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U.S calls to help Chinese build an Aircraft Carrier!


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
US Commander Calls Chinese Interest in Aircraft Carriers 'Understandable'
By Al Pessin |Beijing
12 May 2007

The commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific says China's interest in developing an aircraft carrier fleet is 'understandable,' and that the United States would be willing to help. Admiral Timothy Keating made the comment during a wide-ranging news conference in Beijing Saturday morning. VOA's Al Pessin reports.

Admiral Keating and Admiral Wu chat before lunch, 11 May 2007
Admiral Keating says he believes Chinese leaders are "intrigued" by the idea of having aircraft carriers. But he says they need to understand the impact such a powerful, mobile weapon system can have.

"An aircraft carrier from a country pulls into port, and it is an unmistakable demonstration of will and resolve," he said. "And we had a very good conversation about that. I do not have any better idea as to China's intentions to develop, or not, a carrier program, but we had a very pleasant and candid exchange about the larger issues attendant to a carrier program."

At a lunch Friday with China's navy chief, Vice Admiral Wu Shengli, Admiral Keating stressed the difficulty and complexity of developing, building and operating an aircraft carrier. But at his news conference Saturday Keating said the United States would be willing to help if that is what China decides to do.

"It is not an area where we would want any tension to arise unnecessarily," he added. "And we would, if they choose to develop [an aircraft carrier program] help them to the degree that they seek and the degree that we're capable, in developing their programs."

Admiral Keating also told reporters he believes he made progress during his talks with Chinese military and civilian leaders Friday toward a better understanding of each country's strategic plans. He said he wants to increase the quality and level of challenge in U.S.-China military exercises, and expand exchanges among lower-ranking troops.

He also repeated comments he made to VOA on Friday, criticizing China's test of an anti-satellite missile in January - a view he also shared with the most senior official he met here, the vice-chairman of the powerful Central Military Commission. During that meeting, the two senior officers also discussed the need to avoid any misunderstanding or miscalculation that could lead to conflict in the Taiwan Straits.

At the news conference, Admiral Keating was also asked about Taiwan's reduction in its defense spending, as a percentage of its economy. He said he is not as concerned with percentages as he is with capabilities, and he believes the past nearly 60 years of stability across the Taiwan Straits is evidence that the island is spending enough.

"To me, the manifest evidence is pretty clear. Do those of use in the military ever think we have enough? Well, we'll take more if we can get it, but the Taiwan military capabilities are significant," he noted. "We emphasize that they remain defensive in nature. Our message is clear to the Taiwanese. And it is my understanding and my position that their defensive capabilities are adequate to task."

Later, a U.S. official traveling with the Admiral told VOA the United States would like Taiwan's legislature to approve some military purchases that have been pending for years. But the official also said there is disagreement over exactly what Taiwan should buy to enhance its defenses.

Admiral Keating, who became the U.S. Pacific commander in March, will continue his five-day visit to China with a trip to Nanjing on Sunday to visit the headquarters of the military district directly across the straits from Taiwan. He said he hopes to visit more Chinese military installations in future trips, including units that handle the country's missile force.

Funny,was he talking with a Taiwanese?
I'd better believe they will send us one free.Incredible offer.
we can't trust in each other.if we accept their help,we must lose more.
we can't trust in each other.if we accept their help,we must lose more.

Couldn't agree more!

China aleady had a horrible lesson in terms of coorperation in military equipment with US before.

If it is to be built, it must be built independently.
Ddint want to start a new thread. here is an article stating that PLAN is planning to build an Aircraft Carrier.


the news must be originally from Kanwa. Pinkov has always been burning to reveal the cryptic pulse of Chinese military force but he made a laughable mistake early last year by reporting one of the concrete cymbiform building in a entertainment water park as China's first training carrier, and hence lost his reliability ever since among Chinese military fans.

Saying this I'm not marking a flat denial to the news, the twin engine J-11B may shed some lights for a profound future project for Navy.

btw, Keating sounds like a good man but his Chinese counterpart has to say "no thanks", everybody knows why.
Let us a have discussion about it.
Is uncle SAM really serious about it? If so then what made him to go for this?
To me a better sense of the direction in which the PLA is going, is one issue. There presence would make it possible to know where China stands and how to counter the advantages, if any, by US navy. Economics is another issue.
It is a conspiracy, the Yankees want to know more about the status of Chinese military technology. China has enough capabilities to develop his own carriers now due strong economy and technology backup. Yankees will be regret to face Chinese forces in the battle field in the future.
IAM confused here on one hand they wanna make India into a power to counter china.on the other hand the wanna help china with her Military power.
if Chinese have already miniaturized a reactor for there subs wouldn't that help with a reactor for a carrier why would they Need uncle Sam's help now that most important part they have a grip on.
or there is more to it and iam just out to lunch.:what:
there's no permanent hedge or help, not even absolute ideological opposition. it's all about national interest.

Keating didn't have to be kidding, the US had helped PLA on military equipments in mid 1980s when they wanted a capable ally to confront Soviet Union. and proposed to help in the following decade subject to China's abjuration on military assistance to Pakistan.

unlike speculating politicians, Keating is a professional military officer who commands his wisdom on the art of war, instead of mounting the high horse. It's safe for politicans to behave as emotionally as they could, but it is not for a Navy commander.

anyway, Keating's proposal was obviously not inspired from the US intelligence department, even if it were approved by the Bush administration, those helps would be limited to keep PLA, thought upgraded more or less, in a place way below US level, and actuallly calling for better communication in order to reduce military collision. plus it will not counteract the US solo power by helping China building such a white elephant.

Carrier is more of strategic weapons to non-super powers, instead of offshore combat platforms operated in practice by the US navy. India for example, 3 carriers stand for a regional domination and make great gap between hostile countries and itself. but one day it breaks up with US, the carriers would be nothing.

with or without US help, China can build its own carriers if necessary, it's just mater of time. yet except more "China threating" news, carriers will not elevate PLA into advantage to confront US navy, while cooperation on such a huge project will sure to make PLA a good "financial and technical transparency".

PLA must have respect for Keating's proposal on strengthening direct and efficient communication, nobody wants more clashes when both wouldn't like to go to war. thus we thank him.
IAM confused here on one hand they wanna make India into a power to counter china.
I have NOT seen any such indication coming from American policy makers. It's mostly news media and politicians looking for a soundbite without understanding the strategic realities on the ground. The simple fact is that India cannot and will not be a counter to China the way the US wants it. Simply put, no one in their right minds could ever imagine an Indian Army marching north if a Chinese Fleet sails east. The US also realizes that until India neutralizes the possibilities of a Pak Army marching east, there's no chance of an Indian Army marching north.
Varyag was not sold by Russia but rather by Ukraine to a Chinese entertainment company located at macau, which later was found to be Chinese intelligence front company.

Its easy to build Aircraft carrier but understanding it and operationalizing it cannot be learned from a manual.

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