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Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

Worry not. Each fleet will get its fair share pretty soon. Don't you all see the Chinese shipyards churn out plenty of new DDGs this year? And I don't see anything slower next year and beyond, more likely we'll witness more high quality outputs come into scene :p: :P

Keep on watching and do the tally :-)

But that's just the very natural way to make up in playing catch-up game... if China doesn't come out with the higher gear, how can she ever level up or even possibly farther away one day??? :china: :coffee:
A Type 055 DDG at Jiangnan ... Probably or highly likely it is Jiangnan's unit #2

image via by78/SDF

PLN Type 055 DDG no. 2 maybe - 20190528.jpg
IMO seeing as how China is apparently producing a total of 5 destroyers per year if I'm not mistaken (I think there was an article by one of our members regarding the current rate of production of DDGs, 2 type 055, 3 type 052D), then economicaly its totally feasible for China to produce 4 type 055 each year and drop any plans for a type 052E and might actually cost less than building 2 055 & 3 052D since the 055 costs 50% more than the 052D so the price of 4 055 = (2 055+3 052D) but we have to take into account that the unit price of a weapon becomes smaller when it is produced in greater numbers.

if China does build 4 large destroyers instead of the current 3 small plus 2 large destroyers then China should drop any plans for more frigates, not only will this help save some money but also there is just no need for more frigates after all with my previous suggestion of building nothing but 055s China would have nearly a 100 surface combatant by 2030 mostly destroyers (24 052D, 6 052C, 36 055, 30 054A).

I believe the reason why China was building frigates instead of destroyers wasnt just the economy but also because they needed to get as many ships as fast as possible to close the gap with the US but that is not necesary any more, if China does aquire the 100 surface combatant fleet by 2030 then even if John Mccain got out of his grave and ruled the US he still wouldnt dare to face China even if the PLA intiates the Liberation of Taiwan, as for China's neighbours (ie: Japan, SK etc..) they are nothing to worry about once they look at a PLAN comparable in size to say 70% of that of the USN then they wont even dare to fire a single bullet in any island dispute, on the contrary Japan & SK will have nothing but respect for China because unfortunatly as the US has shown respect is best earned through fear, Im not suggesting that China should mimic the US & start waging wars left right & center but just the presence of a large Chinese navy composed of nothing but DDGs, SSNs, CVNs etc will make them respect their big neighbour, patroling the Chinese coast would be done by corvettes and patroling the SCS could be done with a quarter of the suggested DDG fleet.

in the far future after the unification with Taiwan is achieved (wether its done peacefully or through force) the rate of production of DDGs should be reduced to 3 per year while still not building any frigates to save money and direct it at economic development, if at that point the US would still want to waste its money on weapons then so be it, just because the US plans to build frigates doesnt mean China should continue building Frigates.
China’s new Type 055 destroyer among best in the world: experts
By Liu Xuanzun Source:Global Times Published: 2019/6/4 18:28:40

Chinese Navy Type 055 destroyer Nanchang (101) joins the naval parade to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy in Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province on April 23. Photo: VCG

Accompanied by marching music and tearing waves, a huge warship with the hull number 101 sailed into view out of heavy fog during the maritime parade on April 23 in Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province to celebrate the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy's 70th anniversary.

Those not lucky enough to experience this at the scene and were eagerly waiting to see it on television were disappointed when state broadcaster China Central Television was unable to provide a live feed of the parade, possibly due to the bad weather and sea conditions. But that did not stop them from enjoying picture reports that arrived a few minutes later, when they saw their long-anticipated expectation become a reality.

Chinese military enthusiasts have been dreaming for decades to see China have a 10,000-ton-class destroyer. Finally, the first domestically developed Type 055 Nanchang made its parade debut as a special birthday present to the PLA Navy, as the warship will reportedly join its North China Sea Fleet.

Between 1840 and 1949, China suffered more than 470 invasions by foreign powers from the sea. With the help of the Type 055 destroyer, a warship described by Chinese military experts as world class, fewer foreign hostile forces will have the ability to repeat such attacks.

Strong firepower

With a displacement of more than 10,000 tons, the Type 055 can carry more weapons and equipment than any other Chinese destroyer.

The warship has eight eight-unit vertical launch systems (VLS) in the front deck and six eight-unit VLS in the middle, a total of 112 VLS units, the most among Chinese destroyers, reported Ordnance Industry Science Technology, a Xi'an-based periodical on the national defense industry.

By comparison, China's Type 052D destroyer has only 64, the US' Arleigh Burke-class destroyer has 96, and the US' Ticonderoga-class cruiser has 122, according to media reports.

These VLS units use the latest standard design of the PLA Navy, giving them both hot launch and cold launch abilities, the Ordnance Industry Science Technology report said. A hot launch means a missile ignites in its cell, and a cold launch means a missile is ejected from the launch cell before it ignites.

Missiles armed within the VLS units include air defense missiles, anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine missiles, according to the report. Some say that the ship may also have land-attack missiles.

In the air defense department, the ship is expected to be installed with missiles including HHQ-9B long-range air defense missiles and HQ-16B mid-range air defense missiles, Ordnance Industry Science Technology reported, noting that it could also be equipped with a type of mid-close-range surface-to-air missile developed from the DK-10 missile. With regards to warship-to-warship combat, the Type 055 could be equipped with YJ-18 anti-ship missiles, the report said.

This type of missile can fly at high subsonic speed upon launch, but accelerate to between Mach 2.5 and Mach 3 when approaching its target. This design keeps the missile light and far-reaching, while also giving the enemy as little reaction time as possible, the report said, noting that the YJ-18 carries a heavy explosive warhead, which, combined with the enormous kinetic energy from the fast speed, can severely damage a warship with tens of thousands of tons of displacement with only one strike.

Although anti-submarine assault is not the Type 055's main mission objective, it is likely equipped with Y-8 anti-submarine missiles and torpedoes. The warship is also equipped with an advanced sonar system and can carry medium-to large-sized anti-submarine helicopters on board, according to the report, which pointed out that the helicopters, missiles and torpedoes could form a three-layer defense web against even advanced nuclear-powered submarines.

The main gun of the warship seems to be an improved version of the 130 millimeter single-barreled H/PJ45A-130-1, which could be found on the Type 052D, Ordnance Industry Science Technology said. The gun can shoot 40 shells a minute, and a normal shell can travel 30 kilometers, while a rocket-propelled guided shell could hit targets even farther and more accurately, the report said.

The ship is also equipped with a Type 1130 close-in weapon system that can shoot tens of thousands of bullets per minute to neutralize incoming missiles. It also has a 24-unit HHQ-10 close-range anti-missile system that can effectively intercept supersonic anti-ship missiles, according to the report.

With such strong firepower, the Type 055 can either serve as a powerful escort to an aircraft carrier, or lead a flotilla sailing across the globe, as it also has very long operational range, Xu Guangyu, a senior consultant at the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, told the Global Times.

"It is no inferior to Aegis ships like [the US'] Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and Ticonderoga-class cruisers. By comparison, the Nanchang is the best in Asia, and can be considered world class," Xu noted.

A Chinese military expert who asked not to be named told the Global Times that the Type 055 is also equipped with very advanced radar and electronic control systems, which allow it to make the best of these weapons.

Future potential

With the Nanchang joining the PLA naval service, more Type 055s are being manufactured. A second one was launched in April 2018 in Shanghai, while the third and fourth ones were launched in July 2018 in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning Province, and more are expected to come, media reported.

Military observers say that the Type 055 might see variants in the future that could carry China's futuristic electromagnetic railgun, which can shoot hypersonic projectiles at Mach 7.

It might also upgrade its arsenal to serve as an antiballistic missile platform, the anonymous expert said.

"The Type 055 has huge room for upgrades, so I expect it to bring more surprises in the future," he said.
English translation:-
We notice that the phrase "war is not far away" is beginning to appear more and more often in Chinese public opinion, both in the media and in the perception of the people expressed on social networks. Here seems to be the 2nd Type 055 in sea trial.
Can it be a reuse of first 055 on trial at sea video?
English translation:-
We notice that the phrase "war is not far away" is beginning to appear more and more often in Chinese public opinion, both in the media and in the perception of the people expressed on social networks. Here seems to be the 2nd Type 055 in sea trial.
And Henri Kenhmann also added one refined Chinese classic saying as follows:

《司马法》曰 :「國雖大,好戰必亡; 天下雖安,忘戰必危。」

Sima Fa said: “Although the country is big, belligerent will die; although the world is safe, forgetting the war will be dangerous.”

Sima Fa or the “Methods of Sima”, also called “Sima Rangju’s Art of War”, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China Wujing Qishu 武经七书, written by Sima Rangju 司马穰苴

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