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U.K saying "NO" to East Asians

I dont think this will particularly target any specific people. i have seen many people who have british nationality and their english is almost zero.
Don't be silly. India claim that she has the world's largest English speaking population so what makes you think England is barring Indians
immigrants when Cameron said that he wants --> "Immigrants must know good English: Cameron" ????

Cameron is just using Indian as cover up to target East Asian immigrants.

For yours info hafizz chinese in uk is more sucessfull than any other race academicly.
UK should ban Indians and Pakistanis :D ZERO immigration from gora old colonies.

Note: Excluding Zaki. he is a good boy so he should be welcomed
You are just too naive to think that England is targeting Indian immigrants.

And you are too naive or ignorance to think the policies is targeting east nations immigrants. The ratio of south asian immigrants compare to east asia immigrants coming to uk is almost 10 to 1
i don't see anything about east asians in the article. but i agree with mr. camron. if you wanta come to UK or USA, you gota learn to speak english. and if you wanta go to china, you gota learn chinese.
i don't see anything about east asians in the article. but i agree with mr. camron. if you wanta come to UK or USA, you gota learn to speak english. and if you wanta go to china, you gota learn chinese.

Sounds like good logic to me.
For yours info hafizz chinese in uk is more sucessfull than any other race academicly.

Since the Chinese are more successful than other people that's why Cameron doesn't want so many new Chinese immigrants.
The OP is ridiculous :

As some people pointed out already, the article has nothing to do with East Asians; if anything, it has everything to do with wives etc. of South Asians. East Asian immigrants ( Chinese , Japanese and Koreans) are not primarily targeting at UK for immigration, their total # here is insignificant compared with South Asians.

- In fact, generally speaking Chinese immigrants are the most successful immigrant group in the UK, despite having disproportionably a tiny political influence unlike most other immigrant groups;

- After Arab and Russian super rich in the 80s and 90s respectively, the Chinese are the single biggest foreign buyer of UK’s high-end and super luxury real estates, supporting UK’s key real estate market;

- Inbound Chinese tourists and local Chinese residents in the UK took almost 50% of all luxury retail sales of the Last Xmas season, strongly supporting UK’s key retail industry;

- Cameron’s cabinet has been well advised that China is one of a few key factors for UK’s economic recovery. Cameron knows that . It is ridiculous if he implies anything not along this line publicly. The article tells nothing, absolutely NOTHING on that.

- Don’t forget that apart from bankrolling American economy, China owns a sizeable chunk of Gilts, hence effectively helps bankrolling UK’s economy as well. Cameron knows that. He won’t cross the line as he hasn’t.

I am probably amongst several guys here who can give a general overview of Chinese ( from varies origins) here in Europe and the UK as I’ve technically spent most of life here:

Chinese, Japanese and Korean ( East Asians) are named as “THE Model Immigrants” in most part of Europe as far as I am aware – in Belgium, Nederlands where I come from, and in France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Austria, etc., as well as in the UK, if one cares to listen to the voices of the majority of the indigenous European people on whom they prefer among different immigrant groups.

Amongst all major immigrant groups, East Asians have
- the lowest crime rate,
-the lowest unemployment rate,
-the lowest rate of receiving unemployment welfare / social benefits,
-the highest achievement rate/social statue,
- with the most successful integration to the local societies,
- btw, Chinese kids are the undisputed #1 star performer in the UK schools for as far I can remember...

... to name a few key ones, in virtually any country in the EU.

Therefore, among all immigrant groups, East Asians are the single most productive immigrant groupto the corresponding local economies in the EU, UK included. Even most radical organisations in the EU and the UK don’t target at East Asians for above reasons.

On the contrary, where are the most popular places one fore sure gotta find Indians in the UK?

- the long lines for receiving welfare / social benefits outside the Unemployment Offices;

- the cashiers of all supermarket chains ASDA, Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsbury. 9 of 10 cashiers are Indian women who barely can string a English sentence together apart from “hello”, “do you have membership card” and “thank you”;

- 9 of 10 family convenient stores , mini 7/11 corner stores in almost everywhere you go in the UK.

Which immigrant group/s is/are wanted and which is/are not ? In spite of being forced to be PC, indigenous European people are not fools.
Com'n the article itself says the migrant from Indian subcontinent cannot speak proper English. So this is mostly targeted towards Indian subcontinent. East asians population is too less to make a change in policy.

I think they have learn their lesson, that people are not able to assimilate to their culture due to language barrier. Hence the new rule.
The OP is ridiculous :

As some people pointed out already, the article has nothing to do with East Asians; if anything, it has everything to do with wives etc. of South Asians. East Asian immigrants ( Chinese , Japanese and Koreans) are not primarily targeting at UK for immigration, their total # here is insignificant compared with South Asians.

- In fact, generally speaking Chinese immigrants are the most successful immigrant group in the UK, despite having disproportionably a tiny political influence unlike most other immigrant groups;

- After Arab and Russian super rich in the 80s and 90s respectively, the Chinese are the single biggest foreign buyer of UK’s high-end and super luxury real estates, supporting UK’s key real estate market;

- Inbound Chinese tourists and local Chinese residents in the UK took almost 50% of all luxury retail sales of the Last Xmas season, strongly supporting UK’s key retail industry;

- Cameron’s cabinet has been well advised that China is one of a few key factors for UK’s economic recovery. Cameron knows that . It is ridiculous if he implies anything not along this line publicly. The article tells nothing, absolutely NOTHING on that.

- Don’t forget that apart from bankrolling American economy, China owns a sizeable chunk of Gilts, hence effectively helps bankrolling UK’s economy as well. Cameron knows that. He won’t cross the line as he hasn’t.

I am probably amongst several guys here who can give a general overview of Chinese ( from varies origins) here in Europe and the UK as I’ve technically spent most of life here:

Chinese, Japanese and Korean ( East Asians) are named as “THE Model Immigrants” in most part of Europe as far as I am aware – in Belgium, Nederlands where I come from, and in France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Austria, etc., as well as in the UK, if one cares to listen to the voices of the majority of the indigenous European people on whom they prefer among different immigrant groups.

Amongst all major immigrant groups, East Asians have
- the lowest crime rate,
-the lowest unemployment rate,
-the lowest rate of receiving unemployment welfare / social benefits,
-the highest achievement rate/social statue,
- with the most successful integration to the local societies,
- btw, Chinese kids are the undisputed #1 star performer in the UK schools for as far I can remember...

... to name a few key ones, in virtually any country in the EU.

Therefore, among all immigrant groups, East Asians are the single most productive immigrant groupto the corresponding local economies in the EU, UK included. Even most radical organisations in the EU and the UK don’t target at East Asians for above reasons.

On the contrary, where are the most popular places one fore sure gotta find Indians in the UK?

- the long lines for receiving welfare / social benefits outside the Unemployment Offices;

- the cashiers of all supermarket chains ASDA, Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsbury. 9 of 10 cashiers are Indian women who barely can string a English sentence together apart from “hello”, “do you have membership card” and “thank you”;

- 9 of 10 family convenient stores , mini 7/11 corner stores in almost everywhere you go in the UK.

Which immigrant group/s is/are wanted and which is/are not ? In spite of being forced to be PC, indigenous European people are not fools.
well not all chinese in the usa speak english well but most of them make a honest effort to learn. unless they're grandparents who's just here to take care of the baby.
Since the Chinese are more successful than other people that's why Cameron doesn't want so many new Chinese immigrants.

The chinese in the UK are comprised of students and Asylum Seekers, as a matter of fact they are on the top of the list of asylum seekers. i used to be in touch with a few of them, and found them good and calm people.
Because you can learn the language while living there.

i disagree with that, there are many people in the UK that i know personally, they have been living here for a decade and they can hardly speak language of the country, they even need interpreter for their hospital appointments which the UK gov provide them. i think the migrants need to put a stop to all this, at least for their own sake.
i disagree with that, there are many people in the UK that i know personally, they have been living here for a decade and they can hardly speak language of the country, they even need interpreter for their hospital appointments which the UK gov provide them. i think the migrants need to put a stop to all this, at least for their own sake.

I agree. And multiculturalism is not in favor now in Europe. The reason are not difficult to find. The earlier people learn the local language, respect local customs, love the country in which they are citizen, the better.
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