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U.S. awards contract for Saudi helicopter fleet in advance of Obama trip

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
WASHINGTON — The United States has awarded a contract to support the Saudi Arabian military ahead of the visit by President Barack Obama.


Saudi AH-64 Apache helicopter

The Defense Department awarded a $25.5 million contract to support the Royal Saudi Land Forces.

The Pentagon contract to Longbow was meant to maintain the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter fleet of the Saudi Army’s Aviation Command.

“Fiscal 2014 other procurement funds in the amount of $25,504,554 were obligated at the time of the award,” the Pentagon said.

On March 13, the Pentagon said Longbow would provide spares, support equipment and logistics for the Saudi Army. The statement said the contract
would be completed by July 2016.

The award, overseen by the U.S. Army, was announced ahead of Obama’s first visit to Saudi Arabia in late March. Officials said the president was expected to be quizzed by the Saudi leadership on U.S. policy toward Iran and Syria.

“Work will be performed in Orlando, Fla.,” the Pentagon said.

Calling card: U.S. awards contract for Saudi helicopter fleet in advance of Obama trip | World Tribune
WASHINGTON — The United States has awarded a contract to support the Saudi Arabian military ahead of the visit by President Barack Obama.


Saudi AH-64 Apache helicopter

The Defense Department awarded a $25.5 million contract to support the Royal Saudi Land Forces.

The Pentagon contract to Longbow was meant to maintain the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter fleet of the Saudi Army’s Aviation Command.

“Fiscal 2014 other procurement funds in the amount of $25,504,554 were obligated at the time of the award,” the Pentagon said.

On March 13, the Pentagon said Longbow would provide spares, support equipment and logistics for the Saudi Army. The statement said the contract
would be completed by July 2016.

The award, overseen by the U.S. Army, was announced ahead of Obama’s first visit to Saudi Arabia in late March. Officials said the president was expected to be quizzed by the Saudi leadership on U.S. policy toward Iran and Syria.

“Work will be performed in Orlando, Fla.,” the Pentagon said.

Calling card: U.S. awards contract for Saudi helicopter fleet in advance of Obama trip | World Tribune

I am sure Al-Salam can do JV with EU to manufacture their own design helicopters.
so how many apaches to saudies have and do they get additional ones or the contract is just for spares and back up support.. thanks
Good lord!
Does KSA have need of 82 Apache's? They have a very niche role.
US military hardware is the best and Saudis made the right choice. Why Saudis should not buy 82? I am sure Saudis better understand their defense requirements than Indians.
US military hardware is the best and Saudis made the right choice. Why Saudis should not buy 82? I am sure Saudis better understand their defense requirements than Indians.
This is a defence forum. And my question is an attempt to understand the decision taken by KSA.

If you can answer the question I raised, please do so. Else your commentary is neither wanted nor warranted.
Good lord!
Does KSA have need of 82 Apache's? They have a very niche role.

Without a doubt, 82 Apaches are huge, but no decision was taken without considering the real demands of maintaining our self-defensive measures to counter all threats we face, regardless of their degrees.

The most notable threats we face are in Iraq and Yemen. None of these two countries' governments could guarantee securing their own boarders with us. In the past, and continuing, we encounters multiple national security issues ranging from radical Saudis trying to sneak into these countries, to arms smuggling from Iraq or Yemen, drugs trafficking, radical Iraqis and Yemenis attempting to launch terror attacks against us on our very own soil, and illegal immigrations. So, having said that, as far as the Apaches are concerned, they played a key role during the war against the Houthi terrorists in Yemen, as well as the interception of several illegal acts across our borders with Iraq, and Jordan to some extents.

In addition, these 70 Apaches are going to be handed over, operated by three Saudi Defense Forces. These are the Saudi National Guard, The Royal Saudi Land Force, and the Royal Saudi Air Force.

Presently, KSA's defense establishment is going under a 25-year upgrade program. This program will solely be dedicated for enhancing our self-defense capabilities. Last year the SANG - which was used to be a presidency - was upgraded to a ministry, which consequently has led to establishing an Aerial Wing of its own where the Apaches are going to be operated across the 800-km borders with Iraq.

Another important reason that motivated such expansion in procurement was due to the establishment of the permanent-joint central command of the Peninsula Armor Shield Force of the Gulf Cooperation Council, whereby the Gulf States are going to unify their defense establishments to ensure the protection and the integrity of each and every state in the GCC.

wow 82 apaches is a real force simply minjd blowing

Yes, it is quite huge. But everything comes with a reason or more for it. You might want to check out the link below to understand how complicated the situation is in the region:
Saudi Arabia pushes for Storm Shadow integration with Typhoon
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I'm still laughing, all us Arabs(besides secular foreigners here) know very well these weapons will have no use especially considering two faced American foreign policy in which if Saudi Arabia ever got into a war they would make if so they have disadvantages and it would become a stalemate.

Saudi Arabia doesn't even have proper armed forces, I want them to become a regional power but right now this is no more than acquiring advanced technology which will have no use.
I'm still laughing, all us Arabs(besides secular foreigners here) know very well these weapons will have no use especially considering two faced American foreign policy in which if Saudi Arabia ever got into a war they would make if so they have disadvantages and it would become a stalemate.

No body said you should stop laughing, but I don't understand why are you discriminating the seculars as if they weren't humans?

Killer-switches don't exist to the degree you're describing, and the US doesn't apply double-standard policy in terms of military procurements. If they don't want to sell something, they will say no, it is simple.

Saudi Arabia doesn't even have proper armed forces, I want them to become a regional power but right now this is no more than acquiring advanced technology which will have no use.

I'm sorry but that wasn't what your parents said: :lol:

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Yabhon Xtreme. The UAE JDAM.

Middle East Propulsion Company (MEPC)


Come again, Hamas-naite terrorist ...

Next ..

I'm still laughing, all us Arabs(besides secular foreigners here) know very well these weapons will have no use especially considering two faced American foreign policy in which if Saudi Arabia ever got into a war they would make if so they have disadvantages and it would become a stalemate.

Saudi Arabia doesn't even have proper armed forces, I want them to become a regional power but right now this is no more than acquiring advanced technology which will have no use.
@Yzd Khalifa

Arab seculars aren't involved in the Arabic worlds chatter and are military fanboys. Everybody laughs when Saudi Arabia tries to project itself as a regional power since it does not have influence militarily on the region except only through billions of dollars they hand out to people. How many soldiers do they have? Several dozen thousand conscripts? Do you remember how terrified Saudi Arabia was from Iraq? Saudi Arabia can't make foreign policy decisions strictly from its calculations because they're afraid they might balance the equation on their own and their afraid the West will punish them for it. Show us that all these weapons actually have a use.

You really need all these weapons to attack defenseless people in Iraq and Yemen? All this money going into this when you guys claim to support Syrian opposition yet Syrian opposition is lacking any game changing or heavy weapons. Nobody should project itself as a regional power when these weapons have no use and don't project any influence.

That military industry is small and insignificant. Even Hamas has it's own military industry these days and they build their own drones. I want to see an Saudi Arabia which is a regional power, not one where it doesn't alter any situation in the region except putting billions of dollars trying to get Egypt to attack Arab Islamists/Egyptians against military leadership.

Of course, anti-'terror' training, which is exactly what the West and Israel want Saudi Arabia to focus on internal security sector strictly. They don't want Saudi Arabia to conduct its affairs unilaterally or project any influence on the region. This is why I don't see the point in acquiring all these weapons, Saudi Arabia shouldn't be restricted in their own region and should challenge their enemies interests in the region. They're not doing that though, they're busy handing out billions trying to contain a popular idea amongst all Arabs. Everybody knows Islamists would win any elections in an Arabic nation and Saudi Arabia fears that more than it's proclaimed enemy Iran. Islamists won in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Gaza, Sudan, Yemen, wherever there aren't military dictatorships or monarchies.
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@Yzd Khalifa

Imagine if Saudi Arabia had a proper military commander that's role didn't revolve around protecting the fate of the monarchy leadership, Saudi Arabia could surround Israel and Iran and form a pan arab power which will benefit the interests of many Arab nations and people's. They don't need to become a nuclear power, they just need to put these efforts to waste. If they arm neighboring Arabic nations and Palestinians those neighboring nations would protect Saudi Arabia since they have much more military experience.
Arab seculars aren't involved in the Arabic worlds chatter and are military fanboys.

Only extremists nut-jobs would know better! :lol:

Everybody laughs when Saudi Arabia tries to project itself as a regional power since it does not have influence militarily on the region except only through billions of dollars they hand out to people

:lol: Define the term " Regional Power " :lol:?

Regional power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

KSA never tried to project itself in any way to be an X or Y power. If others tend to look upon us this way, then fine. Egypt was run by a bunch of rouge politicans, who were removed in power by their own people. The only thing KSA did was to support the Egyptian people.

I'm just glad to see you openly admitting that we are helping people by handing billions of dollars. This is what the civil countries do.

How many soldiers do they have? Several dozen thousand conscripts?

The RSLF has 180k personnels, the SANG has 100k, the RSNF has 50K, and the RSAF & RSADF has ~ 60K. Just do the math.

Do you remember how terrified Saudi Arabia was from Iraq?

Just as much terrified as Japan was from North Korea during the Korean war :lol:

C'mon! There has only been two engagements with the Iraqis v.s. the Saudis. The first confrontation was through air combats, the second was the Battle of Al-Khafji. And here is what the then US Marine Commander had to say about it:

But then again, I expect nothing from an illiterate extremist nut-job.

Saudi Arabia can't make foreign policy decisions strictly from its calculations because they're afraid they might balance the equation on their own and their afraid the West will punish them for it. Show us that all these weapons actually have a use.

Yeah, just like what the Saudis did by invading Bahrain:
BBC News - Gulf states send forces to Bahrain following protests
Or similar to the unilateral action we took in Egypt:
Egypt crisis strains US-Saudi ties - Features - Al Jazeera English

Suffice to say that the EU had switched its stance dramatically after our declaration of supporting Egypt:

Show us that all these weapons actually have a use

1984: Saudi F-15s shot down Iranian F-4 Phantom II's. :azn:

You really need all these weapons to attack defenseless people in Iraq and Yemen?

We don't attack civilians. This isn't who we are. We only attack terrorists in Yemen, Iraq, and within our own soil. Hadn't these terrorists attacked us, no body would attack them in the first place. Same goes with Iran, we attacked them three times, and every time they chickened out.

All this money going into this when you guys claim to support Syrian opposition yet Syrian opposition is lacking any game changing or heavy weapons. Nobody should project itself as a regional power when these weapons have no use and don't project any influence.

Only extremists know better about " the projection of power " :lol:

You illiteracy makes me LoL, all day long! :rofl:
New Saudi-supplied missiles boost rebels in south Syria| Reuters
Syrian Rebels: We've Received Weapons from Saudis - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Saudi Arabia increases supply of arms to Syria rebels - FT.com

Even the Russians condemned us for supplying sophisticated arms:

I hardly think you would know any better about the Russians, when it comes to determining which country is a regional power, and which isn't :omghaha:

That military industry is small and insignificant. Even Hamas has it's own military industry these days and they build their own drones.

Yeah, building major components of an aircraft is insignificant :lol:

‫السعودية السلام للطائرات تصنيع قطعا لتطوير طائرات F15 المقاتلة‬‎ - YouTube
‫شركة السلام للطائرات المحدودة‬‎ - YouTube

Just as much as launching sats is useless :lol:
KACST to launch new satellite

Of course, anti-'terror' training, which is exactly what the West and Israel want Saudi Arabia to focus on internal security sector strictly. They don't want Saudi Arabia to conduct its affairs unilaterally or project any influence on the region. This is why I don't see the point in acquiring all these weapons, Saudi Arabia shouldn't be restricted in their own region and should challenge their enemies interests in the region

Listen to the baboon :rofl:

We invaded Bahrain unilaterialy ..

We supported Egypt unilaterally

We bombed the terrorists in Yemen unilaterally

& We armed the Free Syrian Army with sophisticated weapons unilaterally

@Yzd Khalifa

Arab seculars aren't involved in the Arabic worlds chatter and are military fanboys. Everybody laughs when Saudi Arabia tries to project itself as a regional power since it does not have influence militarily on the region except only through billions of dollars they hand out to people. How many soldiers do they have? Several dozen thousand conscripts? Do you remember how terrified Saudi Arabia was from Iraq? Saudi Arabia can't make foreign policy decisions strictly from its calculations because they're afraid they might balance the equation on their own and their afraid the West will punish them for it. Show us that all these weapons actually have a use.

You really need all these weapons to attack defenseless people in Iraq and Yemen? All this money going into this when you guys claim to support Syrian opposition yet Syrian opposition is lacking any game changing or heavy weapons. Nobody should project itself as a regional power when these weapons have no use and don't project any influence.

That military industry is small and insignificant. Even Hamas has it's own military industry these days and they build their own drones. I want to see an Saudi Arabia which is a regional power, not one where it doesn't alter any situation in the region except putting billions of dollars trying to get Egypt to attack Arab Islamists/Egyptians against military leadership.

Of course, anti-'terror' training, which is exactly what the West and Israel want Saudi Arabia to focus on internal security sector strictly. They don't want Saudi Arabia to conduct its affairs unilaterally or project any influence on the region. This is why I don't see the point in acquiring all these weapons, Saudi Arabia shouldn't be restricted in their own region and should challenge their enemies interests in the region. They're not doing that though, they're busy handing out billions trying to contain a popular idea amongst all Arabs. Everybody knows Islamists would win any elections in an Arabic nation and Saudi Arabia fears that more than it's proclaimed enemy Iran. Islamists won in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Gaza, Sudan, Yemen, wherever there aren't military dictatorships or monarchies.

@Yzd Khalifa

Imagine if Saudi Arabia had a proper military commander that's role didn't revolve around protecting the fate of the monarchy leadership, Saudi Arabia could surround Israel and Iran and form a pan arab power which will benefit the interests of many Arab nations and people's. They don't need to become a nuclear power, they just need to put these efforts to waste. If they arm neighboring Arabic nations and Palestinians those neighboring nations would protect Saudi Arabia since they have much more military experience.

Our Defense Forces are solely dedicated to protecting our own land, with a similar defensive doctrine to Japan's and Australia.

And no, thanks. We don't need random terrorist savages to fight on our behalf, we are strong enough to take care of our enemies who pose direct threat to us.
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