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Type 052D DDG News & Discussions


Via 张海龙
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直击演训场:枕戈待旦!中国海军最新训练画面公开 实拍淄博舰 厦门舰 安阳舰依次开火 多型防空武器相继发射!| 军迷天下
Uploaded By 军迷天下

Hit the training ground: ready to go! The latest training footage of the Chinese Navy was taken into public.
The Type 052DL DDG Zibo (156), Type 052D DDG Xiamen (154), and Type 054A FFG Anyang (599) fired multiple types of anti-aircraft weapons one after another.

Uploaded on 21 May 2021, 8'20", no-Engsub from this channel as usual
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