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Two Turkish pilots (THY) kidnapped in Lebanon

It does. Just as Mandela's, Adam's and Ghandhi's status were rightfully changed.

Okay, no more debating on this issue. We will see if öcalan will be released or not.

Not all of them have been met. Ten years ago, most Turks would have thought the changes we see today would be impossible. Do you really think Turkey will not meet all of them? They will meet every single one of them. Autonomy will be the last step of the process. Turkey is not in a power position to dictate things no longer. Turks need to realize this.

Because of the 5000 monkey on the mountain, It doesn't matter. Things can always can go back. What you gonna do. Do you think Kurds will rebel in TUrkey even if they rebel. They didn't succeded for at least 28 times, this time would be no exception. Allthough I would not want this as that possible conflict will end with a "Kurdish Tragedy"

Autonomy you say..... This just proves that you know nothing about Turk's nor about their history. I can't simple believe any one to think this way. Just read "Turkey's war of Independece"

Oh oh, I am so afraid... Comments on a net newspaper :laughcry: just like how they all changed their first names to '' TC'' on Facebook. Cyber warriors at its best.

Answering me before reading any of those posts. That show general opinion. And it's not only in anti-AKP sites, there is also a high resentment in pro-AKP news sites.

As i believe Greeks, Armenians always started **** when they forgot about Turkey's real power. (EOKA-B, ASALA) You should take examples of them, not to repeat their same mistakes.
Turkey contacts Hezbollah for talks on kidnapped pilots


Turkey has contacted Hezbollah as part of efforts to secure the release of two Turkish Airlines (THY) pilots kidnapped in Beirut last week, an official said on Thursday.

The two pilots, Murat Akpınar and Murat Ağca, were kidnapped between Beirut airport and their hotel on Friday. A group called Zuwwar Imam Ali al-Reda has claimed responsibility for the abduction, demanding that Turkey increase pressure on the Syrian opposition to release nine Lebanese Shiites who were kidnapped by Syrian opposition fighters in the war-torn country in May, last year.

The talks with Hezbollah came as Turkey intensifies its efforts to secure the pilots' release. A delegation headed by a senior National Intelligence Organization (MİT) official is in Beirut for talks with Lebanese intelligence authorities. The delegation, headed by MİT Deputy Undersecretary Abdurrahman Bilgiç, met with Lebanese Interior Minister Marwan Charbel to discuss their efforts for the return of the Turkish pilots.

Lebanese news reports said the Turkish ambassador to Lebanon, İnan Özyıldız, met with the head of Hezbollah's parliamentary bloc, MP Mohammad Raad, at Raad's office on Wednesday. The Turkish official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that talks were being held with Hezbollah but rejected any characterization of the talks as “seeking help from Hezbollah.”

Relations between the Turkish government and Hezbollah have been strained since earlier this year, when Hezbollah fighters fought alongside the Syrian regime in Qusair on the Syrian-Lebanese border, contributing to the opposition fighters' defeat. In May, Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ slammed Hezbollah's support of the Assad regime, saying it should change its name to “Hezb al-Shaitan” -- the Party of Satan. Hezbollah means the “Party of God.”

"Those who stand by the Assad regime, kill their own Muslim brothers and indiscriminately kill women and children on the battlefield should not appeal to Islam and the Quran to legitimize their actions," he said at the time.

In July, Hezbollah's military wing was blacklisted as a terrorist organization by the EU because of its activities in Europe.

After Wednesday's meeting with the Turkish ambassador, Raad said, “Hezbollah condemns the kidnapping of the two Turkish pilots and all abductions of civilians,” according to the Lebanese website Naharnet. "The party is keen on reaching a good ending that solves the problem of the pilots and of the Lebanese pilgrims, and we are working with the state's institutions towards achieving this purpose,” he also said.

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu called his Iranian counterpart, Ali Akbar Salehi, at the weekend, asking for Iran's assistance in the pilots' release. Salehi pledged that his country will do what it can to help.

Davutoğlu: Linking kidnapping with Syria ‘unacceptable'

Turkey is a staunch supporter of the Sunni opposition trying to topple Bashar al-Assad, whose Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shiite Islam. But Ankara says it has limited influence on the fate of the nine Lebanese Shiite pilgrims kidnapped in Syria because the kidnapping took place in a foreign country. Lebanese authorities, on the other hand, insist that Turkey should increase its efforts to secure the Lebanese hostages' freedom.

Speaking on Thursday, Davutoğlu described the kidnapping of the pilots as an “act of terrorism” that demonstrates the poor security situation in Beirut, and said linking their kidnapping with events in Syria is “unacceptable.”

“Turkey cannot be held responsible for anything that happens in Syria. If anyone is to be held accountable, it is the Syrian regime,” Davutoğlu told reporters in Azerbaijan, on the sidelines of a summit of the Turkic Council. He said Turkey has been making “humanitarian” efforts for the release of the Lebanese hostages but emphasized that targeting Turkish nationals because of the Syrian abduction will not be accepted. “We want our pilots to be released as soon as possible,” he said, warning that otherwise people across the world will realize that Lebanon is not a secure country. “Such a perception [about the security situation in Lebanon] is the greatest harm that can be done to Lebanon,” he said.

On Wednesday, Lebanon's Higher Shiite Council deputy head Sheikh Abdel-Amir Qabalan accused Turkey of protecting the kidnappers of the Lebanese hostages. “The Lebanese hostages in Azaz are being held under the sponsorship of Turkey, which supports the kidnappers,” Qabalan was quoted as saying by the Lebanese Daily Star during a religious lecture.

Lebanese authorities have detained a man said to be from the same family as one of the nine hostages in Syria and have been reportedly interrogating four other people in connection with the kidnapping of the Turkish pilots. The four men, according to the Daily Star, are relatives of Mohammed Saleh, the man who was already detained.

On Thursday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said the pilots were in good health and that his government's efforts to secure their release were continuing.

Turkey contacts Hezbollah for talks on kidnapped pilots - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news
It does. Just as Mandela's, Adam's and Ghandhi's status were rightfully changed.

Not all of them have been met. Ten years ago, most Turks would have thought the changes we see today would be impossible. Do you really think Turkey will not meet all of them? They will meet every single one of them. Autonomy will be the last step of the process. Turkey is not in a power position to dictate things no longer. Turks need to realize this.
Oh oh, I am so afraid... Comments on a net newspaper :laughcry: just like how they all changed their first names to '' TC'' on
Facebook. Cyber warriors at its best.

You are heavily brainwashed or just naive.
Okay, no more debating on this issue. We will see if öcalan will be released or not.

Because of the 5000 monkey on the mountain, It doesn't matter. Things can always can go back. What you gonna do. Do you think Kurds will rebel in TUrkey even if they rebel. They didn't succeded for at least 28 times, this time would be no exception. Allthough I would not want this as that possible conflict will end with a "Kurdish Tragedy"

Autonomy you say..... This just proves that you know nothing about Turk's nor about their history. I can't simple believe any one to think this way. Just read "Turkey's war of Independece"

Answering me before reading any of those posts. That show general opinion. And it's not only in anti-AKP sites, there is also a high resentment in pro-AKP news sites.

As i believe Greeks, Armenians always started **** when they forgot about Turkey's real power. (EOKA-B, ASALA) You should take examples of them, not to repeat their same mistakes.

You work for his imprisonment, I will work for his relase. Let us see who wins.

Dude, what Turkey did was a massacre on Kurds at least 5 times. I have already mentioned them but you keep coming up with your facist view of how it was a resistance bla bla. Dersim, Zilan, Kocgiri, the 90's destruction of 4000 villages. All are aknowledged massacres by international human rights organisations. But you call it a ''queel of resistance''.

Listen, your stupid army tried 10 times to get into Qandil. Not once did it succeed. And this is when PKK has not even activated its Metropol guerillas ( Those who stage attacks in Istanbul, Izmir, Trabzon and Bursa). Your military is a joke. And according to your silly media and its casualties it has already ended PKK six times. But yet, the 5000 guerillas remain... What a mystery.

Listen, gather all your forces and try capturing Qandil once more. Then and only then, I might believe your '' Oh so great Turkish devine powers''. As I already said, you are not in a position of dictating things. Neither in Egypt nor in Syria.

I know very well of the history of Turks and how they came to Anatolia a millenia ago. I also know that majority of them think too highly of themselves which ironacally has led to their own desolution.

I have not made no mistakes nor has PKK. We are claiming what is rightfully ours. If that will be our desutrction then so be it. But rest assure that we will bring Turkey and Turks with us to that same destruction. You think Kurds are like the other ethnicities you mentioned? We will never accept the imperial hegemony of Turkey. We have been fighting the four most powerful countries of Middle East for centuries. Turkey is a piece of cake compared to this fact.

But let us just wait and see what time will bring. Until now, I have seen nothing but barking and shouting from the MHP/CHP lone wolves since they lost the support of USA and NATO ten years ago. While Kurds are gaining ground all over Middle East. There is nothing you can do towards Kurds in North Kurdistan and there is nothing you can do towards Kurds in KRG and there is nothing you can do towards Kurds in Rojava ( Syria) even though you have tried so hard. And when time comes, there will be nothing you can do towards Kurds in Iran either. But I sure will still hear your barking, do not worry.
Listen, your stupid army tried 10 times to get into Qandil. Not once did it succeed.

Ghost operations ????

And this is when PKK has not even activated its Metropol guerillas ( Those who stage attacks in Istanbul, Izmir, Trabzon and Bursa).

Planting bombs in streets to kill innocent civilians. Shame on you terrorist supporter.

Your military is a joke. And according to your silly media and its casualties it has already ended PKK six times. But yet, the 5000 guerillas remain... What a mystery.

Don't falsify the statements, you know it's about number of PKK deads.

Listen, gather all your forces and try capturing Qandil once more. Then and only then, I might believe your '' Oh so great Turkish devine powers''. As I already said, you are not in a position of dictating things. Neither in Egypt nor in Syria.


I know very well of the history of Turks and how they came to Anatolia a millenia ago. I also know that majority of them think too highly of themselves which ironacally has led to their own desolution.

We are still here after 1000 years and we have our own state. And never been ruled by foreigners... What about you ? :woot:

I have not made no mistakes nor has PKK. We are claiming what is rightfully ours.

Turkey's land is not yours.

If that will be our desutrction then so be it. But rest assure that we will bring Turkey and Turks with us to that same destruction.

As i said before you tried countless times and you failed every time.

Babanzade Abdurrahman Paşa İsyanı 1806-1808 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Süleymaniye
Babanzade Ahmet Paşa İsyanı 1812 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Süleymaniye
Zaza Aşiretleri İsyanı 1818-1820 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Dersim / Diyarbakır
Yezidi İsyanı 1830-1833 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Revanduz, Hakkâri
Kör Mehmet Paşa İsyanı 1830-1833 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Erbil, Musul, Şirvan
Mir Muhammed İsyanı 1833-1837 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu
1. Han Mahmud İsyanı 1838 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu
Garzan İsyanı 1839 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Diyarbakır
2. Han Mahmud İsyanı 1842-1847 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu
Bedirhan İsyanı 1843-1847 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu
Yezdanşir İsyanı 1855 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Bitlis
Bedirhan Osman Paşa İsyanı 1877-1878 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Cizre ve Midyat
Şeyh Ubeydullah Nehri İsyanı 1878-1881 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Botan,
Emin Ali Bedirhan İsyanı 1889 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Erzincan
Bedirhani Halil ve Ali Remo İsyanı 1912 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Mardin
Molla Selim ve Şeyh Şehabettin İsyanı 1913-1914 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Bitlis
Simko İsyanı 1919-22 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu
Ali Batı İsyanı 1919 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu
Şeyh Mahmut Berzenci İsyanı 1919 Türkiye Süleymaniye
Koçgiri İsyanı 1921 Türkiye Sivas / Erzincan
1924 Nasturi İsyanı 1924 Türkiye
Beytüşşebab İsyanı 1924 Türkiye Beytüşşebab
Şeyh Said İsyanı 1925 Türkiye Diyarbakır
Nehri İsyanı 1925 Türkiye
Reşkotan ve Raman Tedip Harekâtı 1925 Türkiye Elıh (batman)
Birinci Sason İsyanı 1925 Türkiye Diyarbakır / Batman
Birinci Ağrı Harekâtı 1926 Türkiye
Hazro İsyanı 1926 Türkiye Diyarbakır
Koçuşağı İsyanı 1926 Türkiye
Mutki İsyanı 1927 Türkiye Mutki
İkinci Ağrı Harekâtı 1927 Türkiye
Bicar Tenkil Harekâtı 1927 Türkiye Bicar
Resul İsyanı 1929 Türkiye
Tendürek Harekâtı 1929 Türkiye Tendürek
Savur Tenkil Harekâtı 1930 Türkiye Savur
Zeylan İsyanı 1930 Türkiye Zeylan
Hakkari İsyanı 1930 Türkiye Hakkari
Üçüncü Ağrı Harekâtı 1930 Türkiye Ağrı Dağı
Şeyh Mahmut Berzenci İsyanı 1930 Irak
Pülümür Harekâtı 1930 Türkiye Pülümür
Şeyh Ahmed Barzani İsyanı 1931 Irak
Buban Aşireti İsyanı 1934 Türkiye
İkinci Sason İsyanı 1937 Türkiye Diyarbakır, Batman
Dersim İsyanı - Seyit Rıza 1937 Türkiye Tunceli

You think Kurds are like the other ethnicities you mentioned? We will never accept the imperial hegemony of Turkey. We have been fighting the four most powerful countries of Middle East for centuries. Turkey is a piece of cake compared to this fact.

Take your chances than..... :coffee:

But let us just wait and see what time will bring. Until now, I have seen nothing but barking and shouting from the MHP/CHP lone wolves since they lost the support of USA and NATO ten years ago. While Kurds are gaining ground all over Middle East. There is nothing you can do towards Kurds in North Kurdistan

Ehmm, as i stated above we have done and can and will do if necessary. And there is no such thing as NK.

and there is nothing you can do towards Kurds in KRG

Why should we ? They are our pawn.

and there is nothing you can do towards Kurds in Rojava ( Syria)

As for as they don't declare autonomous Kurdish entity inside Syria, they are fine. Sailh Muslim agrees with us. :)

MIDEAST - Turkey not categorically against formation of autonomous Kurdish entity inside Syria

even though you have tried so hard. And when time comes, there will be nothing you can do towards Kurds in Iran either. But I sure will still hear your barking, do not worry.

Ghost operations ????

Turkey conducts 55 cross-border operations into northern Iraq during 2012 - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operation Northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zap operation

Oramar operation

Result: Turkish military withdraws. PKK victory :yahoo:

Planting bombs in streets to kill innocent civilians. Shame on you terrorist supporter.

PKK does not target civilians. That is the work of the Turkish terror state. Torture and rape of kids is also the work of the holy turkish state.

Turkish air raid kills 35 civilians in Kurdish area - World - CBC News


Yeah. Keep out of Middle East. You are not strong enough here. You keep to the Aegan Sea, we will keep to the Middle East.

We are still here after 1000 years and we have our own state. And never been ruled by foreigners... What about you

With the total backing of NATO and USA and Israel, every nation can exist. We started from the ground and are working our way up. Do not worry. Turkey will come soon too.

As i said before you tried countless times and you failed every time
You forgot the most important :

PKK insurgency: 1978- ????. 5000 guerilla vs the ''holy'' army of turkey. Big big joke :)

Why should we ? They are our pawn

Your pawn KRG supports the PKK in Syria, Iran and Turkey with shelter, money and heavy weapons? You better get a tighter grip of your pawn then.

As for as they don't declare autonomous Kurdish entity inside Syria, they are fine. Sailh Muslim agrees with us.

Oh they already did long time ago. Again, turkey can not dictate such things. They are not in a power position to dictate things in Middle East.

Syrian Kurds

And look at this video! All the beautiful Kurdistan flag. But the most beautiful of them all; Serok APO! I bet you see this man in your nightmares. Kept him in prison for 15 years, yet he decides more than ataturk or erdogan ever could have dreamt of deciding.

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"Wishful thinking?"

I do not know their conversations, but I do know that there have been some major lifts on Kurdish language ban, Alevi religious bans and heavy lifts on the recent terror laws. I also know that more and more KCK inmates are getting released. And I also know that AKP is preparing a democratisation package as I am writing now. All on the request of our leader Ocalan.

Thats called wishful thinking, the last part..Prove that these changes happened/happening whatever, in the name of ocalan`s request.
Kurdish language ban has been lifted long before negotiations..There had never been alevi religious ban, thats another lie from you, that heavy lift on terror law you are talking about is because of EU integration..google it...and funniest of all, so ocalan requested and some kck terrorists are being released? :laughcry: you read too much ozgur gundem bro...your leader is rotting in a prison cell, what request are you talking about? :cuckoo:

But dont get me wrong, Erdogan deserves to be in that prison cell too..would love to see those two play doctor and nurse in there, we already know who would be the nurse now dont we? :D
Thats called wishful thinking, the last part..Prove that these changes happened/happening whatever, in the name of ocalan`s request.
Kurdish language ban has been lifted long before negotiations..There had never been alevi religious ban, thats another lie from you, that heavy lift on terror law you are talking about is because of EU integration..google it...and funniest of all, so ocalan requested and some kck terrorists are being released? :laughcry: you read too much ozgur gundem bro...your leader is rotting in a prison cell, what request are you talking about? :cuckoo:

But dont get me wrong, Erdogan deserves to be in that prison cell too..would love to see those two play doctor and nurse in there, we already know who would be the nurse now dont we? :D

Well they all happened simultanously to when Erdogan started negotiating with Ocalan. So either some Mars men sent the requests or Ocalan did. I know you MHP turks like to believe in aliens and marsmen ( and caucassian shamans) but I bet my money on Ocalan in this matter.

No ban on Alevism? How many massacres has there been towards Alevis? How much restriction is there on Alevism compared to Sunni Islam in Turkey? Do not get me wrong, I am a Sunni Muslim myself but I see the state facism against Alevis in Turkey.

Yeah yeah because of EU. Always because of EU. One day you want in, the other day you want out. But when it comes to Kurdish rights, you do it due to EU right? LOL.

Ocalan requested a lift on the terror laws because they targeted arbitrary targets who were mostly Kurdish. And due to the changes in terror law, more and more KCK members are getting released. And with the new democraticasion package that decides that you can only be set in jail if you have directly been involved in armed terrorism, it seems more and more will get released ( seeing as most of the Kurds in KCK have been arrested for speaking Kurdish at public places or using the letters XWQ).

I know reality hurts. But yet again lonewolf, keep barking. I am all aware of it. The nurses, as I see it, is kilicdaroglu and bahceli. Constantly shouting for some outer space doctor to come and safe their patient because they do not know what to do with it.

But be sure to post a picture of your faces on here once Ocalan is set free to house arrest. That would be 'bronze' :D
When did the negotiations begin @Keyxusraw ?

End 2012, start 2013. Since then we have seen the first release of KCK mayors ( among them Bekir Kaya, Van mayor), we have seen a lift in former banning of Kurdish in courts and at local gatherings, we have seen the opening of more and more Kurdish language courses at universities but most importantly at elementary schools. We have seen the Kurdish people creating their own councils and their own conferences. We have even seen them create their own youth defense groups. All this on the request of Ocalan. And now we see that new terror laws might be coming which would mean more release of KCK inmates.

Of course, when I say it is on Ocalan's request, I do not mean that Ocalan specifically said '' You must change your terror laws''. No. That is not up to him. His demand was a lift on Kurdish language and the release of KCK prisoners. How Turkey will do that is totaly up to Turkey. At the end of the day, what Ocalan wants is results and Erdogan seems to be giving the right results up until now, although in a very slow pace... Good boy none the less :)

It is all going the right direction ladies and gentlemen. Do not worry. Let the lone wolves bark and let the real men do the work.

And remember, do not blame Erdogan for all this. Many of his predecors wanted to do the same thing but were unable to do so due to the facist military. Erbakan, Ecevit and Ozal are just amongst some of them. CHP/MHP would have lead the country into destruction and despair which is why USA removed their support for them.
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Well they all happened simultanously to when Erdogan started negotiating with Ocalan. So either some Mars men sent the requests or Ocalan did. I know you MHP turks like to believe in aliens and marsmen ( and caucassian shamans) but I bet my money on Ocalan in this matter.

No ban on Alevism? How many massacres has there been towards Alevis? How much restriction is there on Alevism compared to Sunni Islam in Turkey? Do not get me wrong, I am a Sunni Muslim myself but I see the state facism against Alevis in Turkey.

Yeah yeah because of EU. Always because of EU. One day you want in, the other day you want out. But when it comes to Kurdish rights, you do it due to EU right? LOL.

Ocalan requested a lift on the terror laws because they targeted arbitrary targets who were mostly Kurdish. And due to the changes in terror law, more and more KCK members are getting released. And with the new democraticasion package that decides that you can only be set in jail if you have directly been involved in armed terrorism, it seems more and more will get released ( seeing as most of the Kurds in KCK have been arrested for speaking Kurdish at public places or using the letters XWQ).

I know reality hurts. But yet again lonewolf, keep barking. I am all aware of it. The nurses, as I see it, is kilicdaroglu and bahceli. Constantly shouting for some outer space doctor to come and safe their patient because they do not know what to do with it.

But be sure to post a picture of your faces on here once Ocalan is set free to house arrest. That would be 'bronze' :D

%90 of your post is not worth responding, the rest; you are making too much assumptions without any proof..İ just asked 1 question.Prove that those changes that you are talking about happened due to ocalan`s request..

İ just wanted a simple date, not a chapter of your thoughts :)

Now go and look up for when the demokratik açılım, which consists of ethnic rights for Kurds, Armenians etc. and religious rights for alevis and christians was put out.

Tie the knots to gether and come to a sensible conclusion whether the initiatives for the rights of minority's in Turkey came from the government or the negotiations proces.
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İ just wanted a simple date, not a chapter of your thoughts :)

Now go and look up for when the demokratik açılım, which consists of ethnic rights for Kurds, Armenians etc. and religious rights for alevis and christians was put out.

Tie the knots to gether and come to a sensible conclusion whether the initiatives for the rights of minority's in Turkey came from the government or the negotiations proces.

I know that the Kurt opening, the democratic opening whatever you call it has been ongoing very slowly for the last 11 years..

Fact is that the major lifts on Kurdish language and the major KCK releases happened during the negotiations process. Before the negotiations there was a small lift on Kurdish language. But it was still denied at courts and at gatherings. Especially the gathering part is very important since a lot of Kurds have been arrested for speaking Kurdish at gatherings ( elections, demonstrations etc.). Also the one with lifting ban of Kurdish at courts is very crucial. All these were on request of Ocalan. Again, Ocalan did not specifically say '' You have to do this and this in order to legalize Kurdish'' or '' You have to do this and this in order for KCK inmates to be released''. All he did was to demand Kurdish mother tongue education and the release of KCK inmates. How AKP does that is totaly up to AKP. Whether they change terror laws, whether they change the constitution or whatever is irrelevant.

Also the lift on Kurdish at courts and at gatherings is closely tied to the 2011-2012 protests and with the hunger strike. These were the acts that forced AKP to act. Not EU demands. Allowing Kurds to campaign in Kurdish and to defend themselves in Kurdish at courts are direct results of Ocalan's demands and the negotiation process.


Turkey's Kurdish Language Policy: Learning from Europe - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
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Hahahahahahah PKK kurds funny i remember last time on TV how you guys got beaten up in Khazakstan and in the Ahiska Turkish region(Ardahan/Posof) and run behind the Police like the dogs that you are.
So you want to fight the Turkish state but hid behind the Police if people beat you up.....
Oh and if you see it like that your "region" is called western Armenia and those guys even have more rights on this region then you.
Hahahahahahah PKK kurds funny i remember last time on TV how you guys got beaten up in Khazakstan and in the Ahiska Turkish region(Ardahan/Posof) and run behind the Police like the dogs that you are.
So you want to fight the Turkish state but hid behind the Police if people beat you up.....
Oh and if you see it like that your "region" is called western Armenia and those guys even have more rights on this region then you.

I know what you are talking about bro, same scenes happens in Turkey too.

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