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U.S. Asks More From Pakistan in Terror War

Is US really pushing PA or atleast bringing it in a position to fight its war on its payroll with the little bit of help from its intell or they really want to infiltrate into Pakistan to help PA regain its territory and in exchange for that help they might .....?
"PA needs to push its forces in NW too but only to persue the anti-state elements and to establish the writ of the Gov and ensure that these areas do not fall into the wrong hands ."

O.K. Writ of government reads good. So what if these terrorists end up SWA? You can only move so fast. As A.M. indicated, "whack a mole" is a consideration. Already there are hints that many of these men are scattering. I suspect a few might even be with your IDPs. It's not like they haven't had time to consider THEIR alternatives. So they scatter.

But you're now engaged in Buner, SWAT, Bajaur, and SWA. Each of those areas will demand a long-term presence by more than local police or even F.C. for some considerable time of no fixed period. In addition, these areas all need serious and real development assistance to change the previous ways of life. THAT, too, will require a long term security presence. It does no good to build schools, courts, appoint officials, and see it torn down.

Your tribal leadership fabric is in tatters in many of these areas. Hundreds of tribal leaders have been murdered. The old ways may be gone forever. If the new ways includes a full integration into general Pakistani life, that might actually be a good thing. It's high time that these areas that have been heretofore largely left to themselves (i.e. neglected) no longer be.

"Plenty of time for our rivals to weave another web of Perals."

Poorly expressed but I get your point. Still, what web of intrigue might they weave in areas that you've reclaimed and over which you exert greater scrutiny than ever? NOW is the time to slowly but surely bind the tribal areas to the rest of Pakistan and remove such a threat. It won't happen overnight, though.

"Wat if all that milletery adventure of retaking and setteling the wild territory prove useless and the unrest continues..."

Reclaiming your lands is hardly "adventure". Why would you resort to such a term?

"and the PA while persuing all this becomes so weak that it would ultimately negotiate Forign Intervention..."

Why don't you worry about this if it comes about? You've no visible cause to fear such.

"Are their any alternatives or fighting them to the last is the only option left on the table ...?"

Maybe you should negotiate with the militants and surrender some of these lands to them, eh? That's an option. Of course, I think that's been tried already and failed. Have you perhaps forgotten so soon?

How many negotiations did Musharraf enter into in Waziristan? How many negotiations were there in SWAT? Seems you would really like to talk with these men, H2O3C4Nitrogen. Do you trust them so much after what you've witnessed with your own eyes? Will you be happy were your mother or sisters to live under these men?

"Is US really pushing PA or atleast bringing it in a position to fight its war on its payroll with the little bit of help from its intell or they really want to infiltrate into Pakistan..."

Ah, so NOW we see your true feelings. It's NOT your war afterall, is it? Maybe you SHOULD cut a deal. People like you will never learn. Not at least until you feel the cold steel of an irhabist blade drawn across your throat.
The reason why US is in Afghanistan is not a Joke.

US came after perpetrators and King-pin of 9'11 attacks, Its unforunate for Pakistan than these organisation were sheltered by Taliban and Taliban have close link with Pakistan. hence Pakistan got involved rest is well known.


If you want to do the job right in the first place---you gotta do it yourself---the u s forces committed the cardinal sin of letting loose a mercenary army of cut throats ' the northern alliance ' on the already defeated taliban---the reason for that was to show the taliban---that they were not worth it to face the u s combat troops---the taliban were pummelled into submission from air strikes---and then their arch enemies were let loose on them---.

Sending the northern alliance after the taliban was like sending a dog into a mosque---.

The recipe was right for any and every treachery, deceit, deception--you name it, you got it---murder, mayhem, loot and plunder. The americans considered the taliban beneath their dignity to avenge in person---well guess what---wars are unholy---. Well in due time this war did become unholy for the americans---blunder after blunder---mistakes compounding mistakes---till the time came that they could do nothing right---and that is where they are today---.

So many innocent afghans have been killed by the indiscriminate u s air strikes---there will never be trust shown by the afg's---regardless of whatever the u s does---switching over the balance of power to the minority is another cause of distrust---.

Pakistanis don't understand that if there was any real planning done to capture afg---if there was any real conspiracy to plant itself on the borders of russia, china and iran---u s would have prepared and planned and executed the war in a totally different manner. They would have come---taken over the country and taken ownership---it didnot happen over here that way---because---this war was planned by religious zealots and right wing fanatics---in a show of pomp and glory---.

There were no cool heads involved in the undertaking of the conflict---there was no surgical precision attached to this invasion---there was hardly any planning---there were ill-conceived battle plans---there was hardly any preparation to take over the ground---take control and take over the taliban heirarchy---trace---track---confront and neutralize al qaeda---Bin Laden---there was no concentrated effort to take down Bin Laden and the Z man---it was all for show and tell and no substance---.

And nobody dare speak out against the u s at that time---because you were then the enemy of the worst degree.

So---it is a joke that the u s is in afg---what did it come for---they never went after whom they came for---they are running clueless in circles not knowing what they came for---there are a thousandand one voices saying a thousand and one different things---it has been eight years since the start of the war----it has got to end sometime soon---the u s has not been given the carte blanche---enough muslims have been killed in afg by the american forces---it is time for them to go home---.
That is twice now that you've used this specific cartoon as a post in reply to me-and done so on two separate threads. You must presume that you're particularly witty and/or the half-life of such is quite long.

Because that is the only likely outcome. But you have burried your head in the sand and reluctant to face that stark reality.

You almost admitted it in another thread

"Obama is sorely mistaken if he doesn't withdraw our troops altogether. "


"I do see it as a land that God has turn his back upon and fear that he's done so one more time. If so, God will be ignoring more than the afghans this time. "

Which are euphemisms for what is depicted in the picture.

America leaving Afghanistan, however, might. As I've indicated, you may be one of our depathose here that cheers rture

So does every individual who believes in humnaism should.
Because this country has messed so much in the region hiroshima, nagasaki,vietnam,korea, created Al-Qaeda, and what not.

you may be certain that you've become the latest in a long list of those who merit my ignore option.

Am i dying for the name to be removed? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Welcome...and goodbye.

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Ah, so NOW we see your true feelings. It's NOT your war afterall, is it? Maybe you SHOULD cut a deal. People like you will never learn. Not at least until you feel the cold steel of an irhabist blade drawn across your throat.

My statement ment that maybe the US wants the services of PA in Afghanistan too....
I am not a supporter of these irhabist regiems . I also support the cause of crushing them . But there has to be a way in which theres minimum loss and max gains Plus i fear that in the process of eradicating these millitants we might not indulge in a scenario where it may expand to over a period of two decades .

My concerns regarding the comitement of US in this reagion and with PA remains due to the nature of Past History .

Poorly expressed but I get your point. Still, what web of intrigue might they weave in areas that you've reclaimed and over which you exert greater scrutiny than ever? NOW is the time to slowly but surely bind the tribal areas to the rest of Pakistan and remove such a threat. It won't happen overnight, though.
what i still fear is its like a bobby trap where the PA has been forced to indulge which might ultimately give India an edge over the key disputes like Kashmir or maybe also the water issue . What my i concern is " The PA has been forced to open multiple fronts so that its focus from [Kashmir,activities in afghanistan ] can be diverted which might ultimately creat situation advantageous to our rival who does not let go any opertunity in almost every sphere .

The irabists are definately a threat but dealing with that threat at the expense of Neglecting a Far more crutial threat posed at our eastren border (due to the prsence of incresed number of forces and modren fighter aircrafts) might prove harmfull in the long terms Plus theres no gurantee of US coming to rescue and why should they ,, its their interests which they cherish no mater what India might do to Pakistan .
"My statement ment that maybe the US wants the services of PA in Afghanistan too..."

Not at all for a variety of reasons.

"...there has to be a way in which theres minimum loss and max gains"

No there doesn't have to be such a way. In fact, there is no easy payoff. You are likely pursuing the only available pathway to any gains under an recourse now. Let's be honest-the casualties incurred by both you and the taliban are modest compared to what many predicted when discussing an invasion of SWA before two months ago. Your army is moving systematically and carefully. The taliban are offering surprisingly modest resistance and all indications are that they are ceding these lands. Slowly, but only because your army is also moving slowly...as it should.

"...indulge in a scenario where it may expand to over a period of two decades..."

You shall be lucky if it's two decades. This is a war that shall be fought for as long as it takes to transform FATA into a true part of Pakistan in every respect. How long will that take? How long has it been neglected? Fifty years? Sixty years?

Are there a ready set of tribal maliks to replace those murdered by the taliban? How long will it take to grow a new generation of elders who can command the respect of their communities? It doesn't happen overnight, does it? I think it's time to consider new laws and new ways for FATA. Less guns and more jurisprudence, schools, clinics, and jobs.

"My concerns regarding the comitement of US in this reagion and with PA remains due to the nature of Past History..."

This is an indulged myth. Had America attempted to stay, the Soviets would never have left. Think about it. The Soviet Union was NOT going to tolerate an American presence in Afghanistan next to its southern soviet republics. Secondly, America had NO history in Afghanistan prior to the Soviet-Afghan war. Third, had we somehow convinced the Soviets to leave and allow us to remain, how many of your muslim brothers and sisters would have been screaming about American neo-colonial ambitions? I suspect many. Fourth, who did remain? The PRC? No. Great Britain and France? No. Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. were the only to remain and it could be suggested that it might have been better if Saudi Arabia had not. There is much convenience to embracing the notion that Pakistan was abandoned but not all that much substance.

"The PA has been forced to open multiple fronts so that its focus from [Kashmir,activities in afghanistan ] can be diverted which might ultimately creat situation advantageous to our rival who does not let go any opertunity in almost every sphere ."

India may cling to Kashmir but that doesn't mean it intends to attack Pakistan from the east. Moreover, how many of your divisions have you moved west? Of course, you can remain focused upon Kashmir at the expense of your western lands if you wish. Doing so, though, means more of what you experienced in SWAT and have experienced for years in FATA. Your choice.

"The irabists are definately a threat but dealing with that threat at the expense of Neglecting a Far more crutial threat posed at our eastren border (due to the prsence of incresed number of forces and modren fighter aircrafts) might prove harmfull in the long terms..."

H2O3C4Niitrogen, who kill your people TODAY? For what else is an army but your national defense? If you wish matters to proceed more rapidly in the west you could move more troops there. If you refuse because of a perceived threat over an existing and real one, then you must proceed at the current pace or surrender these lands to the irhabists. It seems you've no other choice. If you surrender these lands, it should be clear from SWAT that they will not be satisfied and will reach for more.

Always more.
US is really bent on destroying Pakistan one way or another.

I pray one day we get someone powerful & bold enough to tell US to shut up and first do itself more and then come to Pakistan and ask to do more.

Its literally useless and frustrating to talk about the US do more policy after reading such kind of press releases coming out.

I believe, If God willing we somehow did controlled these militants on this side, you guys know what is gonna happen is US will ask PA to come to Afghanistan and do more over there too as they can't do anything themselves. Its the high point of pathetic attitude by US.

Very soon US defeated in Afghanistan and Pakistan as they are defeated by Combodians and Vietnamis KR rebels .
Cambodia and Vietnam: Different endings to US war | Direct Action

Their real target is our nukes and our stronge defence force.Afghans and Pakistanis are better fighters then KR:D
H2O3C4Niitrogen, who kill your people TODAY? For what else is an army but your national defense? If you wish matters to proceed more rapidly in the west you could move more troops there. If you refuse because of a perceived threat over an existing and real one, then you must proceed at the current pace or surrender these lands to the irhabists. It seems you've no other choice.

The pace can be increased if the US provides at least a diplomatic cover against the False Indian Alligations along with working with China to convince it to increase its troops along its border with India . Then i guess the PA will definately crush these Irahabists with full throttle .
Once a confidance is attained that theres no Indian threat neither they would take any advantage the i think much can be achieved at a greater pace in the West . But unfortunately the the threat remains and even US cant go against the Indian actions of Anti Pakistanism .
US asks Pakistan to show 'results', bring Saeed to justice - Yahoo! India News

New Delhi, Nov 18 (IANS) Three days before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh goes to Washington, the US envoy to India Wednesday said expanding counter-terror cooperation would be a cornerstone of the discussions. He also asked Pakistan to show 'action' by bringing Hafiz Saeed, the alleged 26/11 mastermind, to justice.

'We have experienced 9/11. India has experienced 26/11. We will continue to work shoulder-to-shoulder, hand in hand and hour by hour in fighting terrorism,' US Ambassador to India Timothy J. Roemer told reporters here.

'We need to see actions and results from Pakistan. Those seven Mumbai suspects should be brought to justice through the criminal justice system in Pakistan,' Roemer said.

The envoy said the US had been pressing Pakistan to bring Hafiz Saeed to justice and to dismantle the infrastructure of terrorism.

Manmohan Singh will be leaving Washington for Port of Spain to attend the CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) on Nov 26 -- the first anniversary of the horrific Mumbai terror attacks that killed over 166 people including six Americans.

Expanding counter-terror cooperation and giving it an institutional framework will figure prominently in the discussions between Manmohan Singh and Obama in the White House Tuesday.

A wide-ranging counter-terror deal is expected to be the showpiece of the visit that is expected to take bilateral ties transformed by the nuclear deal to another level by expanding cooperation in areas ranging from climate change and green technologies to food security and poverty-alleviation.

Counter-terror cooperation will be a key cornerstone of the twenty-first century partnership between India and the US, the envoy stressed. This will involve working with India to come up with best information-sharing, technologies and cooperation against groups like the Lashker-e-Taiba and its international associates like Al Qaeda, the envoy said.

With Obama likely to announce a troops surge and firm up his Afghanistan-Pakistan policy soon, the two leaders will also hold wide-ranging discussions on AfPak issues.

'I am certain President Obama and the prime minister are going to have very healthy and robust discussions on AfPak policy,' Roemer said. There will be discussions on Pakistan, he said.

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