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You are talking about Nanda Empire@ Dark Prince. It just proves why People of this map's region are most Muslim.
:woot: Now what? the Aryans came way back then? The Aryan theory is a funny one, constantly changing to keep up with the facts. The Iranians can't be dated to Iran (does not mean they weren't there though) beyond the 9th century BCE (Assyrian sources) and only much later in Central Asia. The geography of the Avesta is the eastern Iran (western Iran is completely unknown) and the Indian subcontinent (till the Punjab) & Afghanistan. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Which probably means that the Aryan waves were simply not big enough in terms of genetic load.

But big on geographical and social flux.
Firstly, as Joe and later Bang pointed out, there was NO invasion.

It was wave upon wave over a pretty long time. Human migration.

Secondly, do not fall into the crap pedled by Pakistanis desperate for non-Hindu non-Indian roots.

The IVC were probably annihilated, absorbed, or driven deep down east and south - again by a later one of the same waves.

So there was no fking after all.. :tongue:
Firstly, as Joe and later Bang pointed out, there was NO invasion.

It was wave upon wave over a pretty long time. Human migration.

Secondly, do not fall into the crap pedled by Pakistanis desperate for non-Hindu non-Indian roots.

The IVC were probably annihilated, absorbed, or driven deep down east and south - again by a later one of the same waves.

1. what is the diffenrence between migration n invasion over here point is north indians r mixed blood people

2. punjabis n sindhis r indic races
so by that theoriee how did islam came to sub continent (bin quasim& co):azn:

The fall of Zoroastrians to Khalid bin Walid. This was the start. We all had great relations when we embraced Islam. You are always slow going. You were never a part of Aryan, was never a part of Iranian, never was a part of Mughal and will never be. They just came and rule over you. The southern Indian people.

This will just show you who fked whom. Hinduism was some form taken from Zoroastrians who had some elements of Sub-Gods. Indians used to believe in polytheism and they had started to pray those figures of Zoro. From that, later the evolution of Hinduism.

Source wiki

Weird conclusions :rofl:

we r also part of ancient india.

Why are you associating with Hindu banya and pagan Idol worshipper??

Isn't it Haraam??
Guys please man.

Once a thread crosses 10 pages we should go subtle and keep the investment going.
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