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Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

055 #2(DDG 102 "Lhasa") and 052DL #1(DDG 156 "Zibo"?)

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The future armament for Type 055 DDG: Ship-launched Hypersonic “YJ-XX“ missile, an HGV/AShBM type weapon, designed to defeat the USA's AEGIS Missile Defense System

From Klon at SDF:

In his public number "Asian Railway Station", Chief Railway Officer Xia mentioned numerous times the Hawk-XX hypersonic anti-ship missile (which Shi Lao suggested many times in his public number "Hu Yao Shi Lao"), whose penetration targets are very clear: breaking through the defense of the latest generation of "standard" series missiles of the US Army, SM-3 Block IIA and SM-6 Block IA. At present, this type of anti-ship missile has been launched by land telemetry missile, and will soon become the "shotgun" of Model 055 against the sea.

yankeesama's ship launched HGV _ AShBM screenshot.jpeg

Then from Bltizo also at SDF:

For those interested in the original source, Yankeesama's WeChat blog:

Claims a hypersonic AShM "YJ-XX" meant for 055 has done land tests

And the specific passage talking about YJ-XX:
席亚洲火车长在他的公众号“亚洲火车总站”中曾无数次提到过鹰击-XX型高超音速反舰导弹(施佬在他的公众号“胡诌施佬”中也有过多次暗示),该型导弹的突防指标要求非常明确:突破美军最新一代“标准”系列导弹——SM-3 Block IIA和SM-6 Block IA的防御。目前该型反舰导弹已经进行了陆上遥测弹发射测试,即将成为055型对海打击的“撒手锏”。

Basically he talks about YJ-XX being tested on land and how it is a hypersonic weapon meant to be launched from Type 055 DDG and designed to be capable of defeating SAMs like SM-3 Blk IIA and SM-6 Blk IA.

We've heard rumblings of YJ-XX in the past. I'm convinced it's most likely an HGV/AShBM type weapon, which would make sense for why Yankeesama mentions SM-3 rather than merely SM-6. Of course, we've seen this slide in the presentation a few years ago which directly refers to a ship launched hypersonic/AShBM type weapon.

ship launched HGV _ AShBM slide 02.jpeg

And from Henri Kenhmann (East Pendulum) on 24 April:

“The puzzle pieces begin to gather around the Chinese hypersonic anti-ship missile.”

Note: I just realized that Rick Joe (real name; now writes for The Diplomat occasionally) may have been using the nick "Bltizo" in SDF judging from the posts above by the two :D Hahaha, I just missed to note it earlier.
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Hypersonic penetration and ballistic missile launched guided warheads are already a few years old in service. The newest things which are better are already being tried. Last generation of equipment is getting leaked now. Since 1990s we know the only way to defeat air defense is hypersonic from close to sea level and from top attack. Other weapons are more imaginative but very unproven.
From Rick Joe on 23 April:

Supposedly this is a brochure from the PLAN review today about lead 055, DDG 101 Nanchang.

180m length is what we all measured.

23m beam? Seems wider than I expected.

Standard displacement >11,000 tons sounds sensible. Would suggest a full displacement 12,000-13,000 tons.

Nanchang 101 Type 055 brochure at the PLA Naval Parade 20190423.jpeg

The future armament for Type 055 DDG: Ship-launched Hypersonic “YJ-XX“ missile, an HGV/AShBM type weapon, designed to defeat the USA's AEGIS Missile Defense System

From Klon at SDF:

In his public number "Asian Railway Station", Chief Railway Officer Xia mentioned numerous times the Hawk-XX hypersonic anti-ship missile (which Shi Lao suggested many times in his public number "Hu Yao Shi Lao"), whose penetration targets are very clear: breaking through the defense of the latest generation of "standard" series missiles of the US Army, SM-3 Block IIA and SM-6 Block IA. At present, this type of anti-ship missile has been launched by land telemetry missile, and will soon become the "shotgun" of Model 055 against the sea.

View attachment 556447

Then from Bltizo also at SDF:

For those interested in the original source, Yankeesama's WeChat blog:

Claims a hypersonic AShM "YJ-XX" meant for 055 has done land tests

And the specific passage talking about YJ-XX:
席亚洲火车长在他的公众号“亚洲火车总站”中曾无数次提到过鹰击-XX型高超音速反舰导弹(施佬在他的公众号“胡诌施佬”中也有过多次暗示),该型导弹的突防指标要求非常明确:突破美军最新一代“标准”系列导弹——SM-3 Block IIA和SM-6 Block IA的防御。目前该型反舰导弹已经进行了陆上遥测弹发射测试,即将成为055型对海打击的“撒手锏”。

Basically he talks about YJ-XX being tested on land and how it is a hypersonic weapon meant to be launched from Type 055 DDG and designed to be capable of defeating SAMs like SM-3 Blk IIA and SM-6 Blk IA.

We've heard rumblings of YJ-XX in the past. I'm convinced it's most likely an HGV/AShBM type weapon, which would make sense for why Yankeesama mentions SM-3 rather than merely SM-6. Of course, we've seen this slide in the presentation a few years ago which directly refers to a ship launched hypersonic/AShBM type weapon.

View attachment 556446

And from Henri Kenhmann (East Pendulum) on 24 April:

“The puzzle pieces begin to gather around the Chinese hypersonic anti-ship missile.”

Note: I just realized that Rick Joe (real name; now writes for The Diplomat occasionally) may have been using the nick "Bltizo" in SDF judging from the posts above by the two :D Hahaha, I just missed to note it earlier.

There are two "known" HGV/AShBMs, the YJ-20 and the YJ-21. :D
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