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U.K., France may recall envoys to Israel

It's in Indians nature so don't blame UK, Indian got ruled for 1000+ years.

Troll - but warrants a reply.

So the same should apply to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and in the future Syria or Iran or Pakistan - because it's in the nature of Islamic states to get pawned - no point blaming the US or Israel or anyone....right?
silly racist jew at it again.....

Israel faces European backlash over settlement plan | Reuters

I actually disagree with this move, but since you are a little moron i just had to respond....also please do tell how Israel can destroy anyone's economy but the neighbours'?

Racism? Last time i checked French and Britains were not races, they were nationalities. I see the blithering fool in you as it at it again.

How can Israel destroy British and French economies? Simple: If push comes to shuv, Israel will have to destroy many targets in the ME which will skyrocket oil prices. Not to mention that the Arabs will naturally blame you for anything we might do, because you are part of the West, and no amount of sucking up to the Arabs will change Islamic hatred for the West.
Racism? Last time i checked French and Britains were not races, they were nationalities. I see the blithering fool in you as it at it again.

Stop whining. The racism and being entrenched in the past oozes from your posts. The failure of not attaining peace in that region is as much to be blamed on the stone throwing, rocket launching Palestines as is on xenophobic, introverted, living in the fear that the next holocaust is tommorow Jews.

How can Israel destroy British and French economies? Simple: If push comes to shuv, Israel will have to destroy many targets in the ME which will skyrocket oil prices. Not to mention that the Arabs will naturally blame you for anything we might do, because you are part of the West, and no amount of sucking up to the Arabs will change Islamic hatred for the West.

So foolish and uneducated, i dont blame you though, hate demands resources of the soul, learning gets left out.

From 2010-2012 oil imports from all of the ME to EU27 were less then 18%.

Energy: EU Crude oil imports - European Commission

Link, download a pdf., quantities presented nice and clear, you should have no troubles.
Stop whining. The racism and being entrenched in the past oozes from your posts. The failure of not attaining peace in that region is as much to be blamed on the stone throwing, rocket launching Palestines as is on xenophobic, introverted, living in the fear that the next holocaust is tommorow Jews.

So foolish and uneducated, i dont blame you though, hate demands resources of the soul, learning gets left out.

From 2010-2012 oil imports from all of the ME to EU27 were less then 18%.

Energy: EU Crude oil imports - European Commission

Link, download a pdf., quantities presented nice and clear, you should have no troubles.

I hope you see Audio how snake like of a poster this guy is, you are usually a defender of Israel but the minute you write something he doesn't agree with you are considered a part of the enemy trying to push him into the sea. It is this blind arrogance and their "wholly with us or against us" attitude that pisses people off.
Stop whining. The racism and being entrenched in the past oozes from your posts. The failure of not attaining peace in that region is as much to be blamed on the stone throwing, rocket launching Palestines as is on xenophobic, introverted, living in the fear that the next holocaust is tommorow Jews.

So foolish and uneducated, i dont blame you though, hate demands resources of the soul, learning gets left out.

From 2010-2012 oil imports from all of the ME to EU27 were less then 18%.

Energy: EU Crude oil imports - European Commission

Link, download a pdf., quantities presented nice and clear, you should have no troubles.

Yeah, must be why they've been holding Israel back all these years, because they don't mind losing 20% of the oil imports.
Like i said, a blithering fool. Strait of Hormuz is the world's key choke point, they'll feel the pressure from every single aspect of their economy.
But that's nothing, the likes of KingMamba will be the end of Europe much sooner than anyone understands what they've done.

I hope you see Audio how snake like of a poster this guy is, you are usually a defender of Israel but the minute you write something he doesn't agree with you are considered a part of the enemy trying to push him into the sea. It is this blind arrogance and their "wholly with us or against us" attitude that pisses people off.

Eh lol....there is no doubt in my mind that if Arabs could push Israelis into the sea they would have done it.

I actually support the non partition of Jerusalem as well, as it will only create tensions. Rammallah worked just fine until now.....
expanding settlements nor recalling envoys ( although now proved to be not true)does not serve any purpose...Bibi is not helping the situation
Wrong, it is time to appease the arabs with cheap emotions for more money & tourists so this is a gameplan in same series.

Obviously, it's just a dirty game like Erdogan's fake display in Davos, Switzerland. Don't trust anything you hear from any politician in any state. The world is doomed; humanity and justice have been totally abolished in favour of more $$$$$ for the elite....
From BBC & BBC


The above sketch shows the complex nature of the West bank problem. Israel and palestinian controlled areas are in complete mixture in the reason. Having a two country solution in this region will be difficult as no straight geographically boundaries can be made. Israel is Powerful now and expecting concession from her is naive.

To me only solutions are
  1. Voilent solution
    • One side forcefully eliminate the other. Which will difficult in present time. Could have been done in 30-40 years.
  2. Peaceful solution
    • Weaker side, palestine, should accept the current situation and try to make their life better by stop poking Israel and accept to live side by side, provided Israel is ready to accepts them as their citizen.
    • Migrate to other place to give a better future for their young ones. Many mass migrations have occured in past and can happen if third parties allow.
  3. Status Quo. Israel will slowly keep making itself powerful with SMART weapons. Will bulid project on the captured land. and will pay small price for tensions with palestein. Palestinians will be looser in long run as they will get frustated and can't provide a secure future for their next generation. Other countries will just watch.
The world is automatically sympathetic to the oppressed people, not the oppressors.

It is in Israel's best interest to settle the border with Palestine around the 1967 border. The Israel can claim how they are oppressed by their arab neighbors and draw the world's sympathy.

With the way things are going, Israel might have just one ally left 10 years from now, the US.
The world is automatically sympathetic to the oppressed people, not the oppressors.

It is in Israel's best interest to settle the border with Palestine around the 1967 border. The Israel can claim how they are oppressed by their arab neighbors and draw the world's sympathy.

With the way things are going, Israel might have just one ally left 10 years from now, the US.
I can scientifically prove that the world wouldn't give 2 sh!ts for "Palestine" if the Arabs did not have oil.

Israel does not need false friends or half friends. In the Grand Scheme of things, we should be thankful that we know who are true friends are and who would stab you in the back for cheap oil.
I can scientifically prove that the world wouldn't give 2 sh!ts for "Palestine" if the Arabs did not have oil.
Tibet doesn't have oil accessible to western oil companies, yet the world cares about Tibetans and their sufferings under the Chinese occupation. The same thing with Palestinians under the Israeli occupation.

Israel does not need false friends or half friends. In the Grand Scheme of things, we should be thankful that we know who are true friends are and who would stab you in the back for cheap oil.
So you just have one friend on earth, the US.

But the US itself is going through a demographic shift, where the colored non-White people don't care about Christian fundamentalism that sustains the pro-Israeli US positions. Then Israel now has no friend on earth.

It is not too late to change the course and do the right things. The world is willing to overlook Israeli strike of Iran, but the world will not look away from the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Topi drama. Sorry folks, don't know the exact English for it. :D
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