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U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

My friend, let's learn to pick our battles carefully.

It almost doesn't matter whether the Towers collapsed because of the planes' impact or not. The undeniable fact is that two airliners hijacked by Muslim terrorists did crash into the towers. If nothing else, even if the Towers were rigged with explosives (and I am not saying they were), the hijackers are responsible for the deaths of the hostages on board and anyone else in the Towers who got killed by the impact itself.

There is no question that OBL and gang carried out the legwork, believe themselves to be the masteminds, and are responsible for the deaths they caused. The larger question is whether they were aided by someone on the inside who facilitated the whole thing.

It is a well-known tactic to cover-up a crime by deliberately planting easily debunked conspiracy theories, so that the tiny kernel of legitimate doubt can be drowned out in the noise.

You are not getting my post developo
I'm trying to show these video the last one was very good attempt to suggest it was done by planes while the others suggest by animation.
What I'm trying to get here is the confusion that is created.
We do not pay Mubarak or any ME despot to be what they are.

- Egypt signed the Camp David peace treaty with Israel in 1979.
- US started giving $2 billion/yr foreign aid to Egypt starting in 1979.
- In a 2006 poll, 92% of Egyptians see Israel as an enemy. (Egypt poll: Israel, Denmark, US - enemies - Israel News, Ynetnews)

But I am sure all this is just a coincidence. :coffee:
In any case, this is off-topic.

Of course you were,

This discussion will go a lot smoother if you focus on actual statements instead of imaginary 'intentions'.

and citing a US source actually reinforce that insinuation.

Nothing to insinuate. The Secret Service made a direct request during a national emergency and the USAF took 90 minutes to respond.

Fine...Then we will roll a few heads.


You just accepted my point that the USAF response was grossly incompetent.

That should put to rest your irrelevant side forays into standards and precedents.
It also means we can dispense with your other red herrings about Russia, Pakistan, etc. etc.

Glad to see you are starting to come around. :)

You mean you do not like a response to YOUR veering off-topic? Then stop going off-topic.

Actually it is you who brought in this nonsense about dependence on Arab oil and other irrelevancies.

Apparently I guess I need to repeat myself -- The Secret Service is NOT a launch authority -- and that mean if requests must go through layers of other command authorities, inefficiencies and delays are inevitable.

Nobody has ever claimed that they are. Not sure why you keep saying that.

Nope...It is an imaginary connection. One necessary to detach Islam and muslims from the event.

Ah, the moooslims again.

But we shall review the chain of events on the Soviets' side

No, we shan't get misled by yet another lame attempt by you to veer off topic. See above.

to see how the muslims

Here it is again: mooooslims, take two.

The laugh is still on YOU, pal. You were proven wrong about the true intention of 'Class B' restriction. Now the burden is upon YOU to prove that 'Class B' mean lethal use of arms is the default and authorized

This is getting tiresome. It doesn't matter what the default procedure is when we know what the actual procedure was over DC at the time of the incident. That's all that matters. Here is it again:

Andrews Air Force Base

A 9/11 Commission document summarizing key transmissions from the Andrews tower will show that warning messages are broadcast about once or twice every 10 minutes. The messages, which are all quite similar, include: “No fly notice. Remain clear of Andrews Class B airspace or you will be shot down,” and, “Any aircraft monitoring Andrews Approach Control frequency: remain clear of Andrews Class B airspace or you will be shot down.” [9/11 Commission, 2/17/2004][...]The airspace around much of Washington is designated Class B airspace

No it does not. The argument here is 'the most heavily guarded airspace in the world'. You need to show the HOW that goes beyond Andrews AFB, even though it may have fighters. You need to show that those fighters must constantly be armed and ready to take off in five minutes so they can be vectored to the appropriate area by ground control.

Already proved that Andrews was broadcasting shootdown threats. Are you saying Andrews was broadcasting empty threats that it couldn't fulfil?

If 'Class B' include the default lethal use of arms, you need to show that Pakistan does have such fighters readied AT ALL TIMES. Get to it.
Because they should be a part of that 'most heavily guarded airspace in the world' argument. So show us how Pakistan is implementing missiles as part of 'Class B' airspace restriction.
Yes. Or at least you should show us how Pakistan would have dealt with this situation.

Again with Pakistan?
See the part above in red.

I have. I shown the reading public how wrong you were about airliners and transponders, about 'Class B' restriction, and about the Secret Service authority level.

You know, gambit, winning fantasy arguments in your mind is no substitute for actual real-life debating skills.

Yes...Fleet Week may not be an exercise, but it is a well known public event that terrorists could use to attack US. Same for publicizing other exercises.

Terrorists could use any event to stage anything; it is irrelevant.

The important point is that the most notorious hijacking in American history just happened to occur precisely during a simulated-hijacking exercise at the nearby AFB. That's one heck of a coincidence.

Does not need to be all. But the fact that I posted NORAD's public announcements of its exercises absolutely debunked your insinuation and sarcasm that a bunch of 'cave dwellers' has access to 'secret exercises', which they do not need anyway. There goes that uncomfortable word 'debunked' again.

Yes, you love the word debunked. I am beginning to think you don't really know what it means...

But if they ignored Saddam's involvement, then that make them dishonest.

No, it makes them first-hand knowledgeable about the situation.
Unlike you.

Not everything. But this thing is.

Uh huh. It's them evil mooooslims again...

But then the fact that Christian cult leaders in the US are isolationists while the fact that al-Qaeda is a global franchise that anyone can attach to his name made your comparison inappropriate.

Irrelevant, as usual. The point was about the dynamics of cult membership.

How do I know that the local mosque is 'extremist'?

Because the word 'dhimmi'-anything is only used by extremists, sometimes by Islamists but mostly by Islamophobe extremists.

Of course that was your thinking...Here it is again...

Nope, my statement was about the actual event, not intention. Who knows whether OBL thought in his wildest dreams that he could actually bring down a pair of 101-storey buildings? Maybe he did. In any case, I don't claim to know his intentions, only the result of his actions.

What would compel Osama bin Laden to make a half-hearted attempt to collapse a WTC tower in the 1993 underground parking lot bomb attempt? Zilch. It make no logical sense. That is like saying a race car driver runs only for second place. So if it make logical sense that bin Laden wanted to collapse a WTC tower in 1993, then it is also logical that he would not have cared how the US would respond. That mean Sept 11, 2001, was actually his work and his alone to correct the first error.

You are lost in your fantasy world again. You claim to read people's mind and then extrapolate all sorts of imaginary scenarios from that.

Yes...Too bad for bin Laden that B43 was not Clinton. The muslim world was shocked as well that America would respond that way. Hip-hip-hooray for B43...!!!

Here we go again.... mooooslims, take four.

Please do not forget to show US how Pakistan is interpreting 'Class B' airspace restriction over Islamabad International Airport. You cannot hide missile batteries. Not sooner or later, but sooner that someone will see and Youtube them.

You are the one who claims that the only way to guard a civilian airspace is with missile batteries. And then you want others to prove your assertion? Failed logic yet again...

If the 'most heavily guarded airspace in the world' argument crumbles, as if it has not already, then so is your credibility about this subject. And it is telling that none of your fellow Pakistanis are coming forth with this info...:D

No Pakistanis or Australians need come forward to prove your assertions about missiles.
You made them, you prove them.
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- Egypt signed the Camp David peace treaty with Israel in 1979.
- US started giving $2 billion/yr foreign aid to Egypt starting in 1979.
- In a 2006 poll, 92% of Egyptians see Israel as an enemy. (Egypt poll: Israel, Denmark, US - enemies - Israel News, Ynetnews)

But I am sure all this is just a coincidence. :coffee:
In any case, this is off-topic.
And you are correct...Considering others in the ME who do not receive any US aid but are dictators anyway.

This discussion will go a lot smoother if you focus on actual statements instead of imaginary 'intentions'.
Well...If you apply this to yourself there would be no discussion.

Nothing to insinuate. The Secret Service made a direct request during a national emergency and the USAF took 90 minutes to respond.
Of course there was an insinuation. As far as the muslims goes, the CIA and other three-lettered agencies run the US and in their minds a 'request' is no different than an 'order'.


You just accepted my point that the USAF response was grossly incompetent.
Then this also debunked any loony conspiracy theory you believe in. What was that saying about never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity?

That should put to rest your irrelevant side forays into standards and precedents.
Nonsense...Standards are what we use to establish incompetence or neglect.

It also means we can dispense with your other red herrings about Russia, Pakistan, etc. etc.
Not at all. As long as you believe in these loony 9/11 conspiracy theories, standards do apply.

Glad to see you are starting to come around. :)
In your dreams.

Actually it is you who brought in this nonsense about dependence on Arab oil and other irrelevancies.
To put to rest the nonsense that muslims are victims of the West.

Nobody has ever claimed that they are. Not sure why you keep saying that.
As long as you continue to bring them up, I will point out the fact that the Secret Service is not and never was a launch authority. Thinking people, and this exclude you, would immediately know that through the many layers of bureaucracies and appropriate chains of command, compounded by the chaos of an unprecedented attack on US soil on Sept 11, 2001, there is no way to judge any response to be 'reasonable'.

No, we shan't get misled by yet another lame attempt by you to veer off topic. See above.
Too late. The reading public is aware of the inconsistency...:D

This is getting tiresome. It doesn't matter what the default procedure is when we know what the actual procedure was over DC at the time of the incident. That's all that matters. Here is it again:

Andrews Air Force Base
A 9/11 Commission document summarizing key transmissions from the Andrews tower will show that warning messages are broadcast about once or twice every 10 minutes. The messages, which are all quite similar, include: “No fly notice. Remain clear of Andrews Class B airspace or you will be shot down,” and, “Any aircraft monitoring Andrews Approach Control frequency: remain clear of Andrews Class B airspace or you will be shot down.” [9/11 Commission, 2/17/2004][...]The airspace around much of Washington is designated Class B airspace
I will show the reading public your dishonesty by highlighting what you omitted...
Planes Told They Could Be 'Shot Down' - A 9/11 Commission document summarizing key transmissions from the Andrews tower will show that warning messages are broadcast about once or twice every 10 minutes. The messages, which are all quite similar, include: “No fly notice. Remain clear of Andrews Class B airspace or you will be shot down,” and, “Any aircraft monitoring Andrews Approach Control frequency: remain clear of Andrews Class B airspace or you will be shot down.” [9/11 Commission, 2/17/2004] (Class B airspace is restricted airspace in which no one is supposed to fly without a working transponder and permission from an air traffic controller. The airspace around much of Washington is designated Class B airspace. [Washington Post, 9/12/2001; New York Times, 9/29/2001] )
As we can see from your source, a 'Class B' restriction DOES NOT include lethal use of force as the default action, as you previously tried to insinuate back on pge 6...

Washington DC is a class B no-fly zone with a standing order to shoot down.
The truth is that Washington DC is no different than Islamabad as far as air traffic control goes.

Already proved that Andrews was broadcasting shootdown threats. Are you saying Andrews was broadcasting empty threats that it couldn't fulfil?
So what if Andrews could not fulfill said threat? This would further debunk you regarding Washington DC airspace being 'the most heavily guarded in the world', correct? Try to consider this possibility, making said threat would affect the majority of airliners still airborne. They would turn away from the area, leaving any persistent inbound isolated and easier to identify as 'suspect'.

Again with Pakistan?
Why not? Afraid of the heat? :D

You know, gambit, winning fantasy arguments in your mind is no substitute for actual real-life debating skills.
My debating skill is working just fine. Yours, however, leave much to be desired. So again you were proven wrong about airspace restriction classes, airliners and their transponders, and about radar detection regarding air traffic control. I am willing to discuss the last part some more, if you like...:D

Terrorists could use any event to stage anything; it is irrelevant.
It is not irrelevant. The issue is not about the US military will announce an upcoming exercise or not. It is about your insinuation that the US military is routinely secretive about its many activities...

So the training and exercise schedule for military airbases is open to the general 'society', eh?
As I have shown with the NORAD schedule announcement list, the US military is far more transparent than you tried to insinuate otherwise.

The important point is that the most notorious hijacking in American history just happened to occur precisely during a simulated-hijacking exercise at the nearby AFB. That's one heck of a coincidence.
It is 'important' only because people like you made the coincidence the proverbial 'mountain out of a molehill' argument.

Yes, you love the word debunked. I am beginning to think you don't really know what it means...
Nope...More like YOU who does not understand what it mean and when it happened to your argument.

No, it makes them first-hand knowledgeable about the situation.
That does not make them intellectually honest.

Unlike you.
Neither do you have their first hand knowledge. But thanks to Paul Volcker, now you know what Halliday and Sponeck knew about the OFFP's corruption that tainted the office of the UN SecGen itself.

Irrelevant, as usual. The point was about the dynamics of cult membership.
The difference between isolationist American Christian sects and al-Qaeda is that the latter is a global phenomenon. Its believers are authorized by simple association to commit terrorism in the name of Islam.

Because the word 'dhimmi'-anything is only used by extremists, sometimes by Islamists but mostly by Islamophobe extremists.
Good...That mean the local mosque in my area is an 'extremist' one. Quite often an 'extremist' position is a valuable intelligence source in that said position is indicative of how far a group may move on the scale of religious fervor.

Nope, my statement was about the actual event, not intention. Who knows whether OBL thought in his wildest dreams that he could actually bring down a pair of 101-storey buildings? Maybe he did. In any case, I don't claim to know his intentions, only the result of his actions.
Wrong...You did implied about Osama bin Laden's intention...

The US response to WTC attacks in 1993 was not timid. OBL would have known what the consequences would be if he actually felled the towers.
The insinuation is plain for all to see, that OBL knew how the US would respond. In effect, you are saying that bin Laden knew how the US would respond so the 1993 underground parking lot bomb was designed NOT to collapse the tower and since he knew how the US would respond, that mean the Sept 11, 2001 attack was 'an inside job'...:rolleyes: Never mind the straining of reality here.

You are lost in your fantasy world again. You claim to read people's mind and then extrapolate all sorts of imaginary scenarios from that.
:rofl: This is from someone who believe that there was supposed to be some 'reasonable' response time on an event that no country ever faced before.

You are the one who claims that the only way to guard a civilian airspace is with missile batteries. And then you want others to prove your assertion? Failed logic yet again...
Only? Nowhere did I say 'only', pal. Here is what I actually said back on pge 5...

Manned fighters are slow to respond. If Washington DC is supposed to be 'the most heavily guarded airspace in the world', then it stands to reason that we should have the quickest response mechanisms to protect the government: missiles. So how many missile batteries are in Islamabad?
Quickest does not mean 'only'. And on later pages I mentioned manned aircrafts as well as missile batteries.

No Pakistanis or Australians need come forward to prove your assertions about missiles.
You made them, you prove them.
So the question remains...That the airspace over Washington DC is allegedly 'the most heavily guarded' as YOU claimed...

...the most heavily guarded airspace on the planet.
...Then the burden is upon YOU to show the HOW should one make such an area so 'heavily guarded'. It is only logical that missile batteries be included precisely because a missile is a faster launch vehicle than a manned aircraft, even though a manned aircraft offer advantages a missile does not have. In an extreme emergency, like what happened on Sept 11, 2001, we may need to forgo the manned aircraft.

The only car in the world is by default the best car in the world. But there are plenty of other countries who not only owns but also design and manufacture cars. So if I want to compare the Corvette versus a Porsche as to which is the 'best' sports car, we need to compare feature for feature and report them.

Is the US the only country that has an air defense? Of course not. So if the US is supposedly with 'the most heavily guarded' airspace over Washington DC, then we need to compare feature for feature with other air defense in other capital cities so we can declare that 9/11 was an 'inside job' because of that 'most heavily guarded' argument. No Pakistani will come forth to support you because they know what you said is not true. They may believe in these loony 9/11 conspiracy theories but they do so out of an emotional need, not from logical thinking.

You admitted that you have no military experience, yet you dismissed the explanations from Chogy who was an F-15 pilot and is currently an airline pilot and therefore would know better than all here the difficulties of aviation in both the military and civilian fronts. This make your belief in these loony 9/11 conspiracy theories emotionally based than from logical thinking.
And you are correct...Considering others in the ME who do not receive any US aid but are dictators anyway.

There's that patented gambit triple two-step shuffle again... :)

The claim (proved above) was that the US pays the tyrant Mubarak $2 billion/year to play nice with Israel and suppress his own people's voice.

Of course there was an insinuation. As far as the muslims goes, the CIA and other three-lettered agencies run the US and in their minds a 'request' is no different than an 'order'.

Ah yes, another display of your psychic powers combined with the inevitable mooooslims rant to veer off-topic again.

In your fantasy world you are a champion of truth debating the entire mooooslim world in front of 'the readership'. In reality, you are just some guy who throws racist tantrums when he loses a point.

Then this also debunked any loony conspiracy theory you believe in. What was that saying about never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity?

Fine, we can focus on whether it was malice or stupidy. The point is that you admitted the behavior was worthy of rolling heads.

Nonsense...Standards are what we use to establish incompetence or neglect.

Since you already admitted that heads need to roll, we can move on.

To put to rest the nonsense that muslims are victims of the West.

Ah yes, the evil mooooslims again. At least you are admitting your penchant for off-topic rants.

As long as you continue to bring them up, I will point out the fact that the Secret Service is not and never was a launch authority. Thinking people, and this exclude you, would immediately know that through the many layers of bureaucracies and appropriate chains of command, compounded by the chaos of an unprecedented attack on US soil on Sept 11, 2001, there is no way to judge any response to be 'reasonable'.

Just repeating your fantasy will not make it reality. Both I and the 9/11 commission talked about a request and you already admitted that the USAF response was worthy of rolling heads.

Point resolved. In my favor.

I will show the reading public your dishonesty by highlighting what you omitted...

No dishonesty involved. I omitted the parts that were irrelevant. The Andrews broadcast warns all aircraft monitoring that frequency to remain clear of DC -- whether it be a Su-35, Boeing 747, Cessna-150 or a helium ballon.

As we can see from your source, a 'Class B' restriction DOES NOT include lethal use of force as the default action, as you previously tried to insinuate back on pge 6...

Then you truly have problems reading plain English. The 9/11 commission report states that, at 10:18AM on 9/11/2001, lethal force was authorized to shoot down any aircraft that defied the warning.

The truth is that Washington DC is no different than Islamabad as far as air traffic control goes.

The truth is that, at 10:18AM on 9/11/2001, Washington DC was different than Islamabad as far as air traffic control goes.

So what if Andrews could not fulfill said threat? This would further debunk you regarding Washington DC airspace being 'the most heavily guarded in the world', correct?

No, you are assuming Andrews was issuing an empty threat and then using your own assumption to 'debunk'.

Try to consider this possibility, making said threat would affect the majority of airliners still airborne. They would turn away from the area, leaving any persistent inbound isolated and easier to identify as 'suspect'.

Exactly! The warning should have weeded out all legitimate aircraft that had not yet complied with the FAA grounding directive issued at 9:45AM. This would have made AA77 stand out like a sore thumb.

My debating skill is working just fine. Yours, however, leave much to be desired. So again you were proven wrong about airspace restriction classes, airliners and their transponders, and about radar detection regarding air traffic control. I am willing to discuss the last part some more, if you like...:D

Given that you have acknowledged my point about unacceptable delay by USAF, I am sitting pretty. All that remains now is to decide between malice and incompetence.

It is not irrelevant. The issue is not about the US military will announce an upcoming exercise or not. It is about your insinuation that the US military is routinely secretive about its many activities...

As I have shown with the NORAD schedule announcement list, the US military is far more transparent than you tried to insinuate otherwise.

Once again, you make a logical fallacy. Just because the US military release some information about their activities doesn't mean that they release all information.

It is 'important' only because people like you made the coincidence the proverbial 'mountain out of a molehill' argument.

This is one mountain of a coincidence.

Nope...More like YOU who does not understand what it mean and when it happened to your argument.

How can I be debunked when you yourself conceded the first half of my argument? That the USAF response was unacceptable.

That does not make them intellectually honest.

They are mooooslims, no doubt, eh? ;)

Neither do you have their first hand knowledge. But thanks to Paul Volcker, now you know what Halliday and Sponeck knew about the OFFP's corruption that tainted the office of the UN SecGen itself.

The point is that they resigned to protest the 'genocide', not corruption.

The difference between isolationist American Christian sects and al-Qaeda is that the latter is a global phenomenon. Its believers are authorized by simple association to commit terrorism in the name of Islam.

Irrelevant. We were discussing the mechanics of cults, not their manifestos.

When discussing the mechanics of the internal combustion engine, it doesn't matter if it's used to ferry groceries or carry kids to school.

Good...That mean the local mosque in my area is an 'extremist' one. Quite often an 'extremist' position is a valuable intelligence source in that said position is indicative of how far a group may move on the scale of religious fervor.

If they use words like 'dhimmi' then they are extremist. But we all know you didn't hear it at any mosque, but on your couch watching Faux News.

Wrong...You did implied about Osama bin Laden's intention...

The insinuation is plain for all to see, that OBL knew how the US would respond. In effect, you are saying that bin Laden knew how the US would respond so the 1993 underground parking lot bomb was designed NOT to collapse the tower and since he knew how the US would respond, that mean the Sept 11, 2001 attack was 'an inside job'...:rolleyes: Never mind the straining of reality here.

Man, you really need to give that psychic brain of yours some rest. It is working in overdrive and starting to sputter...

I will spell it out in small sentences for you since this is not radar science: ;)
- OBL attacked WTC in 1993 with some bombs. What his intentions were, other than to cause maximum damage, only he knows.
- The US retaliated with missile strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan.
- OBL attacked WTC in 2001 with planes. Again, we don't know what he expected to achieve with these 'bombs'. Presumably more damage than in 1993, else why bother?
- Any logical person would know that if you cause more damage to your enemy, his response will be that much greater. Even those of us without your psychic abilities can figure this much out.
- Conclusion: OBL would have been prepared for a sterner US response.

:rofl: This is from someone who believe that there was supposed to be some 'reasonable' response time on an event that no country ever faced before.

90 minutes to launch planes is not reasonable. And you already admitted it.

So the question remains...That the airspace over Washington DC is allegedly 'the most heavily guarded' as YOU claimed...

...Then the burden is upon YOU to show the HOW should one make such an area so 'heavily guarded'.

OK, let's cut to the chase here. You are asserting that the airspace over DC is not 'the most heavily guarded' in the world.

Guess what? it doesn't matter since the salient point was that the USAF response was inadequate and, after your acknowledgement, we have agreement on that.
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There's that patented gambit triple two-step shuffle again... :)

The claim (proved above) was that the US pays the tyrant Mubarak $2 billion/year to play nice with Israel and suppress his own people's voice.
What it 'proved' is that if it was so easy to ply the ME despots with money to play nice with US and their neighbors, the entire region would have been under our rule by now. The fact that Egypt has her own interests cannot be ignored. Once again, the exaggeration of America in the ME and the minimalization, if not outright denial, of culpability by the region's despots is consistent. The tap-dancing by you is entertaining.

Ah yes, another display of your psychic powers combined with the inevitable mooooslims rant to veer off-topic again.

In your fantasy world you are a champion of truth debating the entire mooooslim world in front of 'the readership'. In reality, you are just some guy who throws racist tantrums when he loses a point.
A 'muslim' is an adherent to a set of moralities. There is no race called 'muslim'.

Fine, we can focus on whether it was malice or stupidy. The point is that you admitted the behavior was worthy of rolling heads.

Since you already admitted that heads need to roll, we can move on.

Just repeating your fantasy will not make it reality. Both I and the 9/11 commission talked about a request and you already admitted that the USAF response was worthy of rolling heads.
Yes we can move on...On to showing how you are debunked...

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
MR. LEHMAN: Secret Service has told us that they had repeatedly before 9/11 requested alert aircraft to protect the Capitol, particularly at Andrews Air Force Base, and other air defense, that this was never acted on by the Pentagon, was there a reason why?

GEN. MYERS: That never came to my attention. I was never -- as the vice chairman at the time, and I started in 1 March of 2000, from the time I was the vice chairman, I was never aware, or even as NORAD, I was never aware of a request from the Secret Service for that kind of service.

MR. LEHMAN: But when you were NORAD commander, there had already been a private aircraft that crashed into the White House grounds. There were repeated and written worries about the potential for private aircraft to make suicide attacks, and there were 11 separate intelligence reports circulating broadly through the intelligence community that al Qaeda had planned to use aircraft as weapons, although the focus was overseas. Didn't anybody at NORAD try to connect the dots and say that this is something we've got to worry about, that it's a target in the Capitol area, that we'd better get ready for it? But, instead, when even NORAD's own planning staff proposed to include in exercises the dealing with hijacked suicide aircraft, it was rejected by NORAD as by the NORAD commander, I think it was after your time, as something to be exercised and planned for.

GEN. MYERS: I think it was rejected, and General Eberhart can be clearer on this, I don't think it was by the commander, I think it was by the planning group that was meeting because it did not fit the scenario at the time. But, the use of aircraft as a weapon, as a missile, other than World War II and the Kamikaze situation, I'm not aware, and I've tried to research this, and the best information I get, I am not aware that an aircraft has ever been used as a weapon. Now, there have been landings on the White House lawn, there was a landing in Red Square, there have been lots of stupid things. There was talk about crashing airplanes into the CIA. But, in most of that threat reporting leading up to 9/11, it was hijacking an airplane and in the normal hijack mode, not in the mode of a weapon.

Now, there were some talks about in post hijack situations where they talked to about people over the demands were made that they were going to crash, one instance, into the Eiffel Tower, but even the work that was done and the hijackings that were planned for the Philippines, which is a well-known plot, they planned to hijack the airplanes and blow them up primarily.

So, no, the threat perception, there was not -- the intelligence did not point to this kind of threat, and I think that explains our posture.
I doubt that prior to Sept 11, 2001, not even the 'mighty' Pakistani Air Force contemplated that hijacked airliners WOULD, not could, be used as weapons. Before 9/11, hijacked airliners were usually used as negotiation leverages for various political grievances. If someone wanted to use an aircraft as a suicide weapon, we, including the 'mighty' Pakistani Air Force, would have thought of someone flying his own aircraft, NOT expending time, resources and increased manpower to take over an airliner and use it as that suicide weapon.

GEN. EBERHART: Sir, I'd like to answer that question. And, first of all, there's no scheme here or plot to spin this story to try to cover or take a bullet for anyone. And I for one, from the day after 9/11 to today, do not get into FAA bashing, because as I can imagine being on those screens that morning, as I can imagine being in their shoes, and the confusion that existed that morning -- obviously we know we could have done it better. We know today that we're doing it better. And, most importantly, we know tomorrow we must do it even better. But there is no spin here for us to cover. We wish we had done things much like as outlined by the Commissioners that we now do because of what happened on 9/11. But I can assure you that there was -- we didn't get together and decide that we were going to cover for anybody or take a bullet for anybody.


MR. BELGER: Yes, sir, very briefly, if I could. And I will be very brief.

You've introduced the four of us, and we will do our best to try to put in perspective our thoughts about the FAA's performance on 9/11. As you said, September 11, I was the Acting Deputy Administrator of the FAA. I was on duty that day in my office, and was obviously very much involved on that day.

On the morning of 9/11, it became clear that the historical procedures, the protocols, and the communication links were not adequate. The FAA and other agencies were reacting to a scenario that had not been practiced or modeled. Decision-makers, including myself, were reacting quickly and, in my opinion professionally, but in an untested environment. I think the staff's description of improvisation is accurate, and I absolutely take no exception to that. We were, in my view, in a reaction mode in an environment in which we had not been in before.
The entire testimony before the US Congress by the US military and the FAA is filled with our admissions of institutional weaknesses, bureaucratic layers that resulted in delays, and assorted operational flaws. No country, not even the 'mighty' Pakistani Air Force is immuned from those issues. But in way do those things mean there was a 'conspiracy'.

An 'order' is valid only if the issuer is part of the chain of command and that the action requested commensurate with the rank and authority of the issuer. So even if the Secret Service agent actually yelled out: 'Get airborne. Now.' To Andrews' wing commander, that still would be a request, not an 'order' because the law does not include the Secret Service in that chain. The larger issue is not 'Can the Secret Service be in that chain of military command?' but rather 'SHOULD the Secret Service be in that chain?' The moment we start down this path where the Praetorian Guards has command over the military, we are on the road to a dictatorship. In a country where civilian authority over the military is the norm, we want a diffusion, not concentration, of military power among the civilian leadership structure. I know that this diffusion of military power is difficult for you to comprehend but try anyway.

Should we expect the loony lot of you to read the posted testimony in its entirety? Absolutely not. We should not expect you to be that intellectual honest.

Given that you have acknowledged my point about unacceptable delay by USAF, I am sitting pretty. All that remains now is to decide between malice and incompetence.
Hmmm...You have no direct experience with military affairs and aviation, you have been proven technically wrong on a couple of points, you have nothing but baseless ***ssumptions and conjectures. I say you are sitting pretty ugly, buddy.

Ah yes, the evil mooooslims again. At least you are admitting your penchant for off-topic rants.
Nope...The ones with the penchant for off-topic rants are the muslims themselves what with inserting Iraq, Afghanistan, or Israel into just about every subject.

No dishonesty involved. I omitted the parts that were irrelevant. The Andrews broadcast warns all aircraft monitoring that frequency to remain clear of DC -- whether it be a Su-35, Boeing 747, Cessna-150 or a helium ballon.

Then you truly have problems reading plain English. The 9/11 commission report states that, at 10:18AM on 9/11/2001, lethal force was authorized to shoot down any aircraft that defied the warning.
Of course it was dishonest. Here is YOUR original claim again...

Washington DC is a class B no-fly zone with a standing order to shoot down.
Heck...You even underlined the word 'is' to deceitfully insinuate that lethal force is authorized as the default action over Washington DC. Now that you are busted with the true meaning of 'Class B' airspace restriction, you are trying to weasel your way of out of this.

The truth is that, at 10:18AM on 9/11/2001, Washington DC was different than Islamabad as far as air traffic control goes.
Fine...But since you, someone with neither direct military nor aviation experience, criticize US for an extraordinary event that no country could have anticipated, we have good reason to demand how Pakistan could have done better. In that, you must show how Pakistan arrayed air defense resources around Islamabad. Get to it.

No, you are assuming Andrews was issuing an empty threat and then using your own assumption to 'debunk'.
No assumption on my part. Andrews AFB is an airlift wing and even if there are fighters hosted, that does not mean those fighters are specifically tasked to NORAD, as you have deceitfully tried to insinuate.

Exactly! The warning should have weeded out all legitimate aircraft that had not yet complied with the FAA grounding directive issued at 9:45AM. This would have made AA77 stand out like a sore thumb.
Debunked by my explanation of how civil aviation are monitored by airport radars. See post 33 back on pge 6. Even so, once the few F-16s were airborne, the pilots recalled intercepting several general aviation aircrafts that either did not know of the order to land or were trying to land. This is just another consistent exaggeration of capabilities in trying to make this loony conspiracy theory sticks. You are insinuating that once the FAA ordered all flights to land, all flyers heard the order, the sky was immediately cleared, there were no confusion by anyone as to fuel status if he can make it to the nearest airport, and that there were no long lines in the sky by aircrafts waiting to land.

Once again, you make a logical fallacy. Just because the US military release some information about their activities doesn't mean that they release all information.
No logical fallacy on my part. I made no such claim about 'all' information. On the other hand, it is YOU who insinuated that the US military keep secret all exercises. Here is that insinuation...

So the training and exercise schedule for military airbases is open to the general 'society', eh?
Clear enough?

This is one mountain of a coincidence.
Only in your mind.

How can I be debunked when you yourself conceded the first half of my argument? That the USAF response was unacceptable.
So what if the USAF's response was unacceptable? How does this proved there was a 'conspiracy'? If you acknowledge that there were institutional flaws, bureaucratic delays, and operational flaws, then you have effectively debunked yourself.

The point is that they resigned to protest the 'genocide', not corruption.
What they protested does not negate the fact that the OFFP was corrupt and said corruption tainted the Office of the UN SecGen itself. And that corruption contributed to the 'genocide', if we are going to strain that word.

Irrelevant. We were discussing the mechanics of cults, not their manifestos.
For al-Qaeda, its manifesto is more important than how Christian cults behave. The fact that any muslim can become an al-Qaeda associate is too uncomfortable for you, eh?

If they use words like 'dhimmi' then they are extremist. But we all know you didn't hear it at any mosque, but on your couch watching Faux News.
You know nothing about me other than what I chose to reveal on this forum. For our neighborhood, we are glad that there is an 'extremist' mosque nearby.

Man, you really need to give that psychic brain of yours some rest. It is working in overdrive and starting to sputter...

I will spell it out in small sentences for you since this is not radar science: ;)
- OBL attacked WTC in 1993 with some bombs. What his intentions were, other than to cause maximum damage, only he knows.
- The US retaliated with missile strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan.
- OBL attacked WTC in 2001 with planes. Again, we don't know what he expected to achieve with these 'bombs'. Presumably more damage than in 1993, else why bother?
- Any logical person would know that if you cause more damage to your enemy, his response will be that much greater. Even those of us without your psychic abilities can figure this much out.
- Conclusion: OBL would have been prepared for a sterner US response.
But you did claimed to know. Here it is again...

The US response to WTC attacks in 1993 was not timid. OBL would have known what the consequences would be if he actually felled the towers.
The question is: Did Osama bin Laden believed that the US would not respond anymore aggressive than previous responses? You said: 'OBL would have known what the consequences would be if he actually felled the towers.' He 'would have known'. The 'maximum damage' for the 1993 WTC underground parking lot bomb attempt was not to damage some cars or cause people to flee in terror. Ramzi Yousef built that bomb assembly and he wanted WTC 1 to collapse INTO tower 2. That was supposed to be the 'maximum damage'.

But since the attempt failed and the American response was no more aggressive than before, meaning nothing that affected bin Laden and al-Qaeda based in Afghanistan, bin Laden decided to escalate and unfortunately for him, the Taliban, and finally Afghanistan, B43 decided to take it personally, as he rightly he should, and the US responded with disproportionate force. Most people believe bin Laden underestimated US.

90 minutes to launch planes is not reasonable. And you already admitted it.
No problems. There are plenty of things the USAF do that they admit is 'not reasonable'. Now how does this proved there was a 'conspiracy theory'?

OK, let's cut to the chase here. You are asserting that the airspace over DC is not 'the most heavily guarded' in the world.

Guess what? it doesn't matter since the salient point was that the USAF response was inadequate and, after your acknowledgement, we have agreement on that.
But it does matter because without that airspace being 'the most heavily guarded' you are left with the truth that it was 19 muslims, not Zionists in cahoots with the CIA under orders from the Freemasons in association with the Illuminati, who attacked US on Sept 11, 2001. You have been proven wrong over and over about this and the only thing you got left is to mock the US military for failure on an attack method that NO ONE, not even Pakistan, could have anticipated.
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I've never understood why everyone thinks it is necessary for steel to physically liquify before failing structurally. By definition, structural steel is under great load, and the engineers will calculate a safety margin... 1.5 or greater. Take a look at the very typical curve here:


Note that the YIELD strength is reduced almost 5X at a measly 700 C. This means that if the steel is loaded to 50% (safety factor of 2), it will fail structurally looooong before the steel's melting point is reached.

This is why you can heat a steel bar dull red with a simple propane torch from a hardware store, and bend it like a pretzel.

Like every other 9/11 conspiracy discussion, this one has yet again fallen into incredible minutia, with the big picture apparently forgotten.

Let's say I am an "operator" tasked to set up a false-flag operation which would allow the U.S. to attack a nation. Let's say the target is Iran, for the sake of the argument. Which operation would I design:

Option A) Bring in hundreds/thousands of experts, air traffic controllers, demolitions personnel, approx 50,000 pounds of high-explosives, miles of detcord, pilots, fake hijackers, faked ATC transmissions, passports, complex backgrounds, etc etc. Swear them all to secrecy. Hope it all works in an insanely complex operation. Hope not one of them talks.

Option B) Get 2 experts in metallurgy to fake a dozen cannisters, make them look Iranian. Disburse nerve agents in a subway. Thousands dead. Canisters found. Casus Belli established. Total number of conspirators = 6 to 8, max.

9/11 conspiracies don't make the slightest sense, especially on the macro level. They also totally fall apart on the micro-level, but that is where people focus, because it is so easy to muddy the waters.

what about this chogy?...
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. .
Explain please how 25,000 to 75,000 pounds of demolitions explosives and miles of PETN detcord were installed into holes drilled in steel structural supports in one of the busiest locations on earth? And no one noticed? After the 1993 attack?

"Why do 500 guys with fat backpacks keep climbing through the walls of these buildings? Ah, just ignore them."

And why did you totally ignore my Casus Belli argument?
One other thought, please. The U.S. went to war in Iraq (which I disagreed with entirely, by the way) without a prior horrific attack attributed to Iraq.

If there was some desperate need to light up Afghanistan in 2001, doesn't that show that a faked attack wasn't needed?

One further question, the root of the entire argument: Why is it so difficult to believe that terrorists hijacked aircraft and used them in suicide attacks? Is this completely impossible, and if so, why? Consider the string of attacks and bombings on U.S. assets that all occurred prior to 9/11...

It was a massive intelligence failure on the part of the CIA, lax security, and an attack methodology that had not been considered before. Pre 9/11, we pilots were told to cooperate with hijackers and be completely passive. We had classes on the subject.
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The collapse of Building 7 at 5:20PM EDT was in itself a major event; the sudden and unexplained fall to earth of a 47-story steel-framed skyscraper is certainly news. Why has there been almost no mention of this in the U.S. media, and why was there no mention of Building 7&#8217;s collapse in The 9/11 Commission Report? These are questions of great significance, and they cry out for answers. To be able to approach any kind of explanation, however, first some pertinent and verified facts of the Building 7 aspect of 9/11 need to be scrutinized.

The following eleven facts have been compiled from the research of reputable sources &#8211; those who have dared to question and have devoted innumerable hours into discovering what really happened on 9/11.

FACT 1: WTC Building 7 was one of the largest buildings in downtown Manhattan. It was 47 stories tall, about half the height of the Towers, and took up an entire city block. It was 300 feet from the closest Twin Tower (the North Tower, WTC 1), and was a steel-framed, concrete structure.4

FACT 2: WTC Building 7 &#8211; on its 23rd floor &#8211; housed an Emergency Command Center for the City of New York that Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had built in the mid-1990&#8217;s. On the morning of September 11th, Mayor Giuliani did not go &#8220;to his Command Center &#8211; with its clear view of the Twin Towers &#8211; but to a makeshift, street-level headquarters at 75 Barkley Street.&#8221; WTC 7 also held the offices of numerous government agencies, including the Department of Defense, the CIA, the Secret Service, the IRS, and the Security and Exchange Commission.5 Late 2001 was the time of &#8220;the height of the investigation into Enron, so the majority of Enron&#8217;s SEC filings were likely destroyed when World Trade Center 7 came down.&#8221;6

FACT 3: WTC Building 7 was not hit by airplane or significant debris on September 11th. It had been evacuated after the planes hit the towers.By the afternoon of September 11th, there were a few small fires of unknown origin evident in the building, and these small fires could be seen in only a few of the hundreds and hundreds of windows in the building.7

FACT 4: On September 11, 2001, at 5:20PM, EDT, World Trade Center Building 7 suddenly and rapidly collapsed. Beginning with the penthouse, all 47 stories of it imploded into its own footprint in less than seven seconds. Three different videos of Building 7&#8217;s vertical collapse &#8211; two from CBS video broadcasts, and one from an NBC news camera &#8211; can be seen online at WTC7.net the hidden story of Building 7: Videos Show Building 7's Vertical Collapse.

FACT 5: On September 16th, NASA flew an airplane over the World Trade Center site, recorded infrared radiation coming from the ground, and created a thermal map. The U.S. Geological Survey analyzed this data, and determined the actual temperature of the rubble. This map shows that five days after the collapse of Building 7, the surface temperature of a section of its rubble was 1,341&#186; F.8 This high a temperature is indicative of the use of explosives.

&#8220;WTC 7&#8217;s rubble pile continued to smolder for months.&#8221;9

FACT 6: Fire Engineering magazine is the 125-year-old paper-of-record of the fire engineering community. Bill Manning, editor-in-chief, wrote an Editor&#8217;s Opinion in the January, 2002 edition. His editorial, $elling Out the Investigation, pointed out that destruction of evidence &#8211; the hurried removal of rubble which should be examined by investigators &#8211; is illegal. He also issued a &#8220;call to action&#8221;. To quote excerpts:

&#8220;For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap. Crucial evidence that could answer many questions &#8230; is on the slow boat to China &#8230;&#8221;

&#8220;I have combed through our national standard for fire investigation, NFPA 921, but nowhere in it does one find an exemption allowing the destruction of evidence for buildings over 10 stories tall.&#8221;

&#8220;Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the &#8216;official investigation&#8217; blessed by FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half baked farce [emphasis mine] that may have already been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure. Except for the marginal benefit obtained from a three-day, visual walk-through of evidence sites conducted by ASCE investigation committee members &#8211; described by one close source as a &#8216;tourist trip&#8217; &#8211; no one&#8217;s checking evidence for anything.&#8221;

&#8220;The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately.&#8221;

&#8220;Firefighters, this is your call to action. &#8230;contact your representatives in Congress and officials in Washington and help us correct this problem immediately.&#8221; 10 11

FACT 7: In May of 2002, FEMA published their report #403 titled World Trade Center Building Performance Study. This report claims that the fires caused the building to collapse, but that the specifics of how this is supposed to have occurred &#8220;&#8230;remain unknown at this time.&#8221;12

FACT 8: The collapse of WTC Building 7 shows five characteristics of a controlled demolition:

It &#8220;dropped directly into its own footprint in a smooth, vertical motion&#8221;;

It &#8220;collapsed completely in less than seven seconds&#8221;;

&#8220;Dust streamed out of the upper floors of Building 7 early in its collapse&#8221;;

&#8220;WTC 7&#8217;s roof inverted toward its middle as the collapse progressed&#8221;; and

&#8220;WTC 7&#8217;s rubble was mostly confined to the block on which the building stood.&#8221;13

FACT 9: &#8220;Larry Silverstein is a rather large player within the realms of 21st Century real estate, finance, and politics.&#8221;14 He &#8220;&#8230;had taken out a long lease on the World Trade Center only six weeks before 9/11. In a PBS documentary entitled &#8216;America Rebuilds&#8217;, originally aired in September of 2002, Silverstein made the following statement about Building 7:

&#8216;I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, &#8220;We&#8217;ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.&#8221; And they made that decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.&#8217;&#8221; 15 16

FACT 10: &#8220;It is inconceivable that anyone could be running around placing explosives in exactly the right places all within seven hours. In fact, implosions take a minimum of two weeks and up to two months to plan and place the charges. The fire department of New York does not even train their personnel to do controlled demolition. They are done by highly skilled experienced specialists who plan and test far ahead.&#8221;17

FACT 11: &#8220;&#8230; [George W.] Bush&#8217;s brother, Marvin Bush, and his cousin, Wirt Walker III, were principles in the company [Stratesec, formerly named Securacom] that was in charge of security for the World Trade Center, with Walker being the CEO from 1999 until January 2002.&#8221;18

Hidden Facts of 9/11
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few of the hundreds and hundreds of windows in the building.7 was on fire. Still it collapsed. please ecsplain how that is posible.
I've never understood why everyone thinks it is necessary for steel to physically liquify before failing structurally. By definition, structural steel is under great load, and the engineers will calculate a safety margin... 1.5 or greater.


9/11 conspiracies don't make the slightest sense, especially on the macro level. They also totally fall apart on the micro-level, but that is where people focus, because it is so easy to muddy the waters.
Explain please how 25,000 to 75,000 pounds of demolitions explosives and miles of PETN detcord were installed into holes drilled in steel structural supports in one of the busiest locations on earth? And no one noticed? After the 1993 attack?

"Why do 500 guys with fat backpacks keep climbing through the walls of these buildings? Ah, just ignore them."

And why did you totally ignore my Casus Belli argument?
There is a great deal of intellectual dishonesty in these loony 9/11 conspiracy theory believers. It is not as if the 'melted steel' debunking or your logical argument regarding planting demolition charges have not been presented before. These people simply cannot afford to concede any valid technical counter-argument to their own. Doing so -- even just once -- would undermine their entire emotional investment in these loony theories. The solution to simply ignore those valid counter-arguments, wait a while then bring the same debunked crap up again as if it is something shockingly relevant, make some comments regarding 'the media', then hope others equally gullible would chime in and flood the discussion with ignorance based praises, off-topic rants about US foreign policies, and general anti-US sentiments. I have yet to see a believer concede that he was wrong about the 'melted steel' argument based upon publicly available information. Take note the person who brought that on pretty much bailed the debate. :rolleyes:
What it 'proved' is that if it was so easy to ply the ME despots with money to play nice with US and their neighbors, the entire region would have been under our rule by now. The fact that Egypt has her own interests cannot be ignored. Once again, the exaggeration of America in the ME and the minimalization, if not outright denial, of culpability by the region's despots is consistent. The tap-dancing by you is entertaining.

No, the only 'entertaining' aspect is your preditable attempt, yet again, to sidetrack off the point of contention. Once again, I proved the point that Mubarak is a bought man, to the tune of $2 billion/year.

A 'muslim' is an adherent to a set of moralities. There is no race called 'muslim'.

The racist remark has nothing to do with Muslims; try and focus on more than one thread of conversation at a time. The racist tag is in regards to your continued references to 'the ME', Arabs, Pakistanis and Somalis -- always in a derogatory manner. Instead of focussing on the event under discussion, you constantly attempt to veer off track with derogatory allegations about these groups.

Yes we can move on...On to showing how you are debunked...

Kinda hard to 'debunk' me when you already conceded the first half of the argument to me.

I doubt that prior to Sept 11, 2001, not even the 'mighty' Pakistani Air Force contemplated that hijacked airliners WOULD, not could, be used as weapons.

The 'mighty' Pakistanis? Feeling desperate again, eh? ;)

Let the education begin...

Complete 911 Timeline: Military Exercises Up to 9/11

At some point between 1991 and 2001, a regional NORAD sector holds an exercise simulating a foreign hijacked airliner crashing into a prominent building in the United States, the identity of which is classified. According to military officials, the building is not the World Trade Center or the Pentagon. The exercise involves some flying of military aircraft, plus a &#8220;command post exercise&#8221; where communication procedures are rehearsed in an office environment. [CNN, 4/19/2004]


Numerous training exercises are held around the US, based on the scenario of terrorist attacks that involve aircraft hijackings. Richard Clarke, the counterterrorism &#8220;tsar&#8221; from 1998 until October 2001, will later testify that, before 9/11: &#8220;In many, many cities and probably most metropolitan areas, the FBI had worked with the state and local authorities to plan responses to certain kinds of terrorist attacks. We then held a series of exercises around the country. For example, on weapons of mass destruction attacks, we had had a whole series of exercises about hijackings of aircraft.&#8221; [US Congress, 6/11/2002


According to USA Today, &#8220;In the two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conduct exercises simulating what the White House [later] says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.&#8221; One of the imagined targets is the World Trade Center. According to NORAD, these scenarios are regional drills, rather than regularly scheduled continent-wide exercises. They utilize &#8220;[n]umerous types of civilian and military aircraft&#8221; as mock hijacked aircraft, and test &#8220;track detection and identification; scramble and interception; hijack procedures; internal and external agency coordination; and operational security and communications security procedures.&#8221; The main difference between these drills and the 9/11 attacks is that the planes in the drills are coming from another country, rather than from within the US. Before 9/11, NORAD reportedly conducts four major exercises at headquarters level per year. Most of them are said to include a hijack scenario (see Before September 11, 2001). [USA Today, 4/18/2004; CNN, 4/19/2004]

and to close off

NORAD is already planning for the Amalgam Virgo 02 exercise. This exercise, scheduled for June 2002, will involve the simulation of two simultaneous commercial aircraft hijackings. One plane, a Delta 757, flown by Delta pilots, will fly from Salt Lake City, Utah to Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska. It will be &#8220;hijacked&#8221; by FBI agents posing as terrorists. The other plane will be a Navy C-9 bound from Oak Harbor, Washington to Vancouver, British Columbia, and will be &#8220;hijacked&#8221; by Royal Canadian Mounted Police. On both planes, military personnel will act as civilian passengers. US and Canadian fighters are to respond, and either force the planes to land or simulate shooting them down. Describing Amalgam Virgo 02 to the 9/11 Commission, NORAD&#8217;s Major General Craig McKinley later says, &#8220;Threats of killing hostages or crashing were left to the script writers to invoke creativity and broaden the required response for players.&#8221; About 1,500 people will participate in the exercise. USA Today will note that this is an exception to NORAD&#8217;s claim that, prior to 9/11, it focused only on external threats to the US and did not consider the possibility of threats arising from within the US. 9/11 Commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste will similarly comment that this planned exercise shows that, despite frequent comments to the contrary, the military considered simultaneous hijackings before 9/11. [CNN, 6/4/2002; American Forces Press Service, 6/4/2002; Associated Press, 6/5/2002; 9/11 Commission, 5/23/2003; USA Today, 4/18/2004]

So even if the Secret Service agent actually yelled out: 'Get airborne. Now.' To Andrews' wing commander, that still would be a request, not an 'order'

Still trying that diversion tactic about Secret Service 'orders', eh?

Should we expect the loony lot of you to read the posted testimony in its entirety? Absolutely not. We should not expect you to be that intellectual honest.

I just repeated plain English statements from the 9/11 commission report. The Secret Service made a request. The military took 90 minutes to respond. If that seems like lunacy to you, take it up with the 9/11 commission.

Nope...The ones with the penchant for off-topic rants are the muslims themselves what with inserting Iraq, Afghanistan, or Israel into just about every subject.

The only one injecting Iraq, Russia, Pakistan, Somaila and ME politics into this discussion is you. Does that mean you are secretly a moooslim? Say it ain't so, gambit. :)

Of course it was dishonest. Here is YOUR original claim again...Heck...You even underlined the word 'is' to deceitfully insinuate that lethal force is authorized as the default action over Washington DC. Now that you are busted with the true meaning of 'Class B' airspace restriction, you are trying to weasel your way of out of this.

This whole discussion is about the morning of 9.11.2001. The assertion, amply substantiated, has always been that on that morning, Washington DC was a shoot-to-kill no-fly zone. We are not talking about what happens over Washington during the summer, or in Moscow or Islamabad or anywhere else. We are talking about the skies over DC at that specific time.

Fine...But since you, someone with neither direct military nor aviation experience, criticize US for an extraordinary event that no country could have anticipated,

It was anticipated and trained for. Several times (see above).

No assumption on my part. Andrews AFB is an airlift wing and even if there are fighters hosted, that does not mean those fighters are specifically tasked to NORAD, as you have deceitfully tried to insinuate.

I don't care if they are assigned to Santa Claus. When the country is under attack and the Secret Service has reason to believe DC may be at risk, then the military's job is to coordinate and respond.

You are insinuating that once the FAA ordered all flights to land, all flyers heard the order, the sky was immediately cleared, there were no confusion by anyone as to fuel status if he can make it to the nearest airport, and that there were no long lines in the sky by aircrafts waiting to land.

What part of "The warning should have weeded out all legitimate aircraft that had not yet complied with the FAA grounding directive" did you not understand?

No logical fallacy on my part. I made no such claim about 'all' information.

Here is your quote:

But the point here is that our open society gave the hijackers all the flight information they need

On the other hand, it is YOU who insinuated that the US military keep secret all exercises. Here is that insinuation...
So the training and exercise schedule for military airbases is open to the general 'society', eh?
Clear enough?

Seems pretty clear to me. Just because they publicize some events doesn't mean they publicize every event. What part do you have trouble parsing?

So what if the USAF's response was unacceptable? How does this proved there was a 'conspiracy'? If you acknowledge that there were institutional flaws, bureaucratic delays, and operational flaws, then you have effectively debunked yourself.

I acknowledge no such thing. It is your list of excuses for the delay.

What they protested does not negate the fact that the OFFP was corrupt and said corruption tainted the Office of the UN SecGen itself. And that corruption contributed to the 'genocide', if we are going to strain that word.

First it was Saddam and them pesky Ay-rabs. Now its UN corruption that is to blame. Sure, everybody is at fault, except the US which railroaded the sanctions through in the first place.

For al-Qaeda, its manifesto is more important than how Christian cults behave. The fact that any muslim can become an al-Qaeda associate is too uncomfortable for you, eh?

It is irrelevant to the point being debated, although I understand your desperation in trying to veer the dicsussion off-topic again.

You know nothing about me other than what I chose to reveal on this forum. For our neighborhood, we are glad that there is an 'extremist' mosque nearby.

I know enough about your so-called 'knowledge' of Islam to know where you got it from. That is enough to render you irrelevant in any serious debate about Islam.

You said: 'OBL would have known what the consequences would be if he actually felled the towers.' He 'would have known'.

Yes, as in

Any logical person would know that if you cause more damage to your enemy, his response will be that much greater.

Since we both agree that OBL 'escalated' the conflict, he would have expected a more severe response.

Most people believe bin Laden underestimated US.

No disagreement there.

No problems. There are plenty of things the USAF do that they admit is 'not reasonable'. Now how does this proved there was a 'conspiracy theory'?

Given the fact that, contrary to the military's claims, similar scenarios had been reheased previously, the question arises why it took 90 minutes to respond.

But it does matter because without that airspace being 'the most heavily guarded'

On the morning of 9.11.2001, the time period under discussion, DC was heavily guarded -- by the most powerful military on the planet.

you are left with the truth that it was 19 muslims, not Zionists in cahoots with the CIA under orders from the Freemasons in association with the Illuminati,

All righty, then...:whistle:
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