate in LIGO-Australia to gain experience in state-of-the-art high-precision techniques of GW detection. There was also an in-principle nod from the Indian funding agencies for Indian contribution in kind towards the project pending Australia's final decision. The deadline for Australia to decide was October 2011.\

Sole option

While Australian agencies saw the merits of LIGO-Australia, they could not find an appropriate funding channel to support it. The recent move by LIGO to look at India as a possible site means that we now have a proposal for LIGO-India in place of LIGO-Australia. LIGO has also now clearly indicated that LIGO-India will be sole option for locating the third detector on foreign soil and, accordingly, it has asked for NSF's concurrence to pursue the LIGO-India proposal. LIGO has also prepared a White Paper on the proposal. It has also initiated discussions with Indian researchers and institutions towards this end.

A seven-member NSF panel which heard the proposal on the October 7 review gave its initial statement on the science case for LIGO-India, which was positive. “The panel believes that the science case for LIGO-India is compelling, and reason enough to move forward in the near-term with the understanding that there are a number of outstanding issues with [regard to] funding, site selection, selection of institutional leadership, top management and technical expertise that must be resolved before making a deeper commitment,” it said. The panel will submit its final report by November 11, 2011.

Unlike Australia, India is perhaps in a better position to decide on the funding :bounce::devil::yahoo: as the Planning Commission is currently in the process of considering mega-science projects (MSP) to be funded in the 12th Five-year Plan. It remains to be seen if LIGO-India finds a place in the MSP sub-committee's scheme of things for 2012-17. :argh:


In recent months there have been other positive developments for the Indian GW research community. In July, IndIGO was accepted as the newest member of the Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC). “This marks an important recognition to the Consortium by the international GW community,” a GWIC statement said.

Last month, the IndIGO Consortium as a whole was accepted as a member research group of the LSC. Earlier only a couple of institutions were part of it. LSC is an international collaboration made up of over 800 scientists working on GW observation programme and is responsible for analysing the data from the LIGO detectors in the U.S. and the GEO600 detector in Germany. The VIGO detector in Italy has a data sharing arrangement with the LSC. It has already been decided that a significant share of the 20 teraflops high-performance computing facility at IUCAA will be available for data analysis by IndIGO scientists.

At a recent meeting of the LSC, the LSC Council too extensively discussed the benefits of LIGO-India proposal. On September 27 it adopted the following resolution: “The LSC strongly endorses the scientific advantage of a network with three LIGO detectors in different locations, including India, if NSF and the LIGO Laboratory consider it favourably.”

Major challenge

Direct detection GWs that Einstein's theory of gravitation predicts has been a major challenge for physics and at present there is only indirect evidence for their existence. The effect of GWs on instruments on the Earth is very feeble and decades of efforts have failed to pick up the signals. But with vast improvements in technology, current detectors have now reached the sensitivity close to the detection threshold and the time is right for the Indian research community to seize the opportunity. If it materialises, this would mean a major boost for Indian GW research and a mega project of this nature also has immense potential to attract young researchers into the field.

The Hindu : News / National : U.S. gravitational wave detection experiment looking at India as a possible site
Mega benefits from Mega science

India spends over $2.5bn on science and technology by participating and contributing towards the so called Mega Projects on the planet.

Additionally we produce 5000 science doctorates per year, a vast resource.

This would indeed imply a terra firma for harvesting rich rewards. Reminding ourselves that where there is basic science there is industrial growth and where there is industrial growth there is basic science, let's look deeper.

What is Mega Science and what are Mega Projects

In the early days Mega Science was defined as "big money, big machines" and was used to refer mainly to unique experimental apparatus like particle accelerators, ground or space telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope, and Space Exploration (ESA and ISS). However this definition has evolved since and now applies to complex research where not only very large sums of money, necessitating partnerships between different countries, are a requirement but also large teams of competent researchers, thus needing cross-border co-operations between countries and participating institutes often over long periods of time. Consequently an efficient technical coordination and streamlined resource management becomes mandatory over the project duration. The evolution of cross disciplinary competence is a natural outcome throughout the life of such a Mega Project.

Some examples of such research programs are found in studies of the Human Genome, Oceanographic studies, Weather Forecasting and Biodiversity. International facilities as those for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), International Thermo Nuclear Experiment Reactor (ITER), and Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) amongst others house Mega Science and Mega Projects. In these large international collaborations India is well represented. Her role in the local Large Hadron Collider experimental program at CERN, showed the entire world that we can participate in giant endeavours spanning the globe and have the technological wherewithal in both hardware and software technologies. Nonetheless no single country can keep its scientific and technological progress at par with international standards without the assistance of other countries.

As Betrand Russel once said: "almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attributable to the progress in science". This desire to extend our knowledge and go beyond the present limits is part of our heritage and cultural life. Benefits follow naturally.

A Mega Project provides opportunities and platforms to work together facilitating first hand experiencing of work ethic and scientific and technological developments in other countries. By allowing access to sophisticated research facilities, it permits an interaction between colleagues at all levels thus filling the lacuna of know-how and knowledge resulting in an accelerated pace of development.

Coming to the point of education and outreach, nothing can beat the 'Black Hole' phenomena that suddenly glamorized particle physics all over the world, particularly in India. This is one example where a Mega science project caught the imagination (literally - remember the imaginary end of the world on Sept 10th 2008) and popularized science in the country. Little known CERN Laboratory in Geneva became the buzzword for all of September 2008 and thereafter. Several Institutes, students and teaching staff from remote corners of the country became interested to forge partnerships, sending interns and becoming part of the phenomena. As a very miniscule part of all this I had the proud privilege of hosting 11 Indian students for the very first time this summer at CERN. These students from the field of engineering were working as interns in various technological fields and have created a proud impact both at CERN, and in the country.

We absolutely need to continue and take these partnerships to another dimension namely bringing the large science into each classroom and into the common man's life.

What are commercial benefits from Mega Science projects?

As an incubator for invention and for the development of new products, services, ideas and organizations, cross-disciplinary frontier research results in ambitious initiatives. Did anyone predict the colossal impact the World Wide Web, developed at CERN for sharing scientific data among collaborators? To propose and defend a bold idea is only possible within a framework of likeminded competent people which is provided by a Mega Project.

Some of direct spin offs can be seen for example in medicine: CCD imagers designed for the Hubble Space Telescope now guide breast biopsy procedures reducing surgery costs by 75%. Adaptive optics from advance Telescopes help map the eye retina and are leading to improved surgery and corrective lenses. PET (Positron Emission Tomography) is a very important technique for localizing and studying certain types of cancer by using antimatter. Detectors developed at CERN replace film with digital detectors and digital X-rays allow radiologists to gather high-quality image and expose patient to much lower doses of X-rays. Mammograms are low-dose X-rays for the detection of breast cancer and around 9000 of the 17000 accelerators operating in the world today are used for medicine and therapy. The World Wide Web provides seamless access to information that is stored in many millions of different geographical locations. The Grid is an infrastructure that provides seamless access to computing power and data storage capacity distributed over the globe. The weather Grid system comprises thousands of interlinked computers helping to process complex weather data to improve forecasting. Distributed computing allows remotely located PCs work on small sections of huge amounts of data. Money and human lives can and are being saved using accurate weather forecasting. The list of spin-offs is endless. :yahoo:

In a nutshell, significant returns on financial investments are made in Mega Projects. Financial multipliers in the order of 2.7 for ESA and 3.7 for CERN clearly indicate that money invested in mega science generates two to four fold returns for the investors and industry at large.

International collaborations at CERN for example, have been very successful in technology transfer, where research developments have led to applications in other fields. A pioneering study carried out at CERN into the effect of the experience that technological industrial partners gain through working in the arena of Mega Science revealed variety of outcomes which included technological learning, the development of new products and markets, and impact on the firm's organization. Together, these findings implied ways in which CERN - and by implication other Mega Science Centers and Projects - could further boost technology transfer into spill-over benefits for industrial knowledge and enhance their contribution to industrial R&D and innovation. Important signs of development of new businesses, products and services, and increased internationalization of sales and marketing operations (38% new products and 60% new customers) have resulted after the international exposure and direct contractual relationship.

Urgent progress is needed in combining international networking and critical mass, stimulating reform of national laboratories, in putting together science and research, advanced academic and technical training, engineering and industry, in joining successfully the efforts and investments of national research agencies, laboratories and universities, in closing the gap between students and professionals at the most demanding international level.

By giving priority to science, we look forward to celebrating and pushing technical ingenuity well beyond its limits, building a monument of human civilization and to the power of knowledge - called India! After all 'imagination is more important than knowledge' - Einstein!

Archana Sharma, a scientist of Indian origin, has worked at CERN--also called the Big Bang Experiment--in Geneva for more than 14 years. She's now trying to interest Indian students in internships at the world's largest science experiment.

IBNLive : Archana Sharma's Blog : Mega benefits from Mega science
Gravitational wave

In physics, gravitational waves are theoretical ripples in the curvature of spacetime which propagates as a wave, traveling outward from the source. Predicted to exist by Albert Einstein in 1916 on the basis of his theory of general relativity, gravitational waves theoretically transport energy as gravitational radiation. Sources of gravitational waves could possibly include binary star systems composed of white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes.

The existence of gravitational waves is possibly a consequence of the Lorentz invariance of general relativity since it brings the concept of a limiting speed of propagation of the physical interactions with it. Gravitational waves cannot exist in the Newtonian theory of gravitation, since in it physical interactions propagate at infinite speed.

Although gravitational radiation has not been directly detected, there is indirect evidence for its existence. For example, the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for measurements of the Hulse-Taylor binary system which suggests gravitational waves are more than mathematical anomalies. Various gravitational wave detectors exist. However, they remain unsuccessful in detecting such phenomena.

Gravitational wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gravitational wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

invested in mega science generates two to four fold returns for the investors and industry at large.

There is the rub and I guess why the Aussies weren’t interested, sure the ideas make money down the line but often not for the people who pay for the original research. Australia can sink 20 mil into a project that may make 80million or spend the 20 on another mine and make more shipping coal/iron to China.
Bhai ye 110 KM ki speed pe Bouncer pe Bouncer maar Rha hai....

Gravitational-Gravity force se samjh aa gya
Wave-chal i know its meaning
Detection-Bhai iske meaning ko bhi detect kar liya..

so its something related to how to detect Gravitational wave...m i Right or m i Right....
what i can think of is :

like electromagnetic radiations, gravitational radiation also travel with speed of light.( not experimentally verified ). The reason for the above claim is based on the theory that gravity is the slope of space time.

Now light takes full 8.3 minutes to reach earth. That means the light which is visible was emitted 8.3 minutes ago. ie the changes felt on earth ( due to sun ) will be 8.3 minutes lagging behind what is transpiring on surface of sun.

Now suppose sun vanishes suddenly, then(claim) earth will keep revolving around in its path around sun till after 8.3 minutes of the sun's absence and then take a tangential path and leave the solar system. Thus this gravitational interaction has to travel in the form of wave.

All the elaborate drama is to verify those claims.
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