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U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters Zone Near Iranian Oil Route as Tensions Rise

Stopped reading there. Have a re-think about what you are saying :lol::lol:
I said some area dude, and some are just about 150meters , but it's still so hard to build a man made island, only guard point is possible :lol:
South China Sea Continental Slope

Being the natural extension of the continental shelf, South China Sea’s continental shelf lies on the peripheral part of the continental shelf, covering a rough area of 1.2 million kilometers which represents 49% of the total, it is the most broadly distributed topographical unit in the South China Sea area. The water depth is between 150 meters to 3,600 meters. There exists a terminal depth of 3,200~3,500 meters in the north east part and north part of the basin, while the other parts sees a terminal depth of 3,800~4,000 meters. Trapezoidally descending is one of the main characteristics of this area. According to the study, five sections of steps arising from South China Sea continental shelf as follows:
300--400-meter steps, such as Dongsha Step and Zhongshashangtai Step;

1000--1500-meter steps, such as Xisha Step located outside of Pearl River mouth and in Xisha Islands;

1500--2000-meter steps, such as Nansha Step mainly located on the southern slope;

2200--2400-meter steps, developed from the western slope and Zhongshaxia Step;

2500--2800-meter steps, distributed on the deep-sea water steps at the rim of the slope.
No, that's not illegal, there are no laws nor statements state that those islands belongs to VN. Nothing changed in the real world by internet forum activities =))
We should help our ally Phillipine reclaim those islands from VN
De-rail again =)), all viet can do, such a keyboard warrious, the admin should go harder for those viet, such a buck of trolls and worms, all of them.
Hey Solar, derail is viet job, that's their sole purpose in this forum =))
No, that's not illegal, there are no laws nor statements state that those islands belongs to VN. Nothing changed in the real world by internet forum activities =))
We should help our ally Phillipine reclaim those islands from VN
De-rail again =)), all viet can do, such a keyboard warrious, the admin should go harder for those viet, such a buck of trolls and worms, all of them.
Hey Solar, derail is viet job, that's their sole purpose in this forum =))
We don't de-rail the thread , so pls read again post #187.
dude, I'm proving that even China also avoid US seven fleet, so Iran should do the same, just wait for some more time, US will get more headache from China-Japan and has to send more troop to contain China, so US's forces will be weaken in Middle east soon^^

But Mr. Obambam brag that China can take Taiwan back anytime she want, so we have to have a debate, tha's it
China Extends Iran Oil Import Cut as Sanctions Mount

China will reduce crude imports from Iran for a second month, sources said on Thursday, January 5, as the two remain divided over payment terms for Iranian crude targeted by ever tougher international sanctions, Reuters reported. China, which buys around 10 percent of Iran’s crude exports, cut its January purchases by about 285,000 barrels per day, just over half of the total average daily amount it imported in 2011. “February would be the same as January, with the same cut,” said a Beijing-based crude trader. The dispute underlines the difficulty Iran will have selling its oil after E.U. governments on Wednesday agreed on banning its import and as new U.S. sanctions target payments for the country’s crude. China is the top buyer of Iranian oil and also the fastest growing major oil importer, putting it in a strong position to negotiate for better terms after it more than halved January imports. Refiners in number three buyer Japan on Thursday also expressed concern about being able to secure supplies of the Islamic Republic’s crude, with the country’s biggest refiner saying it is looking at possible alternatives.
In The News
Then China agree sanction to Iran too ?? No more protection even if WW 3 happen ??:what:
In The News
Then China agree sanction to Iran too ?? No more protection even if WW 3 happen ??:what:

Energy-hungry Asian economies look to keep Iranian oil flowing in wake of US sanctions | CanadianBusiness.com

China's foreign ministry rejected the sanctions this week and called for negotiations, leaving unclear whether Beijing might defy Washington, straining relations between the world's biggest and second-biggest economies.

"Sanctioning is not the correct approach to easing tensions," said a ministry spokesman, Hong Lei. "China opposes the placing of one's domestic law above international law and imposing unilateral sanctions on other countries."

Nope, and nope to WW3 either :azn:
as for pakistan, i suggest that we stay out of this and focus on building up the economy, finish all the islamic extremists and focus on education/ energy/ education and all that important stuff rather thn getting involved in other country s problem, we already learned that from join so called war against terrorism
Big buyers to shun Iran oil
By Reuters
Published Friday, January 06, 2012

Iran faced the prospect of cutbacks in its oil sales to China
and Japan as new measures to block Tehran's crude exports over its nuclear programme appeared to be driving its economy to the wall.
The government has tried to ease the pain by giving cash payments to families. But the fall in the rial currency has slashed the value of those payments in dollar terms from about $45 a month to $27.

There are signs that some Iranians may blame the authorities for charting a foreign policy course that brought on sanctions.

"They give us some subsidy cash but it doesn't compensate for anything," said Saeed, a 33-year-old Tehran taxi driver, complaining that his imported cigarettes had doubled in price.

"When I ask people why things are becoming more expensive, they all say it's the sanctions."

Clothes merchant Mohammad, 34, said there was "no trade" despite the usual crowds swarming the shops and stalls in the maze of vaulted tunnels.

"We have to make the products more expensive because we have to pay more for dollars. We shopkeepers are putting pressure on people but we have no choice."
Big buyers to shun Iran oil - Emirates 24/7

You reducing in oil import from Iran make her economy get worse , dude :coffee:
That is not "sanctioning". We are merely reducing our consumption and hunting for better prices. It does not mean we are "agreeing to an Iranian sanction", as our foreign ministry already said. :)
I just said "reducing in oil import from Iran make her economy get worse " , and you'd better give her some Loan to boost her economy up :coffee:

.........but people don't see your Loan to Iran yet :coffee:
If Iran somehow gets lucky in sinking US aircraft carrier then it will be huge psychological impact on usa.
I just said "reducing in oil import from Iran make her economy get worse " , and you'd better give her some Loan to boost her economy up :coffee:

.........but people don't see your Loan to Iran yet :coffee:

Trying to divert away from your initial remark now?

Learn what sanctioning actually means before jumping into such wild conclusions.
Clearly another one of your Anti-Chinese propaganda fail here :lol:
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