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U-214 Deal, Prime Minister in Germany

well i think the PPP will finally succeed to go for the french subs (which as a matter of fact they will love to do for obvious reasons) as the have quite successfully derailed the U214 project. no with the german gov having so many options to sell these boats might not bother to convince Pakistan to get the U214.
a big big loss indeed...
i sincerely wish that all i have written turns out to ne bullshit and PN do get there hands on to U214 but in current circumstances it seem highly unlikely.

---------- Post added at 01:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

well if PN do not get the U214 for me it will be a lose even bigger than the lost F16 deal of the 90z...

yes i agree that sadly enough, all odds are against the U214 deal now. with Pakistani corrupt government willing to go for french subs just to get financial bnefits for themselves and the german Gov having so many options to sell there boat to, the U214 seem to be a lost story.
i hope i am al together wrong on this points.

Its a shame such a good deal going down the drain cuz of our courrupt gov unreal GOD help this nation .
Its a shame such a good deal going down the drain cuz of our courrupt gov unreal GOD help this nation .

yes, it really is a bad bad happening...
but Bro other then the government, i also feel the naval high command to be the culprit if the deal actuall is lost as the naval high command did have the power to resist any bad move by our courrupt government. the naval cheif should have come out and made it loud and clear that we need to get the U214 and surely the COAS would have to his rescue.
any way i sincerely wish that we all are proved to be wrong and Pakistan eventually do get there hands on to the classical U214z.

It is possible that France may offer Pakistan Le Terrible class Nuclear Submarine if Pakistan can play the cards correctly. My only concern is that Zardari will be making millions of dollars from this deal.

Germany on the hand also has alot to offer to Pakistan, Sub Deal, Eurofighter, help with Al-Khalid2.
Well im not a vodoo witch doctor who can predict the future but the signs are clears the sub contract will be with the germans..Look at Pm visits to germany meeting Mrs Angela markel and other stuff and no contact with the french maybe its there own deeds that are leaving Pak no choice but to make a distance from them like the step they have taken reguading the indians like selling them scorpeon subs offering the indians defence help etc and thus losing one of the biggest or primary buyer PAKISTAN.On the other hands the reports suggesting german engines for AK2 and other stuff make sense doent it?
As far as I'm aware, the PN's submarine deal will likely go to Germany, otherwise, the PN will probably develop something with China. The PN may also acquire the naval-IRIS-T SL for its key surface-ships such as F-22P, MILGEM, future medium-frigates, etc. Besides the submarines, I don't expect massive cooperation or acquisitions from Germany, just perhaps sub-systems such as missiles, engines, etc.

IMO the PN will probably be interested in the Turkish TF-2000 and TF-100 frigate programmes for the long-run.
As far as I'm aware, the PN's submarine deal will likely go to Germany, otherwise, the PN will probably develop something with China. The PN may also acquire the naval-IRIS-T SL for its key surface-ships such as F-22P, MILGEM, future medium-frigates, etc. Besides the submarines, I don't expect massive cooperation or acquisitions from Germany, just perhaps sub-systems such as missiles, engines, etc.

IMO the PN will probably be interested in the Turkish TF-2000 and TF-100 frigate programmes for the long-run.

thanks mark.Can u tell anything about possinilities of buying nuke subs ACs or new jets corvettes etc..will appreciete it very much thanks:cheers:
thanks mark.Can u tell anything about possinilities of buying nuke subs ACs or new jets corvettes etc..will appreciete it very much thanks:cheers:
As far as I know, no plans for aircraft carriers. However, do expect a build-up of the PN's surface and submarine fleets. Efforts are underway to acquire 4~6 used frigates from multiple sources. In the long-term (post-2020), these will be replaced by new-built ships. The PN is also planning to acquire 4 corvettes with ToT, thus far it has expressed a lot of interest in the Turkish MILGEM. A number of sources suggest that the corvette fleet will increase to 10-12 in the long-term (past-2020). The PN may also acquire 4 more F-22P and/or maybe even 4 Type-054A from China.

There is a lot happening right now, so it's hard to tie down where PN is going. To make it simple, in the short & medium-term, expect additional Chinese and used-ships...and in the long-term, joint-development with China & Turkey for next-generation frigates.
As far as I know, no plans for aircraft carriers. However, do expect a build-up of the PN's surface and submarine fleets. Efforts are underway to acquire 4~6 used frigates from multiple sources. In the long-term (post-2020), these will be replaced by new-built ships. The PN is also planning to acquire 4 corvettes with ToT, thus far it has expressed a lot of interest in the Turkish MILGEM. A number of sources suggest that the corvette fleet will increase to 10-12 in the long-term (past-2020). The PN may also acquire 4 more F-22P and/or maybe even 4 Type-054A from China.

There is a lot happening right now, so it's hard to tie down where PN is going. To make it simple, in the short & medium-term, expect additional Chinese and used-ships...and in the long-term, joint-development with China & Turkey for next-generation frigates.

There are rumors floating on the internet, mainly in Indian and Israeli forums, that U214 deal is dead; however, French are keen to sell 6 Marlin Subs to Pakistan.
Pakistan's other option is to develop Sub with Chinese :china:or Turkey (we need a Turkey flag!)

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