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U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad

all i say is, it's unbelievable that the US would have washington DC unguarded and not be able to respond in time. i know that shanghai, beijing and hong kong are guarded permanently by a ring of long range SAM, even more scattered short range SAM, anti aircraft guns, and at least 1 air force base. this was published sometime last year. the defense of washington should be at least comparable.

i'm not saying either way, just questioning how could the US have been so incompetent to respond.
The US is not a dictatorship, has a large civil aviation community, and internal US airspace is managed by civilians, not the military. And provide a credible source for your claim about Shanghai's air defense.
. .
You're the one who has imposed despots like Mubarak, so relax, nobody is going to call you to overthrow them.

Mubarak receives a $2 billion/year payoff to play nice with Israel and to suppress democracy within Egypt. But don't expect the Americans to admit that.

For people like you, the intention is to insinuate 'order' through 'request'.

No insinuation intended by 'people like me'. I quoted a statement verbatim from the 9/11 commission report.

If you can't rebut a factual point, just man up and say so. Don't start flailing your arms desperately with these lame displays of your psychic abilities.

Just like how the CIA is exaggerated in everyway, whatever the Secret Service said, or 'requested', on that day is equally exaggerated. But for thinking people, which excludes loony 9/11 conspiracy theory believers, who works in organizations and deals with institutions' bureaucrats all day long, they have no problems seeing how, in the chaos of Sept 11, 2001, institutional inefficiencies, weakneses, and flaws overwhelmed everyone and everything.

Yes, we get it. No need to beat this horse to death. You are claiming criminal incompetence as a defence. Got it!

Oooohhh...But do call US when there is a dictator that the rest of the ME cannot put down or when some need food and water because of some natural disasters. Take our aid and say 'Death to America' as a thank-you.

Here comes that attempt to veer off-topic again. Once again, if you lose a point, just admit it and move on... ;)

Again...Is this experience talking? Having problems admitting your inexperience is making you look silly.

Not at all. I never claimed to be a military expert but even I know that 90 minutes is an eternity when the Secret Service issues a direct request for assistance during a national emergency.

This is just another imaginary connection necessary to convince yourself.

It is a necessary connection since, according to you, this coincidental military exercise 'confused' the h*ll out of the poor military authorities. :rofl:

Wrong...The one who is still having reading comprehension problems are YOU.

Hey, you forgot to cover your ears and shout, "I know you are but what am I?" ;)

Rust's flight was tracked long before he landed in Red Square. The moment Soviet air defense forces found him, it was no longer a 'normal' day.

Had two airliner crashed into a major Russian landmark that day? Had the Russian equivalent of the Secret Service issued a direct request for fighter jets over Moscow?

No? Then it isn't the same situation so stop using that as an excuse.

Restricted airspace is not so because of 'crazy or criminal people'. Islamabad International has 'Clas B' restricted airspace but does Pakistan has any general/private aviation? I challenge you to contact the Pakistani civil aviation authority and show us that Pakistani airspace has restrictions due to fear of 'crazy or criminal people' instead of traffic control.

So, Buckingham Palace, Parliament House (UK, Pakistan, India) and various nuclear facilities are no-fly zones not because of security concerns but for 'traffic control'?

This is classic!
This one's a keeper. :rofl:

Andrews AFB, which is not even a fighter base but a airlift wing.

Does it house fighters capable of intercepting airplanes?
If so, then it suffices.

'the most heavily guarded airspace in the world' should be the most paranoid and should have missiles.

Again with the missiles?
What is your obsession with missiles, my good man?

Based upon what standard? I want to see precedents.

Standards? Precendents?
You want to know what standards would justify a 90 minutes to respond to a direct request by the Secret Serivce during a known crisis situation?

Nope...The one who is squirming here are YOU. You have been utterly debunked about aircrafts, radars, the Secret Service, and 'Class B' restrictions. A miserable record.

You know, gambit, 'debunked' isn't a magic word that, if you just repeat it over and over it will magically solve your debating problems.

Try countering with actual facts next time.

Believe it or not...Yes. Quite often a USAF base will announce an upcoming training or significant event if it feels said training may have some measurable impact on the local area and population. Everyone knows when is Fleet Week, or Red Flag.

Fleet Week? You are comparing a simulated-hijacking exercise to Fleet Week? :rofl:

And Red Flag is only announced to warn about live ammunition used in those two specific AFB. Nothing to do with this particular type of exercise.

But the point here is that our open society gave the hijackers all the flight information they need. All they have to do is pick a day where the flights are most opportune. No genius IQ required, just due diligence to details.

No, it doesn't gambit. The USAF doesn't publicly advertise all its training schedule.

You have been debunked again.

Oooh, magic word again!
I must play dead... :)

None of them came out and said: 'The US did it.' All we have are your innuendos.

Actually, they all blamed the US-led sanctions. Which amounts to the same thing.

Name please.

Already posted in that earlier post, but I will repeat it here: Hans von Sponeck.

Often it is the critic of US who has these off-topic lead in. Too late.

The only one constantly veering off-topic is you. When you lose a polint, you scramble around for an out. Any out.

Like I said, those are state-on-state actions. But if you want to interprete it to mean that the West is intending to wage another crusade against the muslims, then we have every reason to interpret al-Qaeda to be a duly appointed agent of the ummah.

This doesn't even make sense. Surely not even to an Islamophobe doped up on Faux News.

So how many acts of terrorism did the Branch Davidian committed against the muslims?

Hold on to your hat now, cause I will say it slowly: Not everything is about the mooooslims.

You mentioned about OBL promising rewards to his followers and I pointed out that rewards and religious texts are SOP for cult leaders.

Nope...I got the word from the local mosque. A looonnng time ago.

You just happen to live near an extremist mosque. Riiiight.
Try being honest next time and admit you got it from Faux News or one of their Islam 'experts'.

Nope...Let us review your lack of critical thinking skills here...

Oh, this should be good.... :)

Why was there a bomb in the underground parking lot? Because the hope was to induce a collapse of a tower. Your absurd thinking is that somehow al-Qaeda did not want to collapse the towers but only to 'wound' it for fear that that the US would invade Afghanistan.

Really? That is 'my thinking' is it? And you got all that from my simple statement that OBL bombed the WTC in 1993.

I would hold off on that job application to the Psychic Hotline, if I were you.

This make you a member of Osama bin Laden's inner circle? Given the fact that functional democracies have frequent regime changes, it would not be unusual to have a leader take the opposite direction from his predecessor about a particular issue.

Riiight. OBL was counting on a kinder, gentler America.
Oh wait, that was Papa Bush, not Baby Bush...
Ooops for OBL.

So yes, Osama bin Laden probably did believed that the US would not respond any greater than the 1993 WTC failed attempt, the USS Cole and previous embassies attacks.

So can we assume that you are now using your psychic talents to channel OBL?

I speak for myself just fine. And you are no more better than I about the dynamics of this conflict just because you are a muslim. If anything, me being an infidel make me just as wise as you are because you are a muslim. You guys want 'Death to America'? Now you got a fight. Take a look at Europe for clues.

Ooh, there's that 'mooooslim' bit again.
You hadn't used it for a while and I was getting kinda worried. :)
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This is getting flogged to the point where it is difficult to understand the basis of the debate.

Is the claim being made that the ineptitude of the response is indicative of the fact the U.S. was either behind 9/11, or allowed it to happen? If so, may I suggest the following:

We often discuss "heavily guarded airspace." "Rings of overlapping AD coverage" etc. The simple truth is that the majority of attackers will get through. Consider North Vietnam. North Vietnam had one of the highest densities of air defense ever constructed, and while they took a toll of U.S. warplanes, the vast majority did in fact get through to deliver their payload, despite the fact that the NV were on a war footing, were alert, prepared, and had targets that were unambiguous... obvious enemy fighters and bombers.

Now let's go to Washington DC, on 9/11. It's peace-time, and nothing is expected to happen. There are no SAM rings, and alert barns are scarce. The "targets," when they appear, are not BlackJack bombers or MiG's, they are civilian airliners full of people, with unknown intentions. And there were hundreds of them that day, flying about on the Eastern seaboard.

And yes, they got through, with the exception of flight 93. I just don't understand why that is so surprising to so many, or why it is indicative of some conspiracy. Do people expect omniscience from the U.S. air defense? There isn't an air defense anywhere in the world that cannot be successfully penetrated.
Have to applaud his bravery , to speak his mind and say like the way things are

a) Iran has not experimented on ppl like USA does
b) Iran has not experimened nuclear weapons on Algeria like France did
c) Iran has nots stolen land like United Kingdom did to Argentina
d) Iran does not steals Nigerian Oil like most white owned companies do

What lie has he told?

Science has proven 9/11 to be done by inside job , you can't melt
steel by conventional fire in buildings 'IMPOSSIBLE'

The fact is White COUNTRIES don't like to listen to any argument against their superiority because in their heads they are the MORAL high ground for rest of the world

a) They don't need to answer to all the Muslim deaths in Afghanistan
b) They don't need to answer to any loss of economy to Pakistan
c) They don't need to answer to any loss of economy to Africa

They are self centered , and only think of their ownselves , their lives revolve around , kicking their own buttts over holocast over and over again.

Again Applause to Mr Ahmadinajad for having a great intellectual mind to question the 911 post massacre done by US forces in world , and hold them responsible for their destruction

War crimes should be applied

US is run by RICH class - masters - and the working class has no say , their mind and opinions are minipulated by the media (owned by rich class). They have a habbit of launching their own DIRTY wars to expand their corporations world wide and we have to look at Russia to help balance the power or China

The WORLD will be destroyed unless the CRAZY nations stop bombing peaceful 3rd world countries , and they should not sell weapons to rouge elements

Their land mines or bombs may have killed civilians in 3rd world countries but their leaders would wake up , eat their bread and spread butter on top - and wash it down with coeffee and go to meet with their other white collegues and hold a convention on HUMAN rights

lol ... HUMAN rights ... its the biggest joke these governments play on every one while their left hand drips blood they hold a candle for peace from other

Thats all what they do ...

People like Mr Chavez and Mr Ahmadinajad are blessing to the poor nations
and even then we see idiots walking out
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. .
This is getting flogged to the point where it is difficult to understand the basis of the debate.

Is the claim being made that the ineptitude of the response is indicative of the fact the U.S. was either behind 9/11, or allowed it to happen? If so, may I suggest the following:

We often discuss "heavily guarded airspace." "Rings of overlapping AD coverage" etc. The simple truth is that the majority of attackers will get through. Consider North Vietnam. North Vietnam had one of the highest densities of air defense ever constructed, and while they took a toll of U.S. warplanes, the vast majority did in fact get through to deliver their payload, despite the fact that the NV were on a war footing, were alert, prepared, and had targets that were unambiguous... obvious enemy fighters and bombers.

Now let's go to Washington DC, on 9/11. It's peace-time, and nothing is expected to happen. There are no SAM rings, and alert barns are scarce. The "targets," when they appear, are not BlackJack bombers or MiG's, they are civilian airliners full of people, with unknown intentions. And there were hundreds of them that day, flying about on the Eastern seaboard.

And yes, they got through, with the exception of flight 93. I just don't understand why that is so surprising to so many, or why it is indicative of some conspiracy. Do people expect omniscience from the U.S. air defense? There isn't an air defense anywhere in the world that cannot be successfully penetrated.

thanks for the clearup. i was under the impression that it was not the flights that were being diverted that's a problem, but i'm curious as to the construction of the WTC. there may be responsibility from the contractors for shoddy work.
thanks for the clearup. i was under the impression that it was not the flights that were being diverted that's a problem, but i'm curious as to the construction of the WTC. there may be responsibility from the contractors for shoddy work.

It wasn't shoddy so much as they never expected a plane to crash into it. The WTC is a lightweight truss design and they saved weight by using spray on foam insulation. When the plane crashed into it, a lot of the foam insulation got stripped from the floor truss. Steel loses its tensile strength when heated and that's how the failure began.

And there were hundreds of them that day, flying about on the Eastern seaboard.


9:17 AM FAA shuts down all five airports in the New York City area.
9:26 AM FAA issues a national "ground stop," preventing all civilian flights from taking off.
9:45 AM FAA grounds all civilian planes in the US.
10:30 AM FAA reports that all inbound transatlantic flights were being diverted to Canada.
10:39 AM FAA closes all operations at all US airports.

The USAF fighters did not take off until 10:38 AM.
And we are not talking about the entire eastern seaboard; we are focussed on the DC metro area.

And yes, they got through, with the exception of flight 93. I just don't understand why that is so surprising to so many, or why it is indicative of some conspiracy. Do people expect omniscience from the U.S. air defense? There isn't an air defense anywhere in the world that cannot be successfully penetrated.

The point is not that the airliner got through. I agree that you cannot guard everything 100%.

The point is that the USAF did not dispatch any fighters for 90 minutes, despite a direct request by the Secret Service and known attacks on the Towers already that morning.

Are you saying DC area radars could not detect any aircraft airborne when all planes were required to be either grounded or in the process?

What were they doing for 90 minutes when every single second counts? If you want to claim incompetence, then fine, but I have a much higher opinion of the USAF.
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The US is not a dictatorship,.

Of couse not:

Thats why it had establish Camp X-ray
Thats why it threatens regima change in Iran
Thats why it supports Irseal against the Palistine + Lebanes people
Thats why they supported Saddam another dictator who eventually gased his own people
Thats why it had used WMD on civillains
THats why it has 60 years of regieme change in Muslim countries and south America

and so on............... :usflag: :tup:
. .
Look at these videos:

My friend, let's learn to pick our battles carefully.

It almost doesn't matter whether the Towers collapsed because of the planes' impact or not. The undeniable fact is that two airliners hijacked by Muslim terrorists did crash into the towers. If nothing else, even if the Towers were rigged with explosives (and I am not saying they were), the hijackers are responsible for the deaths of the hostages on board and anyone else in the Towers who got killed by the impact itself.

There is no question that OBL and gang carried out the legwork, believe themselves to be the masteminds, and are responsible for the deaths they caused. The larger question is whether they were aided by someone on the inside who facilitated the whole thing.

It is a well-known tactic to cover-up a crime by deliberately planting easily debunked conspiracy theories, so that the tiny kernel of legitimate doubt can be drowned out in the noise.
Mubarak receives a $2 billion/year payoff to play nice with Israel and to suppress democracy within Egypt. But don't expect the Americans to admit that.
Nonsense...We admit it just fine...That with the exception of Israel, the ME is ruled by despots. We do not pay Mubarak or any ME despot to be what they are. Despots are the best that the ME can produce at this time.

No insinuation intended by 'people like me'. I quoted a statement verbatim from the 9/11 commission report.

If you can't rebut a factual point, just man up and say so. Don't start flailing your arms desperately with these lame displays of your psychic abilities.
Of course you were, and citing a US source actually reinforce that insinuation.

Yes, we get it. No need to beat this horse to death. You are claiming criminal incompetence as a defence. Got it!
Fine...Then we will roll a few heads. But that mean you are debunked.

Here comes that attempt to veer off-topic again. Once again, if you lose a point, just admit it and move on... ;)
You mean you do not like a response to YOUR veering off-topic? Then stop going off-topic.

Not at all. I never claimed to be a military expert but even I know that 90 minutes is an eternity when the Secret Service issues a direct request for assistance during a national emergency.
Apparently I guess I need to repeat myself -- The Secret Service is NOT a launch authority -- and that mean if requests must go through layers of other command authorities, inefficiencies and delays are inevitable. Now why not show US how Pakistan could do better...:lol:

It is a necessary connection since, according to you, this coincidental military exercise 'confused' the h*ll out of the poor military authorities.
Nope...It is an imaginary connection. One necessary to detach Islam and muslims from the event.

Had two airliner crashed into a major Russian landmark that day? Had the Russian equivalent of the Secret Service issued a direct request for fighter jets over Moscow?
That is not the point. But we shall review the chain of events on the Soviets' side to see how the muslims are so reluctant to develop a conspiracy theory to that event because they know that it would end their own conviction about 9/11 'loony'...

Mathias Rust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the meantime, Rust crossed the Baltic coastline in Estonia and turned towards Moscow. At 14:29 he appeared on air defense radar and, after failure to answer to an IFF signal, was assigned combat number 8255. Three SAM divisions tracked him for some time, but failed to obtain permission to launch at him. All air defenses were brought to readiness and two interceptors were sent to investigate. At 14:48 near the city of Gdov one of the pilots observed a white sport plane similar to a Yakovlev Yak-12 and asked for permission to engage, but was denied.
That is amazing. The feared Soviet air defense was 'denied' permission to shoot Rust down. We may never know for certain if the KGB did issued a request, not an order, to fire. But it is odd that the dreadful KGB would not have that kind of authority. This must be a conspiracy.

Soon after, the fighters lost contact with Rust, and while they were directed back to him, he disappeared from radar near Staraya Russa. The then-West German magazine Bunte speculated that he might have landed there for some time, citing that he changed his clothes somewhere during his flight, and that he took too much time to fly to Moscow considering his plane's speed and weather conditions.
Wow...Soviet radars are supposed to be able to detect 'stealth' aircraft but they 'lost' contact with a prop job...!!! This has to be a conspiracy.

Air defense re-established contact with Rust's plane several times, but confusion followed all of these events. The PVO system had shortly before been divided into several districts, which simplified management but created additional overhead for tracking officers at the districts' borders. The local air regiment near Pskov was on maneuvers, and, due to inexperienced pilots' tendency to forget correct IFF designator settings, local control officers assigned all traffic in the area friendly status, including Rust.
Confusion...??? No...!!! This cannot be...!!! And how convenient that the local air regiment was on 'maneuvers' that took it out of the national defense picture. This cannot be anything but a conspiracy.

Near Torzhok there was a similar situation, as increased air traffic was created by a rescue effort for an air crash that had happened the previous day. Rust, flying a slow propeller-driven aircraft, was confused with one of the helicopters taking part in the rescue. Afterwards, he was spotted several more times, but given false friendly recognition twice; he was considered as a domestic training plane defying regulations, and was issued least priority.
Aahh...Even though the props on Rust's little airplane was of a different axis than on a helo, its motion must have 'confused' Soviet radars. Radar engineers the world over must have been paid off by the KGB to say nothing about this discrepancy.

Around 7:00 p.m. Rust appeared above Moscow's center. He had initially intended to land in the Kremlin, but changed his mind - he reasoned that landing inside, hidden by the Kremlin walls, would have allowed the KGB to simply arrest him and deny the incident. Therefore, he changed his landing spot to the Red Square.[1] Heavy pedestrian traffic did not allow him to land there either, so after circling about the square one more time, he was able to land on a bridge by St. Basil's Cathedral. A later inquiry found that numerous wires normally strung over the bridge - which would have incidentally prevented his landing there - had been removed for maintenance that very morning, and were replaced the day after.[1] After taxiing past the Cathedral he stopped about 100 meters from the square, where he was greeted by curious passersby. He was arrested soon afterwards.
What...?!?! Rust actually circled Moscow? Madre de Dios...!!! And what were those wires for? Was it actually to prevent such unauthorized landing by small aircrafts? And how convenient that they were removed...!!! And why was Rust greeted by civilians? Was he not tracked, although conveniently 'lost', several times? Where were the feared KGB or the GRU?

So, Buckingham Palace, Parliament House (UK, Pakistan, India) and various nuclear facilities are no-fly zones not because of security concerns but for 'traffic control'?

This is classic!
This one's a keeper. :rofl:
The laugh is still on YOU, pal. You were proven wrong about the true intention of 'Class B' restriction. Now the burden is upon YOU to prove that 'Class B' mean lethal use of arms is the default and authorized and that Pakistan is enforcing it. Get to it.

Does it house fighters capable of intercepting airplanes?
If so, then it suffices.
No it does not. The argument here is 'the most heavily guarded airspace in the world'. You need to show the HOW that goes beyond Andrews AFB, even though it may have fighters. You need to show that those fighters must constantly be armed and ready to take off in five minutes so they can be vectored to the appropriate area by ground control. If 'Class B' include the default lethal use of arms, you need to show that Pakistan does have such fighters readied AT ALL TIMES. Get to it.

Again with the missiles?
What is your obsession with missiles, my good man?
Because they should be a part of that 'most heavily guarded airspace in the world' argument. So show us how Pakistan is implementing missiles as part of 'Class B' airspace restriction.

Standards? Precendents?
You want to know what standards would justify a 90 minutes to respond to a direct request by the Secret Serivce during a known crisis situation?
Yes. Or at least you should show us how Pakistan would have dealt with this situation.

You know, gambit, 'debunked' isn't a magic word that, if you just repeat it over and over it will magically solve your debating problems.

Try countering with actual facts next time.
I have. I shown the reading public how wrong you were about airliners and transponders, about 'Class B' restriction, and about the Secret Service authority level.

Fleet Week? You are comparing a simulated-hijacking exercise to Fleet Week?
Yes...Fleet Week may not be an exercise, but it is a well known public event that terrorists could use to attack US. Same for publicizing other exercises.

And Red Flag is only announced to warn about live ammunition used in those two specific AFB. Nothing to do with this particular type of exercise.
See above.

No, it doesn't gambit. The USAF doesn't publicly advertise all its training schedule.
Does not need to be all. But the fact that I posted NORAD's public announcements of its exercises absolutely debunked your insinuation and sarcasm that a bunch of 'cave dwellers' has access to 'secret exercises', which they do not need anyway. There goes that uncomfortable word 'debunked' again.

Oooh, magic word again!
I must play dead... :)
Wise thing to do. It is true about your argument anyway -- Dead.

Actually, they all blamed the US-led sanctions. Which amounts to the same thing.
But if they ignored Saddam's involvement, then that make them dishonest.

Already posted in that earlier post, but I will repeat it here: Hans von Sponeck.
Who resigned in 2000, too early to see how the corrupt OFFP contributed to the tragedy.

The only one constantly veering off-topic is you. When you lose a polint, you scramble around for an out. Any out.
No...It is YOU and others who constantly seeked to bring in Iraq and who knows what else. Learn to stay on topic, if you can.

This doesn't even make sense. Surely not even to an Islamophobe doped up on Faux News.
This coming from someone who believe in loony 9/11 conspiracy theories?

Hold on to your hat now, cause I will say it slowly: Not everything is about the mooooslims.
Not everything. But this thing is.

You mentioned about OBL promising rewards to his followers and I pointed out that rewards and religious texts are SOP for cult leaders.
But then the fact that Christian cult leaders in the US are isolationists while the fact that al-Qaeda is a global franchise that anyone can attach to his name made your comparison inappropriate.

You just happen to live near an extremist mosque. Riiiight.
Try being honest next time and admit you got it from Faux News or one of their Islam 'experts'.
How do I know that the local mosque is 'extremist'?

Oh, this should be good.... :)
It was.

Really? That is 'my thinking' is it? And you got all that from my simple statement that OBL bombed the WTC in 1993.

I would hold off on that job application to the Psychic Hotline, if I were you.
Of course that was your thinking...Here it is again...

The US response to WTC attacks in 1993 was not timid. OBL would have known what the consequences would be if he actually felled the towers.
What would compel Osama bin Laden to make a half-hearted attempt to collapse a WTC tower in the 1993 underground parking lot bomb attempt? Zilch. It make no logical sense. That is like saying a race car driver runs only for second place. So if it make logical sense that bin Laden wanted to collapse a WTC tower in 1993, then it is also logical that he would not have cared how the US would respond. That mean Sept 11, 2001, was actually his work and his alone to correct the first error. More like YOU should not complete that Psychic Hotline job offer.

Riiight. OBL was counting on a kinder, gentler America.
Oh wait, that was Papa Bush, not Baby Bush...
Ooops for OBL.
Yes...Too bad for bin Laden that B43 was not Clinton. The muslim world was shocked as well that America would respond that way. Hip-hip-hooray for B43...!!!

Please do not forget to show US how Pakistan is interpreting 'Class B' airspace restriction over Islamabad International Airport. You cannot hide missile batteries. Not sooner or later, but sooner that someone will see and Youtube them. If the 'most heavily guarded airspace in the world' argument crumbles, as if it has not already, then so is your credibility about this subject. And it is telling that none of your fellow Pakistanis are coming forth with this info...:D
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Of couse not:

Thats why it had establish Camp X-ray
Thats why it threatens regima change in Iran
Thats why it supports Irseal against the Palistine + Lebanes people
Thats why they supported Saddam another dictator who eventually gased his own people
Thats why it had used WMD on civillains
THats why it has 60 years of regieme change in Muslim countries and south America

and so on............... :usflag: :tup:
A dictatorship is one where basic human rights and freedoms are denied to its own citizens., like the kind common in the ME.
Science has proven 9/11 to be done by inside job , you can't melt
steel by conventional fire in buildings 'IMPOSSIBLE'
YOU dared to speak of science? YOU ? :rofl: YOU? :rofl: If it is possible to literally die of laughter, YOU and science in the same sentence is a good candidate.

Fire Department
In only 3 /12 minutes, the heat from a house fire can reach over 1100°F. People die when the temperature is over 212°F.

Metals - Melting Temperatures
Stainless Steel 1510C 2750F
So heat from an ordinary house fire can already reach more than half to the melting point of steel. Fire departments all over the world are members of a fraternity dedicated to the preservation of their cities and they share data, training, and technology towards that preservation. The problem for you is that science tells us that an industrial fire is not comparable to a house fire and a building like one of the WTC towers is an industrial structure with its high capacity electrical system that include industrial level capacitors that goes 'Boom' when exposed to fire.

Here is an example of one 'industrial' type fire that actually melted steel...

Mont Blanc Tunnel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
His BMW melted into the pavement after he dragged an unconscious truck driver behind a fire door. A commemorative plaque at the Italian entrance honors his heroism.
Other 'industrial' type fires have also literally melted steel items. For the Mont Blanc tunnel fire, it was possible due to gasoline and the environment -- the tunnel. For the WTC towers, there were aviation fuel and assorted flammable items, like industrial capacitors, that contributed to the fire that COULD be high enough to melt steel.

Another problem for you is that science tells us that it was not necessary to melt any steel in order for a gravity loaded steels structure to collapse...

Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation
It is known that structural steel begins to soften around 425°C and loses about half of its strength at 650°C.4 This is why steel is stress relieved in this temperature range. But even a 50% loss of strength is still insufficient, by itself, to explain the WTC collapse.
So do yourself a favor and stay out of science related issues.
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