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U.S. declines support for Asian allies in sea disputes with China

India wants attention and respect, badly. It wants to be considered in the big league; it particularly likes to be named in the same breath as China whether it indicates equal success (how many times have you heard "India and China?) or equal competitor. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if it antagonizes China, like when India successfully tested its Agni V its media put out headlines like "target: Beijing." India wants China to treat it as equal and take it more seriously. It often tries to make loud noises to achieve that.

India does not have the capability or power to do what it often boasts of. China knows it; India knows it. There is no need to make this bigger than it actually is. People who jump on the claim in celebration are ... you know who they are.

But still China provided Pakistan nuke tech and missile tech to keep India busy away from China. Actually until early 80s, China had lower GDP size compared to India and you have viewed us as competitor
Oh look, more idiots taking what the admiral says and twisting his words to try to give them meaning they dont have :rolleyes:

He has said we don't take sides on territorial disputes, thats true.

You might have a different definition of what constitutes a coast guard ship than the rest of the world does, but you are some random internet poster and warmonger, so your definition means f**k-all.

The US gets involved when China actually starts killing and/or enforcing, not when its being a pest.

A combination of SinoChallenger and Hasbara is absolutely poisonous to truth.
Oh look, more idiots taking what the admiral says and twisting his words to try to give them meaning they dont have :rolleyes:

He has said we don't take sides on territorial disputes, thats true.

You might have a different definition of what constitutes a coast guard ship than the rest of the world does, but you are some random internet poster and warmonger, so your definition means f**k-all.

The US gets involved when China actually starts killing and/or enforcing, not when its being a pest.

A combination of SinoChallenger and Hasbara is absolutely poisonous to truth.
What part of "Pacific Commander: U.S. declines support for Asian allies in sea disputes with China" is unclear to you? :rofl:

If he doesn't have a problem with what we are already doing to Japan, Philippines and Vietnam with our "coast guard" ships, then I don't have a problem with him either :lol:

Sure america will help asia allies if they can come up with $300 billions of trade to give to uncle sam, anything else is just delusional
The U.S. is dead.

I do agree that the "American empire" is collapsing very rapidly. The disastrous wars, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, the Economic crisis, rise of anti-American sentiment.

The American empire is collapsing.

About USA not supporting its allies. Well, obviously why would USA want to get involved in something thats not her problem.
LOL a mainlander in Singapore? Where you get that from? As I said many times, your spinning skills are deteriorating, do better next time.

LOL but you don´t want to deny the fact that Singapore is more on the US than China imperialism, do you? I gues you are not mainlander but your parents are.
Sure america will help asia allies if they can come up with $300 billions of trade to give to uncle sam, anything else is just delusional

That is the aim of the US, when it invents Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to exclude China :lol:
did it ever occur to any of us here how US benefit from China fighting Japan? or am i the only one seeing it??Why should we stop the fight? We should let it go on.:chilli:

We don't own senkaku, Japanese did, how on earth do you suppose we intervene the claim between China and Japan? By invading Senkaku ourselve??

The admiral is right, our job is sit and watch, if China attack Japan, then we will go help them, that's how we roll. Before then, sit back and enjoy the show.
Yup China needs to attack first in order for anyone to respond in any way.

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