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Two Goods News for Pakistani's!

Few powers tried their best to stop Chinese Investment in the country!
and now these same powers uses slogan 2015 is election year , to tell the world, that Political situation is hostile.
You are a typical subcontinental dumbass ! Your line of argument (with anti-US overtones ofc ) actually deflates any kind of credibility which S&P or fitch provides which ultimately makes the point of the thread moot.

Think before u blabber in future !

Don't get all racist and defensive on me you Twirp

lets stick to the topic at hand, As firms like Lehman Brothers were about to collapse the so called rating agencies were conveniently looking the other way. Rating Agencies Are a Scam.

lol "anti-US overtones" thats a good one. Here some of my other fellow anti americans

dont be a dumb redneck and listen to a good argument.
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Foreign Reserve reached to the Level of 18.4 Billion Dollars, highest in the History of Pakistan.

I think in next few weeks, our Credit will be upgraded to upwards, which may bring Investment in Stock Market at very large Scale.
You will not be paying 60b at once, as far as you can easily pay installments all is well.
Increase in foreign reserve means that inflow of forex is more than out flow, it's good thing (but in case of Pakistan it will have negative effect beyond certain point as stronger rupee will make our exports expensive). Question should be what is the reason of increase, exports, fdi, remittances or new loans and aids.

Rightly said. There's one small point though where you're a little off.

Growing value of currency is undesirable only in export oriented economies like Japan, Germany and China where balance of trade is in their favor i.e They export more than they import. For countries like Pakistan, who have little to offer in terms of exports and usually have a trade deficit, increased value of currency is beneficial as it allows these economies to buy or import more goods.
So should i say thanx to IMF and other lending agencies or its our own money we got from exports etc?
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So should i says thanx to IMF and other lending agencies or its our own money we got from exports etc?


I hope u can understand the current Account deficit, currently account is in Positive side, which is impacting the Foreign Exchange reserves positively.

I hope u can understand the current Account deficit, currently account is in Positive side, which is impacting the Foreign Exchange reserves positively.

Bro i aint an economist but i do understand the fact that borrowed money is supposed to be returned after some time and till the time we do not make most from the borrowed money and spend it on projects that pay back, till then that money is just a burden. We may fill up our reserves just like PPP did by borrowing but did not utilize it to reap the benefits out of it. Every second day i read and see the news that we have got installment of loan from that that and that agency. The FE reserves fill up mostly due to increase in exports, decrease in imports, remittance sent by over seas workers etc etc. Last time i read was that our exports shrunk and imports increased in same period of previous year. So my question was that are we heading on in solid footing or its just like we are taking one step ahead but then are forced to take two steps back?
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