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Napoleon and Hitler died because of Russia. Russia is the graveyard of empires. :yes4: If the US invades Russia, it would lose BIG.

Any minute now....!

You mean like the Korean war? :lol:

Using human waves and taking anywhere from 1:5-1:6 losses against an ill equipped and unmotivated US military with an enormous advantage in sheer troop numbers, as well as using Russian pilots, isn't exactly a big confidence builder.

The US shouldn't have been there, (that close to Chinese border/Chosin Reservoir) we left as we should have. I doubt anyone here was fighting, so I don't understand the need for current US-Chinese tension, other than just for e-peen.
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:blink:lmfao lol:omghaha::omghaha::rofl:
Our volunteer army kicked you Yankees out of North Korea. Our airforce destroyed the Yankee airforce shooting down all your fighters with a 3 to 1 ratio.

I would love to see the source for this wild claim. Is there a thread discussing it so this one isn't polluted?

State owned media is not considered a source.
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How else you do think we managed to kick your military from the Yalu river all the way back to the 38th parallel? :lol:

We made a mockery of your overrated and overhyped military, live with the shock kid.

Ah yes, the part where personal comments are made. Is this where I am supposed to point out how easily the Japanese overran China? Or call you a name?

I'm always up for debating (relatively) verifiable facts and info, and enjoy seeing new sources. Over-compensating by pretending it was you and I who was there, and that somehow translates to you being victorious over me personally, is a immature train of thought.

We have humiliate the Japs in WW2,

Please tell me this isn't what you were taught....
Ah OK, thank you for the heads up.

He is so over-the-top, I wonder if it is actually a false-flag troll just trying to make the Chinese look bad.

lol over the top is definitely an understatement with this guy. he's bordering on cartoon territory. Pretty sure he has multiple forum identities too.
:lol: dude your just a low class Iranian. We look down on you state sponsors of terror. Islam = the terrorist religion.

Not all Muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are muslims.

I am not a muslim, and You are better to go back to your government camp, otherwise you may not receive your 50 cents salary today, and may die of hunger.:rofl:
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