It is not the right place in this thread, but why why we have not the scientific and inventing capability of Czechs, Polish and others ? Is it that we have less IQ ?
We should motivate and promote Young People. We Need HEADHUNTERS in early School years and found the Genius minds. Will we ever see a Company founded in Garage and that rules the world ?
Forget Google, Facebook - maybe they were sponsored from control the globe.
But imagine German SAP founded 1972, bought 1980 first Industrial PC for Software development and now yearly turnover 20 Billion € . Gigantic. People who bought in the 90's Shares are now Millionaires.
1 share 1990 almost 1 DM ( = 0,50 €) now 70 €.
I was really sad , when I listened a discussion in Habertürk, when a Young engineer said PARDUS was never national;
They tried only to develop an Turkish OUTFIT but never developed and worked scientifically on open source LINUX CORE System.