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Two coal power plants of 660 megawatts in Sahiwal

unable to understand why they are going to spoil the agricultural area of pakistan

It's because some powerful personalities of Pakistan are going to make big commission from it. I suggest you to search that who is building these plants by getting investment from chinese companies. Check those chinese companies they would be blacklisted. It's the game of kickbacks.
Its up & ready on paper work.

Kala Bagh Dam, Bhasha Dam, along with small dams through out Pakistan, Thar coal power & gas project which was proven back in 2010 & construction on Nuclear power plants will solve energy problems in Pakistan once & for all.

Pakistan can also make largest every solar energy in Thar & Balochistan province, but no one cares.

KPK and Sindh will never let KALA BAGH Dam to be build in 100 years... No one is ready to give loans for BASHA dam small dams are building and DASU and Neelum Jehlum is also under construction... Some Stupid dumb *** has a stay order on 2 Nuclear Power K-2 and K-3 in Karachi from Sindh High Court... Where as Quaid.e.Azam Solar Power is under construction in 2015 they will start 100 MW and in the end of 2016 it will produce 1000 or 1500 MW... Still Fingers are crossed hope the Present Gov complete the coal and Hydro and Solar projects on time we have to wait till 2017
KPK and Sindh will never let KALA BAGH Dam to be build in 100 years... No one is ready to give loans for BASHA dam small dams are building and DASU and Neelum Jehlum is also under construction... Some Stupid dumb *** has a stay order on 2 Nuclear Power K-2 and K-3 in Karachi from Sindh High Court... Where as Quaid.e.Azam Solar Power is under construction in 2015 they will start 100 MW and in the end of 2016 it will produce 1000 or 1500 MW... Still Fingers are crossed hope the Present Gov complete the coal and Hydro and Solar projects on time we have to wait till 2017

The Govt. is weak, these projects will stay on papers only. PPP will never do anything for Pakistan.
It's because some powerful personalities of Pakistan are going to make big commission from it. I suggest you to search that who is building these plants by getting investment from chinese companies. Check those chinese companies they would be blacklisted. It's the game of kickbacks.
ok they are going to get commission and peoples are going to get electricity so what is wrong
is imran khan and co. are wasting there money for nothing
they all get money with corruption but pmln get by commission so they are better than firsts

KPK and Sindh will never let KALA BAGH Dam to be build in 100 years... No one is ready to give loans for BASHA dam small dams are building and DASU and Neelum Jehlum is also under construction... Some Stupid dumb *** has a stay order on 2 Nuclear Power K-2 and K-3 in Karachi from Sindh High Court... Where as Quaid.e.Azam Solar Power is under construction in 2015 they will start 100 MW and in the end of 2016 it will produce 1000 or 1500 MW... Still Fingers are crossed hope the Present Gov complete the coal and Hydro and Solar projects on time we have to wait till 2017
On 20 August 2013, Finance Minister of Pakistan, Ishaq Dar claimed to have convinced the World Bank (WB) to finance the Diamer-Bhasha Project without the requirement of NOC from India. He also said that the Asian Development Bank had agreed to become lead finance manager for the project
ok they are going to get commission and peoples are going to get electricity so what is wrong
is imran khan and co. are wasting there money for nothing
they all get money with corruption but pmln get by commission so they are better than firsts

On 20 August 2013, Finance Minister of Pakistan, Ishaq Dar claimed to have convinced the World Bank (WB) to finance the Diamer-Bhasha Project without the requirement of NOC from India. He also said that the Asian Development Bank had agreed to become lead finance manager for the project

WTF? You are happy if PML N gets commission and kickbacks? You don't even know how they get commission man. If you know your leaders project known as Nandipur which was going to be build on the cost of 22 Billion is now completed on the cost of 113 Billion.

Rs113bn ‘wasted’ due to delays in Nandipur power project

Nandipur plant was operational only for five days

This is how your leaders get kickbacks and commission. And one thing more that Nandipur is not even working now because of the worst quality materials used. This is how your leaders get cmmission and kickbacks.

IK and PTI isn't wasting money they are investing money for the cause of Naya Pakistan. If you know anything about current time than you should search the change in KPK and also name at least one corruption scandal of IK. Give me name of any corruption did by IK and PTI in KPK?

It is better to shut up if you don't know anything :D. Just thinking what's your mentality level.
WTF? You are happy if PML N gets commission and kickbacks? You don't even know how they get commission man. If you know your leaders project known as Nandipur which was going to be build on the cost of 22 Billion is now completed on the cost of 113 Billion.

Rs113bn ‘wasted’ due to delays in Nandipur power project

Nandipur plant was operational only for five days

This is how your leaders get kickbacks and commission. And one thing more that Nandipur is not even working now because of the worst quality materials used. This is how your leaders get cmmission and kickbacks.

IK and PTI isn't wasting money they are investing money for the cause of Naya Pakistan. If you know anything about current time than you should search the change in KPK and also name at least one corruption scandal of IK. Give me name of any corruption did by IK and PTI in KPK?

It is better to shut up if you don't know anything :D. Just thinking what's your mentality level.
so you think imran khan and co. investing there money do you have any idea what a single jalsa cost
why are they giving money if they not going to get it back
so you want i show you what corruption made by imran khan you show me corruption made by nwas sharif and shehbaz sharif
and corruption means proves of corruption not bullshit like above you said about cost and working of nandipur so its for your information
China to complete Nandipur Power project by end March 2015 - thenews.com.pk
if you say that they make commision in nandi pur project then whhy asif zardari not started it is he was thinking like an angel
if you dont understand the history or dont want to listen any thing good about sharif its your problem not mine
oh i rememberd one thing imran khan was a poling agent in Musharraf's ref random is this ref random was clear

Qadri (third from right in the.jpg
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How many power generation plants in KPK has been set up so far under pti ?

Apparently you didn't read the links you shared

The PPP government’s failure to get the project completed within its tenure was excessively highlighted by the current ruling PML-N prior to general elections, and apparently reaped the benefits in the form of complete wiping out of the PPP from Punjab.

The project was started in January 2008 at a cost of Rs23 billion. The contract was given to a Chinese firm, which was supposed to complete the work by April 2011.

However, due to unexplained reasons, the then Dr Babar Awan-led law ministry refused to provide legal cover required to import its machinery.

In reaction, the Chinese firm canceled the contract. Despite repeated attempts, Dr Awan wasn’t available to comment what made his former ministry to play the role of a spoiler in this project as described by the judicial commission.

The PML-N soon after coming into power re-initiated talks with the Chinese firm and made it agree to complete its pending work, but the cost was increased to Rs57 billion. As bad luck would have it, the Nandipur power project hasn’t brought good news for the PML(N) government either.

PMLN's only fault is that they inaugurated this power plant too soon.

Prime Minister Sharif inaugurated the first 95MW plant of the controversial Nandipur Power Project on May 31. The project had been stalled under the PPP government amid allegations of graft, declared an “unforgivable sin” by the prime minister as the plant and related machinery remained stranded at the Karachi port for more than five years.

The project cost more than doubled to Rs57 billion (instead of Rs23 billion) and the nation suffered a loss of Rs165 billion, according to Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, who spearheaded the project’s revival.

The project will be able to generate 425MW on furnace oil, which can be upgraded to 525MW if natural gas is used as fuel.

However, the plant will take another five months or so to achieve commercial operation status.

IK and PTI isn't wasting money they are investing money for the cause of Naya Pakistan. If you know anything about current time than you should search the change in KPK and also name at least one corruption scandal of IK. Give me name of any corruption did by IK and PTI in KPK?

What major power projects have gone live in KPK since PTI took charge? IK and Khattak are too busy trying to grab power in other parts of the country.
Apparently you didn't read the links you shared

The PPP government’s failure to get the project completed within its tenure was excessively highlighted by the current ruling PML-N prior to general elections, and apparently reaped the benefits in the form of complete wiping out of the PPP from Punjab.

The project was started in January 2008 at a cost of Rs23 billion. The contract was given to a Chinese firm, which was supposed to complete the work by April 2011.

However, due to unexplained reasons, the then Dr Babar Awan-led law ministry refused to provide legal cover required to import its machinery.

In reaction, the Chinese firm canceled the contract. Despite repeated attempts, Dr Awan wasn’t available to comment what made his former ministry to play the role of a spoiler in this project as described by the judicial commission.

The PML-N soon after coming into power re-initiated talks with the Chinese firm and made it agree to complete its pending work, but the cost was increased to Rs57 billion. As bad luck would have it, the Nandipur power project hasn’t brought good news for the PML(N) government either.

PMLN's only fault is that they inaugurated this power plant too soon.

Prime Minister Sharif inaugurated the first 95MW plant of the controversial Nandipur Power Project on May 31. The project had been stalled under the PPP government amid allegations of graft, declared an “unforgivable sin” by the prime minister as the plant and related machinery remained stranded at the Karachi port for more than five years.

The project cost more than doubled to Rs57 billion (instead of Rs23 billion) and the nation suffered a loss of Rs165 billion, according to Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, who spearheaded the project’s revival.

The project will be able to generate 425MW on furnace oil, which can be upgraded to 525MW if natural gas is used as fuel.

However, the plant will take another five months or so to achieve commercial operation status.

What major power projects have gone live in KPK since PTI took charge? IK and Khattak are too busy trying to grab power in other parts of the country.

Okay, Your foolish comment didn't told me that why the power plant worked for 5 days only? Why these coal based power plants are being constructed in sahiwal which is near to residential places? Who is getting loan from chinese companies to build it? You told me the cost increased to 57 billion than after that why the cost came near to 113 Billion? PPP wasted money but your leaders wasted more than double of our money explain me why? Tell me that the Metro Bus in lahore was supposed to be completed in 4 billion than why it was completed at cost of Rs 30 Billion? Rs 30 Billion can develop a system which can give pure water to entire lahore but now 70% of lahoris drink polluted water? Rs 30 Billion can develop lots of schools in Lahore. Rs 30 Billion can make the worst hospitals of lahore better. Your leader didn't told us that who was responsible for Model town incident yet? Your leaders earned lots of kickbacks from Nandipur power project. Why your leaders not letting IK to open NA-122 why your leaders are taking stay orders if they haven't rigged it? I can write lots of questions here but you won't be able to answer them.
Why your leaders wasted lots of tax money on Anti-IK ads? Why your leaders isn't investigating the swiss courts case of your previous president? Why your leader isn't bringing 6 billion back? Why your leaders isn't bringing $200 Billion back? Why raymond write a book on your leaders corruption and why didn't your leaders challenged his boojk? Why BBC made a big video on your leaders money scandals? Answer tham because I have lots of questions but you aren't still able to answer the question about Nandipur than how you will answer otherS?

As far as KPK is concerned I will suggest you to view the following:-

KPK progress

so you think imran khan and co. investing there money do you have any idea what a single jalsa cost
why are they giving money if they not going to get it back
so you want i show you what corruption made by imran khan you show me corruption made by nwas sharif and shehbaz sharif
and corruption means proves of corruption not bullshit like above you said about cost and working of nandipur so its for your information
China to complete Nandipur Power project by end March 2015 - thenews.com.pk
if you say that they make commision in nandi pur project then whhy asif zardari not started it is he was thinking like an angel
if you dont understand the history or dont want to listen any thing good about sharif its your problem not mine
oh i rememberd one thing imran khan was a poling agent in Musharraf's ref random is this ref random was clear

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Yeah tell me what a single jalsa cost? People are giving IK money for this movements and Jalsas. If people think that IK is looting and wasting there money than why people are supporting him? He isn't doing corruption man. Read my previous comment and you will know your leader corruption. 79 cases are on your leader in NAB. What bullshit? If your brain works than any fault caused in any project is the responsiblity of your leader because he is the head of the project and that wasn't a little money looted in Nandipur that was much more than it's original cost. If IK was a polling agent as you say than your leader came into politics via General Zia ul haq. I think you haven't read the history yet. Again your leaders are going to waste money on nandipur to earn kickbacks. I salute you you are a blind lover of your leaders. I do want to listen any good work done by your leaders but they haven't done anything good yet. So sad for you
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My honourable friends, Pakistan is very short of power. Let us not quibble about ifs & buts; we need additional power production as it is essential for the growth of the economy.

Therefore all new generation capacity; no matter how small, wherever it is located, whatever the fuel and whosoever builds it, is and should be more than “WELLCOME”.

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