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Two Nation Theory originated by Hindus.


Sep 7, 2008
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Contrary to the common belief that Jinnah originated the two-nation theory, actually it was Savarkar who propounded the theory years before the Muslim League embraced the idea. Savarkar had commanded all the Muslims to leave ‘Bharat’ to pave the way for the establishment of Hindu Rashtra. When Jinnah introduced his two-nation theory, Savarkar announced, “I have no quarrel with Mr. Jinnah’s two-nation theory… It is a historical fact that Hindus and Muslims are two nations.”

“His (Savarkar’s) doctrine was Hindutva, the doctrine of Hindu racial supremacy, and his dream was of rebuilding a great Hindu empire from the sources of the Indus to those of the Brahmaputra. He hated Muslims. There was no place for them in the Hindu society he envisioned.” (Freedom at Midnight, by Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins).

So the hate campaign against Muslims was well in place even before the partition of erstwhile British India. This and many other significant factors forced Jinnah to demand a separate nation for Muslims as he believed that Muslims would not be safe in India — a prophetic declaration indeed! There is no denying the fact that Jinnah was secular to the marrow and would never have wished to cut ties with India, but circumstances compelled him to do so. However, he had not harbored grudges against India or its leaders. He had kept his house on Malabar Hill, thinking he could weekend there, while running his country from Karachi on weekdays, but destiny had something else in store for the estranged neighbors of the Asia Partition.

When Nathuram Godse pumped three bullets into Gandhi, a section of the Hindu community compared him with Judas. The writing was on the wall. The divide was evident. In some areas people mourned the death of Gandhi, and in other areas they distributed sweets, held celebrations, and demanded the release of Godse. Gandhi’s crime was that he had demanded security for Muslims.

The seeds of partition were actually sown by the stalwarts of Hindu Mahasabha, primarily the quartet of Savarkar, Gawarikar, Apte, and Nathuram Godse. Independent India’s history is testimony to the fact that in a conflict between the forces of secular nationalism and religious communalism, the latter has always ruled the roost. Secular forces have more often than not ended up playing into the hands of communal forces. Such has been the history of independent India, and it is again on display in Jammu. Syed Alvi Teheran Times

Thinking of the Hindu alternative to Pakistan, the scheme that at once comes to one’s mind is the one put forth by the late Lala Hardayal in 1925. It was published in the form of a statement which appeared in the Pratap of Lahore. In this statement, which he called his political testament, Lala Hardayal said:—

“I declare that the future of the Hindu race, of Hindustan and of the Punjab, rests on these four pillars: (1) Hindu Sangathan, (2) Hindu Raj, (3) Shuddhi of Muslims, and (4) Conquest and Shuddhi of Afghanistan and the Frontiers. So long as the Hindu nation does not accomplish these four things, the safely of our children and great-grandchildren will be ever in danger, and the safety of the Hindu race will be impossible. The Hindu race has but one history, and its institutions are homogeneous. But the Musalmans and Christians are far removed from the confines of Hindustan, for their religions are alien and they love Persian, Arab and European institutions. Thus, just as one removes foreign matter from the eye, Shuddhi must be made of these two religions. Afghanistan and the hilly regions of the frontier were formerly part of India, but are at present under the domination of Islam. . . .Just as there is Hindu religion in Nepal, so there must be Hindu institutions in Afghanistan and the frontier territory; otherwise it is useless to win Swaraj. For mountain tribes are always warlike and hungry. If they become our enemies, the age of Nadirshah and Zamanshah will begin anew. At present English officers are protecting the frontiers; but it cannot always be. . . .If Hindus want to protect themselves, they must conquer Afghanistan and the frontiers and convert all the mountain tribes.” Excerpt from Dr. Ambadekar’s book “Pakistan”.

The reason behind partition is because of hate campaign by hinduvta terrorists since early times, and they wont stop at nothing.
Well it is said that they originated the name "Pakistan" too. :D
What has this to do with Military history ?

Whenever we Indian & Pakistanis have nothing else to do we exhume the dead & carry out yet another post mortem.
It is no use talking two nation theory and its origins
I think both the theories are wrong. Two nation theory was part Divide and Rule schemes of cunning Goras..

Thats just my opinion, Please feel free to disagree..
I think both the theories are wrong. Two nation theory was part Divide and Rule schemes of cunning Goras..

Thats just my opinion, Please feel free to disagree..

Goras are no more in India then why India failed to protect Muslims
Are yaar kyun gade murde ukhad rahe ho......... lol bashing India and hindus lol....
dont know about 2 nation theory but 3rd nation theory was definetly given by us.

---------- Post added at 10:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM ----------

Goras are no more in India then why India failed to protect Muslims

Hindus are not there is pakistan then why Pakistan has failed to protect Muslims despite being a Islamic state.
Wise men don't forget their history. Talk about the topic rather then trying to hide like sissies.

World cannot ingnore the fascist hindivta ideology, the ideology over which the hindustand is built upon. Thus, i rightfully declare it as a sister-nazi state.

watz the point for posting it twice.....flaming....and who the F r u to declare what hindustan stands for..clean up ur pakistand ideology first and let the world be in peace.....
Goras are no more in India then why India failed to protect Muslims

the same reason why ahmadiyyas were not protected in lahore the other day......whole nation cannot be judged by the actions of few..stop worrying abt muslims in India ......... they atleast have a gud night sleep to night...cheers
Wise men don't forget their history. Talk about the topic rather then trying to hide like sissies.

World cannot ingnore the fascist hindivta ideology, the ideology over which the hindustand is built upon. Thus, i rightfully declare it as a sister-nazi state.

Then what?????????????????

If we being sister nazi state brings us peace and growth we are fine with it. 8 years down the line there has been no riot or any thing of disharmony then we muslims and hindus are fine with it.

who gives phuck of what you think about us as we already know what the world think about you including the islamic states whom you consider are under your protection of nuclear umbrella.
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