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U.S. bid to blockade Huawei fizzles in European 5G rollout


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Taiwan, Province Of China
U.S. bid to blockade Huawei fizzles in European 5G rollout
March 19, 2019 at 4:34 pm
By Stefan Nicola
Bloomberg News

Last summer, the Trump administration started a campaign to convince its European allies to bar China’s Huawei Technologies from their telecom networks. Bolstered by the success of similar efforts in Australia and New Zealand, the White House sent envoys to European capitals with warnings that Huawei’s gear would open a backdoor for Chinese spies. The U.S. even threatened to cut off intelligence sharing if Europe ignored its advice.

So far, not a single European country has banned Huawei.

“There are two things I don’t believe in,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said at a conference Tuesday in Berlin. “First, to discuss these very sensitive security questions publicly, and second, to exclude a company simply because it’s from a certain country.’’

Europe, caught in the middle of the U.S.-China trade war, has sought to balance concerns about growing Chinese influence with a desire to increase business with the region’s second-biggest trading partner. With no ban in the works, Huawei is in the running for contracts to build 5G phone networks, the ultra-fast wireless technology Europe’s leaders hope will fuel the growth of a data-based economy.

The U.K.’s spy chief has indicated that a ban on Huawei is unlikely, citing a lack of viable alternatives to upgrade British telecom networks. Italy’s government has dismissed the U.S. warnings as it seeks to boost trade with China. In Germany, authorities have proposed tighter security rules for data networks rather than outlawing Huawei. France is doing the same after initially flirting with the idea of restrictions on Huawei.

“The 5G rollout is one of the most complex and expensive technology projects ever undertaken,” said Paul Triolo, an analyst at Eurasia Group, a political risk consultancy. “The challenge for Europe is to find a way that minimizes the security risks linked to Chinese suppliers but not delay 5G, which is so important to the region.”

Governments listened to phone companies such as Vodafone Group, Deutsche Telekom and Orange, who warned that sidelining Huawei would delay the implementation of 5G by years and add billions of euros in cost.

“We’ve not seen any evidence of backdoors into the network,” said Helen Lamprell, Vodafone’s top lawyer and chief lobbyist in the U.K. “If the Americans have evidence, please put it out on the table.”

The pressure has been building for months. The U.S. in February dispatched representatives to MWC Barcelona, the industry’s top annual trade show, who urged executives and politicians to avoid Huawei and its Chinese peers. And this month, the U.S. ambassador in Berlin wrote a letter to the German government saying it should drop Huawei or risk throttling U.S. intelligence sharing.

While carriers can also buy equipment from the likes of Ericsson, Nokia and Samsung Electronics, industry consultants say Huawei’s quality is high, and the company last year filed 5,405 global patents, more than double the filings by Ericsson and Nokia combined.

And some European lawmakers have been wary of Cisco Systems, Huawei’s American rival, since Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing the National Security Agency’s use of U.S.-made telecom equipment for spying.

Huawei isn’t necessarily safe. In Germany, hard-liners in the intelligence community say the company isn’t trustworthy, and updated security rules the government is drafting could make it harder for Huawei to win contracts. Denmark’s biggest phone company, TDC, declined to renew a contract with Huawei and instead picked Ericsson as strategic partner to develop its 5G network.

Across Europe, the Shenzhen-based company is under pressure to allow greater scrutiny of its technology and increase assurances its equipment can’t be accessed by Chinese spies.

Huawei has “placed cyber security and user privacy protection at the very top of its priorities,” a company representative said by email. Safeguarding networks is the joint responsibility of vendors, telecom companies and regulators, he said.

So far, there’s little evidence to suggest Europe will shun Huawei. National railway companies in Germany and Austria have bought the company’s equipment, and carriers such as Deutsche Telekom and Telefonica are running 5G test projects with its products.

Huawei’s global revenue growth accelerated in the first two months of the year, climbing by more than a third, founder Ren Zhengfei said last week. And the company says sales of its smartphones doubled in Germany during the same period.

“We don’t know what the U.S.’s next move is, so it’s not over yet,” said Bengt Nordstrom, CEO of telecom consultancy Northstream. “But whatever market share Huawei may lose in Europe, they’ll win back in China.”

Norwegian commentator warns Europe against following US in boycotting Huawei

Xinhua, March 20, 2019

A commentator in Norway said Tuesday that Europe should not follow the United States in boycotting Chinese telecoms giant Huawei in its deployment of the next generation of wireless services.

"Why should Norway and Europe pay the cost, take the risks and gamble with their economic development and growth?" questioned Arild Vollan, Norwegian commentator and partner in Arctic Development, a company that is engaged in business development in the High North, in his comments published in Norway's leading financial newspaper DN.

Following the United States will have major consequences for business growth and will delay the development of artificial intelligence and the next generation of wireless services, Vollan said, noting "All this will just support the United States' new policy of protectionism."

The 5G network, he said, is an extension of 4G and if Huawei is not used, the existing 4G network must first be dismantled, and this would be a huge undertaking, costing enormous sums of money.

Norway currently has about 14,000 Huawei base stations, and the cost of dismantling a Huawei 4G base station and replacing it with a Nokia or Ericsson base station is about 600,000 Norwegian kroner (70,000 U.S. dollars) per station, Vollan said.

Vodafone UK recently issued a warning that if Britain wants to stop using Huawei, the roll-out of 5G will be seriously delayed at enormous cost to the country. And ultimately it is British subscribers who will have to foot the bill for boycotting Huawei, Vollan said.

He also noted that U.S. President Donald Trump has recently pointed out that the United States would not boycott Huawei if the U.S. gets a good trade deal with China.

"The statement reveals what this is really all about -- Huawei is being used as a means of pressure in the new U.S. protectionist policy," Vollan explained.

He noted that the U.S. has so far not been able to produce any evidence that Chinese 5G technology poses a security risk, and Huawei is now taking legal steps against the U.S. administration as a result of the way they have been treated.

The main argument of the U.S. against Huawei is that Chinese law obliges individuals and companies in China to cooperate with the Chinese state, which China has refuted as "mistaken and one-sided interpretations of relevant Chinese laws."

According to China, its National Intelligence Law stipulates not only the obligations of organizations and citizens to support the work of national intelligence within Chinese laws, but also that state intelligence should abide by laws, respect and protect human rights, and safeguard the rights and interests of individuals and organizations.

As Vollan viewed it, most countries have similar legal requirements, including the United States, which in certain circumstances imposes far-reaching obligations on its own citizens and companies.

Meanwhile, Ericsson and Nokia, the other two major technology companies that are developing 5G, also have one thing in common - much of their equipment is produced in Chinese factories, the Norwegian commentator said.

"Even if Europe opts for Ericsson or Nokia, we will still be using Chinese 5G products," Vollan said, concluding "So it is a paradox that the United States insists Europe cannot use Huawei equipment."

The question is simple:
Will you join the Delian League or will you join the Peloponnesian League?

We head to Thucydides' trap
US should give up of banning itself or denying other nations to use Huawei but instead allow Apple or American telecom giant to cooperate with Huawei to build a win-win business, you can imagine the power when these two corporations become partnership, we can virtually rule the telecommunication world for decades to come.
US should give up of banning itself or denying other nations to use Huawei but instead allow Apple or American telecom giant to cooperate with Huawei to build a win-win business, you can imagine the power when these two corporations become partnership, we can virtually rule the telecommunication world for decades to come.

US regime drums fear-mongering for rival companies, but it never cautions Europe about the dangers of US internet media monopoly over the European internet.

If the US regime is sincere in its worries about European security, it should first warn Europe as to the dangers of US internet industry as a fifth column for US intelligence services and business.

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