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U.S Cutting Off All Funding To Taliban

Where is their concern for humanity now?? Knowing full well this is not going to hurt Taliban as much as it is going to hurt the Afghan common folk. What impact will this have on women that West cries so much about??

Earlier you guys used to say all the funds are looted by the Afghan govt and nothing reaches ordinary people ,so it dsnt really impact the ordinary people,stay calm.
Where is their concern for humanity now?? Knowing full well this is not going to hurt Taliban as much as it is going to hurt the Afghan common folk. What impact will this have on women that West cries so much about??

Technically, there's no government in Afghanistan. The Taliban haven't formed a government yet. Then it needs to be recognized. The US taking a look and see approach. Assuming they even recognize the Taliban government, it may never see the money.
Earlier you guys used to say all the funds are looted by the Afghan govt and nothing reaches ordinary people ,so it dsnt really impact the ordinary people,stay calm.

In the interim, the regional players can foot the bill.
cutting off? Did they even have a funding program to begin with the answer is no.. The cutting part is used in a hyberbolic manner... These fools have never given a dime to Taliban but used 2 trillions of USD dollar fighting them instead why would Taliban needs his money nor has Taliban recieved a dime from them.... How can you cut of something that was never there
These fools will only give more room for other powers to step in. Raja Zia made a sound analysis.
cutting off? Did they even have a funding program to begin with the answer is no.. The cutting part is used in a hyberbolic manner... These fools have never given a dime to Taliban but used 2 trillions of USD dollar fighting them instead why would Taliban needs his money nor has Taliban recieved a dime from them.... How can you cut of something that was never there

Because the Taliban is no longer fighting but governing. They have an entire country to feed, to power, and protect. Requires change of gears and lots of cash.
Technically, there's no government in Afghanistan. The Taliban haven't formed a government yet. Then it needs to be recognized. The US taking a look and see approach. Assuming they even recognize the Taliban government, it may never see the money.

And whatever funding was given to the Afghan govt can't be at least directly given to the Taliban govt-in-making without extracting some concessions. Biden is already in hot water!
PS. My hunch is that Taliban were promised power through a 'transition' but the speed of their victory and Ghani running away have put a monkey wrench into schemes.
cutting off? Did they even have a funding program to begin with the answer is no.. The cutting part is used in a hyberbolic manner... These fools have never given a dime to Taliban but used 2 trillions of USD dollar fighting them instead why would Taliban needs his money nor has Taliban recieved a dime from them.... How can you cut of something that was never there

Clearly you did not care to even open the link and rather jumped to opine.

Headline is"
Biden administration freezes billions of dollars in Afghan reserves, depriving Taliban of cash".

Hope it's clear to you now..what's being stopped.
Once Talibs let go all americans and let afgans who want to move to usa safely..us will make deal with talibans and let them have access to the dollar.

I wont be surprise if usa recognise talibs in coming months.
Clearly you did not care to even open the link and rather jumped to opine.

Headline is"
Biden administration freezes billions of dollars in Afghan reserves, depriving Taliban of cash".

Hope it's clear to you now..what's being stopped.

Biden administration didn’t freeze the funds for leverage or malice the freeze was automatically triggered by the Taliban take over of Afghanistan. The Taliban are still under UN and US sanctions so the freeze is a legal requirement under US law.
Clearly you did not care to even open the link and rather jumped to opine.

Headline is"
Biden administration freezes billions of dollars in Afghan reserves, depriving Taliban of cash".

Hope it's clear to you now..what's being stopped.

What Afghan reserves? IEA don't use banking systems but off-grid with Hawala system. This means that Biden freezes the money intended for Afghan gov't and what does this has to do with Taliban..

There was never been any money exchanges to be cut between them before.. I hate these hyperbolic misleading titles just misusing information sharing and fake newsing everything..

- NO money exhange ever recorded between them previously

- IEA uses Hawala systems meaning off-grid

- IEA has no intention of wealth exhanges or anything with the US in the realm of wealth IEA will rebuild her country by her own resources and money.

- The only thing the Americans can do is to just stay out of our sights or in simple english just leave my channel go do you and go do something else or occupy yourself with something else get outta my face..

They have frozen the Afghan Bank's foreign exchange assets which actully harms their so-called allies who are still in the country but this has nothing to do with the Taliban as they use the Hawala System and off-grid.. I don't even understand why Taliban would be accessing money in the Afghan bank's assets which is held by private people and it is their orivate property what they actully did is freezing the money of their allies
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What Afghan reserves? IEA don't use banking systems but off-grid with Hawala system. This means that Biden freezes the money intended for Afghan gov't and what does this has to do with Taliban..

There was never been any money exchanges to be cut between them before.. I hate these hyperbolic misleading titles just misusing information sharing and fake newsing everything..

- NO money exhange ever recorded between them previously

- IEA uses Hawala systems meaning off-grid

- IEA has no intention of wealth exhanges or anything with the US in the realm of wealth IEA will rebuild her country by her own resources and money.

- The only thing the Americans can do is to just stay out of our sights or in simple english just leave my channel go do you and go do something else or occupy yourself with something else get outta my face..

They have frozen the Afghan Bank's foreign exchange assets which actully harms their so-called allies who are still in the country but this has nothing to do with the Taliban as they use the Hawala System and off-grid.. I don't even understand why Taliban would be accessing money in the Afghan bank's assets which is held by private people and it is their orivate property what they actully did is freezing the money of their allies

Don't know what is this Hawala system off-grid...but if you mean informal money transfer system then it ain't be possible for them to now run a country with Hawala.... Besides, Afghanistan is a landlocked country with literally no source of income (other than opium)..... Let's see who all will feed them....
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