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Turkish Space Programs

“MAK” submeter camera of IMECE spy satellite is completed. Collimation studies are in progress.

Turkey has everything to be on the space power list: Roscosmos
MOSCOW- Anadolu Agency

Turkey has everything it needs to be on the space power list and Russia is willing to cooperate for the first Turkish astronaut in space, the director-general of the Russian space agency (Roscosmos) said on Sept. 18.

The agency offered Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to send a Turkish astronaut to the International Space Station (ISS) last month during the joint visit of Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to the MAKS-2019 International Aviation and Space Salon.

Dmitry Rogozin spoke exclusively about cooperation between Turkey and Russia on defense and space, saying: "we have great respect for Turkey's interest in space and we would be pleased if Turkey defines Russia as a strategic partner in this area."

Rogozin said Turkey, a large, modern country protecting its interests in various regions of the world, with different alliances in the West and the East, was in a "natural process" where it "recognizes its interests in space.”

Moscow's offer to send a Turkish astronaut to space was also extremely natural, he said, adding: "We would like to see Turkish pilots and experts at the Cosmonaut Training Center. We can quickly train both the astronaut and assistants and make them go to the ISS in the coming years."

Russia will be pleased to offer its facilities to Turkish astronauts, said Rogozin.

The first Turkish astronaut might go to space in 2023 -- the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, he added.

"The cooperation between our countries is now extremely high. When the agreement on the S-400 air defense systems was signed, our cooperation reached a new level," Rogozin said adding that Russia was aware of how valuable Turkey is showing resistance to pressure against its purchase of the Russian air defense systems.

He added that Turkey's fight against terrorism was vital as a country neighboring Syria and that Russian technical experts were ready to provide all solutions.

"This is not only a civil program but also provide an opportunity to see and hear everything. There are elements that constitute security threats to Turkey due to its challenging location," said Rogozin.

"Therefore, it would be very beneficial for our Turkish colleagues to cooperate with Russia in the development of a trajectory spacecraft team capable of making detailed and accurate predictions," he underlined.

Rogozin also said that a job created in the space industry automatically created nine jobs in other industries and that this process was a strong incentive to drive science, technology and industry forward as a whole.

On December 2018, Turkey's official gazette published a presidential decree announcing the establishment of the country's space agency aiming to prepare and carry out a national space program in line with the policies determined by the president of Turkey.

The ISS is stationed in low Earth orbit and serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory for scientists to conduct experiments in various fields.

It is also a staging base for possible future missions to the Moon, Mars, and asteroids.
Turkey has everything to be on the space power list: Roscosmos
MOSCOW- Anadolu Agency

Turkey has everything it needs to be on the space power list and Russia is willing to cooperate for the first Turkish astronaut in space, the director-general of the Russian space agency (Roscosmos) said on Sept. 18.

The agency offered Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to send a Turkish astronaut to the International Space Station (ISS) last month during the joint visit of Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to the MAKS-2019 International Aviation and Space Salon.

Dmitry Rogozin spoke exclusively about cooperation between Turkey and Russia on defense and space, saying: "we have great respect for Turkey's interest in space and we would be pleased if Turkey defines Russia as a strategic partner in this area."

Rogozin said Turkey, a large, modern country protecting its interests in various regions of the world, with different alliances in the West and the East, was in a "natural process" where it "recognizes its interests in space.”

Moscow's offer to send a Turkish astronaut to space was also extremely natural, he said, adding: "We would like to see Turkish pilots and experts at the Cosmonaut Training Center. We can quickly train both the astronaut and assistants and make them go to the ISS in the coming years."

Russia will be pleased to offer its facilities to Turkish astronauts, said Rogozin.

The first Turkish astronaut might go to space in 2023 -- the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, he added.

"The cooperation between our countries is now extremely high. When the agreement on the S-400 air defense systems was signed, our cooperation reached a new level," Rogozin said adding that Russia was aware of how valuable Turkey is showing resistance to pressure against its purchase of the Russian air defense systems.

He added that Turkey's fight against terrorism was vital as a country neighboring Syria and that Russian technical experts were ready to provide all solutions.

"This is not only a civil program but also provide an opportunity to see and hear everything. There are elements that constitute security threats to Turkey due to its challenging location," said Rogozin.

"Therefore, it would be very beneficial for our Turkish colleagues to cooperate with Russia in the development of a trajectory spacecraft team capable of making detailed and accurate predictions," he underlined.

Rogozin also said that a job created in the space industry automatically created nine jobs in other industries and that this process was a strong incentive to drive science, technology and industry forward as a whole.

On December 2018, Turkey's official gazette published a presidential decree announcing the establishment of the country's space agency aiming to prepare and carry out a national space program in line with the policies determined by the president of Turkey.

The ISS is stationed in low Earth orbit and serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory for scientists to conduct experiments in various fields.

It is also a staging base for possible future missions to the Moon, Mars, and asteroids.

Russia vermek gaz again

Turkish Space Agency website(http://www.tua.gov.tr/) is down and unreachable.

Website is up now and reachable. Sadly still under construction
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Argentina, Turkey wade into tough GEO manufacturing market with joint venture
by Caleb Henry — September 23, 2019

Argentina and Turkey have teamed up their domestic satellite manufacturing capabilities to sell small GEO satellites. Photo shows one of the ARSAT communications satellites built by Argentina's INVAP. Credit: INVAP/Gsatcom

PARIS — Satellite manufacturers globally have struggled to keep their factories full amid a prolonged lull in geostationary communications satellite orders.

That hasn’t stopped Argentina and Turkey from standing up a new company that aims to build the same class of satellites.

Gsatcom Space Technologies, a joint venture of Argentina’s state-run technology company INVAP and Turkey’s partly state-owned Turkish Aerospace Industries, formed last year with the goal of building and selling small GEO satellites at home and abroad.

Luis Genovese, Gsatcom’s chief executive, says the company isn’t blind to the fact that it’s jumping into a market few would describe as ripe with opportunity. But Argentina and Turkey both want a sovereign capability to build their own satellites, he said, meaning market forces aren’t the end-all-be-all of the company.

“We believe it is strategic for our countries,” Genovese said in an interview at World Satellite Business Week Sept. 12. “This is one of the most important reasons. It is not only a commercial operation, doing business, but developing capabilities that will allow us to really support our countries for development in a more autonomous way.”

INVAP built the Arsat-1 and -2 telecom satellites for Argentinian operator Arsat, as well as the Saocom-1A and yet-to-launch Satcom-1B synthetic aperture radar satellites for the Argentine space agency CONAE.

Turkish Aerospace Industries built most of the Turkish government’s optical imaging satellite Gokturk-2, helped build Gokturk-1 with Thales Alenia Space, and is building Turksat’s Turksat-6A, Turkey’s first domestically produced geostationary telecom satellite.

Genovese said INVAP has assembly, integration and test facilities in Bariloche, Argentina, while TAI’s are located in Ankara, Turkey.

Gsatcom is focusing mainly on high-throughput satellites that would weigh 500 to 2,000 kilograms with 1.5 to 7.5 kilowatts of onboard power. The company has letters of intent from customers, but no firm contracts yet, he said.

Genovese said Gsatcom can complete a first satellite in three years, and will seek to complete subsequent satellites in 20 to 24 months. Like other manufacturers, Gsatcom will offer “flexible” satellites that can change beam characteristics like location, shape and power, he said.

Gsatcom can apply phased array technology from INVAP’s experience with the Saocom radar satellites to create flexible communications satellites, Genovese said. The company has some interest in meteorological satellites, too, but will stay mainly focused on communications, he said.

Argentine and Turkish institutions are anticipated customers given the political impetus that culminated in Gsatcom’s formation, he said. Genovese would not say how much of Gsatcom’s business he expects to come from commercial customers.

All of the world’s top manufacturers rely to some extent on their home government for satellite orders, but that doesn’t ensure their success. Israel Aerospace Industries teetered on the edge of closing its communications satellite business last year before the Israeli government stipulated that Amos-8, a commercial satellite Israeli operator Spacecom had awarded to Maxar Technologies in California, would instead be built domestically.

Gsatcom wants to build roughly two satellites a year, Genovese said. The company will strive to win customers by making sure it is adaptable to customer demands and keep costs low by developing important systems like avionics and digital processors internally, he said.

Genovese said Gsatcom will also benefit from individual partner strengths — TAI in structures and scaled production of helicopters and drones, and INVAP in developing new technologies. He declined to say how much each company invested to form Gsatcom, which is co-owned equally by both stakeholders.
Not sure what you mean by this video.

Thanks for trolling, this only discloses how desperate the europeans are, unable to cheat the mighty sentient Matrix, the way they did fool their own people and the colonized alike over the last 2 centuries.

And indeed, in light of new claims, we have now to further downgrade the european's prospects, from the 7th place to the 8th place at best!

The revised list of manned spacefaring powers, by order of historical milestone and claimed legitimacy, as of October 2019:

1. A
2. B
3. China: Wan Hu's (万虎) rocket-propelled manned winged Flying Vehicle maiden flight ended in failure, 1465 AD.
4. Korea: Jung Pyung Gu (정평구, 鄭平九) first recorded manned rocket propelled flight with a 12 km flight, 1590 AD.
5. Turkey: Lagâri Hasan Çelebi successful manned rocket flight, 1633 AD.
6. Japan: world's first manned space program started in 1940. Upcoming large scale attacks with crewed gigantic stratospheric FUGO airships announced on 4th June 1945 AD.
7. India: Mysorean rockets, 18th century AD.
8. First european contender.

Turkey's first suborbital manned spaceflight

Mr. Erdoğan has boasted of Turkey's past achievements in manned rocket flight. Therefore, he might be interested to send a Turkish astronaut into space.

The first space launcher MUFA (Micro Uydu Firlatma Araci: Micro Sat Launcher) consists of solid-stages and with a liquid fuel upper stage.

It is expected to be launched by 2025, and has a 100 kg payload capacity to a 400 km LEO.

This launcher is slightly more powerful than the Iranian manned suborbital launcher Safir-1D and less powerful than the North Korean suborbital manned launcher Hwasong-15.

On the sidenote, expenses could be fully justified as solid propellant rockets of the size of the MUFA could be a cover to develop an ICBM capability.

Similar to the Iranian's space development, where the manned Iranian E1 capsule could be a convenient testbed to develop reentry technologies for nuclear warheads.


https://archive.is/omwpx/73cf1098cfb4548665ad9906195ed12ba094cd62.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191001160947/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EBHmLYsWsAAGFcs.jpg
1. Micro Sat Launcher is expected to be launched by 2025, and has a 100 kg payload capacity to a 400 km LEO.


https://archive.fo/fuI2I/cea85a6ff46933cf0755fe2ad20b567f6f7fea39.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191001161247if_/http://www.yenisoz.com.tr/resim/detay/3/34639.jpg
2. Micro Sat Launcher is expected to be launched by 2025, and has a 100 kg payload capacity to a 400 km LEO.




Tübitak Uzay will make a 0.5 meter resolution satellite.

They also planning to make Sentetik Açıklıklı Radar(Sar - Göktürk 3) satellite, meteorology satellite, and positioning system satellites(GPS - Bölgesel konumlandırma sistemi)

I remember Regional positioning system project in old theme ssm website. With their new website theme alot of project become secret. İt's good to see positioning system project is still valid


Tübitak Uzay will make a 0.5 meter resolution satellite.

They also planning to make Sentetik Açıklıklı Radar(Sar - Göktürk 3) satellite, meteorology satellite, and positioning system satellites(GPS - Bölgesel konumlandırma sistemi)

I remember Regional positioning system project in old theme ssm website. With their new website theme alot of project become secret. İt's good to see positioning system project is still valid

It is very important to develop gps satellite even if it means only for region after all turkey only operates in Mediterranean black sea and middle east i am glad that finally turkey will have its own 0.5 image resolution capability this means secure photos for military operations because as long as there is a foreign made satellite you can’t trust western states who prefer non-state terror groups as ally instead of state alliance
It is very important to develop gps satellite even if it means only for region after all turkey only operates in Mediterranean black sea and middle east i am glad that finally turkey will have its own 0.5 image resolution capability this means secure photos for military operations because as long as there is a foreign made satellite you can’t trust western states who prefer non-state terror groups as ally instead of state alliance

You are right. As far as I know we aim to launch 6-8 satellites to make a not global but regional positioning system like india has.
You are right. As far as I know we aim to launch 6-8 satellites to make a not global but regional positioning system like india has.
Turkey doesn’t need worldwide gps satellite we are not empire a regional one is enough if course we should always push more I don’t have problem against worldwide gps if there’s room to be developer but this should be second priority and the regional a must first priority as soon as possible
The new spy satellite to be developed after Imece is sent to space, will have a resolution greater than 0,5m. There is an official agenda to develop a camera which is going to have a resolution up to 0,3m and YÇU will receive this camera.
Did we develop the lens ourselves or did we have to buy it ? How much of the gadgets are Turkish ?
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