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better not to mess with Russian , uncle sam ..... not good business for you :D
Most important question:

What happened to the palestinian Air carrier?


It came out in an overwhelming victory. :D

Here's something else ....

Report: Palestinian ICBM with range of 80km tested in Black Sea.
Marrying is overrated, just have a nice girlfriend. This planet is dying anyways, spare your kids a life full of pain and sorrow.

I think 60 years of peace was enough for this world. I want to see how a nuclear explosion erases capitalism, selfishness, criminality and greed from this planet.

You aren't aware of how a full nuclear exchange would work I take it?

Seeing how little the general public remembers about what a triangular patterned air-burst hydrogen volley, followed by hundreds more, would kill everyone on the planet, it is times like these that I am glad those in charge have cooler heads.
You aren't aware of how a full nuclear exchange would work I take it?

Seeing how little the general public remembers about what a triangular patterned air-burst hydrogen volley, followed by hundreds more, would kill everyone on the planet, it is times like these that I am glad those in charge have cooler heads.

You will find quite a few keyboard warriors here that think of nuclear war as like a video game. Not very rational thinkers.
The US would not mess with Russia. F-22 is claimed as stealth, but S-400 radars can track them down. Stealth is only a marketing word for $.

F-22 is a fighter than has yet to be matched, and it is already getting generational modifications. But that has nothing to do with the fact that neither side wants to "mess" with the other any time soon. This isn't a school-yard contest to see who has a better military, as it is irrelevant. This is two giants standing next to each other, and although the one is superior in using fists, both are in possession of a button that can completely erase the other, but first it gives a 30 minute warning to the other so they can be sure to use theirs too. Neither one would hesitate to use it should they feel they are cornered or the other had used theirs.
Go ahead russia! call it!They play poker, but they don't know what's behind a poker face! One instance in 1971 indo pak war was enough for these yankees to know,.They only speak words as they control the media, on ground they are shiiite! :D
F-22 is a fighter than has yet to be matched, and it is already getting generational modifications. But that has nothing to do with the fact that neither side wants to "mess" with the other any time soon. This isn't a school-yard contest to see who has a better military, as it is irrelevant. This is two giants standing next to each other, and although the one is superior in using fists, both are in possession of a button that can completely erase the other, but first it gives a 30 minute warning to the other so they can be sure to use theirs too. Neither one would hesitate to use it should they feel they are cornered or the other had used theirs.

Even if it's a conventional war, the US would still lose. With only 20 B-2 bombers and 184 F-22 fighter jets, the US air force would be at a severe disadvantage. The Russian army has thousands of S-300 / 400 air defense missiles that would make mince meat out of US planes. :oops: Plus, Crimea and Sevastopol where the Black Sea Fleet is HQ'd is predominantly ethnic Russian.
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Even if it's a conventional war, the US would still lose. With only 20 B-2 bombers and 184 F-22 fighter jets, the US air force would be at a severe disadvantage. The Russian army has thousands of S-300 / 400 air defense missiles that would make mince meat out of US planes. :oops:

I'm sure there is a thread somewhere that this horse is beaten to death, so all I will say is this: If you think the stats you quoted support your conclusion, we might as well close down Westpoint ;)

While I have no doubt of the capabilities of new-gen Russian AA, that doesn't mean they can't be countered, destroyed, or avoided.

Again I don't believe that we would ever find out, as any direct and sustained conflict between the two can only end one place.
I'm sure there is a thread somewhere that this horse is beaten to death, so all I will say is this: If you think the stats you quoted support your conclusion, we might as well close down Westpoint ;)

While I have no doubt of the capabilities of new-gen Russian AA, that doesn't mean they can't be countered, destroyed, or avoided.

Again I don't believe that we would ever find out, as any direct and sustained conflict between the two can only end one place.

It is correct to say there will be no war with Russia unless some people lose their heads, no pun intended. ;)
I'm sure there is a thread somewhere that this horse is beaten to death, so all I will say is this: If you think the stats you quoted support your conclusion, we might as well close down Westpoint ;)

While I have no doubt of the capabilities of new-gen Russian AA, that doesn't mean they can't be countered, destroyed, or avoided.

Again I don't believe that we would ever find out, as any direct and sustained conflict between the two can only end one place.
Brave poker face! but reality is different!
Even if it's a conventional war, the US would still lose. With only 20 B-2 bombers and 184 F-22 fighter jets, the US air force would be at a severe disadvantage. The Russian army has thousands of S-300 / 400 air defense missiles that would make mince meat out of US planes. :oops: Plus, Crimea and Sevastopol where the Black Sea Fleet is HQ'd is predominantly ethnic Russian.

Seriously.... ?

I mean even our cruise missiles can effectively destroy S-300s. And US can not take them off... :woot:
Seriously.... ?

I mean even our cruise missiles can effectively destroy S-300s. And US can not take them off... :woot:

Cruise missiles can be fired from destroyers and subs, but Russian navy and air force and take care of these vessels. :p: Plus, how can Americans even land in the Crimean peninsula? It's pretty much all Russians there. :bounce: They be armed and dangerous. It won't sit well with the American public if American marines get themselves killed there. :usflag:

an eagle is just a bigger and better turkey...lmao
That hawk is no match for a bear lol!
Seriously.... ?

I mean even our cruise missiles can effectively destroy S-300s. And US can not take them off... :woot:

You have to Remember that this 'superboy' hates America and is constantly putting down American military tech. So consider the source before you even bother trying to have a rational discussion with him.
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