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U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

No can you please explain profesor. :rofl:
I give you a simple difference. ADZ is a fancy word for Airspace Defense Zone, or basically territorial airspace, and country has complete legal right to use force to shoot any airplane intruding in this airspace. This airspace can extend only to 12 nautical miles from the controlled sovereign land.

And ADIZ is an identification zone, which purpose is to identify airplane moving into this zone to prevent any plane from accidentally or intentionally flying into the ADZ, in which case, a sovereign country has legal right to shoot and put this plane in danger. This is why an ADIZ requires other country cooperation to prevent any damage if it is heading in the wrong direction. There is no limitation as to how far an ADIZ can be set. But generally speaking, an ADIZ should not be set to hit the limit of other country ADZ.
I speak the truth. The Indian either don't know or confused the purpose of ADIZ. Then Mr. Gambit trying to save the Indian from embarrassment by bringing up some irrelevant stealth stuff in which I am not aware of a single thing. Then he goes on something which I ignored. So I ask you Indian again, do you understand what ADIZ and ADZ is?

WASHINGTON—A pair of American B-52 bombers flew over disputed islands in the East China Sea without informing Beijing, U.S. officials said Tuesday, in a direct challenge to China and its establishment of its recently declared air-defense zone.:o::o::o::o::o::o:

The planes flew out of Guam and entered the new Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone at about 7 p.m. Washington time Monday, according to a U.S. official.

Over the weekend, Beijing said it was establishing an air-defense zone covering disputed islands that are claimed by both Beijing and Tokyo but administered by Japan. The islands, the source of growing friction in the region, are known as the Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan.

U.S. defense officials earlier had promised that the U.S. would challenge the zone and wouldn't comply with Chinese requirements to file a flight plan, radio frequency or transponder information.

The flight of the B-52s, based at Anderson Air Force Base in Guam, were part of a long-planned exercise called Coral Lightning. The bombers weren't armed and weren't accompanied by escort planes.

But the routine flight took on new significance with China's weekend announcement, and it counters Beijing's attempts to strengthen its influence over the region. China had warned that aircraft that don't comply could be subject to a military response.

The establishment of the new zone was certain to have been approved by Xi Jinping, China's new leader, who became military chief at the same time as taking over as head of the Communist Party in November last year, analysts and diplomats said.

They see the move as part of a long-term strategy to try to gradually change the status quo in the East China Sea, and make it increasingly costly for Japan to enforce its claims, without ever crossing the red lines that might provoke an actual military conflict.

But some analysts now believe that China might have overplayed its hand by angering not just Japan and the U.S., but South Korea and Taiwan—both of which have air-defense zones that overlap China's—and several other countries that have territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea.

The U.S. official said that China didn't make contact with the B-52s as they flew over the islands. The planes returned to Guam after the exercise.:o::o::o::o::jester::jester::jester:

"The planes flew a pattern that included passing through the ADIZ," the official said. "The flight was without incident."

Calls to China's foreign and defense ministries went unanswered.

U.S. officials said they believe they had to challenge the ADIZ to make clear they don't consider the Chinese move to be appropriate. But they said they don't believe U.S. flights over the island will create a military conflict.

The White House said the territorial dispute between China and Japan should be solved diplomatically. "The policy announced by the Chinese over the weekend is unnecessarily inflammatory," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters in California, where President Barack Obama was traveling.

"These are the kinds of differences that should not be addressed with threats or inflammatory language," he said.

China is now requiring aircraft flying in the region to register their flight path with the Foreign Ministry, identify their transponder and their radio frequency. Col. Steve Warren, the Pentagon spokesman, said the U.S. wouldn't comply with those requirements.

"The United States military will continue conducting flight operations in the region, including with our allies and partners," said Col. Warren on Monday, prior to the B-52 flight. "We will not in any way change how we conduct our operations as a result of the Chinese policy of establishing an ADIZ, an Air Defense Identification Zone."

Col. Warren said the U.S. didn't agree with China's decision to establish the zone, and the U.S. wouldn't comply with it while flying over the disputed islands. "We see it as a destabilizing attempt to alter the status quo in the region," Col. Warren said.

Qin Gang, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, told a regular news briefing earlier in the day Tuesday that China's new zone wouldn't affect regular international civilian flights, according to a transcript on the Foreign Ministry web site.

Asked if China would take military action against aircraft that didn't comply with its demands in the zone, Mr. Qin said: "It was written very clearly in the announcement. With regard to the question you've asked, the Chinese side will make an appropriate response according to the different circumstances and the threat level that it might face."

China's Defense Ministry said Saturday that the Chinese military would take "defensive emergency measures" against aircraft that didn't obey the rules in the new zone. It didn't specify what those measures would be.

China's official Xinhua news agency announced earlier Tuesday that the country's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, was making its maiden voyage to the South China Sea, where China is also embroiled in territorial disputes with its neighbors.

The Liaoning left its homeport of Qingdao in eastern China on Tuesday and was being escorted by two destroyers and two frigates to the South China Sea where it would conduct training exercises, Xinhua said.

A Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman said Saturday that China was planning to establish more ADIZs, and many analysts expect one of them to be over the South China Sea, where China's claims overlap with those of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.

China had made some progress in easing tensions over the South China Sea in recent months with a charm offensive in Southeast Asia that was helped by President Obama's failure to attend a regional summit in Brunei in October because of the U.S. government shutdown.

That was seen by many Asian governments as a sign of declining U.S. influence, despite its pledge to refocus military and other resources on the region as part of a so-called "pivot" toward Asia.

Beijing's progress was undermined in the eyes of many, however, when it initially announced a donation of just $100,000 to help victims of a devastating typhoon in the Philippines, while the U.S. sent an aircraft carrier to spearhead the relief effort.

U.S. Directly Challenges China's Air Defense Zone - WSJ.com

I hope you understand the meaning of defence emergency... do you????

Russia Violates U.S. Airspace | Washington Free Beacon

Russian bombers didn't identify themselves to the US :lol:
feeling happy... now go to bed
No can you please explain profesor. :rofl:

Now u r ashamed to call urself Chinese just because u immigrated to canada..:lol:

Someone who's "ashamed to call myself Chinese" but is not pro-American / anti-China? Keep making more stupid comments, its great entertainment. Not everyone on this forum is Chinese/Indian/Pakistani, for your information.
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Exactly. This incident reminds me of our ancestor's struggle against Xiongnu. During the Western Han dynasty, after the establishment of the Han Dynasty, we bought our time to build our military and pay tribute to the Xiongnu. It was the same humiliation we endured with the Xiongnu, such as a letter from Xiongnu chanyu Modu wrote to Empress Lu Zhi, a very powerful figure in early Han Dynasty, to intimidate and mock her, as followed:

I'm a lonesome ruler born in marshes and raised in plains populated by lifestock. I've visited your border numerous times and wanted to tour China. Your Majesty is now alone and living in solitude. Since both of us are not happy and have nothing to entertain ourselves, I'm willing to use what I possess to exchange for what you lack.​

Lu Zhi was infuriated and her general advised her to rally an army to fight the Xiongnu immediately. But Ji Bu pointed out that the Xiongnu army was much more powerful than the current Han army who just finished fighting a tough war with Xiang Xu's army for supremacy. The soldiers were tired and had low morale. At Ji Bu's suggestion, the court fell into a fear silence and Lu Zhi rethink her plan and respond as followed,

Your Lordship does not forget our land and writes a letter to us, we fear. I retreat to preserve myself. I'm old and frail, I'm losing hair and teeth, and I struggle to maintain balance when I move. Your Lordship has heard wrongly, you shouldn't defile yourself. Our people did not offend you, and should be pardoned. We've two imperial carriages and eight fine steeds, which we graciously offer to Your Lordship.
What this lesson taught us is we MUST not respond forcefully but use clever way to counter respond to the US and buy our time. One day, it will come.

It is good to be patient. and good to learn from history.

I am an ardent student of Chinese history. So please allow me to present a bit more appropriate example.

The example I want to mention here is the opium wars of 1800s.

Opium Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is how it worked

1. Chinese industry earned a lot of money while exporting to the West
2. West (Brits) owed a lot of money
3. They figured out the easy way to get some of that money back from Chinese was to sell them opium
4. Chinese resisted
5. West waged war against them

Same thing with pre-WW2 Japan who earned a lot of money trading wth American. This American money paid for Japanese war machine.

This war machine threatened American interests.

Americans imposed sanctions

Japan attacked America

Americans then defeated Japan and subjugated Japan for decades to come

Right now China is somewhere between opium wars and pre-WW2 Japan.

So be careful guys.

Do not let your hot headed military oriented guys to push you into a war that will be bad for USA but terrible for Chinese people.
Please learn to read in bold.

China's Defense Ministry said Saturday that the Chinese military would take "defensive emergency measures" against aircraft that didn't obey the rules in the new zone. It didn't specify what those measures would be.

In order words, we can choose to send plane to check or use satellite to track this plane movement and would not be deem in violation of privacy considering we already announce that we set the ADIZ in the area as a defensive measure.

It is good to be patient. and good to learn from history.

I am an ardent student of Chinese history. So please allow me to present a bit more appropriate example.

The example I want to mention here is the opium wars of 1800s.

Opium Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is how it worked

1. Chinese industry earned a lot of money while exporting to the West
2. West (Brits) owed a lot of money
3. They figured out the easy way to get some of that money back from Chinese was to sell them opium
4. Chinese resisted
5. West waged war against them

Same thing with pre-WW2 Japan who earned a lot of money trading wth American. This American money paid for Japanese war machine.

This war machine threatened American interests.

Americans imposed sanctions

Japan attacked America

Americans then defeated Japan and subjugated Japan for decades to come

Right now China is somewhere between opium wars and pre-WW2 Japan.

So be careful guys.

Do not let your hot headed military oriented guys to push you into a war that will be bad for USA but terrible for Chinese people.
This is why I said we will not make any move to react to this event from America. We will continue to play this out with the US over the long run. When the time comes, we will be more proactive. I do believe for one that war with America is inevitable but it won't be now. You can bet on that.
Please learn to read in bold.

China's Defense Ministry said Saturday that the Chinese military would take "defensive emergency measures" against aircraft that didn't obey the rules in the new zone. It didn't specify what those measures would be.

In order words, we can choose to send plane to check or use satellite to track this plane movement and would not be deem in violation of privacy considering we already announce that we set the ADIZ in the area as a defensive measure.

This is why I said we will not make any move to react to this event from America. We will continue to play this out with the US over the long run. When the time comes, we will be more proactive. I do believe for one that war with America is inevitable but it won't be now. You can bet on that.

No, right now we are flying in what you claimed is your territory by establishing that ADIZ and couldn't do crap. So hence why we did it to prevent it from making it worse by establishing its an international airspace instead of China's airspace. Oh by the way just want to inform you that a carrier battlegroup with Japanese warships are heading there now.
Pretty much. This is a defence thread after all. A lot of posters who still haven't reconciled tot their short penile disorder and gets off of on big guns.


lol I almost feel sorry for them, and when I mean "them" I'm not even just referring to the Chinese hyper-nationalists here. I'm talking about any of the the bellicose nationalists (whatever nationality they might be)

They have absolutely no power outside of PDF in the real world. So they come to here to create their own circle jerk fantasy land and rant and rave about things they can never change.
China's Defense Ministry said Saturday that the Chinese military would take "defensive emergency measures"

Chinese "defense ministry" is issuing statements that appeal to the hawks among Chinese intellectuals.

No different from pre-WW2 Japanese "defense ministry". That too won the hearts and minds of hawks among Japanese intellectuals.

Bully get bullied.... where is hong wu brigade,,, Americans should be careful..... might hong wu bringing Df-.. and 300mt frat.... Gambit sir you must be careful....

LOL I miss HongWu!!He and Elis are two of my favorite cartoon charaters here :smitten:
lol I almost feel sorry for them, and when I mean "them" I'm not even just referring to the Chinese hyper-nationalists here. I'm talking about any of the the bellicose nationalists (whatever nationality they might be)

They have absolutely no power outside of PDF in the real world. So they come to here to create their own circle jerk fantasy land and rant and rave about things they can never change.

For some reason, the Chinese get under my skin the most. Which is stupid, since they have the most unimagiantive and blunt insults

LOL I miss HongWu!!He and Elis are two of my favorite cartoon charaters here :smitten:

Who is hong wu :-)
It is not a rule. It is a common standard for people to know their stuff before they act like they do.
If it is an acceptable standard, then it is a rule. Yours just happened to include your hatred of those who do not know what they are talking about and yet pretend they do.

Neither you really know about our stealth development because of the secret information is not available publicly and thus so can be debated as who is bluffing.
I may not know the details of specific Chinese J-20 development, but I know enough of basic radar detection and low radar observable principles to debunk ALL of the Chinese claims here.

But ADIZ information is public and everyone knows what it is. Indian is either not smart enough to digest this information or they pretending because they have a hatre for China to back Pakistan.
So some of them made mistakes and Google is not their friends...

Now I ask you again, do you understand what you just did?
Yes, that the next time a Chinese member make a boo-boo about things he does not know but I do, I will bring YOU up.
Is this true...???

Alaska Highway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is amazing...!!! Because that would apply to all of the Chinese members here, especially YOU about the J-20, F-22, and anything regarding 'stealth'.
You have to realize the "Canadians" here are not real Canadians, but fresh off the boat. I know many real Canadians...


For a small nation Japan sure has a big ADIZ, right up to the coats of Korea and China.
You mean like those laughable "territorial waters" maps put out by the mongoloid idiots in China?
You have to realize the "Canadians" here are not real Canadians, but fresh off the boat. I know many real Canadians...

You mean like those laughable "territorial waters" maps put out by the mongoloid idiots in China?

I'm very proud of your racist remark- America at it's best!

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