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This import has been made for years to US. Nothing new. All exported guns for civil use semi-auto pistol class.
İf the MP5k doesnt have stock , it is considered as a pistol which doesnt need any licence.

İf the mp5 has stock, it will considered as a short barrel rifle which need licence and fees.

İ wish Turkish citizens used and bought MKE made guns instead of americans. Because we are speaking about guns not tomatoes.
The interesting thing in that case is that they are going to the US Land Forces Command.
Sarsılmaz SAR-308

Sarsilmaz produced Kalashnikovs also before but there have been a lot of critics about them. I think @UkroTurk knows more.

Apparently Gendarmerie purchased some of them. Interesting.
We already discussed it nothing had been good.

UDACCHI means "good luck" in Russian. I suppose they have aimed russian and ukranian civil market.
They will get SAR-9.
No . Sar9 didnt pass tests of the Turkish police . Turkish police have been armed by CANİKs.

The interesting thing in that case is that they are going to the US Land Forces Command.
US Army has some prerequisites for guns which original HK mp5 doesnt have. For example magazin release button and bolt release button. As you know HK is very condescending producer which might refuse to add some buttons. Therefor if MKE offered to some upgrades on mp5 , US Land forces would give the bit them.
But i dont expext big number of guns .
Because they ( americans) really adore ar-15 platforms.
Why would US land forces use MP5 or SMG if they didnt need? They have short burrel colt commandos which are excellent for indoor fights.

Even FBI SWAT teams are being said to give up using mp5s. They appear to use short barrel m4s for indoor scenarious.
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Any chance where we might see a Scar or ACR clone for the Turkish army??

I think Modular Assault rifles like the Scar might be the way to go rather than ARs or AKs.
Any chance where we might see a Scar or ACR clone for the Turkish army??

I think Modular Assault rifles like the Scar might be the way to go rather than ARs or AKs.
Maybe in future. For now TSK seems to be keeping up to the AR platform.
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