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U.S. Defence now linked to India?

I agree. Actually, so far there has been a decent enough balance in the strategic civil and defence related contracts vis a vis foreign policies (barring the bureaucratic delays). We have approached both US and European Union apart from tech powerhouses like Korea and Japan to assist us in developing a robust civil aviation technological base including programs such as GAGAN which would be a boon to not just India but the entire region's civil aviation.

On the military side, India has always been slightly warmer towards Europeans and Russians rather than Americans though I got to say that Americans really know how to make their deals look sweet initially.

Public opinions matter little to the strategic thinkers in China where there are polities having absolute power. PLA is not out of CCP's control which makes their intentions dubious. While we want to trade peacefully with the Chinese people, border incursions are not welcome and certainly not when it compromises already set and pre-agreed principles.

My friend, the war between our countries is now a distant thing. It will never happen simply because your nation is in an internal turmoil and your military is having no opportunity to do so; all while our MOD is too bureaucratic.

The Chinese tried not to use bellicose language against Japan since Mao's extremists were replaced by Deng's group......but this time around we saw a very different trend.....it was Chinese public pressure that drove a comparatively cautious CCP standing committee to implement belligerent tactics in the South China sea.....University students were angry at both the govt. and the Japanese for being 'insulted' in front of the entire world...their point of view was we are rich , powerful and have a large and very effective sphere of influence but the govt. instead of securing our overseas interests is busy cultivating closer ties with the US and silencing anti corruption whistle blowers and that angered them.....the protests actually did shake the top of the CCP up.....and that does mean that little by little they are becoming more open and candid where the peoples opinion is concerned.....as for repression and the freedom of the press...hhmmmmmm well you are correct that is still there...

Where nationalism comes in the citizens actually support govt. censorship and editing.....but where corruption is covered up the people speak no matter what the local authorities try....there is even ground being laid for the first cases of constitutional rights of the citizens by the higher Chinese courts....and that is a revolution when one compares todays China with the China we saw 20 years ago.

On to border incursions......well you are right here too, a nation has an inalienable right to defend and secure its border.....and the Chinese need to be more careful while patrolling the Indo-China border......but again in todays world of massive nations and populations with large borders in some of the worlds most inhospitable regions like the one you share with the Chinese, mistakes and a few skirmishes ought to be ignored....let the MOD handle it while the diplomats and business men do their jobs.....multifaceted politics that's the key.

As for us sighs.......we have a very long and rocky road ahead of us.....but again I say...caution and cool heads are the only way forward....I am not saying that our two countries ought to abandon their interest no, I am saying that we should have good diplomatic relations so that any unforeseen disasters can be averted before they escalate and get out of hand.....Pakistan indeed needs to get its proverbial 'stuff' together before we can even think 'dynamic foreign policy'.........I suggest that we establish a good 'working' relationship with India on the diplomatic level [which we don't have yet contrary to popular belief] and go into total isolation for at least a decade.....root out the 'company' agents operating and wreaking havoc here and cut our selves off from what's happening in the rest of the Islamic world.....only commerce should flow and nothing else.....we need to establish a basic industrial complex before we can even begin to think 'talking turkey' on any matter whether its Kashmir or the Afghan problem or Iran-Saudi relations.....in case there is a break on our border [regardless who's fault it is] our High command wont commit to any fight....they will press the button in the first 24 hours.

On the topic of American deals.....they always sprinkle them with zest , sprinkles and choco chips lols...In reality it mostly turns out to be 'Malarkey'...they always renege on their military contracts and blame congress......remember how they planted hurdles when India and the Russians were considering jointly developing a 5th generation fighter aircraft.....they effectively derailed those plans which in turn landed in the freezer of bureaucratic red tape.....though you should go for those civilian manufacturing deals....but make sure your intel guys keep a close eye on what they are up to otherwise you'll end up where we are in 20 years. I would say thumbs up to deals with the Euro Zone....they are dependable and at the moment they simply cannot afford to let contracts from China and India slip away.....if your diplomats work hard at it there might even be massive tech transfer deals that can be effected.

I feel your pain where corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy is concerned....sadly the farangi left us with that gift which keeps on giving.....Pakistan's economic progress has been stifled greatly because of the bureaucracies corruption and shortcomings.

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