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U.S. and Pakistan Discuss Release of Doctor Who Helped Find Osama bin Laden

This doctor is not going anywhere. We are going to remind the Americans by keeping this evil man in captivity. For all the drone strikes, killings and terrorism through Afghanistan. For all the pain inflicted on us and our nation. For all the hatred and hypocrisy. For all the misery. This is our punishment to our haters and enemies. No fvcking mercy. Not one bit.

There is no need to hang this evil. We are going lock him so far away in the dungeons that he will beg for daylight and we will push him further into darkness. It is going to feel good. So good that it will eradicate all the scars. We are going to demonstrate how justice is extracted with a vengeance. There can be no mercy for such evil.

The same treatment should be meted out to that little Indian terrorist. Lock him up and throw away the keys. Lock him up for such a long time that we forget his name, face and everything else. Let him beg for death and let him hate his life. An eye for an eye.

Does you opinion matter ??

I saw a lot of similar posts during Raymond Davis times. He got free
I have seen posts that there is no jurisdiction of ICJ in Jadhav case. Pakistan sent their layers to ICJ
I am seeing posts that Jhadhav's execution will not be delayed. Trust me your Govt will wit till ICJ decision

Dr Afridi will go free someday

The people showing emotions in online forum and the people in government with power think differentlly
Does you opinion matter ??

I saw a lot of similar posts during Raymond Davis times. He got free
I have seen posts that there is no jurisdiction of ICJ in Jadhav case. Pakistan sent their layers to ICJ
I am seeing posts that Jhadhav's execution will not be delayed. Trust me your Govt will wit till ICJ decision

Dr Afridi will go free someday

The people showing emotions in online forum and the people in government with power think differentlly

LOL Says a desperate Indian beggar using bold fonts to be heard.

Don't compare apples with oranges fool. Raymond Davis and Afridi are very different cases.

The Americans got Raymond released the on grounds of immunity. What immunity does Afridi have? Also, had American pressure worked he would have been released ages ago. We have kept this traitor locked for a while now and all the Americans can do is scream and shout. This isn't my opinion, but solid facts.

LOL at Afridi being released sooner or later. That is a very convenient way of accepting your defeat. Let me tell you that if that day comes Afridi will be released only in a coffin. Until then he isn't seeing daylight.

All desperate Indians like you can do is scream and beg. Keep screaming and begging because ain't nobody hearing you.

If I were you I would be more worried about that little terrorist of yours who we caught with his pants down. Try getting him of you can. LOL running like a coward to ICJ. Like as if we care. We are going to do as it pleases us. Ain't nobody who can do anything about that.
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Says a desperate Indian beggar using bold fonts to be heard.

Don't compare apples with oranges fool. Raymond Davis and Afridi are very different cases.

The Americans got Raymond release on grounds of immunity. What immunity does Afridi have? Also, had American pressure worked he would have been released ages ago. We have kept this traitor locked for a while now and all the Americans can do is scream and shout. This isn't my opinion, but solid facts.

If I were you I would be more worried about that little terrorist of yours who we caught with his pans down. Try getting him of you can. LOL running of like a coward to ICJ. Like Assad if we care. We are going to do as it pleases us. Ain't nothing you or your daddy America can do about that.

Again emotional outburst, without knowing the condition of your government institutions
Wait kar ke dekh lo kya hota hai :P
in Afridi case
in Jadhav's case
Again emotional outburst, without knowing the condition of your government institutions
Wait kar ke dekh lo kya hota hai :P
in Afridi case
in Jadhav's case

LOL not so tough with the bold fonts anymore?

LOL just STFU man. All you can do is pray that your terrorist gets released. Meanwhile we are holding him captive. We are the ones who are going to decide his fate and you are irrelevant. The same goes for Afridi. We hold the aces. Now keep begging. Beg at ICJ and beg in front of the Americans. Beg China to stop CPEC. You are just a stupid beggar who can only talk. You like to imagine fairy tales. LMAO

Why don't you indians show us how tough you really are? Why don't you come and get your little curry terrorist? Don't you always claim that you can do an American style OBL raid? What are you waiting for? Another fake Mumbai?

The biggest shame is that Indians like you come to this Pakistani forum to make desperate pleas. It goes to show how shameless you are. You get smacked on your ugly faces. Just take a hike and stop humiliating yourself.

Respect in the international arena is priceless and goes miles into building your reputation as a serious player in a lot of matters concerning state to state negotiations, even strategic, economic or defence related negotiations and deals.

We must never release shakeel afridi even if the Us offers a hundred f 35's in return. Self respect of an individual is vital to his honourable existance, yet it's like oxygen to a nation, one doesnt survive long without it.

Pakistan must learn to play calculated and emotionless hardball.

Don't worry. This fvcker isn't going anywhere. The Americans will have to conduct another raid to get their traitor released. Let them try. We are waiting. Like I said, Afridi is our bandage in an otherwise fvcked up relationship with the duplicitous Americans. Afridi is going to serve as a painful reminder to the Americans for all their transgressions against Pakistan. That is until he fits a coffin. Talk is very cheap. Afridi symbolizes America. We are going to humiliate him each time we are reminded about US injustices against our people and land. No amount of F-22s and F-35s can set this record ever straight. This one will go into the history books. Mark my words.

Talk about sweet justice. The sweet irony is that these Americans dug their own grave by revealing his name. Karma striking like a bitch. This is called vengeance.
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Treason is aiding and abetting a foreign agency to overthrow a government or to cause chaos in the country(Pakistan) funded by an enemy state (US? ). By your definition, how many counts of treason has your own government officials committed, by aiding US to catch OBL. ISI worked with the CIA in many cases, even to kill or apprehend Pak citizens in N. Waziristan area. Isn't that treason, they are your citizens. Instead of crying foul on Aafia Siddique, try to convince US to take action against the officers responsible for the murder of Nabila Rahman's family. She lost her loved ones in a drone strike. Thinking they were terrorists.
I suggest you change the Signature to 'Justice for Nabile Rehman and the victims of drone strikes'.
there is a difference between a Government Institution (ISI) and a single person (Shakil), no?
there is a difference between a Government Institution (ISI) and a single person (Shakil), no?
Yes, the government sponsored one is more dangerous than one person. It's like your own shadow attacking you.
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