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When it comes to the question of migrants I believe large numbers are not Syrian anyway? Amongst them you have people from Iran, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Algeria etc..

I don't know about the majority in Turkey but in Bosnia there is a big problem developing recently regarding migrants and crime. However the problem our local authorities have are not with Syrians rather with Afghanis, Pakistanis and Algerians engaged in drug use or acts of criminality. Of course not all migrants are like this but there are a significant number that do engage in criminal activity which will need to be dealt with appropriately once the trouble makers are identified and separated from the decent migrants.

Do Turkish authorities have special measures put in place to control migrant activity or are they just left to pretty much roam around the country? I am asking because Bosnian police is considering to add controls to migrant activity within our borders after recent build up of inter-migrant fighting and assaults.
Dear Arab, You are in no position to exist among the honour, morality, faith; therefore cannot ask any question or judge any one by those values, therefore not be taken serious by any Turk who has them... just read the post at #9505.

A parasite can live off on others, but that does not make the parasite one of them.
Tell that to all the foreigners investing in your country and investing in your economy tell that to arabs who built businesses in turkey and employed Turks

Tell that to Arabs and foreigners who go tourism in your country and give money to the economy

Last I checked you yourself admitted turkey needs foreign investment to rise in economy right ?? What a moron

And stop fu*king talking about me when you know nothing about me and I assure I'm not feeding on anyone
I'm no parasite

I invested in your country and have 1256 Turks employed under me

I'm no parasite becaus the only reason I'm alive today is thanks to TIKA humanitarian aid and the fact the turkish government brought me in

I'm no parasite because I received the citizenship, I'm no parasite becaus I love and respect Turkey

The reason I'm alive now is Turkey and the Turks love/ compssion that I received when I lost everything

So please shut up now and stop talking when you know Fu*king nothing about me

You are cooking my point.

TIKA brought you in, gave you the citizenship, thanks to the AKP.

In return, You want more Arabs flock in Turkey, enjoy the privileges; while Turks work hard to take care of Syrians and even die in Syria for your precious lives..

In short, you care your own people Arabs more than Turks and Turkey despite your so called Turk citizenship; Ironically, blame me for doing the same for my own people... Typical Arab.

Tell that to all the foreigners investing in your country and investing in your economy tell that to arabs who built businesses in turkey and employed Turks

Tell that to Arabs and foreigners who go tourism in your country and give money to the economy

Last I checked you yourself admitted turkey needs foreign investment to rise in economy right ?? What a moron

No country makes business with another in return for hosting millions of them and go die for their lands... as i said ... Typical Arab.
You are cooking my point.

TIKA brought you in, gave you the citizenship, thanks to the AKP.

In return, You want more Arabs flock in Turkey, enjoy the privileges; while Turks work hard to take care of Syrians and even die in Syria for your precious lives..

In short, you care your own people Arabs more than Turks and Turkey despite your so called Turk citizenship; Ironically, blame me for doing the same for my own people... Typical Arab.
For real ???

I'm not Syrian btw
Oh and I guess my post was pretty clear

You know hate me all you want
I'm done with ya

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Dear Arab, You are in no position to exist among the honour, morality, faith; therefore cannot ask any question or judge any one by those values, therefore not be taken serious by any Turk who has them... just read the post at #9505.

A parasite can live off on others, but that does not make the parasite one of them.

You might have genuine concerns about Turkey and recent overload of immigration but you shouldn't generalise all Arabs into one bunch just because of a few bad apples. It will give you a poor perception of the world around you.

ultimately there are good people and bad people everywhere. Amongst Turks, Arabs and even Kurds and whatnot
You might have genuine concerns about Turkey and recent overload of immigration but you shouldn't generalise all Arabs into one bunch just because of a few bad apples. It will give you a poor perception of the world around you.

ultimately there are good people and bad people everywhere. Amongst Turks, Arabs and even Kurds and whatnot

I can stand my point, no care for the judgement of third parties but my own nation and country after all, we have come so far not by judgment or words of third parties but our own work and blood.

You are free to challenge it.
I can stand my point, no care for the judgement of third parties but my own nation and country after all, we have come so far not by judgment or words of third parties but our own work and blood.

You are free to challenge it.

Indeed your nation and people did achieve a lot. However it also helped achieve those things from having allies and friends. I don't think today in such a globalised world of 7 billion + people any one nation can stand alone.
Did he really said we pretend to be Turks? :lol:

Syrians harmed Turkey and Turkish economy, they contributed nothing positive.
Can't wait to the day where the Turkish people say "it's enough" and show them the exit.

Forbidding them acces to beach is a good start, now cut all their social benefits/aid/support...
@CAN_TR and @Islamic faith&Secularism

Look at this ( guess I'm not the only idiot )

CHP has just vetoed the ban
CHP mayor admitted it is discrimination and hateful


1) great that you call yourselves nationalists and you don't even know your laws and constitution :-
Even if such a decision is taken, since it is against the constitution, the law and international treaties, it would be null and void and could not be enforced," Sakar said, underlining that the mayor vetoed the decision.

Syrians are of Ottoman legacy. They fought under the command of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Gallipoli and fell together [with the Turks]. They had martyrs everywhere the Ottoman army fought, and if you paid attention to the cemeteries, you would notice that our graves are side by side. If we have our graves side by side, if we live brotherly as an ummah, a nation, then what it is this (nonsense) that 'they can't enter the beach we enter', is it not ethnic discrimination? Are Syrians the only refugees in this country? We have Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians. We have refugees and guest citizens from all over the world but I don't find it ethical or right when the issue is focused on Syrians and comes to the point of ethnic discrimination against them," Doğan said.

"Those who don't want Syrians entering beaches do not raise their voice when it comes to Syrians working in fields or businesses for cheap," he added

Go ahead the parasite awaits your answers ( and I'm not even a Syrian lol )
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Some parts in an article written by Yılmaz Özdil about PsyOp in Turkey and World. Even some of them exist here.

St. Petersburg…
Savuşkina Caddesi.
Numara 55.

Bu adresteki binada, Putin'in trol fabrikası var.

Tabelasında “Internet Issledovaniya” yazıyor, yani, internet araştırmaları… 24 saat kesintisiz, vardiyayla 1000 kişi çalışıyor.

Ne iş yapıyorlar derseniz… Rusça, İngilizce, Almanca, Arapça ve Türkçe haber sitelerine yorum yazıyorlar!


Troller sadece siyasi tweet atmıyor.
Tam tersine, mesela 100 tane alakasız konuda, spor, magazin, yemek, tatil, müzik hakkında tweet atıyorsa, beş tane siyasi tweet atıyor.
Böylece, hem takipçi sayısı daha kolay artıyor, hem de algı yönetimi açısından daha inandırıcı oluyor.


Facebook, Putin'in trol fabrikasına ait olduğu tespit edilen 300 civarında sayfayı engelledi.
Azerbaycan, Özbekistan ve Ukrayna'ya yönelik faaliyet gösteren bu sayfaların 450 milyondan fazla takipçisi vardı.

Twitter ise, Putin'in trol fabrikasından çıkan 10 milyon civarında tweet'i deşifre etti.
İngilizce ve Almanca yazılan, Amerikan, İngiliz ve Alman kamuoyunu manipüle etmeyi amaçlayan bu tweetler, ABD başkanlık seçimi, Almanya hükümet seçimi ve İngiltere'deki Brexit referandumuna yönelikti.

Açıkça görüldü ki… Rus trol fabrikasının Almanya'ya ve Merkel'i karalamaya yönelik tweetlerinin çok önemli bölümü Tayyip Erdoğan hashtag'iyle yayılıyordu.


Çin'de algı tasarımı inşa eden, hem Çin halkına yönelik, hem de hedef ülkelere yönelik faaliyet gösteren trol platformları var. Sıradan vatandaşmış gibi sosyal medyaya giren Çin devlet görevlileri, yılda 450 milyon civarında yönlendirici mesaj üretiyor.
İran'da var.
İsrail'de var.
Hindistan'da var.
Suriye'nin dijital ordusu, tahmininizden çok daha güçlü.


Taa ki 2013'e kadar…
2013'teki Gezi Parkı olaylarından sonra “Aktroller” peydah oldu.
Fetocular büyük ölçüde imha edildi, sosyal medyadaki yalan haber, yönlendirici yorum hakimiyeti Aktrollere geçti.
The source: https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2019/yazarlar/yilmaz-ozdil/canli-yayini-kim-yonetsin-5115610/
Syrian Turkmens fought in Canakkale... Syrians were happy when the French came.

Ottoman legacy, my a$$ Arab regions crumbled without any resistance and you Jordanians were one of the biggest traitors in WW1. Take your Ummah dream and dump it in your darkest place.

I hope in the future Turkish Goverment cuts all supports/benefits and raises taxes for Syrians only, than you maybe will see how Turkish citizen live for years.
Turkish language in Science and Islam.

...Part 2:

Türk Millî Eğitimini, Gayrımillî yapan Anlaşma: " FULBRIGHT ANLAŞMASI”

ABD ile 27 Aralık 1949 tarihinde imzalanan "Fulbright” Anlaşması metni: http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/7460.pdf

  • Amerika yanlısı ''Türk'' yetiştiren bir eğitim sistemi,
  • Amerikan çıkar, kültür ve değerlerini önceleyen ''Türk'' yetiştirerek sosyal-kültürel-ekonomik hayatı şekillendirmek,
  • Yetişen ''Türkler'' içersinden Türk devletini yapılandırmak,
  • Yetişen ''Türkler'' içerisinden Amerika'da ''eğitim'' sonrası Cumhurbaşkanı, Başbakan ve üst düzey koltuklara yerleştirmek,
  • ...

ECA’nın önde gelen mezunları
ECA kurumunun önde gelen mezunları listesi ise şöyle:
“ECA’nın önde gelen mezunları arasında, Afrika, Doğu Asya, Pasifik, Avrupa, Yakın Doğu, Orta Asya’dan ve Batı ülkelerinden 57 devlet ve hükümet başkanı var.

Avusturya: Heinz Fischer, Başkan
Belçika: Yves Leterme, Başbakan
Bosna-Hersek: Zeljko Kom’ai, Dönem Başkanı
Danimarka: Lars L’kke Rasmussen, Başbakan
Finlandiya: Tarja Halonen, Başkan
Finlandiya: Matti Taneli Vanhanen, Başbakan
Fransa: Nicolas Sarkozy, Başkan
Fransa: François Filon, Başbakan
Gürcistan: Mikheil Saakashvili, Başkan
Kosova: Fatmir Sejdiu, Başkan
Litvanya: Dalia Grybauskaite, Başkan
Litvanya: Andrius Kubilius, Başbakan
Makedonya: Nikola Gruevski, Başbakan
Malta: Lawrence Gonzi, Başbakan
Hollanda: Jan Peter Balkenende, Başbakan
Norveç: Jens Stoltenberg, Başbakan
Polonya: Donald Tusk, Başbakan
Portekiz: Anibal Cavaco Silva, Başkan
Slovakya: Robert Fico, Başbakan
İsveç: Fredrik Reinfeldt, Başbakan
Türkiye: Abdullah Gül, Başkan
İngiltere: Gordon Brown, Başbakan

Fullbright bursu ile 155 ülkede 294 bin kişi yetiştirildi
Amerikan Dışişleri Bakanlığı sitesinden verilen link üzerinden Fulbright bursları tanıtılırken 1946’dan beri 155 ülkede 294 binden fazla kişinin bu burs ile mezun olduğu belirtiliyor

The source: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/abd-disisleri-gulu-biz-yetistirdik-28291h.htm

''Rockefeller Foundation, Eisenhower Vakfı ve Biderberg'de'' yer almış ''siyaset, sanat, akademi, v.b.'' alanlardaki Türklerin listesine ''Google'' üzerinden arayarak ulaşabilirsiniz.
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Did he really said we pretend to be Turks? :lol:

Syrians harmed Turkey and Turkish economy, they contributed nothing positive.
Can't wait to the day where the Turkish people say "it's enough" and show them the exit.

Forbidding them acces to beach is a good start, now cut all their social benefits/aid/support...

Remember Aleppo where Ottoman Yildirm Army led by Ataturk they had to leave the city thanks to the Syrians who rebelled and started an uprising.

Ataturk ordered his troops to fight to the death he also believed the Syrians wont rebel or uprise.

Nope they all rebelled and welcomed the Arab revolt and the Allies as liberators.

Hopeless situation so Ataturk had to withdraw the Turkish stormtroopers so they dont get their lives wasted. So much for Ummah Ummah!!!

Respect to the Muslims who actually helped the Turks like the Senussis, Jabal Al Shammar, Dervish state of Somalia, Sultanate of Darfur and Azerbaijan.
Did he really said we pretend to be Turks? :lol:

Syrians harmed Turkey and Turkish economy, they contributed nothing positive.
Can't wait to the day where the Turkish people say "it's enough" and show them the exit.

Forbidding them acces to beach is a good start, now cut all their social benefits/aid/support...

They wouldn't be in Turkey had Turkey not facilitated all means to prolong and facilitate the war in Syria.

Erdogan should invite them to sleep in his palace and have his wife cook them a chicken. I think that if in July 2016 the Kemalist coup succeeded the relations with Syria would've been better. Kemalist indeed because those were the tarkets of all your Ergekenon trials as well supported by the 2 former buttbuddies Erdogan and Gulen. Can't believe you all believe the nonsense your state tells you, a state that has been held for quite a long time by some figure whose corruption and fuckups are evident. It is highly undesirable to Erdogan to make it public that a coup attempt's background is kemalism.
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