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U.N. accuses Israel of...not sharing Iron Dome tech with Hamas

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So ? If Washington Times can publish it trusting it to be true we can have a thread in here without you screaming like you're giving birth to a 20 pound baby like you ussually do.

They have a UN member on record for God's sake ! Stop pollutting us Hazzy !

No, they completely added their own twist to it. She said no such thing. Brietbart is anti-Islam/Muslim conspiracy hate site. This is a troll thread.

All UN officials have been saying is Israel is responsible for peoples well being it occupies. Which is according to international and you keep making a mockery out of it.
No, they completely added their own twist to it. She said no such thing. Brietbart is anti-Islam/Muslim conspiracy hate site. This is a troll thread.

All UN officials have been saying is Israel is responsible for peoples well being it occupies. Which is according to international and you keep making a mockery out of it.

The U.N's official statement is there,in black and white.Stop screaming,you're embarassing yourself.Get a grip of yourself man !
U.N. condemns Israel, U.S. for not sharing Iron Dome with Hamas - Washington Times

You can't make this stuff up ...those people in the U.N. are brain dead :rofl:

did you talking about this guy... Brain dead

I don't understand the joke.. it is a legitimate question. The Iron Dome is funded by the United States, if they did not present blatant favoritism, Palestine would also have the Iron Dome. The criticism being made is that of the bias... don't take it so literally OP.

are you a Clone of Navi Pillai
Lol seriously....:omghaha:

What did America Gave a damn when it invade Afghanistan & Iraq,or the Russians did when they invaded Chechnya or the Chinese are currently giving one while dealing with Japan or Vietnam
It's a "Washington Times " link.Stop foaming around and troll people just because they don't agree with you.You're an annoying individual.
The U.N. group listed among its reasons for making that claim that Israel outright refused to share its Iron Dome with the “governing authority” of Gaza — which is Hamas, Breitbart reported. Ms. Pillay also condemned the United States for helping to fund the Iron Dome for Israel, but not granting any such accommodations to those in Gaza.

WT quoted that part from Breitbart (Andrew Breitbart, a Jew who launched Breitbart )

Anyway, can we have link to those reasons listed by UN group?
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Hahaha hope our Israeli brothers atleast share IRON Dome tech with us.:-)
The U.N's official statement is there,in black and white.Stop screaming,you're embarassing yourself.Get a grip of yourself man !
The UN last week claimed Isis was forcing every woman in Mosul to get circumcised and it was found to be false. Let’s just wait for a more reliable source.
What did America Gave a damn when it invade Afghanistan & Iraq,or the Russians did when they invaded Chechnya or the Chinese are currently giving one while dealing with Japan or Vietnam
But right now it is Israel so the Muslim world need to shout & Israel will piss on UN:D
The U.N. group listed among its reasons for making that claim that Israel outright refused to share its Iron Dome with the “governing authority” of Gaza — which is Hamas, Breitbart reported. Ms. Pillay also condemned the United States for helping to fund the Iron Dome for Israel, but not granting any such accommodations to those in Gaza.

WT quoted that part from Breitbart (Andrew Breitbart, a Jew)

Anyway, can we have link to those reasons listed by UN group?

Excuse me ? ...that link from the W.P. quotes an UN High Commisioner,even throughout a 3rd site......On PDF we 10 daily threads with links from PressTv which quotes "anonymous sources" which state everything from Zinonist selling Palestinian organs to Americans using bioweapons to eradicate Iranians,etc and nobody even bothers to question those sources.

Meanwhile Hazzy has had in the last week one of the most ville language i've seen towards everybody who disagrees with him ,he's acting like he's got rabies and he's still around .Anyway...lock,the thread,ban the OP if this is not a forum but only a place for propaganda in favour of one side only.

Have a nice day Sir.
Excuse me ? ...that link from the W.P. quotes an UN High Commisioner,even throughout a 3rd site......On PDF we 10 daily threads with links from PressTv which quotes "anonymous sources" which state everything from Zinonist selling Palestinian organs to Americans using bioweapons to eradicate Iranians,etc and nobody even bothers to question those sources.

Meanwhile Hazzy has had in the last week one of the most ville language i've seen towards everybody who disagrees with him ,he's acting like he's got rabies and he's still around .Anyway...lock,the thread,ban the OP if this is not a forum but only a place for propaganda in favour of one side only.

Have a nice day Sir.
Which forum is more open PDF or military photos.net? ;)
Excuse me ? ...that link from the W.P. quotes an UN High Commisioner,even throughout a 3rd site......On PDF we 10 daily threads with links from PressTv which quotes "anonymous sources" which state everything from Zinonist selling Palestinian organs to Americans using bioweapons to eradicate Iranians,etc and nobody even bothers to question those sources.

Meanwhile Hazzy has had in the last week one of the most ville language i've seen towards everybody who disagrees with him ,he's acting like he's got rabies and he's still around .Anyway...lock,the thread,ban the OP if this is not a forum but only a place for propaganda in favour of one side only.

Have a nice day Sir.

It's Washington times not Washington post, moreover it's reporting what was reported by Breitbart. What all I am asking for is an alternative link to the news - Ms. Pillay must have spoken to the reporters, obviously many must have covered her views.

Why those tantrums, did I offend you? Trust me I had no intentions and please don't relate me to useless propaganda thing. Thank you.
It's Washington times not Washington post, moreover it's reporting what was reported by Breitbart. What all I am asking for is an alternative link to the news - Ms. Pillay must have spoken to the reporters, obviously many must have covered her views.

Honestly,i can't find other links.Wouldn't she repudiate the news though ? She's a U.N. High Commissioner after all.

Which forum is more open PDF or military photos.net? ;)

It depends on how you see it.If you go on mil.photos and scream "death to the muslims" you get an instant ban.I don't know how many times there were calls for jewish genocide in here ,in the past 2 weeks.All,unpunished.
Honestly,i can't find other links.Wouldn't dshe repudiate the news though ? She's a U.N. High Commissioner after all.

Exactly this is what I am saying.... What a commissioner says is not ordinary, press from across the world covers such high profile personality.
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