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U.S. Army Unveils 'Revolutionary' XM25 Rifle in Afghanistan

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Hey, these are nothing but 25MM grenade launchers with integrated laser range finders (LRF). I thought they were some kind of new assault rifles which they are not. Basically air bursting grenades. I like the way the LRF automatically sets the range on the grenade fuse leaving the firer with nothing to do. Ranges are commensurate with those of automatic grenade launchers. The problem with this as with all other kinds of automatic launchers is that one can't predict the damage done with any degree of certainty and so the danger and therefore the need for caution will remain as the attacker approaches the objective.

All snipers worth their salt change positions after firing and that will negate the utility of this weapon. Also air bursting anti-personnel grenades are indiscriminate and may result in collateral damage. Not sure if it fires bursts though. Bursts of two to three rounds/grenades will make it very handy indeed.

On the whole, its sighting system makes it unique, other than that, it is just another automatic grenade launcher.
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Hey, these are nothing but 25MM grenade launchers with integrated laser range finders (LRF). I thought they were some kind of new assault rifles which they are not. Basically air bursting grenades. I like the way the LRF automatically sets the range on the grenade fuse leaving the firer with nothing to do. Ranges are commensurate with those of automatic grenade launchers. The problem with this as with all other kinds of automatic launchers is that one can't predict the damage done with any degree of certainty and so the danger and therefore the need for caution will remain as the attacker approaches the objective.

All snipers worth their salt change positions after firing and that will negate the utility of this weapon. Also air bursting anti-personnel grenades are indiscriminate and may result in collateral damage. Not sure if it fires bursts though. Bursts of two to three rounds/grenades will make it very handy indeed.

On the whole, its sighting system makes it unique, other than that, it is just another automatic grenade launcher.
Watch this video:

There is another; XM8, which is a pure assault rifle.
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^^^^^ Beg to differ buddy. It looks like an assault rifle, looks like a short barreled bullpup design. But it fires 25 MM grenades which makes it a grenade launcher. Assault rifles do not fire high explosive air burst/impact rounds, not as their primary role.
Look like the camps in Pakistan are going to have to churn out more Talibs in order to replace the casualties.

New weapons wont win the war. Destroying safe havens in Pakistan would do allot more to further NATO's campaign.
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