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U.S. Defence now linked to India?


Dec 29, 2012
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Analysts say strategy intended to keep China in check
Published: 6 hours ago

Michael Carl is a veteran journalist with overseas military experience and experience as a political consultant. He also has two Master's Degrees

Defense analysts in the United States say the wisest strategic move to pursue in Asia is to grow closer ties to India, because that would provide a check on Chinese power.

That’s the thrust of a new study by a foreign policy and defense think tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The report notes Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, while visiting India, said, “Cooperation with India is a linchpin,” of U. S. strategy.

Also cited is President Obama, who told Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, “India is a big part of my plans.”

Heritage Foundation Defense Policy Analyst Lisa Curtis says the report’s emphasis on a growing military partnership with India as a balance to China is sound.

“The U.S. and India would mutually benefit from a stronger defense partnership to cope with the challenges posed by a rapidly rising China,” Curtis said.

China has been extending its territorial claims to include more and more of the East and South China Seas and reports have said China is developing its long-range ballistic missile technology.

A defense and military analyst who asks not to be identified for security reasons agrees, saying China’s growing power looms large over the Pacific.

“The reason is more geostrategic, seeing that India would serve U.S. interests to contain a more assertive China. The concern is more with China due to that country insisting that the East and South China Seas are its area of influence and that other militaries – including the U.S. military – need to keep out,” the defense analyst said.

The U.S. is also standing with India as the south Asian country extends its reach into the Pacific region – including the South China Sea.

“The U.S. also is backing India in New Delhi’s deals with Vietnam in oil and mineral drilling in the South China Sea to offset China’s claims to all aspects of exploration in the South China Sea. India is moving military assets into the region and the U.S. is backing it,” the defense analyst said.

Tensions between India and China have increased over the past year. Both countries have launched fighters in response to airspace violations near the India-China border.

But the defense analyst says another reason for the U.S. to cooperate with India is the issue of Pakistan.

“The U.S. sees India as a counter to Pakistan in a post-NATO Afghanistan out of concern that Pakistan will allow its militant creation, the Taliban, to eventually take over the Karzai government which the U.S. created,” the defense analyst said.

India has taken steps to fill in the gaps that will be left by a U. S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, he said.

“India has security agreements with Afghanistan now to train Afghan security personnel once the U.S. and NATO leave the country,” the defense analyst said.

The CSIS study proposed further defense cooperation, including joint development of defense technology.

“The 2013 Defense Authorization Act, signed into law earlier this month by President Obama, contains a provision cosponsored by the co-chairs of the Senate India Caucus – Senators Mark Warner and John Cornyn – calling on the Pentagon to examine the feasibility of engaging in co-production and co-development defense projects with India and to consider potential areas of cooperation,” the study said.

The report adds that the U. S. wants to go beyond simply selling military hardware.

“Whatever area is chosen, and if then codified in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with India, it would be a prominent symbol of bilateral defense cooperation and mark a concrete step toward what Secretary Panetta forecast in his speech in New Delhi,” the report said.

“Over the long term, I am certain that we will transition our defense trade beyond the ‘buyer-seller’ relationship to substantial co-production and, eventually, high-technology joint research and development,” the report said, quoting Panetta.

However, questions remain on the wisdom of jointly developing defense technology with India because of India’s continued defense relationship with Russia.

India signed an agreement in December to jointly develop a new fighter and a new line of helicopters with Russia.

Curtis says caution is obviously appropriate.

“Since Russia is still one of India’s biggest defense providers, especially with regard to sensitive dual use technology items, the U.S. must be prudent in how it moves forward with its defense relationship with India,” Curtis said.

The defense analyst says the major obstacle to any cooperation with India isn’t India; it’s India’s concerns about the U. S.

“There remains in the minds of Indian policymakers a hesitation with the U.S. in any long-term strategic relationship,” the analyst said. “That makes it possible that India will lean more toward its long-time relationship with Moscow.”

However, Curtis says the U. S. should move ahead with plans to work with India.

“It would be strategically short-sighted, however, to allow close Indian-Russian ties to hold the U.S. back from exploring how it can safely pursue deeper military ties with India,” Curtis said.

Curtis adds that any U. S. defense agreement with India needs to include safeguards.

“Co-production of defense equipment should be a long-term goal for the relationship but will only be possible when India agrees to sign certain end use monitoring agreements that the U.S. requires for sensitive defense technology transfers,” Curtis said.

According to a report in the online Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, the “strategic relationship” between India and Russia recently has been strained by India’s approach to the U.S.

U.S. defense now linked to India?
@Gandalf US is the real culprit in the terror nexus around the world, US sponsored Hafiz Saeed, ISI and anti India terror groups.

Never trust US as an ally.

They just locked up theirs terror link secret for 35 Years and are talking about peace and stability of world. After 26/11 they thought India will jump into their side and they can use India against China and there by ruining India just like what they did to Pakistan.

Truth is what ever terror comes out of Pakistan(ISI) there are always direct links to CIA. David coleman Headly was a CIA agent who also works for ISI.

If look into the life of David coleman Headly he was caught for serious crimes but let off because he works for the CIA.

US the sentencing of David Coleman Headly may have closed the case but for India the secrets are locked up in US jail.
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One option for India is to either take the side of US or china. They R simply puny incomparable ants in the broader games of Future superpower china & US. And if they want to have a neutral stance, they can agree to give US bases in laskideep & chinese bases in andamans rather than wet dreaming fantasies of akhand bharat. At the same time give back legitimate chinese territory i.e S.tibet to china, which china will inevitably take anyway.What this will do is that, India will get the blessing of both the super powers which will help in the socioeconomic development of its billion + poor people. US will naturally facilitate chinese presence in S.asia in the future when trade & mutual cooperation between the 2 powers increase & further matures. India is the only one to lose if it keeps holding on to its chanakyan wet dreams. Hope saner minds prevail in Delhi. :)
One option for India is to either take the side of US or china. They R simply puny incomparable ants in the broader games of Future superpower china & US. And if they want to have a neutral stance, they can agree to give US bases in laskideep & chinese bases in andamans rather than wet dreaming fantasies of akhand bharat. At the same time give back legitimate chinese territory i.e S.tibet to china, which china will inevitably take anyway.What this will do is that, India will get the blessing of both the super powers which will help in the socioeconomic development of its billion + poor people. US will naturally facilitate chinese presence in S.asia in the future when trade & mutual cooperation between the 2 powers increase & further matures. India is the only one to lose if it keeps holding on to its chanakyan wet dreams. Hope saner minds prevail in Delhi. :)

Pakistan already tried this approach of by siding and serving US interests instead of having good relationship with India and we all know what happened.

India is a Giant and has its own future, From the ancient time onwards who ever rules Delhi is considered as a suer power in this world and in today's world also it is true.

India has Natural resources, technology, man power (largest pool of Engineers, doctors and other tech people), Already modernizing infrastructure with about 1 trillion dollar investment, Defense industry is advancing its tech at a rapid pace, Our diplomacy is the best and India is a major member who co founded Non alignment movement.

India will revive the Non alignment movement and work for peace.

Mean while you can dream what ever you want and do not forget to construct sea barriers other wise people will become ants in BD when sea will rise.
One option for India is to either take the side of US or china. They R simply puny incomparable ants in the broader games of Future superpower china & US. And if they want to have a neutral stance, they can agree to give US bases in laskideep & chinese bases in andamans rather than wet dreaming fantasies of akhand bharat. At the same time give back legitimate chinese territory i.e S.tibet to china, which china will inevitably take anyway.What this will do is that, India will get the blessing of both the super powers which will help in the socioeconomic development of its billion + poor people. US will naturally facilitate chinese presence in S.asia in the future when trade & mutual cooperation between the 2 powers increase & further matures. India is the only one to lose if it keeps holding on to its chanakyan wet dreams. Hope saner minds prevail in Delhi. :)

Rather that showing your frustration just because you and your troller opinion is too insignificant in broader scheme of things, just focus on subjects and troll that suits you......

Coming to the topic....US and its foreign policy is very smart..They always go behind the people and the nation with whom they get some benifits....It is the benefit in other parties that keeps their interests alive....So more or less if any nation is a non white nation, i feel they always prefer to have transactional relationship....It is good as long as a nation knows about how to play their cards well...
But by looking at Indian fragile coalition politics, there is always a possibility that our politicians and media can be easily manipulated by providing financial benefits with some little actual gain to the nation....

The classic example is D Hedley....He is the prima facie evidence for Mumbai blast...I think he is more important because he used his US citizenship card to enter into India....So rather than handing over to us...US prefer to put in their own prison ...So it is not a matter of prison ...but by withholding from India, US did not allow us to know so many other secret which can have been extracted from him...

Another example is Afghanistan....India is doing well in Afghanistan by not getting involved in the mess by sending Military...But US is just unnecessarily pressurizing to send military which is not a good idea....It is always good as long we should engaged in a nation from business and commercial perspective...That is the one reason i always respect China because of their Non interventionism policy...They just do business and they never get involve themselves unnecessarily in conflict zones......

It is the people of Afghanistan who has to decide how they want to live...The world has to accept what they are...We can not just change some people and their way of leaving by just enforcing our views...Yes...we can assist other nation by helping in couple of things......If people of Afghanistan like to live with T@lban...then allow them to do whatever they want to do...why India should be worried...about what should be good for people of Afghanistan....if they do not like...then those people should rise up otherwise no nation in this world can do any kind of help for them...

India always prefers a balanced view to every world power since its inception....The world changing for a multi polar world...every country has their own significance even if how small or big they are....So stabilize Afghanistan has an enormous potential to China and India for investment and business opportunity...
Pakistan already tried this approach of by siding and serving US interests instead of having good relationship with India and we all know what happened.

India is a Giant and has its own future, From the ancient time onwards who ever rules Delhi is considered as a suer power in this world and in today's world also it is true.

India has Natural resources, technology, man power (largest pool of Engineers, doctors and other tech people), Already modernizing infrastructure with about 1 trillion dollar investment, Defense industry is advancing its tech at a rapid pace, Our diplomacy is the best and India is a major member who co founded Non alignment movement.

India will revive the Non alignment movement and work for peace.

Mean while you can dream what ever you want and do not forget to construct sea barriers other wise people will become ants in BD when sea will rise.
Nobody ruling dehli was ever a superpower. Even muslims ruled India for almost 1000 yrs but the were not superpower at that time. The muslims were superpower when they ruled baghdad. when muslims ruled dehli they were not united only one family at a time like mughals etc ruled dehli and it was mughals who lost to britain. And there is no other ruler who ruled dehli and was given the status of superpower.
No doubt india is a big country but indians are so obsessed to be called "the superpower" that if any big country talks about india's strength indian feel that they have become a super power
Nobody ruling dehli was ever a superpower. Even muslims ruled India for almost 1000 yrs but the were not superpower at that time. The muslims were superpower when they ruled baghdad. when muslims ruled dehli they were not united only one family at a time like mughals etc ruled dehli and it was mughals who lost to britain. And there is no other ruler who ruled dehli and was given the status of superpower.
No doubt india is a big country but indians are so obsessed to be called "the superpower" that if any big country talks about india's strength indian feel that they have become a super power

I think rather India is too obsessed you are too obsessed to criticize very moment by using using this superpower world with India.......So please stop using Moghoul and all these Muslim histroy examples....India is a power now that can defend its own intrests now....I think that is enough for us....At least since last 65 years...we are defending ourselves pretty well against all sides of hostile enemy ..that is should be the enough for us to make us happy about...
Nobody ruling dehli was ever a superpower. Even muslims ruled India for almost 1000 yrs but the were not superpower at that time. The muslims were superpower when they ruled baghdad. when muslims ruled dehli they were not united only one family at a time like mughals etc ruled dehli and it was mughals who lost to britain. And there is no other ruler who ruled dehli and was given the status of superpower.
No doubt india is a big country but indians are so obsessed to be called "the superpower" that if any big country talks about india's strength indian feel that they have become a super power

Muslims never ruled for 1000 years, they started their rule at around 1200 and ended it close to 1700 when Maratha's rose to power.

You people were taught wrong history.

When muslims ruled India except Mughals approx 300 years, every other ruler never tried to benefit India. During Mughal rule India is a super power both economically . During Mauryan empire close to 400 years India reached its peak both militarily and economically.

Indians are delusional for super power status but are working hard to make India better place.
Muslims never ruled for 1000 years, they started their rule at around 1200 and ended it close to 1700 when Maratha's rose to power.

You people were taught wrong history.

When muslims ruled India except Mughals approx 300 years, every other ruler never tried to benefit India. During Mughal rule India is a super power both economically . During Mauryan empire close to 400 years India reached its peak both militarily and economically.

Indians are delusional for super power status but are working hard to make India better place.
No doubt India had always been a strong country both economically and militarily but never to status of "super power". As far as Mughals are concerned they did a lot of development work in india after realizing that they can never beat Ameer taimur. That's why mughals came in India to use the wealth and money of india for their own purpose (as indians always say Muslims invaded them)but when they failed miserably they decided to settle down here.
No doubt India had always been a strong country both economically and militarily but never to status of "super power". As far as Mughals are concerned they did a lot of development work in india after realizing that they can never beat Ameer taimur. That's why mughals came in India to use the wealth and money of india for their own purpose (as indians always say Muslims invaded them)but when they failed miserably they decided to settle down here.

As per the history during the time of Great Indian empires there are only few empires that are comparable to India is military and economy.
Also cited is President Obama, who told Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, “India is a big part of my plans.”

I don't like the cavalier attitude with which he refers to India, India is not some toothpick to be controlled and made part of other country's designs and schemes.
My humble newbie analysis.

India and the US will indeed embark on a journey of improved relations and greater cooperation in the fields of engineering and manufacturing in general.

As for a dedicated long term relationship as a 'Mantlet' that will probably never happen. Unlike our fist shakers and their false declarations of bravery and rants of 'oye mein subo ko batana chata hun mein kisi se darta warta nahi' the Indians know better.

India's intelligentsia will not succumb to western pressure for becoming a plug to China's growth....in fact both China and India enjoy very cordial relations a few breaks here and there along a vast and confusing Himalayan border do not constitute conflict or even danger thereof.....Asia is a Hive now and a few tensions here and there on the ground level will never shake the decision of the spires mature and stable minds will always prevail.

It is a harsh lesson that our so called experts [especially Dr. Maria Sultan and the rooting bunch] needs to get into their Darwinian thick skulls.....The US is here to destabilize the region and prevent China's growth. Just like they started Nam and then indirectly stimulated the USSR to launch the military debacle known as the Russo Afghan conflict.

And so far we have only seen MOU's...and as we all know promises from the US amount to almost nothing but encumbrance....but that is just my opinion, I am sure the people at NDU know better for they have been with apt and studios blindness kept following the route of bash our own interests and then cloth it as enlightened moderation and the danger of being bombed back to the stone age etc etc etc.

I don't like the cavalier attitude with which he refers to India, India is not some toothpick to be controlled and made part of other country's designs and schemes.

Keep the pressure up with academic dissertations and it wont happen.....there are two reasons you have never made this blunder

1. Democracy.

2. Your academics are patriots, they might study in Moscow or Washington but they always remain Indian first while ours become 'Katha angrez'.
My humble newbie analysis.

India and the US will indeed embark on a journey of improved relations and greater cooperation in the fields of engineering and manufacturing in general.

As for a dedicated long term relationship as a 'Mantlet' that will probably never happen. Unlike our fist shakers and their false declarations of bravery and rants of 'oye mein subo ko batana chata hun mein kisi se darta warta nahi' the Indians know better.

India's intelligentsia will not succumb to western pressure for becoming a plug to China's growth....in fact both China and India enjoy very cordial relations a few breaks here and there along a vast and confusing Himalayan border do not constitute conflict or even danger thereof.....Asia is a Hive now and a few tensions here and there on the ground level will never shake the decision of the spires mature and stable minds will always prevail.

It is a harsh lesson that our so called experts [especially Dr. Maria Sultan and the rooting bunch] needs to get into their Darwinian thick skulls.....The US is here to destabilize the region and prevent China's growth. Just like they started Nam and then indirectly stimulated the USSR to launch the military debacle known as the Russo Afghan conflict.

And so far we have only seen MOU's...and as we all know promises from the US amount to almost nothing but encumbrance....but that is just my opinion, I am sure the people at NDU know better for they have been with apt and studios blindness kept following the route of bash our own interests and then cloth it as enlightened moderation and the danger of being bombed back to the stone age etc etc etc.

You are fairly accurate,India has and always will put its strategic interests above every body else.And it is in India's interests to improve economic relations with China.Promoting more trade and investments between both countries can deliver rich dividends for both economies.

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