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U.S. Army hails success with drone-shooting laser

But they will, USA s their unconditionnal slave
They give F22, F35 everything Israel wants

If you can show us a F-22 with Israeli license plates, you will have a genuine defense industry scoop.
Nothing special. We are developing the same thing. I thought the US would be way ahead of us by now but apparently not.
Nothing special. We are developing the same thing. I thought the US would be way ahead of us by now but apparently not.

Is it ???

Chinese always rely on copies, chinese do not invent they imitate.

The LASER is taking too many seconds for a slow drone, Technology needs advancement.
I was wondering when this technology of using lasers for defence would come out, i guess future trials and projects would be to destroy a artillery barrage in the air and Cluster bombs And make the tech miniaturized enough to be fitted on a aircraft in the long run.
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